def komap_mapswithme(options): ddir = os.path.dirname(options.outfile) classificator = {} class_order = [] class_tree = {} # Build classificator tree from mapcss-mapping.csv file types_file = open(os.path.join(ddir, 'types.txt'), "w") colors_file_name = os.path.join(ddir, 'colors.txt') colors = set() if os.path.exists(colors_file_name): colors_in_file = open(colors_file_name, "r") for colorLine in colors_in_file: colors.add(int(colorLine)) colors_in_file.close() patterns = [] def addPattern(dashes): if dashes and dashes not in patterns: patterns.append(dashes) patterns_file_name = os.path.join(ddir, 'patterns.txt') if os.path.exists(patterns_file_name): patterns_in_file = open(patterns_file_name, "r") for patternsLine in patterns_in_file: addPattern([float(x) for x in patternsLine.split()]) patterns_in_file.close() for row in csv.reader(open(os.path.join(ddir, 'mapcss-mapping.csv')), delimiter=';'): cl = row[0].replace("|", "-") pairs = [i.strip(']').split("=") for i in row[1].split(',')[0].split('[')] kv = {} for i in pairs: if len(i) == 1: if i[0]: if i[0][0] == "!": kv[i[0][1:].strip('?')] = "no" else: kv[i[0].strip('?')] = "yes" else: kv[i[0]] = i[1] classificator[cl] = kv if row[2] != "x": class_order.append(cl) print >> types_file, row[0] else: # compatibility mode if row[6]: print >> types_file, row[6] else: print >> types_file, "mapswithme" class_tree[cl] = row[0] class_order.sort() types_file.close() # Get all mapcss static tags which are used in mapcss-mapping.csv mapcss_static_tags = set() for v in classificator.values(): for t in v.keys(): mapcss_static_tags.add(t) # Get all mapcss dynamic tags from mapcss-dynamic.txt mapcss_dynamic_tags = set([line.rstrip() for line in open(os.path.join(ddir, 'mapcss-dynamic.txt'))]) # Parse style mapcss style = MapCSS(options.minzoom, options.maxzoom + 1) style.parse(filename = options.filename, static_tags = mapcss_static_tags, dynamic_tags = mapcss_dynamic_tags) # Build optimization tree - class/type -> StyleChoosers for cl in class_order: clname = cl if cl.find('-') == -1 else cl[:cl.find('-')] cltags = classificator[cl] style.build_choosers_tree(clname, "line", cltags) style.build_choosers_tree(clname, "area", cltags) style.build_choosers_tree(clname, "node", cltags) style.restore_choosers_order("line") style.restore_choosers_order("area") style.restore_choosers_order("node") visibility = {} bgpos = 0 dr_linecaps = {'none': BUTTCAP, 'butt': BUTTCAP, 'round': ROUNDCAP} dr_linejoins = {'none': NOJOIN, 'bevel': BEVELJOIN, 'round': ROUNDJOIN} # Build drules tree drules = ContainerProto() for cl in class_order: clname = cl if cl.find('-') == -1 else cl[:cl.find('-')] cltags = classificator[cl] cltags["name"] = "name" cltags["addr:housenumber"] = "addr:housenumber" cltags["addr:housename"] = "addr:housename" cltags["ref"] = "ref" cltags["int_name"] = "int_name" cltags["addr:flats"] = "addr:flats" dr_cont = ClassifElementProto() = cl visstring = ["0"] * (options.maxzoom - options.minzoom + 1) for zoom in xrange(options.minzoom, options.maxzoom + 1): runtime_conditions_arr = [] # Get runtime conditions which are used for class 'cl' on zoom 'zoom' if "area" not in cltags: runtime_conditions_arr.extend( style.get_runtime_rules(clname, "line", cltags, zoom) ) runtime_conditions_arr.extend( style.get_runtime_rules(clname, "area", cltags, zoom) ) if "area" not in cltags: runtime_conditions_arr.extend( style.get_runtime_rules(clname, "node", cltags, zoom) ) # If there is no any runtime conditions, do not filter style by runtime conditions if len(runtime_conditions_arr) == 0: runtime_conditions_arr.append(None) for runtime_conditions in runtime_conditions_arr: has_icons_for_areas = False zstyle = {} # Get style for class 'cl' on zoom 'zoom' with corresponding runtime conditions if "area" not in cltags: linestyle = style.get_style_dict(clname, "line", cltags, zoom, olddict=zstyle, filter_by_runtime_conditions=runtime_conditions) zstyle = linestyle areastyle = style.get_style_dict(clname, "area", cltags, zoom, olddict=zstyle, filter_by_runtime_conditions=runtime_conditions) for st in areastyle.values(): if "icon-image" in st or 'symbol-shape' in st or 'symbol-image' in st: has_icons_for_areas = True break zstyle = areastyle if "area" not in cltags: nodestyle = style.get_style_dict(clname, "node", cltags, zoom, olddict=zstyle, filter_by_runtime_conditions=runtime_conditions) zstyle = nodestyle zstyle = zstyle.values() if len(zstyle) == 0: continue has_lines = False has_icons = False has_fills = False for st in zstyle: st = dict([(k, v) for k, v in st.iteritems() if str(v).strip(" 0.")]) if 'width' in st or 'pattern-image' in st: has_lines = True if 'icon-image' in st or 'symbol-shape' in st or 'symbol-image' in st: has_icons = True if 'fill-color' in st: has_fills = True has_text = None txfmt = [] for st in zstyle: if st.get('text') and not st.get('text') in txfmt: txfmt.append(st.get('text')) if has_text is None: has_text = [] has_text.append(st) if (not has_lines) and (not has_text) and (not has_fills) and (not has_icons): continue visstring[zoom] = "1" dr_element = DrawElementProto() dr_element.scale = zoom if runtime_conditions: for rc in runtime_conditions: dr_element.apply_if.append(str(rc)) for st in zstyle: if st.get('-x-kot-layer') == 'top': st['z-index'] = float(st.get('z-index', 0)) + 15001. elif st.get('-x-kot-layer') == 'bottom': st['z-index'] = float(st.get('z-index', 0)) - 15001. if st.get('casing-width') not in (None, 0): # and (st.get('width') or st.get('fill-color')): if st.get('casing-linecap', 'butt') == 'butt': dr_line = LineRuleProto() dr_line.width = (st.get('width', 0) * WIDTH_SCALE) + (st.get('casing-width') * WIDTH_SCALE * 2) dr_line.color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, "casing") dr_line.priority = min(int(st.get('z-index', 0) + 999), 20000) dashes = st.get('casing-dashes', st.get('dashes', [])) dr_line.dashdot.dd.extend(dashes) addPattern(dr_line.dashdot.dd) dr_line.cap = dr_linecaps.get(st.get('casing-linecap', 'butt'), BUTTCAP) dr_line.join = dr_linejoins.get(st.get('casing-linejoin', 'round'), ROUNDJOIN) dr_element.lines.extend([dr_line]) # Let's try without this additional line style overhead. Needed only for casing in road endings. # if st.get('casing-linecap', st.get('linecap', 'round')) != 'butt': # dr_line = LineRuleProto() # dr_line.width = (st.get('width', 0) * WIDTH_SCALE) + (st.get('casing-width') * WIDTH_SCALE * 2) # dr_line.color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, "casing") # dr_line.priority = -15000 # dashes = st.get('casing-dashes', st.get('dashes', [])) # dr_line.dashdot.dd.extend(dashes) # dr_line.cap = dr_linecaps.get(st.get('casing-linecap', 'round'), ROUNDCAP) # dr_line.join = dr_linejoins.get(st.get('casing-linejoin', 'round'), ROUNDJOIN) # dr_element.lines.extend([dr_line]) if has_lines: if st.get('width'): dr_line = LineRuleProto() dr_line.width = (st.get('width', 0) * WIDTH_SCALE) dr_line.color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st) for i in st.get('dashes', []): dr_line.dashdot.dd.extend([max(float(i), 1) * WIDTH_SCALE]) addPattern(dr_line.dashdot.dd) dr_line.cap = dr_linecaps.get(st.get('linecap', 'butt'), BUTTCAP) dr_line.join = dr_linejoins.get(st.get('linejoin', 'round'), ROUNDJOIN) dr_line.priority = min((int(st.get('z-index', 0)) + 1000), 20000) dr_element.lines.extend([dr_line]) if st.get('pattern-image'): dr_line = LineRuleProto() dr_line.width = 0 dr_line.color = 0 icon = mwm_encode_image(st, prefix='pattern') = icon[0] dr_line.pathsym.step = float(st.get('pattern-spacing', 0)) - 16 dr_line.pathsym.offset = st.get('pattern-offset', 0) dr_line.priority = int(st.get('z-index', 0)) + 1000 dr_element.lines.extend([dr_line]) if st.get('shield-font-size'): dr_element.shield.height = int(st.get('shield-font-size', 10)) dr_element.shield.color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, "shield-text") if st.get('shield-text-halo-radius', 0) != 0: dr_element.shield.stroke_color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, "shield-text-halo", "white") dr_element.shield.priority = min(19100, (16000 + int(st.get('z-index', 0)))) if has_icons: if st.get('icon-image'): if not has_icons_for_areas: dr_element.symbol.apply_for_type = 1 icon = mwm_encode_image(st) = icon[0] dr_element.symbol.priority = min(19100, (16000 + int(st.get('z-index', 0)))) has_icons = False if st.get('symbol-shape'): = float(st.get('symbol-size')) = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, 'symbol-fill') = min(19000, (14000 + int(st.get('z-index', 0)))) has_icons = False if has_text and st.get('text'): has_text = has_text[:2] has_text.reverse() dr_text = dr_element.path_text base_z = 15000 if st.get('text-position', 'center') == 'line': dr_text = dr_element.path_text base_z = 16000 else: dr_text = dr_element.caption for sp in has_text[:]: dr_cur_subtext = dr_text.primary if len(has_text) == 2: dr_cur_subtext = dr_text.secondary dr_cur_subtext.height = int(float(sp.get('font-size', "10").split(",")[0])) dr_cur_subtext.color = mwm_encode_color(colors, sp, "text") if st.get('text-halo-radius', 0) != 0: dr_cur_subtext.stroke_color = mwm_encode_color(colors, sp, "text-halo", "white") if 'text-offset' in sp or 'text-offset-y' in sp: dr_cur_subtext.offset_y = int(sp.get('text-offset-y', sp.get('text-offset', 0))) if 'text-offset-x' in sp: dr_cur_subtext.offset_x = int(sp.get('text-offset-x', 0)) if 'text' in sp and sp.get('text') != 'name': dr_cur_subtext.text = sp.get('text') has_text.pop() dr_text.priority = min(19000, (base_z + int(st.get('z-index', 0)))) has_text = None if has_fills: if ('fill-color' in st) and (float(st.get('fill-opacity', 1)) > 0): dr_element.area.color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, "fill") if st.get('fill-position', 'foreground') == 'background': if 'z-index' not in st: bgpos -= 1 dr_element.area.priority = bgpos - 16000 else: zzz = int(st.get('z-index', 0)) if zzz > 0: dr_element.area.priority = zzz - 16000 else: dr_element.area.priority = zzz - 16700 else: dr_element.area.priority = (int(st.get('z-index', 0)) + 1 + 1000) has_fills = False dr_cont.element.extend([dr_element]) if dr_cont.element: drules.cont.extend([dr_cont]) visibility["world|" + class_tree[cl] + "|"] = "".join(visstring) # Write drules_proto.bin and drules_proto.txt files drules_bin = open(os.path.join(options.outfile + '.bin'), "wb") drules_txt = open(os.path.join(options.outfile + '.txt'), "wb") drules_bin.write(drules.SerializeToString()) drules_txt.write(unicode(drules)) drules_bin.close() drules_txt.close() # Write classificator.txt and visibility.txt files visnodes = set() for k, v in visibility.iteritems(): vis = k.split("|") for i in range(1, len(vis) - 1): visnodes.add("|".join(vis[0:i]) + "|") viskeys = list(set(visibility.keys() + list(visnodes))) def cmprepl(a, b): if a == b: return 0 a = a.replace("|", "-") b = b.replace("|", "-") if a > b: return 1 return -1 viskeys.sort(cmprepl) visibility_file = open(os.path.join(ddir, 'visibility.txt'), "w") classificator_file = open(os.path.join(ddir, 'classificator.txt'), "w") oldoffset = "" for k in viskeys: offset = " " * (k.count("|") - 1) for i in range(len(oldoffset) / 4, len(offset) / 4, -1): print >> visibility_file, " " * i + "{}" print >> classificator_file, " " * i + "{}" oldoffset = offset end = "-" if k in visnodes: end = "+" print >> visibility_file, offset + k.split("|")[-2] + " " + visibility.get(k, "0" * (options.maxzoom + 1)) + " " + end print >> classificator_file, offset + k.split("|")[-2] + " " + end for i in range(len(offset) / 4, 0, -1): print >> visibility_file, " " * i + "{}" print >> classificator_file, " " * i + "{}" visibility_file.close() classificator_file.close() colors_file = open(colors_file_name, "w") for c in sorted(colors): colors_file.write("%d\n" % (c)) colors_file.close() patterns_file = open(patterns_file_name, "w") for p in patterns: patterns_file.write("%s\n" % (' '.join(str(elem) for elem in p))) patterns_file.close()
