from mantid.api import (AlgorithmFactoryImpl, AlgorithmManagerImpl,
                        AnalysisDataServiceImpl, CatalogManagerImpl,
                        FileFinderImpl, FileLoaderRegistryImpl,
                        FrameworkManagerImpl, FunctionFactoryImpl,
from mantid.kernel._aliases import lazy_instance_access

# Historically the singleton aliases mapped to the instances rather than
# the class types, i.e. AnalysisDataService is the instance and not the type,
# which doesn't match the C++ behaviour.
# Exit handlers are important in some cases as the associated singleton
# stores references to python objects that need to be cleaned up
# Without a python-based exit handler the singletons are only cleaned
# up after main() and this is too late to acquire the GIL to be able to
# delete the python objects.
# If you see a segfault late in a python process related to the GIL
# it is likely an exit handler is missing.
AnalysisDataService = lazy_instance_access(AnalysisDataServiceImpl)
AlgorithmFactory = lazy_instance_access(AlgorithmFactoryImpl)
AlgorithmManager = lazy_instance_access(AlgorithmManagerImpl)
FileFinder = lazy_instance_access(FileFinderImpl)
FileLoaderRegistry = lazy_instance_access(FileLoaderRegistryImpl)
FrameworkManager = lazy_instance_access(FrameworkManagerImpl)
FunctionFactory = lazy_instance_access(FunctionFactoryImpl)
WorkspaceFactory = lazy_instance_access(WorkspaceFactoryImpl)
CatalogManager = lazy_instance_access(CatalogManagerImpl)

# backwards-compatible
mtd = AnalysisDataService
from __future__ import absolute_import

from mantid.api import (AlgorithmFactoryImpl, AlgorithmManagerImpl, AnalysisDataServiceImpl, CatalogManagerImpl,
                        FileFinderImpl, FileLoaderRegistryImpl, FrameworkManagerImpl, FunctionFactoryImpl,
from mantid.kernel._aliases import lazy_instance_access

# Historically the singleton aliases mapped to the instances rather than
# the class types, i.e. AnalysisDataService is the instance and not the type,
# which doesn't match the C++ behaviour.
# Exit handlers are important in some cases as the associated singleton
# stores references to python objects that need to be cleaned up
# Without a python-based exit handler the singletons are only cleaned
# up after main() and this is too late to acquire the GIL to be able to
# delete the python objects.
# If you see a segfault late in a python process related to the GIL
# it is likely an exit handler is missing.
AnalysisDataService = lazy_instance_access(AnalysisDataServiceImpl)
AlgorithmFactory = lazy_instance_access(AlgorithmFactoryImpl)
AlgorithmManager = lazy_instance_access(AlgorithmManagerImpl)
FileFinder = lazy_instance_access(FileFinderImpl)
FileLoaderRegistry = lazy_instance_access(FileLoaderRegistryImpl)
FrameworkManager = lazy_instance_access(FrameworkManagerImpl)
FunctionFactory = lazy_instance_access(FunctionFactoryImpl)
WorkspaceFactory = lazy_instance_access(WorkspaceFactoryImpl)
CatalogManager = lazy_instance_access(CatalogManagerImpl)

# backwards-compatible
mtd = AnalysisDataService
# Mantid Repository : https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid
# Copyright © 2018 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI,
#   NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory, European Spallation Source,
#   Institut Laue - Langevin & CSNS, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 3.0 +
    Defines a set of aliases to make accessing certain objects easier,
    like in mantid.api.

from mantid.kernel._aliases import lazy_instance_access
from mantid.geometry import (SpaceGroupFactoryImpl,
                             SymmetryElementFactoryImpl, PointGroupFactoryImpl)

# Singletons
SpaceGroupFactory = lazy_instance_access(SpaceGroupFactoryImpl)
SymmetryOperationFactory = lazy_instance_access(SymmetryOperationFactoryImpl)
SymmetryElementFactory = lazy_instance_access(SymmetryElementFactoryImpl)
PointGroupFactory = lazy_instance_access(PointGroupFactoryImpl)
# Mantid Repository : https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid
# Copyright © 2018 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI,
#     NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory, European Spallation Source
#     & Institut Laue - Langevin
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 3.0 +
    Defines a set of aliases to make accessing certain objects easier,
    like in mantid.api.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,

from mantid.kernel._aliases import lazy_instance_access
from mantid.geometry import (SpaceGroupFactoryImpl, SymmetryOperationFactoryImpl,
                        SymmetryElementFactoryImpl, PointGroupFactoryImpl)

# Singletons
SpaceGroupFactory = lazy_instance_access(SpaceGroupFactoryImpl)
SymmetryOperationFactory = lazy_instance_access(SymmetryOperationFactoryImpl)
SymmetryElementFactory = lazy_instance_access(SymmetryElementFactoryImpl)
PointGroupFactory = lazy_instance_access(PointGroupFactoryImpl)