def test_4_save_nwbfile_voltagestimulus(self): os.chdir("..") # move up to ~/cerebmodels tm = TranscribeManager() tm.load_metadata( chosenmodel = self.chosenmodel, simtime = self.simtime, recordings = self.sec_recordings, runtimeparameters = self.sec_runtimeparam, stimparameters = self.sec_stimparameters ) tm.compile_nwbfile() fullname = tm.save_nwbfile() # io = NWBHDF5IO(fullname, mode="r") nwbfile = stimulus = nwbfile.get_stimulus(self.chosenmodel.modelname+"_stimulus") # #print(type( # <class 'h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset'> #print(type(self.recordings_stimulus['stimulus'])) # <type 'numpy.ndarray'> #print(len( #print(len(numpy.array( #breakpoint() # a = all(boolean == True for boolean in numpy.array( == self.sec_recordings['stimulus']) b = all(boolean == False for boolean in numpy.array(stimulus.timestamps) == self.sec_recordings['time']) self.assertTrue( a is True and b is False) io.close() # path = os.getcwd() + os.sep + "responses" + os.sep + self.chosenmodel.modelscale + os.sep + self.chosenmodel.modelname shutil.rmtree( path ) os.chdir(pwd) # reset to the location of this
def setUp(self): os.chdir(rootwd) self.chosenmodel = DummyCell() self.simtime = os.chdir(pwd) # self.chosenmodel.regions -> # {"soma": ["v", "i_cap"], "axon": ["v"], # "channels": {"soma": {"hh": ["il", "el"], "pas": ["i"]}, "axon": {"pas": ["i"]}}} # Voltage clamp self.sec_runtimeparam = { "dt": 0.1, "celsius": 30, "tstop": 35, "v_init": 65 } self.sec_stimparameters = { "type": ["voltage", "SEClamp"], "stimlist": [{ 'amp1': 0., 'dur1': 10.0 }, { 'amp2': -70.0, 'dur2': 20.0 }], "tstop": self.sec_runtimeparam["tstop"] } self.sec_rec_t = [ t * self.sec_runtimeparam["dt"] for t in range( int(self.sec_runtimeparam["tstop"] / self.sec_runtimeparam["dt"])) ] self.sec_rec_stim = numpy.random.rand(1, len(self.sec_rec_t))[0] self.sec_rec_resp = numpy.random.rand(7, len(self.sec_rec_t)) self.sec_recordings = { "time": self.sec_rec_t, "response": { "soma": [self.sec_rec_resp[0], self.sec_rec_resp[1]], "axon": [self.sec_rec_resp[2]], "channels": { "soma": { "hh": [self.sec_rec_resp[3], self.sec_rec_resp[4]], "pas": [self.sec_rec_resp[5]] }, "axon": { "pas": [self.sec_rec_resp[3]] } } }, "stimulus": self.sec_rec_stim } # tm = TranscribeManager() tm.load_metadata(chosenmodel=self.chosenmodel, simtime=self.simtime, recordings=self.sec_recordings, runtimeparameters=self.sec_runtimeparam, stimparameters=self.sec_stimparameters) tm.compile_nwbfile() self.fullname = tm.save_nwbfile()
def test_1_load_metadata_nostimulus(self): # self.chosenmodel.regions -> # {"soma": ["v", "i_cap"], "axon": ["v"], # "channels": {"soma": {"hh": ["il", "el"], "pas": ["i"]}, "axon": {"pas": ["i"]}}} tm = TranscribeManager() tm.load_metadata( chosenmodel = self.chosenmodel, simtime = self.simtime, recordings = self.no_recordings, runtimeparameters = self.no_runtimeparam ) compare1 = [ tm.filemd["identifier"], tm.filemd["experimenter"], tm.respmd["soma"][0]["name"], tm.epochmd["epoch0soma"]["v"]["stop_time"] ] compare2 = [ "no_model_uuid", "anonymous", "DummyTest_soma_v", tm.epochmd["epoch0axon"]["v"]["stop_time"] ] a = Counter( compare1 ) == Counter( compare2 ) b = all(boolean == True for boolean in tm.respmd["axon"][0]["data"] == self.no_recordings["response"]["axon"][0]) self.assertTrue( a and b is True )
