    def test_get_spectrum_distribution_workspace(self):
        # Since the workspace being plotted is a distribution, we should not
        # divide by bin width whether or not normalize_by_bin_width is True
        x, y, dy, dx = funcs.get_spectrum(self.ws2d_histo,
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(x, np.array([15., 25.])))
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(y, np.array([4, 5])))
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(dy, np.array([3, 4])))
        self.assertEqual(dx, None)

        x, y, dy, dx = funcs.get_spectrum(self.ws2d_histo,
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(x, np.array([15., 25.])))
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(y, np.array([2, 3])))
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(dy, np.array([1, 2])))
        self.assertEqual(dx, None)
        # fail case - try to find spectrum out of range
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, funcs.get_spectrum, self.ws2d_histo,
                          10, True)
 def test_get_spectrum(self):
     # get data divided by bin width
     x, y, dy, dx = funcs.get_spectrum(self.ws2d_histo, 1, False, withDy=True, withDx=True)
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(x, np.array([15., 25.])))
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(y, np.array([.4, .5])))
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(dy, np.array([.3, .4])))
     self.assertEqual(dx, None)
     # get data not divided by bin width
     x, y, dy, dx = funcs.get_spectrum(self.ws2d_histo, 0, True, withDy=True, withDx=True)
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(x, np.array([15., 25.])))
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(y, np.array([2, 3])))
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(dy, np.array([1, 2])))
     self.assertEqual(dx, None)
     # fail case - try to find spectrum out of range
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, funcs.get_spectrum, self.ws2d_histo, 10, True)
def plot(axes, workspace, *args, **kwargs):
    3D plots - line plots

    :param axes: class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes3D` object that will do the plotting
    :param workspace: :class:`mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace` or
                      :class:`mantid.api.IMDHistoWorkspace` to extract the data from
    :param zdir: Which direction to use as z ('x', 'y' or 'z') when plotting a 2D set.
    :param indices: Specify which slice of an MDHistoWorkspace to use when plotting. Needs to be a tuple
                    and will be interpreted as a list of indices. You need to use ``slice(None)`` to
                    select which dimension to plot. *e.g.* to select the second axis to plot from a
                    3D volume use ``indices=(5, slice(None), 10)`` where the 5/10 are the bins selected
                    for the other 2 axes.
    :param slicepoint: Specify which slice of an MDHistoWorkspace to use when plotting in the dimension units.
                       You need to use ``None`` to select which dimension to plot. *e.g.* to select the second
                       axis to plot from a 3D volume use ``slicepoint=(1.0, None, 2.0)`` where the 1.0/2.0 are
                       the dimension selected for the other 2 axes.
    if isinstance(workspace, mantid.dataobjects.MDHistoWorkspace):
        (normalization, kwargs) = get_normalization(workspace, **kwargs)
        indices, kwargs = get_indices(workspace, **kwargs)
        (x, y, z) = get_md_data1d(workspace, normalization, indices)
        (wksp_index, distribution, kwargs) = get_wksp_index_dist_and_label(workspace, **kwargs)
        (x, z, _, _) = get_spectrum(workspace, wksp_index, distribution, withDy=False, withDx=False)
        y_val = workspace.getAxis(1).extractValues()[wksp_index]
        y = [y_val for _ in range(len(x))]  # fill x size array with y value
        _set_labels_3d(axes, workspace)
    return axes.plot(x, y, z, *args, **kwargs)
    def test_get_spectrum_with_dy_dx(self, ws):
        x, y, dy, dx = funcs.get_spectrum(ws, 3, normalize_by_bin_width=False, withDy=True, withDx=True)

        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal([13.5, 14.5, 15.5], x))
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal([10.0, 11.0, 12.0], y))
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal([10.0, 11.0, 12.0], dy))
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal([10.0, 11.0, 12.0], dx))
def scatter(axes, workspace, *args, **kwargs):
    Unpack mantid workspace and render it with matplotlib. ``args`` and
    ``kwargs`` are passed to :py:meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter` after special
    keyword arguments are removed. This will automatically label the
    line according to the spectrum number unless specified otherwise.