def komap_mapswithme(options): ddir = os.path.dirname(options.outfile) classificator = {} class_order = [] class_tree = {} colors_file_name = os.path.join(ddir, 'colors.txt') colors = set() if os.path.exists(colors_file_name): colors_in_file = open(colors_file_name, "r") for colorLine in colors_in_file: colors.add(int(colorLine)) colors_in_file.close() patterns = [] def addPattern(dashes): if dashes and dashes not in patterns: patterns.append(dashes) patterns_file_name = os.path.join(ddir, 'patterns.txt') if os.path.exists(patterns_file_name): patterns_in_file = open(patterns_file_name, "r") for patternsLine in patterns_in_file: addPattern([float(x) for x in patternsLine.split()]) patterns_in_file.close() # Build classificator tree from mapcss-mapping.csv file types_file = open(os.path.join(ddir, 'types.txt'), "w") cnt = 1 for row in csv.reader(open(os.path.join(ddir, 'mapcss-mapping.csv')), delimiter=';'): while int(row[5]) > cnt: print >> types_file, "mapswithme" cnt += 1 cnt += 1 cl = row[0].replace("|", "-") pairs = [ i.strip(']').split("=") for i in row[1].split(',')[0].split('[') ] kv = {} for i in pairs: if len(i) == 1: if i[0]: if i[0][0] == "!": kv[i[0][1:].strip('?')] = "no" else: kv[i[0].strip('?')] = "yes" else: kv[i[0]] = i[1] classificator[cl] = kv if row[2] != "x": class_order.append(cl) print >> types_file, row[0] else: # compatibility mode if row[6]: print >> types_file, row[6] else: print >> types_file, "mapswithme" class_tree[cl] = row[0] class_order.sort() types_file.close() # Get all mapcss static tags which are used in mapcss-mapping.csv mapcss_static_tags = set() for v in classificator.values(): for t in v.keys(): mapcss_static_tags.add(t) # Get all mapcss dynamic tags from mapcss-dynamic.txt mapcss_dynamic_tags = set([ line.rstrip() for line in open(os.path.join(ddir, 'mapcss-dynamic.txt')) ]) # Parse style mapcss style = MapCSS(options.minzoom, options.maxzoom + 1) style.parse(filename=options.filename, static_tags=mapcss_static_tags, dynamic_tags=mapcss_dynamic_tags) # Build optimization tree - class/type -> StyleChoosers for cl in class_order: clname = cl if cl.find('-') == -1 else cl[:cl.find('-')] cltags = classificator[cl] style.build_choosers_tree(clname, "line", cltags) style.build_choosers_tree(clname, "area", cltags) style.build_choosers_tree(clname, "node", cltags) style.restore_choosers_order("line") style.restore_choosers_order("area") style.restore_choosers_order("node") visibility = {} bgpos = 0 dr_linecaps = {'none': BUTTCAP, 'butt': BUTTCAP, 'round': ROUNDCAP} dr_linejoins = {'none': NOJOIN, 'bevel': BEVELJOIN, 'round': ROUNDJOIN} # Build drules tree drules = ContainerProto() for cl in class_order: clname = cl if cl.find('-') == -1 else cl[:cl.find('-')] cltags = classificator[cl] cltags["name"] = "name" cltags["addr:housenumber"] = "addr:housenumber" cltags["addr:housename"] = "addr:housename" cltags["ref"] = "ref" cltags["int_name"] = "int_name" cltags["addr:flats"] = "addr:flats" dr_cont = ClassifElementProto() = cl visstring = ["0"] * (options.maxzoom - options.minzoom + 1) for zoom in xrange(options.minzoom, options.maxzoom + 1): runtime_conditions_arr = [] # Get runtime conditions which are used for class 'cl' on zoom 'zoom' if "area" not in cltags: runtime_conditions_arr.extend( style.get_runtime_rules(clname, "line", cltags, zoom)) runtime_conditions_arr.extend( style.get_runtime_rules(clname, "area", cltags, zoom)) if "area" not in cltags: runtime_conditions_arr.extend( style.get_runtime_rules(clname, "node", cltags, zoom)) # If there is no any runtime conditions, do not filter style by runtime conditions if len(runtime_conditions_arr) == 0: runtime_conditions_arr.append(None) for runtime_conditions in runtime_conditions_arr: has_icons_for_areas = False zstyle = {} # Get style for class 'cl' on zoom 'zoom' with corresponding runtime conditions if "area" not in cltags: linestyle = style.get_style_dict( clname, "line", cltags, zoom, olddict=zstyle, filter_by_runtime_conditions=runtime_conditions) zstyle = linestyle areastyle = style.get_style_dict( clname, "area", cltags, zoom, olddict=zstyle, filter_by_runtime_conditions=runtime_conditions) for st in areastyle.values(): if "icon-image" in st or 'symbol-shape' in st or 'symbol-image' in st: has_icons_for_areas = True break zstyle = areastyle if "area" not in cltags: nodestyle = style.get_style_dict( clname, "node", cltags, zoom, olddict=zstyle, filter_by_runtime_conditions=runtime_conditions) zstyle = nodestyle zstyle = zstyle.values() if len(zstyle) == 0: continue has_lines = False has_icons = False has_fills = False for st in zstyle: st = dict([(k, v) for k, v in st.iteritems() if str(v).strip(" 0.")]) if 'width' in st or 'pattern-image' in st: has_lines = True if 'icon-image' in st or 'symbol-shape' in st or 'symbol-image' in st: has_icons = True if 'fill-color' in st: has_fills = True has_text = None txfmt = [] for st in zstyle: if st.get('text') and st.get( 'text') != 'none' and not st.get('text') in txfmt: txfmt.append(st.get('text')) if has_text is None: has_text = [] has_text.append(st) if (not has_lines) and (not has_text) and (not has_fills) and ( not has_icons): continue visstring[zoom] = "1" dr_element = DrawElementProto() dr_element.scale = zoom if runtime_conditions: for rc in runtime_conditions: dr_element.apply_if.append(str(rc)) for st in zstyle: if st.get('-x-kot-layer') == 'top': st['z-index'] = float(st.get('z-index', 0)) + 15001. elif st.get('-x-kot-layer') == 'bottom': st['z-index'] = float(st.get('z-index', 0)) - 15001. if st.get('casing-width') not in ( None, 0 ): # and (st.get('width') or st.get('fill-color')): if st.get('casing-linecap', 'butt') == 'butt': dr_line = LineRuleProto() dr_line.width = (st.get('width', 0) * WIDTH_SCALE ) + (st.get('casing-width') * WIDTH_SCALE * 2) dr_line.color = mwm_encode_color( colors, st, "casing") if '-x-me-casing-line-priority' in st: dr_line.priority = int( st.get('-x-me-casing-line-priority')) else: dr_line.priority = min( int(st.get('z-index', 0) + 999), 20000) dashes = st.get('casing-dashes', st.get('dashes', [])) dr_line.dashdot.dd.extend(dashes) addPattern(dr_line.dashdot.dd) dr_line.cap = dr_linecaps.get( st.get('casing-linecap', 'butt'), BUTTCAP) dr_line.join = dr_linejoins.get( st.get('casing-linejoin', 'round'), ROUNDJOIN) dr_element.lines.extend([dr_line]) # Let's try without this additional line style overhead. Needed only for casing in road endings. # if st.get('casing-linecap', st.get('linecap', 'round')) != 'butt': # dr_line = LineRuleProto() # dr_line.width = (st.get('width', 0) * WIDTH_SCALE) + (st.get('casing-width') * WIDTH_SCALE * 2) # dr_line.color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, "casing") # dr_line.priority = -15000 # dashes = st.get('casing-dashes', st.get('dashes', [])) # dr_line.dashdot.dd.extend(dashes) # dr_line.cap = dr_linecaps.get(st.get('casing-linecap', 'round'), ROUNDCAP) # dr_line.join = dr_linejoins.get(st.get('casing-linejoin', 'round'), ROUNDJOIN) # dr_element.lines.extend([dr_line]) if has_lines: if st.get('width'): dr_line = LineRuleProto() dr_line.width = (st.get('width', 0) * WIDTH_SCALE) dr_line.color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st) for i in st.get('dashes', []): dr_line.dashdot.dd.extend( [max(float(i), 1) * WIDTH_SCALE]) addPattern(dr_line.dashdot.dd) dr_line.cap = dr_linecaps.get( st.get('linecap', 'butt'), BUTTCAP) dr_line.join = dr_linejoins.get( st.get('linejoin', 'round'), ROUNDJOIN) if '-x-me-line-priority' in st: dr_line.priority = int( st.get('-x-me-line-priority')) else: dr_line.priority = min( (int(st.get('z-index', 0)) + 1000), 20000) dr_element.lines.extend([dr_line]) if st.get('pattern-image'): dr_line = LineRuleProto() dr_line.width = 0 dr_line.color = 0 icon = mwm_encode_image(st, prefix='pattern') = icon[0] dr_line.pathsym.step = float( st.get('pattern-spacing', 0)) - 16 dr_line.pathsym.offset = st.get( 'pattern-offset', 0) if '-x-me-line-priority' in st: dr_line.priority = int( st.get('-x-me-line-priority')) else: dr_line.priority = int(st.get('z-index', 0)) + 1000 dr_element.lines.extend([dr_line]) if st.get('shield-font-size'): dr_element.shield.height = int( st.get('shield-font-size', 10)) dr_element.shield.color = mwm_encode_color( colors, st, "shield-text") if st.get('shield-text-halo-radius', 0) != 0: dr_element.shield.stroke_color = mwm_encode_color( colors, st, "shield-text-halo", "white") if '-x-me-shield-priority' in st: dr_element.shield.priority = int( st.get('-x-me-shield-priority')) else: dr_element.shield.priority = min( 19100, (16000 + int(st.get('z-index', 0)))) if st.get('shield-min-distance', 0) != 0: dr_element.shield.min_distance = int( st.get('shield-min-distance', 0)) if has_icons: if st.get('icon-image'): if not has_icons_for_areas: dr_element.symbol.apply_for_type = 1 icon = mwm_encode_image(st) = icon[0] if '-x-me-icon-priority' in st: dr_element.symbol.priority = int( st.get('-x-me-icon-priority')) else: dr_element.symbol.priority = min( 19100, (16000 + int(st.get('z-index', 0)))) if 'icon-min-distance' in st: dr_element.symbol.min_distance = int( st.get('icon-min-distance', 0)) has_icons = False if st.get('symbol-shape'): = float( st.get('symbol-size')) = mwm_encode_color( colors, st, 'symbol-fill') if '-x-me-symbol-priority' in st: = int( st.get('-x-me-symbol-priority')) else: = min( 19000, (14000 + int(st.get('z-index', 0)))) has_icons = False if has_text and st.get( 'text') and st.get('text') != 'none': has_text = has_text[:2] has_text.reverse() dr_text = dr_element.path_text base_z = 15000 if st.get('text-position', 'center') == 'line': dr_text = dr_element.path_text base_z = 16000 else: dr_text = dr_element.caption for sp in has_text[:]: dr_cur_subtext = dr_text.primary if len(has_text) == 2: dr_cur_subtext = dr_text.secondary dr_cur_subtext.height = int( float(sp.get('font-size', "10").split(",")[0])) dr_cur_subtext.color = mwm_encode_color( colors, sp, "text") if st.get('text-halo-radius', 0) != 0: dr_cur_subtext.stroke_color = mwm_encode_color( colors, sp, "text-halo", "white") if 'text-offset' in sp or 'text-offset-y' in sp: dr_cur_subtext.offset_y = int( sp.get('text-offset-y', sp.get('text-offset', 0))) if 'text-offset-x' in sp: dr_cur_subtext.offset_x = int( sp.get('text-offset-x', 0)) if 'text' in sp and sp.get('text') != 'name': dr_cur_subtext.text = sp.get('text') if 'text-optional' in sp: is_valid, value = to_boolean( sp.get('text-optional', '')) if is_valid: dr_cur_subtext.is_optional = value has_text.pop() if '-x-me-text-priority' in st: dr_text.priority = int( st.get('-x-me-text-priority')) else: dr_text.priority = min( 19000, (base_z + int(st.get('z-index', 0)))) has_text = None if has_fills: if ('fill-color' in st) and (float( st.get('fill-opacity', 1)) > 0): dr_element.area.color = mwm_encode_color( colors, st, "fill") priority = 0 if st.get('fill-position', 'foreground') == 'background': if 'z-index' not in st: bgpos -= 1 priority = bgpos - 16000 else: zzz = int(st.get('z-index', 0)) if zzz > 0: priority = zzz - 16000 else: priority = zzz - 16700 else: priority = (int(st.get('z-index', 0)) + 1 + 1000) if '-x-me-area-priority' in st: dr_element.area.priority = int( st.get('-x-me-area-priority')) else: dr_element.area.priority = priority has_fills = False dr_cont.element.extend([dr_element]) if dr_cont.element: drules.cont.extend([dr_cont]) visibility["world|" + class_tree[cl] + "|"] = "".join(visstring) # Write drules_proto.bin and drules_proto.txt files drules_bin = open(os.path.join(options.outfile + '.bin'), "wb") drules_bin.write(drules.SerializeToString()) drules_bin.close() if options.txt: drules_txt = open(os.path.join(options.outfile + '.txt'), "wb") drules_txt.write(unicode(drules)) drules_txt.close() # Write classificator.txt and visibility.txt files visnodes = set() for k, v in visibility.iteritems(): vis = k.split("|") for i in range(1, len(vis) - 1): visnodes.add("|".join(vis[0:i]) + "|") viskeys = list(set(visibility.keys() + list(visnodes))) def cmprepl(a, b): if a == b: return 0 a = a.replace("|", "-") b = b.replace("|", "-") if a > b: return 1 return -1 viskeys.sort(cmprepl) visibility_file = open(os.path.join(ddir, 