def connect(self, ws, call_back, xmin=None, xmax=None, range_min=None, range_max=None, x_title=None, log_scale=False, ws_output_base=None): if not IS_IN_MANTIDPLOT: print "RangeSelector cannot be used output MantidPlot" return self._call_back = call_back self._ws_output_base = ws_output_base, QtCore.SIGNAL("x_range_update(double,double)"), self._call_back) g = mantidplot.graph(self._graph) if g is not None: g.close() g = mantidplot.plotSpectrum(ws, [0], True) g.setName(self._graph) l = g.activeLayer() try: title = ws[0].replace("_", " ") title.strip() except: title = " " l.setTitle(" ") l.setCurveTitle(0, title) if log_scale: l.logYlinX() if x_title is not None: l.setXTitle(x_title) if xmin is not None and xmax is not None: l.setScale(2, xmin, xmax) if range_min is not None and range_max is not None: mantidplot.selectMultiPeak(g, False, range_min, range_max) else: mantidplot.selectMultiPeak(g, False)
def connect(self, ws, call_back, xmin=None, xmax=None, range_min=None, range_max=None, x_title=None, log_scale=False, ws_output_base=None): if not IS_IN_MANTIDPLOT: print "RangeSelector cannot be used output MantidPlot" return self._call_back = call_back self._ws_output_base = ws_output_base, QtCore.SIGNAL("x_range_update(double,double)"), self._call_back) g = mantidplot.graph(self._graph) if g is not None: g.close() g = mantidplot.plotSpectrum(ws, [0], True) g.setName(self._graph) l=g.activeLayer() try: title = ws[0].replace("_"," ") title.strip() except: title = " " l.setTitle(" ") l.setCurveTitle(0, title) if log_scale: l.logYlinX() if x_title is not None: l.setXTitle(x_title) if xmin is not None and xmax is not None: l.setScale(2,xmin,xmax) if range_min is not None and range_max is not None: mantidplot.selectMultiPeak(g, False, range_min, range_max) else: mantidplot.selectMultiPeak(g, False)