    :param axes:      :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` object that will do the plotting
    :param workspace: :class:`mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace` or :class:`mantid.api.IMDHistoWorkspace`
                      to extract the data from
    :param specNum:   spectrum number to plot if MatrixWorkspace
    :param wkspIndex: workspace index to plot if MatrixWorkspace
    :param distribution: ``None`` (default) asks the workspace. ``False`` means
                         divide by bin width. ``True`` means do not divide by bin width.
                         Applies only when the the workspace is a MatrixWorkspace histogram.
    :param normalization: ``None`` (default) ask the workspace. Applies to MDHisto workspaces. It can override
                          the value from displayNormalizationHisto. It checks only if
                          the normalization is mantid.api.MDNormalization.NumEventsNormalization

    For matrix workspaces with more than one spectra, either ``specNum`` or ``wkspIndex``
    needs to be specified. Giving both will generate a :class:`RuntimeError`. There is no similar
    keyword for MDHistoWorkspaces. These type of workspaces have to have exactly one non integrated
    if isinstance(workspace, mantid.dataobjects.MDHistoWorkspace):
        (normalization, kwargs) = get_normalization(workspace, **kwargs)
        (x, y, _) = get_md_data1d(workspace, normalization)
        (wkspIndex, distribution,
         kwargs) = get_wksp_index_dist_and_label(workspace, **kwargs)
        (x, y, _, _) = get_spectrum(workspace, wkspIndex, distribution)
    _setLabels1D(axes, workspace)
    return axes.scatter(x, y, *args, **kwargs)
def _get_data_for_plot(axes, workspace, kwargs, with_dy=False, with_dx=False):
    if isinstance(workspace, mantid.dataobjects.MDHistoWorkspace):
        (normalization, kwargs) = get_normalization(workspace, **kwargs)
        indices, kwargs = get_indices(workspace, **kwargs)
        (x, y, dy) = get_md_data1d(workspace, normalization, indices)
        dx = None
        axis = None
        axis = MantidAxType(kwargs.pop("axis", MantidAxType.SPECTRUM))
        normalize_by_bin_width, kwargs = get_normalize_by_bin_width(
            workspace, axes, **kwargs)
        workspace_index, distribution, kwargs = get_wksp_index_dist_and_label(
            workspace, axis, **kwargs)
        if axis == MantidAxType.BIN:
            # Overwrite any user specified xlabel
            x, y, dy, dx = get_bins(workspace, workspace_index, with_dy)
        elif axis == MantidAxType.SPECTRUM:
            x, y, dy, dx = get_spectrum(workspace, workspace_index,
                                        normalize_by_bin_width, with_dy,
            raise ValueError(
                "Axis {} is not a valid axis number.".format(axis))
        indices = None
    return x, y, dy, dx, indices, axis, kwargs
    def test_get_spectrum_with_dy_dx(self, ws):
        x, y, dy, dx = funcs.get_spectrum(ws, 3, distribution=False, withDy=True, withDx=True)

        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal([13.5, 14.5, 15.5], x))
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal([10.0, 11.0, 12.0], y))
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal([10.0, 11.0, 12.0], dy))
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal([10.0, 11.0, 12.0], dx))
    def test_get_spectrum_with_dy_dx(self, ws):
        x, y, dy, dx = funcs.get_spectrum(ws, 3, distribution=False, withDy=True, withDx=True)

        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal([13.5, 14.5, 15.5], x))
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal([10.0, 11.0, 12.0], y))
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal([10.0, 11.0, 12.0], dy))
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal([10.0, 11.0, 12.0], dx))
def plot(axes, workspace, *args, **kwargs):
    3D plots - line plots

    :param axes: class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes3D` object that will do the plotting
    :param workspace: :class:`mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace` or
                      :class:`mantid.api.IMDHistoWorkspace` to extract the data from
    :param zdir: Which direction to use as z ('x', 'y' or 'z') when plotting a 2D set.
    :param indices: Specify which slice of an MDHistoWorkspace to use when plotting. Needs to be a tuple
                    and will be interpreted as a list of indices. You need to use ``slice(None)`` to
                    select which dimension to plot. *e.g.* to select the second axis to plot from a
                    3D volume use ``indices=(5, slice(None), 10)`` where the 5/10 are the bins selected
                    for the other 2 axes.
    :param slicepoint: Specify which slice of an MDHistoWorkspace to use when plotting in the dimension units.
                       You need to use ``None`` to select which dimension to plot. *e.g.* to select the second
                       axis to plot from a 3D volume use ``slicepoint=(1.0, None, 2.0)`` where the 1.0/2.0 are
                       the dimension selected for the other 2 axes.
    if isinstance(workspace, mantid.dataobjects.MDHistoWorkspace):
        (normalization, kwargs) = get_normalization(workspace, **kwargs)
        indices, kwargs = get_indices(workspace, **kwargs)
        (x, y, z) = get_md_data1d(workspace, normalization, indices)
        (wksp_index, distribution,
         kwargs) = get_wksp_index_dist_and_label(workspace, **kwargs)
        (x, z, _, _) = get_spectrum(workspace,
        y_val = workspace.getAxis(1).extractValues()[wksp_index]
        y = [y_val for _ in range(len(x))]  # fill x size array with y value
        _set_labels_3d(axes, workspace)
    return axes.plot(x, y, z, *args, **kwargs)
 def test_get_spectrum_non_distribution_workspace(self):
     # get data divided by bin width
     x, y, dy, dx = funcs.get_spectrum(self.ws2d_non_distribution, 1,
                                       withDy=True, withDx=True)
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(x, np.array([15., 25.])))
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(y, np.array([0.4, 0.5])))
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(dy, np.array([0.3, 0.4])))
     self.assertEqual(dx, None)
     # get data not divided by bin width
     x, y, dy, dx = funcs.get_spectrum(self.ws2d_non_distribution, 1,
                                       withDy=True, withDx=True)
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(x, np.array([15., 25.])))
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(y, np.array([4, 5])))
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(dy, np.array([3, 4])))
     self.assertEqual(dx, None)
     # fail case - try to find spectrum out of range
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, funcs.get_spectrum,
                       self.ws2d_non_distribution, 10, True)
def scatter(axes, workspace, *args, **kwargs):
    Unpack mantid workspace and render it with matplotlib. ``args`` and
    ``kwargs`` are passed to :py:meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter` after special
    keyword arguments are removed. This will automatically label the
    line according to the spectrum number unless specified otherwise.