def test_3_save_nwbfile_nostimulus(self): os.chdir("..") # move up to ~/cerebmodels tm = TranscribeManager() tm.load_metadata( chosenmodel = self.chosenmodel, simtime = self.simtime, recordings = self.no_recordings, runtimeparameters = self.no_runtimeparam ) tm.compile_nwbfile() fullname = tm.save_nwbfile() # sesstime = str(tm.nwbfile.session_start_time).replace(" ", "_")[0:-6] filename_shouldbe = tm.nwbfile.session_id + "_" + sesstime.replace(":", "-") + ".h5" # path = os.getcwd() + os.sep + "responses" + os.sep + self.chosenmodel.modelscale + os.sep + self.chosenmodel.modelname shutil.rmtree( path ) os.chdir(pwd) # reset to the location of this # fullname_shouldbe = path + os.sep + filename_shouldbe #print(fullname_shouldbe) #breakpoint() self.assertEqual( fullname, fullname_shouldbe )
def test_2_compile_nwbfile_currentstimulus(self): tm = TranscribeManager() tm.load_metadata( chosenmodel = self.chosenmodel, simtime = self.simtime, recordings = self.recordings_nostimulus, runtimeparameters = self.runtimeparam, stimparameters = self.stimparameters ) tm.compile_nwbfile() # compare1 = tm.nwbfile.epochs[0][3][0] # 4_no_of_epochs compare2 = tm.nwbfile.epochs[1][3][0] # 4_no_of_epochs # compare3 = tm.nwbfile.epochs[0][1] # start_time compare4 = tm.nwbfile.epochs[1][1] # start_time # compare5 = tm.nwbfile.epochs[0][3][1] # epochID compare6 = tm.nwbfile.epochs[1][3][1] # epochID # a = compare1 == compare2 b = compare3 != compare4 c = compaer5 != compare6 self.assertTrue( a and b and c is True )
class ExecutiveControl(object): """ **Available Methods:** +------------------------------+---------------------+ | Method name | Method type | +==============================+=====================+ | :py:meth:`.list_modelscales` | static method | +------------------------------+---------------------+ | :py:meth:`.list_models` | static method | +------------------------------+---------------------+ | :py:meth:`.choose_model` | static method | +------------------------------+---------------------+ | :py:meth:`.launch_model` | instance method | +------------------------------+---------------------+ | :py:meth:`.save_response` | instance method | +------------------------------+---------------------+ | :py:meth:`.load_response` | instance method | +------------------------------+---------------------+ """ def __init__(self): self.recordings = {"time": None, "response": None, "stimulus": None} self.simtime = None = TranscribeManager() self.fullname = "" @staticmethod def list_modelscales(): """Directs :ref:`FilingManager` to return available model scales. **Arguments:** no argument is passed to get the list of model scales. """ x = fm.available_modelscales() if "__pycache__" in x: x.remove("__pycache__") return x @staticmethod def list_models(modelscale=None): """Directs :ref:`FilingManager` to return available model names for a given model scale. **Keyword Argument:** +----------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | Key | Value type | +================+===================================================+ | ``modelscale`` | string; egs. "cells", "microcircuits", "networks" | +----------------+---------------------------------------------------+ *NOTE:* The string value will depend on the availability of model scales which can be checked using :py:meth:`.list_modelscales()`. """ x = fm.modelscale_inventory(model_scale=modelscale) return [ model for model in x if model not in ["__pycache__", "DummyTest"] ] @staticmethod def choose_model(modelscale=None, modelname=None): """Returns instantiated model for a desired model name available in the specified model scale. **Keyword Arguments:** +----------------+-------------+ | Key | Value type | +================+=============+ | ``modelscale`` | string | +----------------+-------------+ | ``modelname`` | string | +----------------+-------------+ *NOTE*: Currently only ``modelscale="cells"`` are supported. Future releases will include other model scales. """ sm.lock_and_load_model_libraries(modelscale=modelscale, modelname=modelname) modelmodule = importlib.import_module("models." + modelscale + ".model" + modelname) chosenmodel = getattr(modelmodule, uu.classesinmodule(modelmodule)[0].