'visibility.txt'), "w") classificator_file = open(os.path.join(ddir, 'classificator.txt'), "w") oldoffset = "" for k in viskeys: offset = " " * (k.count("|") - 1) for i in range(len(oldoffset) / 4, len(offset) / 4, -1): print >> visibility_file, " " * i + "{}" print >> classificator_file, " " * i + "{}" oldoffset = offset end = "-" if k in visnodes: end = "+" print >> visibility_file, offset + k.split( "|")[-2] + " " + visibility.get( k, "0" * (options.maxzoom + 1)) + " " + end print >> classificator_file, offset + k.split("|")[-2] + " " + end for i in range(len(offset) / 4, 0, -1): print >> visibility_file, " " * i + "{}" print >> classificator_file, " " * i + "{}" visibility_file.close() classificator_file.close() colors_file = open(colors_file_name, "w") for c in sorted(colors): colors_file.write("%d\n" % (c)) colors_file.close() patterns_file = open(patterns_file_name, "w") for p in patterns: patterns_file.write("%s\n" % (' '.join(str(elem) for elem in p))) patterns_file.close()
def komap_mapswithme(options): if and os.path.isdir( ddir = else: ddir = os.path.dirname(options.outfile) classificator = {} class_order = [] class_tree = {} colors_file_name = os.path.join(ddir, 'colors.txt') colors = set() if os.path.exists(colors_file_name): colors_in_file = open(colors_file_name, "r") for colorLine in colors_in_file: colors.add(int(colorLine)) colors_in_file.close() patterns = [] def addPattern(dashes): if dashes and dashes not in patterns: patterns.append(dashes) patterns_file_name = os.path.join(ddir, 'patterns.txt') if os.path.exists(patterns_file_name): patterns_in_file = open(patterns_file_name, "r") for patternsLine in patterns_in_file: addPattern([float(x) for x in patternsLine.split()]) patterns_in_file.close() # Build classificator tree from mapcss-mapping.csv file types_file = open(os.path.join(ddir, 'types.txt'), "w") # Mapcss-mapping format # # A CSV table mapping tags to types. Some types can be deemed obsolete, either completely or replaced with a different type. # # Example row: highway|bus_stop;[highway=bus_stop];;name;int_name;22; (mind the last semicolon!) # It contains: # - type name: "highway|bus_stop" ('|' is converted to '-' internally) # - mapcss selector for tags: "[highway=bus_stop]" (you can group selectors and use e.g. [oneway?]) # - "x" for an obsolete type or an empty cell otherwise # - primary title tag (usually "name") # - secondary title tag (usually "int_name") # - type id, sequential starting from 1 # - replacement type for an obsolete tag, if exists # # A shorter format for above example: highway|bus_stop;22; # It leaves only columns 1, 6 and 7. For obsolete types with no replacement put "x" into the last column. # Obviously it works only for simple types that are produced from tags replacing '=' with '|'. # # An example of type with replacement: # highway|unsurfaced|disused;[highway=unsurfaced][disused?];x;name;int_name;838;highway|unclassified cnt = 1 unique_types_check = set() for row in csv.reader(open(os.path.join(ddir, 'mapcss-mapping.csv')), delimiter=';'): if len(row) <= 1: # Allow for empty lines and comments that do not contain ';' symbol continue if len(row) == 3: # Short format: type name, type id, x / replacement type name tag = row[0].replace('|', '=') obsolete = len(row[2].strip()) > 0 row = (row[0], '[{0}]'.format(tag), 'x' if obsolete else '', 'name', 'int_name', row[1], row[2] if row[2] != 'x' else '') if len(row) != 7: raise Exception('Expecting 3 or 7 columns in mapcss-mapping: {0}'.format(';'.join(row))) if int(row[5]) < cnt: raise Exception('Wrong type id: {0}'.format(';'.join(row))) while int(row[5]) > cnt: print("mapswithme", file=types_file) cnt += 1 cnt += 1 cl = row[0].replace("|", "-") if cl in unique_types_check and row[2] != 'x': raise Exception('Duplicate type: {0}'.format(row[0])) pairs = [i.strip(']').split("=") for i in row[1].split(',')[0].split('[')] kv = OrderedDict() for i in pairs: if len(i) == 1: if i[0]: if i[0][0] == "!": kv[i[0][1:].strip('?')] = "no" else: kv[i[0].strip('?')] = "yes" else: kv[i[0]] = i[1] if row[2] != "x": classificator[cl] = kv class_order.append(cl) unique_types_check.add(cl) # Mark original type to distinguish it among replacing types. print("*" + row[0], file=types_file) else: # compatibility mode if row[6]: print(row[6], file=types_file) else: print("mapswithme", file=types_file) class_tree[cl] = row[0] class_order.sort() types_file.close() # Get all mapcss static tags which are used in mapcss-mapping.csv # This is a dict with main_tag flags (True = appears first in types) mapcss_static_tags = {} for v in list(classificator.values()): for i, t in enumerate(v.keys()): mapcss_static_tags[t] = mapcss_static_tags.get(t, True) and i == 0 # Get all mapcss dynamic tags from mapcss-dynamic.txt mapcss_dynamic_tags = set([line.rstrip() for line in open(os.path.join(ddir, 'mapcss-dynamic.txt'))]) # Parse style mapcss global style style = MapCSS(options.minzoom, options.maxzoom + 1) style.parse(filename=options.filename, static_tags=mapcss_static_tags, dynamic_tags=mapcss_dynamic_tags) # Build optimization tree - class/type -> StyleChoosers for cl in class_order: clname = cl if cl.find('-') == -1 else cl[:cl.find('-')] cltags = classificator[cl] style.build_choosers_tree(clname, "line", cltags) style.build_choosers_tree(clname, "area", cltags) style.build_choosers_tree(clname, "node", cltags) style.restore_choosers_order("line") style.restore_choosers_order("area") style.restore_choosers_order("node") # Get colors section from style style_colors = {} raw_style_colors = style.get_colors() if raw_style_colors is not None: unique_style_colors = set() for k in list(raw_style_colors.keys()): unique_style_colors.add(k[:k.rindex('-')]) for k in unique_style_colors: style_colors[k] = mwm_encode_color(colors, raw_style_colors, k) visibility = {} bgpos = 0 dr_linecaps = {'none': BUTTCAP, 'butt': BUTTCAP, 'round': ROUNDCAP} dr_linejoins = {'none': NOJOIN, 'bevel': BEVELJOIN, 'round': ROUNDJOIN} # Build drules tree drules = ContainerProto() dr_cont = None if MULTIPROCESSING: pool = Pool() imapfunc = pool.imap else: imapfunc = itertools.imap if style_colors: for k, v in style_colors.items(): color_proto = ColorElementProto() = k color_proto.color = v color_proto.x = 0 color_proto.y = 0 drules.colors.value.extend([color_proto]) all_draw_elements = set() for results in imapfunc(query_style, ((cl, classificator[cl], options.minzoom, options.maxzoom) for cl in class_order)): for result in results: cl, zoom, has_icons_for_areas, runtime_conditions, zstyle = result if dr_cont is not None and != cl: if dr_cont.element: drules.cont.extend([dr_cont]) visibility["world|" + class_tree[] + "|"] = "".join(visstring) dr_cont = None if dr_cont is None: dr_cont = ClassifElementProto() = cl visstring = ["0"] * (options.maxzoom - options.minzoom + 1) if len(zstyle) == 0: continue has_lines = False has_icons = False has_fills = False for st in zstyle: st = dict([(k, v) for k, v in st.items() if str(v).strip(" 0.")]) if 'width' in st or 'pattern-image' in st: has_lines = True if 'icon-image' in st or 'symbol-shape' in st or 'symbol-image' in st: has_icons = True if 'fill-color' in st: has_fills = True has_text = None txfmt = [] for st in zstyle: if st.get('text') and st.get('text') != 'none' and not st.get('text') in txfmt: txfmt.append(st.get('text')) if has_text is None: has_text = [] has_text.append(st) if (not has_lines) and (not has_text) and (not has_fills) and (not has_icons): continue visstring[zoom] = "1" dr_element = DrawElementProto() dr_element.scale = zoom if runtime_conditions: for rc in runtime_conditions: dr_element.apply_if.append(str(rc)) for st in zstyle: if st.get('-x-kot-layer') == 'top': st['z-index'] = float(st.get('z-index', 0)) + 15001. elif st.get('-x-kot-layer') == 'bottom': st['z-index'] = float(st.get('z-index', 0)) - 15001. if st.get('casing-width') not in (None, 0): # and (st.get('width') or st.get('fill-color')): if has_lines and st.get('casing-linecap', 'butt') == 'butt': dr_line = LineRuleProto() dr_line.width = (st.get('width', 0) * WIDTH_SCALE) + (st.get('casing-width') * WIDTH_SCALE * 2) dr_line.color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, "casing") if '-x-me-casing-line-priority' in st: dr_line.priority = int(st.get('-x-me-casing-line-priority')) else: dr_line.priority = min(int(st.get('z-index', 0) + 999), 20000) dashes = st.get('casing-dashes', st.get('dashes', [])) dr_line.dashdot.dd.extend(dashes) addPattern(dr_line.dashdot.dd) dr_line.cap = dr_linecaps.get(st.get('casing-linecap', 'butt'), BUTTCAP) dr_line.join = dr_linejoins.get(st.get('casing-linejoin', 'round'), ROUNDJOIN) dr_element.lines.extend([dr_line]) if has_fills and 'fill-color' in st and float(st.get('fill-opacity', 1)) > 0: dr_element.area.border.color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, "casing") dr_element.area.border.width = st.get('casing-width', 0) * WIDTH_SCALE # Let's try without this additional line style overhead. Needed only for casing in road endings. # if st.get('casing-linecap', st.get('linecap', 'round')) != 'butt': # dr_line = LineRuleProto() # dr_line.width = (st.get('width', 0) * WIDTH_SCALE) + (st.get('casing-width') * WIDTH_SCALE * 2) # dr_line.color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, "casing") # dr_line.priority = -15000 # dashes = st.get('casing-dashes', st.get('dashes', [])) # dr_line.dashdot.dd.extend(dashes) # dr_line.cap = dr_linecaps.get(st.get('casing-linecap', 'round'), ROUNDCAP) # dr_line.join = dr_linejoins.get(st.get('casing-linejoin', 'round'), ROUNDJOIN) # dr_element.lines.extend([dr_line]) if has_lines: if st.get('width'): dr_line = LineRuleProto() dr_line.width = (st.get('width', 0) * WIDTH_SCALE) dr_line.color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st) for i in st.get('dashes', []): dr_line.dashdot.dd.extend([max(float(i), 1) * WIDTH_SCALE]) addPattern(dr_line.dashdot.dd) dr_line.cap = dr_linecaps.get(st.get('linecap', 'butt'), BUTTCAP) dr_line.join = dr_linejoins.get(st.get('linejoin', 'round'), ROUNDJOIN) if '-x-me-line-priority' in st: dr_line.priority = int(st.get('-x-me-line-priority')) else: dr_line.priority = min((int(st.get('z-index', 0)) + 1000), 20000) dr_element.lines.extend([dr_line]) if st.get('pattern-image'): dr_line = LineRuleProto() dr_line.width = 0 dr_line.color = 0 icon = mwm_encode_image(st, prefix='pattern') = icon[0] dr_line.pathsym.step = float(st.get('pattern-spacing', 0)) - 16 dr_line.pathsym.offset = st.get('pattern-offset', 0) if '-x-me-line-priority' in st: dr_line.priority = int(st.get('-x-me-line-priority')) else: dr_line.priority = int(st.get('z-index', 0)) + 1000 dr_element.lines.extend([dr_line]) if st.get('shield-font-size'): dr_element.shield.height = int(st.get('shield-font-size', 10)) dr_element.shield.text_color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, "shield-text") if st.get('shield-text-halo-radius', 0) != 0: dr_element.shield.text_stroke_color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, "shield-text-halo", "white") dr_element.shield.color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, "shield") if st.get('shield-outline-radius', 0) != 0: dr_element.shield.stroke_color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, "shield-outline", "white") if '-x-me-shield-priority' in st: dr_element.shield.priority = int(st.get('-x-me-shield-priority')) else: dr_element.shield.priority = min(19100, (16000 + int(st.get('z-index', 0)))) if st.get('shield-min-distance', 0) != 0: dr_element.shield.min_distance = int(st.get('shield-min-distance', 0)) if has_icons: if st.get('icon-image'): if not has_icons_for_areas: dr_element.symbol.apply_for_type = 1 icon = mwm_encode_image(st) = icon[0] if '-x-me-icon-priority' in st: dr_element.symbol.priority = int(st.get('-x-me-icon-priority')) else: dr_element.symbol.priority = min(19100, (16000 + int(st.get('z-index', 0)))) if 'icon-min-distance' in st: dr_element.symbol.min_distance = int(st.get('icon-min-distance', 0)) has_icons = False if st.get('symbol-shape'): = float(st.get('symbol-size')) = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, 