    :param axes:      :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` object that will do the plotting
    :param workspace: :class:`mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace` or :class:`mantid.api.IMDHistoWorkspace`
                      to extract the data from
    :param specNum:   spectrum number to plot if MatrixWorkspace
    :param wkspIndex: workspace index to plot if MatrixWorkspace
    :param distribution: ``None`` (default) asks the workspace. ``False`` means
                         divide by bin width. ``True`` means do not divide by bin width.
                         Applies only when the the workspace is a MatrixWorkspace histogram.
    :param normalization: ``None`` (default) ask the workspace. Applies to MDHisto workspaces. It can override
                          the value from displayNormalizationHisto. It checks only if
                          the normalization is mantid.api.MDNormalization.NumEventsNormalization
    :param indices: Specify which slice of an MDHistoWorkspace to use when plotting. Needs to be a tuple
                    and will be interpreted as a list of indices. You need to use ``slice(None)`` to
                    select which dimension to plot. *e.g.* to select the second axis to plot from a
                    3D volume use ``indices=(5, slice(None), 10)`` where the 5/10 are the bins selected
                    for the other 2 axes.
    :param slicepoint: Specify which slice of an MDHistoWorkspace to use when plotting in the dimension units.
                       You need to use ``None`` to select which dimension to plot. *e.g.* to select the second
                       axis to plot from a 3D volume use ``slicepoint=(1.0, None, 2.0)`` where the 1.0/2.0 are
                       the dimension selected for the other 2 axes.

    For matrix workspaces with more than one spectra, either ``specNum`` or ``wkspIndex``
    needs to be specified. Giving both will generate a :class:`RuntimeError`. There is no similar
    keyword for MDHistoWorkspaces. These type of workspaces have to have exactly one non integrated
    if isinstance(workspace, mantid.dataobjects.MDHistoWorkspace):
        (normalization, kwargs) = get_normalization(workspace, **kwargs)
        indices, kwargs = get_indices(workspace, **kwargs)
        (x, y, _) = get_md_data1d(workspace, normalization, indices)
        _setLabels1D(axes, workspace, indices)
        (wkspIndex, distribution,
         kwargs) = get_wksp_index_dist_and_label(workspace, **kwargs)
        (x, y, _, _) = get_spectrum(workspace, wkspIndex, distribution)
        _setLabels1D(axes, workspace)
    return axes.scatter(x, y, *args, **kwargs)
def plot(axes, workspace, *args, **kwargs):
    3D plots - line plots

