#NJOBS = 1
#NRELS = 1

FileStartRels = relDict['StartRelList']
FileEndRels = relDict['EndRelList']
NPER  = 2


# define files to upload to instance (from local machine) before any execution

# define any initialisation commands to exctue on instance before main job
INITCMDS=['bash /root/cloud_setup.sh','"cd mbg-world/mbgw-scripts/;python extract_defineParameterFile.py '+str(PARAMFILE)+';python ECRUNSCRIPT_extractSummaries_PREDOWNLOAD.py True True True"']

# construct main commands list
CMDS = ['"cd mbg-world/mbgw-scripts/;python ECRUNSCRIPT_extractSummaries.py %i %i %i %i None None True True True"'%(NPER,int(FileStartRels[i]),int(FileEndRels[i]),NTOTALREL) for i in xrange(NJOBS)]

# finally, call local function map_jobs from amazon_ec module to distribute these jobs on EC2
startTime = time.time()
returns = amazon_ec.map_jobs(RESERVATIONID,NINSTANCES,MAXJOBSPERINSTANCE,MAXJOBTRIES,cmds=CMDS, init_cmds=INITCMDS,upload_files=UPLOADFILES, interval=20,shutdown=False,STDOUTPATH=STDOUTPATH)    
endTime = time.time()-startTime

print 'total run time for '+str(NJOBS)+' jobs with NPER='+str(NPER)+' on '+str(NINSTANCES)+' instances, with '+str(MAXJOBSPERINSTANCE)+' jobs per instance was: '+str(endTime)

iter_per_job = 1
NJOBS = n_total / iter_per_job


# define files to upload to instance (from local machine) before any execution

# define any initialisation commands to exctue on instance before main job
#INITCMDS=['bash /root/cloud_setup.sh','"cd /root/mbg-world/mbgw/joint_simulation/CONDSIMalgorithm/;python CONDSIM_defineParameterFile.py '+str(PARAMFILE_PY)+';python ECRUNSCRIPT_CONDSIM_PREDOWNLOAD.py"']

# construct main commands list
#CMDS = ['"cd /root/mbg-world/mbgw/joint_simulation/CONDSIMalgorithm/;nice -n -20 python ECRUNSCRIPT_CONDSIM.py %i %i %i %i"'%(i,iter_per_job,NJOBS,PARAMFILE_R) for i in xrange(NJOBS)]
CMDS = ['"cd /root/mbg-world/mbgw/joint_simulation/CONDSIMalgorithm/;nice -n -20 python ECRUNSCRIPT_CONDSIM.py %i %i %i %i"'%(i,iter_per_job,NJOBS,PARAMFILE_R) for i in INTERIMINDEX]

# finally, call local function map_jobs from amazon_ec module to distribute these jobs on EC2
startTime = time.time()
returns = amazon_ec.map_jobs(RESERVATIONID,NINSTANCES,MAXJOBSPERINSTANCE,MAXJOBTRIES,cmds=CMDS, init_cmds=INITCMDS,upload_files=UPLOADFILES, interval=20,shutdown=False,STDOUTPATH=STDOUTPATH)    
endTime = time.time()-startTime

print 'total run time for '+str(NJOBS)+' jobs with iter_per_job='+str(iter_per_job)+' on '+str(NINSTANCES)+' instances, with '+str(MAXJOBSPERINSTANCE)+' jobs per instance was: '+str(endTime)