__name__) return chosenmodel() #return self.chosenmodel # the picked model is available as attribute # NOTE: all model __init__ method will have the attributes # modelscale and modelname => self.chosenmodel.modelscale/modelname def launch_model(self, parameters=None, onmodel=None, stimparameters=None, stimloc=None, capabilities={ 'model': None, 'vtest': None }, mode="raw"): """Directs the :ref:`SimulationManager` to launch simulation on an instantiated model. **Keyword Arguments:** +-------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Key | Value type | +===============================+==============================================+ | ``parameters`` | dictionary | +-------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | ``onmodel`` | instantiated model | +-------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | ``stimparameters`` (optional) | dictionary | +-------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | ``stimloc`` (optional) | string; attribute name of instantiated model | +-------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | ``capabilities`` (optional) | dictionary | +-------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | ``mode`` (optional) | string; | | |- "raw" (default), "capability" | +-------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ * ``parameters``- *mandatory* whose value is a dictionary. For example, ``parameters = {"dt": 0.01, "celsius": 30, "tstop": 100, "v_init": 65}`` * ``onmodel``- *mandatory* whose value is the instantiated model using :py:meth:`.choose_model()`. For example, ``onmodel = <instance>.choose_model(modelscale="a_chosen_scale", modelname="a_chosen_name")``. * ``stimparameters``- optional whose value is a dictionary. For example, ``{"type": ["current", "IClamp"], "stimlist": [ {'amp': 0.5, 'dur': 100.0, 'delay': 10.0}, {'amp': 1.0, 'dur': 50.0, 'delay': 10.0+100.0} ] }``. * ``stimloc``- optional (mandatory only if ``stimparameters`` argument is provided). Its value is string representing the namse of an attribute of the instantiated model. Note that this instantiated model is the value for the mandatory keyword argument ``onmodel``. * ``capabilties``- optional whose value is a dictionary. The dictionary **must** have the keys ``model`` and ``vtest``. The value for ``model`` key is a string representing the models method. For example, ``model: "produce_voltage_response"``. The value for ``vtest`` key is a class imported from the installed ``CerebUnit``. *NOTE*: Calling this function returns the model as the attribute ``ExecutiveControl.chosenmodel``. """ # NOTE: although it is convenient to use self.chosenmodel # to the user having explicitly choose onmodel as an argument is clearer uu.check_not_None_in_arg({ 'parameters': parameters, 'onmodel': onmodel }) get_stimtype = (lambda stimpar: None if stimpar is None else stimpar["type"]) self.simtime = if onmodel.modelscale is "cells": get_stimloc = ( lambda stimloc: None if stimloc is None else getattr(onmodel.cell, stimloc)) sm.prepare_model_NEURON(parameters=parameters, chosenmodel=onmodel, modelcapability=capabilities['model'], cerebunitcapability=capabilities['vtest']) stimuli_clamp = sm.stimulate_model_NEURON( stimparameters=stimparameters, modelsite=get_stimloc(stimloc)) self.recordings["time"], self.recordings["response"], rec_clamp_indivs = \ rm.prepare_recording_NEURON( onmodel, stimuli = stimuli_clamp, stimtype = get_stimtype(stimparameters) ) if mode == "raw": sm.trigger_NEURON(onmodel) elif mode == "capability": sm.trigger_NEURON( onmodel, modelcapability=capabilities['model'], # Below are the **kwargs for lock_and_load_capability parameters=parameters, stimparameters=stimparameters, stimloc=stimloc, onmodel=onmodel, mode="capability") self.recordings["stimulus"] = \ rm.postrun_record_NEURON( injectedstimuli = rec_clamp_indivs, stimtype = get_stimtype(stimparameters) ) # save the parameters as attributes self.chosenmodel = onmodel self.parameters = parameters self.stimparameters = stimparameters return self.chosenmodel #return "model was successfully simulated" # for def save_response(self): """Returns filename after saving the model response into a `NWB <>`_ formated ``.h5`` file located in ``~/response/<modelscale>/<modelname>/`` in root directory of ``cerebmodels``. **Arguments:** no argument is passed. """, simtime=self.simtime, recordings=self.recordings, runtimeparameters=self.parameters, stimparameters=self.stimparameters) # saves and returns fullfilename (filepath+filename) self.fullfilename = return self.fullfilename @classmethod def list_regions(cls, modelregions, reglist, oldstr): # initiate with list_regions(modelregions, [], 0) for key, value in modelregions.items(): if oldstr == 0: oldstr = key else: oldstr = oldstr + " " + key if type(value) is list: for its_v in value: reglist.append(oldstr + " " + its_v) else: cls.list_regions(value, reglist, key) return reglist def list_modelregions(self, chosenmodel=None): return self.list_regions(chosenmodel.regions, [], 0) @staticmethod def visualize_all(chosenmodel=None, roi=None): nwbfile = rdm.load_nwbfile(chosenmodel.fullfilename) orderedepochs = rdm.order_all_epochs_for_region(nwbfile=nwbfile, region=roi) # n_epochs = len(orderedepochs) #if n_epochs == 1: # plt.plot( orderedepochs[0][4][0][2].timestamps, orderedepochs[0][4][0][2].data ) #else: timestamps_over_epochs = [ rdm.timestamps_for_epoch(orderedepochs[i]) for i in range(len(orderedepochs)) ] data_over_epochs = [ rdm.data_for_epoch(orderedepochs[i]) for i in range(len(orderedepochs)) ] # cols = 2 rows = math.ceil(n_epochs / cols) axes = [] try: stim = nwbfile.get_stimulus() axes.append(plt.subplot(rows + 1, 1, 1)) axes[0].plot(stim.timestamps, for i in range(n_epochs): axes.append(plt.subplot(rows + 1, cols, i + 3)) axes[i + 1].plot(timestamps_over_epochs[i], data_over_epochs[i]) except: axes = [] for i in range(n_epochs): axes.append(plt.subplot(rows, cols, i + 1)) axes[i].plot(timestamps_over_epochs[i], data_over_epochs[i]) @staticmethod def visualize_aio(chosenmodel=None, roi=None): nwbfile = rdm.load_nwbfile(chosenmodel.fullfilename) orderedepochs = rdm.order_all_epochs_for_region(nwbfile=nwbfile, region=roi) # n_epochs = len(orderedepochs) #if n_epochs == 1: # plt.plot( orderedepochs[0][4][0][2].timestamps, orderedepochs[0][4][0][2].data ) #else: timestamps_over_epochs = [ rdm.timestamps_for_epoch(orderedepochs[i]) for i in range(len(orderedepochs)) ] data_over_epochs = [ rdm.data_for_epoch(orderedepochs[i]) for i in range(len(orderedepochs)) ] # t_axis = timestamps_over_epochs[0] y_axis = data_over_epochs[0] for i in range(1, n_epochs): t_axis = t_axis + timestamps_over_epochs[i] y_axis = y_axis + data_over_epochs[i] try: axes = [] stim = nwbfile.get_stimulus() axes.append(plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)) axes[0].plot(stim.timestamps, axes.append(plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)) axes[1].plot(t_axis, y_axis) except: plt.plot(t_axis, y_axis)