    :param axes: class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes3D` object that will do the plotting
    :param workspace: :class:`mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace` or
                      :class:`mantid.api.IMDHistoWorkspace` to extract the data from
    :param zdir: Which direction to use as z ('x', 'y' or 'z') when plotting a 2D set.
    if isinstance(workspace, mantid.dataobjects.MDHistoWorkspace):
        (normalization, kwargs) = get_normalization(workspace, **kwargs)
        (x, y, z) = get_md_data1d(workspace, normalization)
        (wksp_index, distribution, kwargs) = get_wksp_index_dist_and_label(workspace, **kwargs)
        (x, z, _, _) = get_spectrum(workspace, wksp_index, distribution, withDy=False, withDx=False)
        y_val = workspace.getAxis(1).extractValues()[wksp_index]
        y = [y_val for _ in range(len(x))]  # fill x size array with y value
        _set_labels_3d(axes, workspace)
    return axes.plot(x, y, z, *args, **kwargs)
def _get_data_for_plot(axes, workspace, kwargs, with_dy=False, with_dx=False):
    if isinstance(workspace, mantid.dataobjects.MDHistoWorkspace):
        (normalization, kwargs) = get_normalization(workspace, **kwargs)
        indices, kwargs = get_indices(workspace, **kwargs)
        (x, y, dy) = get_md_data1d(workspace, normalization, indices)
        dx = None
        axis = kwargs.pop("axis", MantidAxType.SPECTRUM)
        workspace_index, distribution, kwargs = get_wksp_index_dist_and_label(workspace, axis, **kwargs)
        if axis == MantidAxType.BIN:
            # Overwrite any user specified xlabel
            x, y, dy, dx = get_bins(workspace, workspace_index, with_dy)
        elif axis == MantidAxType.SPECTRUM:
            x, y, dy, dx = get_spectrum(workspace, workspace_index, distribution, with_dy, with_dx)
            raise ValueError("Axis {} is not a valid axis number.".format(axis))
        indices = None
    return x, y, dy, dx, indices, kwargs
def scatter(axes, workspace, *args, **kwargs):
    Unpack mantid workspace and render it with matplotlib. ``args`` and
    ``kwargs`` are passed to :py:meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter` after special
    keyword arguments are removed. This will automatically label the
    line according to the spectrum number unless specified otherwise.

    :param axes:      :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` object that will do the plotting
    :param workspace: :class:`mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace` or :class:`mantid.api.IMDHistoWorkspace`
                      to extract the data from
    :param specNum:   spectrum number to plot if MatrixWorkspace
    :param wkspIndex: workspace index to plot if MatrixWorkspace
    :param distribution: ``None`` (default) asks the workspace. ``False`` means
                         divide by bin width. ``True`` means do not divide by bin width.
                         Applies only when the the workspace is a MatrixWorkspace histogram.
    :param normalization: ``None`` (default) ask the workspace. Applies to MDHisto workspaces. It can override
                          the value from displayNormalizationHisto. It checks only if
                          the normalization is mantid.api.MDNormalization.NumEventsNormalization
    :param indices: Specify which slice of an MDHistoWorkspace to use when plotting. Needs to be a tuple
                    and will be interpreted as a list of indices. You need to use ``slice(None)`` to
                    select which dimension to plot. *e.g.* to select the second axis to plot from a
                    3D volume use ``indices=(5, slice(None), 10)`` where the 5/10 are the bins selected
                    for the other 2 axes.
    :param slicepoint: Specify which slice of an MDHistoWorkspace to use when plotting in the dimension units.
                       You need to use ``None`` to select which dimension to plot. *e.g.* to select the second
                       axis to plot from a 3D volume use ``slicepoint=(1.0, None, 2.0)`` where the 1.0/2.0 are
                       the dimension selected for the other 2 axes.

    For matrix workspaces with more than one spectra, either ``specNum`` or ``wkspIndex``
    needs to be specified. Giving both will generate a :class:`RuntimeError`. There is no similar
    keyword for MDHistoWorkspaces. These type of workspaces have to have exactly one non integrated
    if isinstance(workspace, mantid.dataobjects.MDHistoWorkspace):
        (normalization, kwargs) = get_normalization(workspace, **kwargs)
        indices, kwargs = get_indices(workspace, **kwargs)
        (x, y, _) = get_md_data1d(workspace, normalization, indices)
        _setLabels1D(axes, workspace, indices)
        (wkspIndex, distribution, kwargs) = get_wksp_index_dist_and_label(workspace, **kwargs)
        (x, y, _, _) = get_spectrum(workspace, wkspIndex, distribution)
        _setLabels1D(axes, workspace)
    return axes.scatter(x, y, *args, **kwargs)
def plot(axes, workspace, *args, **kwargs):
    3D plots - line plots

    :param axes: class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes3D` object that will do the plotting
    :param workspace: :class:`mantid.api.MatrixWorkspace` or
                      :class:`mantid.api.IMDHistoWorkspace` to extract the data from
    :param zdir: Which direction to use as z ('x', 'y' or 'z') when plotting a 2D set.
    if isinstance(workspace, mantid.dataobjects.MDHistoWorkspace):
        (normalization, kwargs) = get_normalization(workspace, **kwargs)
        (x, y, z) = get_md_data1d(workspace, normalization)
        (wksp_index, distribution,
         kwargs) = get_wksp_index_dist_and_label(workspace, **kwargs)
        (x, z, _, _) = get_spectrum(workspace,
        y_val = workspace.getAxis(1).extractValues()[wksp_index]
        y = [y_val for _ in range(len(x))]  # fill x size array with y value
        _set_labels_3d(axes, workspace)
    return axes.plot(x, y, z, *args, **kwargs)