        mpl6agn['inferred tq plus error'][n].mask = mask
        mpl6agn['inferred tq minus error'][n].mask = mask
        mpl6agn['inferred tau'][n].mask = mask
        mpl6agn['inferred tau plus error'][n].mask = mask
        mpl6agn['inferred tau minus error'][n].mask = mask

        rbin = RadialBinning(par=RadialBinningPar(center=[0.0,0.0], pa=obsp['pa'], ell=obsp['ell'], radius_scale=obsp['reff'],
                                                  radii=[0.0, -1, nbins], log_step=False))
        binid = rbin.bin_index(x,y)
        r, theta = rbin.sma_coo.polar(x, y)

        bins = numpy.linspace(0, rbin.par['radii'][1]/rbin.par['radius_scale'], nbins+1)

        stack = SpectralStack()
        stack_wave, stack_flux, stack_sdev, stack_npix, stack_ivar, stack_sres, stack_covar = stack.stack_DRPFits(drpf, binid, par=SpectralStackPar('mean', False, None, 'channels', SpectralStack.parse_covariance_parameters('channels', '11'), None))

        bins = numpy.linspace(0, rbin.par['radii'][1]/rbin.par['radius_scale'], nbins+1)

        em_model_eml_par, indx_measurements = measure_spec(stack_flux, errors=stack_sdev, ivar=stack_ivar, sres=stack_sres)

        emls.append(em_model_eml_par["EW"][:, np.where(emlines['name']=='Ha')].reshape(-1,1))
        emls_error.append(em_model_eml_par["EWERR"][:, np.where(emlines['name']=='Ha')].reshape(-1,1))

        np.save(str(mpl6agn[n]['plate'])+'-'+str(mpl6agn[n]['ifudsgn'].strip())+'_mpl6agn_measured_emls.npy', emls)
    # Calculate the S/N and coordinates
    rdxqa = ReductionAssessment('SNRG', drpf, analysis_path=analysis_path)
    x = rdxqa.hdu['SPECTRUM'].data['SKY_COO'][:, 0]
    y = rdxqa.hdu['SPECTRUM'].data['SKY_COO'][:, 1]
    fgdpix = rdxqa.hdu['SPECTRUM'].data['FGOODPIX'] > 0.8

    #binid = sqbin.bin_spaxels(x[fgdpix], y[fgdpix], par=None)

    # Setup the stacking operations
    stackpar = SpectralStackPar(
        'mean',  # Operation for stack
        False,  # Apply a velocity registration
        None,  # Velocity offsets for registration
        'channels',  # Covariance mode and parameters
        SpectralStack.parse_covariance_parameters('channels', 11),
        True,  # Propagate the LSF through the stacking
        True)  # Use pre-pixelized LSF (KHRR added this)
    stacker = SpectralStack()

    # Create a new binning method
    binning_method = SpatiallyBinnedSpectraDef(
        '5x5n',  # Key for binning method
        'ODonnell',  # Galactic reddening function to use
        3.1,  # Rv for Galactic reddening
        0.0,  # Minimum S/N to include
        None,  # Object with binning parameters
        None,  # Binning class instance
        sqbin.bin_spaxels,  # Binning function
        stackpar,  # Object with stacking parameters
        stacker,  # Stacking class instance
def test_register():

    # Generate some line centers and redshifts
    nlines = 10
    nspec = 20
    rng = numpy.random.default_rng()
    line_flux = rng.uniform(low=10, high=100, size=nlines)
    center = rng.uniform(low=3650., high=10000, size=nlines)
    z = rng.uniform(low=0.03, high=0.1, size=20)
    cz = z * astropy.constants.c.to('km/s').value
    sigma = 1  # In pixels

    # Make the wavelength vector
    wave = numpy.logspace(*numpy.log10([3600., 10300.]).tolist(), 3000)
    # Some convenience things to make sure the Gaussian profiles are sampled in
    # pixels
    dlogw = numpy.mean(numpy.diff(numpy.log10(wave)))
    coff = numpy.log10(wave[0]) / dlogw
    x = numpy.arange(wave.size)

    # Construct the spectra
    flux = numpy.zeros((nspec, wave.size), dtype=float)
    for i in range(nspec):
        _center = center * (1 + z[i])
        _center = numpy.log10(_center) / dlogw - coff
        for f, c in zip(line_flux, _center):
            flux[i] += f * pixelated_gaussian(x, c=c, s=sigma)

    # Stacking object
    stacker = SpectralStack()
    # Stack the spectra including the offset by the input velocity
    swave, sflux, sfdev, snpix, sivar, ssres, scovar = stacker.stack(wave,

    # Just register the spectra to make sure the registration works;
    # this is a simple check on the above
    rwave, rflux, rivar, rsres = SpectralStack.register(wave,
    reg_stack_flux = numpy.ma.mean(rflux, axis=0)

    assert numpy.allclose(sflux[0],
                          reg_stack_flux), 'Stack and by-hand check failed.'

    # Construct the deredshifted stack from scratch
    rcoff = numpy.log10(rwave[0]) / dlogw
    rx = numpy.arange(rwave.size)
    model_flux = numpy.zeros(reg_stack_flux.size, dtype=float)
    rcenter = numpy.log10(center) / dlogw - rcoff
    for f, c in zip(line_flux, rcenter):
        model_flux += f * pixelated_gaussian(rx, c=c, s=sigma)

    # Compare the stacks against truth
#    pyplot.plot(swave, sflux[0])            # Stacked using stacker.stack (blue)
#    pyplot.plot(rwave, reg_stack_flux)      # Stacked by hand after registration (orange)
#    pyplot.plot(rwave, model_flux)          # Truth (green)
#    pyplot.show()

    xcor = numpy.correlate(sflux[0], model_flux)
    assert numpy.argmax(
        xcor) == xcor.size // 2, 'Should be no lag between the model and stack'
    assert numpy.absolute(numpy.sum(sflux[0])/numpy.sum(model_flux) - 1) < 0.01, \
            'Stack sums should be different by less than 1%'
    # Fitting functions expect data to be in 2D arrays (for now):
    if len(flux.shape) == 1:
        flux = flux.reshape(1,-1)
        ferr = ferr.reshape(1,-1)
        sres = sres.reshape(1,-1)
        flux_binned = flux.copy()
        ferr_binned = ferr.copy()
        sres_binned = sres.copy()
        x_binned = x.copy()
        y_binned = y.copy()
        z_binned = z.copy()
        dispersion_binned = dispersion.copy()
        # Stack the spectra
        wave_binned, flux_binned, fsdev_binned, npix_binned, ivar_binned, sres_binned, \
                covar_binned = SpectralStack().stack(wave, flux, binid=binid, ivar=ivar, sres=sres)
        ferr_binned = numpy.ma.power(ivar_binned, -0.5)
        x_binned = numpy.array([numpy.mean(x[binid == i]) for i in numpy.unique(binid)])
        y_binned = numpy.array([numpy.mean(y[binid == i]) for i in numpy.unique(binid)])
        z_binned = numpy.array([numpy.mean(z[binid == i]) for i in numpy.unique(binid)])
        dispersion_binned = numpy.array([numpy.mean(dispersion)])

    if usr_plots:
        for f in flux:
            pyplot.plot(wave, f)
        pyplot.plot(wave_binned, flux_binned[0])

    # Fit the stellar continuum