def set_nonce(world,address,nonce):
    while world.get_nonce(address)<nonce:

#Initialize wallets and contracts
contract_balance = ??? # set to the value of the CTF contract
attacker_balance = ??? # we don't need any for this exploit

creator_account = m.create_account(address=contract_creator_address,balance=contract_balance)
attacker_account = m.create_account(address=from_address,balance=attacker_balance)
# The 'getTransactionCount' for geth currently counts contract creation as a transaction for the created contract
# A contract nonce starts at '1' (EIP 161) so this works out well for us (we don't need to change it)
# The nonce for the attacker account is your current wallet's nonce, we'll use this to get the right address for
#   the created generic exploit
# For the attacker account (us) we want the nonce to be up to date (we will create the contract in the future)
set_nonce(m.get_world(),attacker_account.address,???) # get this from geth's getTransactionCount function
# If you use the current nonce of the CTF creator contract in this file, you'll have to re-create the ctf level
#   You could also find the current nonce and count back to find it's value when this contract was created
# Finding the nonce for this creator address can be difficult, another way to complete this level is to manually
#   change the address after an exploit has been generated. In this case, you can just leave this nonce as '1'
set_nonce(m.get_world(),creator_account.address,???) # get this from geth's getTransactionCount function
# create our victim contract
contract_account = m.solidity_create_contract(contract_source_code,
    address=si_level_address, # this will cause the program to fail if you've entered the wrong nonce

print("calculated victim contract address: "+hex(contract_account.address))
attacker_balance = ??? 

# Create the TrustFund level using the TrustFund launcher and give it
#   the initial balance for the level
creator_account = m.create_account(address=contract_creator_address,balance=contract_balance)

# Create your wallet account and set its balance
attacker_account = m.create_account(address=from_address,balance=attacker_balance)

# Set the nonce for your account.  The nonce for an address starts at '1' 
#   (EIP 161) and is incremented by one for each transaction. The nonce for
#   the attacker account is your current wallet's nonce.  It is needed to get
#   the right address for the created generic exploit contract.  You can obtain
#   its value either via Metamask or from geth via the call
#   eth.getTransactionCount(eth.accounts[0]).

# We need the address of the TrustFund level we're attacking.  This is
#   calculated by the address of the launcher and its nonce at the time
#   the level was deployed.  You can find this via examining the contract
#   transaction on Etherscan.  If it is not set appropriately, you will
#   need to manually change the addresses in the exploit that has been 
#   generated to fix the victim's address.  One option would be to
#   leave this nonce as '1', then manually change the victim contract
#   address

# Create the TrustFund CTF level contract on the EVM using launcher wallet.
#   We specify the address of the victim as a sanity check.  If the nonce
#   and creator address don't result in the address passed in via "address",
#   an error will be thrown.