'symbol-fill') if '-x-me-symbol-priority' in st: = int(st.get('-x-me-symbol-priority')) else: = min(19000, (14000 + int(st.get('z-index', 0)))) has_icons = False if has_text and st.get('text') and st.get('text') != 'none': has_text = has_text[:2] has_text.reverse() dr_text = dr_element.path_text base_z = 15000 if st.get('text-position', 'center') == 'line': dr_text = dr_element.path_text base_z = 16000 else: dr_text = dr_element.caption for sp in has_text[:]: dr_cur_subtext = dr_text.primary if len(has_text) == 2: dr_cur_subtext = dr_text.secondary dr_cur_subtext.height = int(float(sp.get('font-size', "10").split(",")[0])) dr_cur_subtext.color = mwm_encode_color(colors, sp, "text") if st.get('text-halo-radius', 0) != 0: dr_cur_subtext.stroke_color = mwm_encode_color(colors, sp, "text-halo", "white") if 'text-offset' in sp or 'text-offset-y' in sp: dr_cur_subtext.offset_y = int(sp.get('text-offset-y', sp.get('text-offset', 0))) if 'text-offset-x' in sp: dr_cur_subtext.offset_x = int(sp.get('text-offset-x', 0)) if 'text' in sp and sp.get('text') != 'name': dr_cur_subtext.text = sp.get('text') if 'text-optional' in sp: is_valid, value = to_boolean(sp.get('text-optional', '')) if is_valid: dr_cur_subtext.is_optional = value else: dr_cur_subtext.is_optional = True has_text.pop() if '-x-me-text-priority' in st: dr_text.priority = int(st.get('-x-me-text-priority')) else: dr_text.priority = min(19000, (base_z + int(st.get('z-index', 0)))) has_text = None if has_fills: if ('fill-color' in st) and (float(st.get('fill-opacity', 1)) > 0): dr_element.area.color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, "fill") priority = 0 if st.get('fill-position', 'foreground') == 'background': if 'z-index' not in st: bgpos -= 1 priority = bgpos - 16000 else: zzz = int(st.get('z-index', 0)) if zzz > 0: priority = zzz - 16000 else: priority = zzz - 16700 else: priority = (int(st.get('z-index', 0)) + 1 + 1000) if '-x-me-area-priority' in st: dr_element.area.priority = int(st.get('-x-me-area-priority')) else: dr_element.area.priority = priority has_fills = False str_dr_element = + "/" + str(dr_element) if str_dr_element not in all_draw_elements: all_draw_elements.add(str_dr_element) dr_cont.element.extend([dr_element]) if dr_cont is not None: if dr_cont.element: drules.cont.extend([dr_cont]) visibility["world|" + class_tree[cl] + "|"] = "".join(visstring) # Write drules_proto.bin and drules_proto.txt files drules_bin = open(os.path.join(options.outfile + '.bin'), "wb") drules_bin.write(drules.SerializeToString()) drules_bin.close() if options.txt: drules_txt = open(os.path.join(options.outfile + '.txt'), "wb") drules_txt.write(str(drules).encode()) drules_txt.close() # Write classificator.txt and visibility.txt files visnodes = set() for k, v in visibility.items(): vis = k.split("|") for i in range(1, len(vis) - 1): visnodes.add("|".join(vis[0:i]) + "|") viskeys = list(set(list(visibility.keys()) + list(visnodes))) def cmprepl(a, b): if a == b: return 0 a = a.replace("|", "-") b = b.replace("|", "-") if a > b: return 1 return -1 viskeys.sort(key=functools.cmp_to_key(cmprepl)) visibility_file = open(os.path.join(ddir, 'visibility.txt'), "w") classificator_file = open(os.path.join(ddir, 'classificator.txt'), "w") oldoffset = "" for k in viskeys: offset = " " * (k.count("|") - 1) for i in range(int(len(oldoffset) / 4), int(len(offset) / 4), -1): print(" " * i + "{}", file=visibility_file) print(" " * i + "{}", file=classificator_file) oldoffset = offset end = "-" if k in visnodes: end = "+" print(offset + k.split("|")[-2] + " " + visibility.get(k, "0" * (options.maxzoom + 1)) + " " + end, file=visibility_file) print(offset + k.split("|")[-2] + " " + end, file=classificator_file) for i in range(int(len(offset) / 4), 0, -1): print(" " * i + "{}", file=visibility_file) print(" " * i + "{}", file=classificator_file) visibility_file.close() classificator_file.close() colors_file = open(colors_file_name, "w") for c in sorted(colors): colors_file.write("%d\n" % (c)) colors_file.close() patterns_file = open(patterns_file_name, "w") for p in patterns: patterns_file.write("%s\n" % (' '.join(str(elem) for elem in p))) patterns_file.close()
def komap_mapswithme(options): ddir = os.path.dirname(options.outfile) classificator = {} class_order = [] class_tree = {} colors_file_name = os.path.join(ddir, 'colors.txt') colors = set() if os.path.exists(colors_file_name): colors_in_file = open(colors_file_name, "r") for colorLine in colors_in_file: colors.add(int(colorLine)) colors_in_file.close() patterns = [] def addPattern(dashes): if dashes and dashes not in patterns: patterns.append(dashes) patterns_file_name = os.path.join(ddir, 'patterns.txt') if os.path.exists(patterns_file_name): patterns_in_file = open(patterns_file_name, "r") for patternsLine in patterns_in_file: addPattern([float(x) for x in patternsLine.split()]) patterns_in_file.close() # Build classificator tree from mapcss-mapping.csv file types_file = open(os.path.join(ddir, 'types.txt'), "w") # Mapcss-mapping format # # A CSV table mapping tags to types. Some types can be deemed obsolete, either completely or replaced with a different type. # # Example row: highway|bus_stop;[highway=bus_stop];;name;int_name;22; (mind the last semicolon!) # It contains: # - type name: "highway|bus_stop" ('|' is converted to '-' internally) # - mapcss selector for tags: "[highway=bus_stop]" (you can group selectors and use e.g. [oneway?]) # - "x" for an obsolete type or an empty cell otherwise # - primary title tag (usually "name") # - secondary title tag (usually "int_name") # - type id, sequential starting from 1 # - replacement type for an obsolete tag, if exists # # A shorter format for above example: highway|bus_stop;22; # It leaves only columns 1, 6 and 7. For obsolete types with no replacement put "x" into the last column. # Obviously it works only for simple types that are produced from tags replacing '=' with '|'. # # An example of type with replacement: # highway|unsurfaced|disused;[highway=unsurfaced][disused?];x;name;int_name;838;highway|unclassified cnt = 1 unique_types_check = set() for row in csv.reader(open(os.path.join(ddir, 'mapcss-mapping.csv')), delimiter=';'): if len(row) <= 1: # Allow for empty lines and comments that do not contain ';' symbol continue if len(row) == 3: # Short format: type name, type id, x / replacement type name tag = row[0].replace('|', '=') obsolete = len(row[2].strip()) > 0 row = (row[0], '[{0}]'.format(tag), 'x' if obsolete else '', 'name', 'int_name', row[1], row[2] if row[2] != 'x' else '') if len(row) != 7: raise Exception('Expecting 3 or 7 columns in mapcss-mapping: {0}'.format(';'.join(row))) if int(row[5]) < cnt: raise Exception('Wrong type id: {0}'.format(';'.join(row))) while int(row[5]) > cnt: print >> types_file, "mapswithme" cnt += 1 cnt += 1 cl = row[0].replace("|", "-") if cl in unique_types_check and row[2] != 'x': raise Exception('Duplicate type: {0}'.format(row[0])) pairs = [i.strip(']').split("=") for i in row[1].split(',')[0].split('[')] kv = {} for i in pairs: if len(i) == 1: if i[0]: if i[0][0] == "!": kv[i[0][1:].strip('?')] = "no" else: kv[i[0].strip('?')] = "yes" else: kv[i[0]] = i[1] classificator[cl] = kv if row[2] != "x": class_order.append(cl) unique_types_check.add(cl) print >> types_file, row[0] else: # compatibility mode if row[6]: print >> types_file, row[6] else: print >> types_file, "mapswithme" class_tree[cl] = row[0] class_order.sort() types_file.close() # Get all mapcss static tags which are used in mapcss-mapping.csv mapcss_static_tags = set() for v in classificator.values(): for t in v.keys(): mapcss_static_tags.add(t) # Get all mapcss dynamic tags from mapcss-dynamic.txt mapcss_dynamic_tags = set([line.rstrip() for line in open(os.path.join(ddir, 'mapcss-dynamic.txt'))]) # Parse style mapcss global style style = MapCSS(options.minzoom, options.maxzoom + 1) style.parse(filename = options.filename, static_tags = mapcss_static_tags, dynamic_tags = mapcss_dynamic_tags) # Build optimization tree - class/type -> StyleChoosers for cl in class_order: clname = cl if cl.find('-') == -1 else cl[:cl.find('-')] cltags = classificator[cl] style.build_choosers_tree(clname, "line", cltags) style.build_choosers_tree(clname, "area", cltags) style.build_choosers_tree(clname, "node", cltags) style.restore_choosers_order("line") style.restore_choosers_order("area") style.restore_choosers_order("node") visibility = {} bgpos = 0 dr_linecaps = {'none': BUTTCAP, 'butt': BUTTCAP, 'round': ROUNDCAP} dr_linejoins = {'none': NOJOIN, 'bevel': BEVELJOIN, 'round': ROUNDJOIN} # Build drules tree drules = ContainerProto() dr_cont = None if MULTIPROCESSING: pool = Pool() imapfunc = pool.imap else: imapfunc = itertools.imap for results in imapfunc(query_style, ((cl, classificator[cl], options.minzoom, options.maxzoom) for cl in class_order)): for result in results: cl, zoom, has_icons_for_areas, runtime_conditions, zstyle = result if dr_cont is not None and != cl: if dr_cont.element: drules.cont.extend([dr_cont]) visibility["world|" + class_tree[] + "|"] = "".join(visstring) dr_cont = None if dr_cont is None: dr_cont = ClassifElementProto() = cl visstring = ["0"] * (options.maxzoom - options.minzoom + 1) if len(zstyle) == 0: continue has_lines = False has_icons = False has_fills = False for st in zstyle: st = dict([(k, v) for k, v in st.iteritems() if str(v).strip(" 0.")]) if 'width' in st or 'pattern-image' in st: has_lines = True if 'icon-image' in st or 'symbol-shape' in st or 'symbol-image' in st: has_icons = True if 'fill-color' in st: has_fills = True has_text = None txfmt = [] for st in zstyle: if st.get('text') and st.get('text') != 'none' and not st.get('text') in txfmt: txfmt.append(st.get('text')) if has_text is None: has_text = [] has_text.append(st) if (not has_lines) and (not has_text) and (not has_fills) and (not has_icons): continue visstring[zoom] = "1" dr_element = DrawElementProto() dr_element.scale = zoom if runtime_conditions: for rc in runtime_conditions: dr_element.apply_if.append(str(rc)) for st in zstyle: if st.get('-x-kot-layer') == 'top': st['z-index'] = float(st.get('z-index', 0)) + 15001. elif st.get('-x-kot-layer') == 'bottom': st['z-index'] = float(st.get('z-index', 0)) - 15001. if st.get('casing-width') not in (None, 0): # and (st.get('width') or st.get('fill-color')): if st.get('casing-linecap', 'butt') == 'butt': dr_line = LineRuleProto() dr_line.width = (st.get('width', 0) * WIDTH_SCALE) + (st.get('casing-width') * WIDTH_SCALE * 2) dr_line.color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, "casing") if '-x-me-casing-line-priority' in st: dr_line.priority = int(st.get('-x-me-casing-line-priority')) else: dr_line.priority = min(int(st.get('z-index', 0) + 999), 20000) dashes = st.get('casing-dashes', st.get('dashes', [])) dr_line.dashdot.dd.extend(dashes) addPattern(dr_line.dashdot.dd) dr_line.cap = dr_linecaps.get(st.get('casing-linecap', 'butt'), BUTTCAP) dr_line.join = dr_linejoins.get(st.get('casing-linejoin', 'round'), ROUNDJOIN) dr_element.lines.extend([dr_line]) # Let's try without this additional line style overhead. Needed only for casing in road endings. # if st.get('casing-linecap', st.get('linecap', 'round')) != 'butt': # dr_line = LineRuleProto() # dr_line.width = (st.get('width', 0) * WIDTH_SCALE) + (st.get('casing-width') * WIDTH_SCALE * 2) # dr_line.color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, "casing") # dr_line.priority = -15000 # dashes = st.get('casing-dashes', st.get('dashes', [])) # dr_line.dashdot.dd.extend(dashes) # dr_line.cap = dr_linecaps.get(st.get('casing-linecap', 'round'), ROUNDCAP) # dr_line.join = dr_linejoins.get(st.get('casing-linejoin', 'round'), ROUNDJOIN) # dr_element.lines.extend([dr_line]) if has_lines: if st.get('width'): dr_line = LineRuleProto() dr_line.width = (st.get('width', 0) * WIDTH_SCALE) dr_line.color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st) for i in st.get('dashes', []): dr_line.dashdot.dd.extend([max(float(i), 1) * WIDTH_SCALE]) addPattern(dr_line.dashdot.dd) dr_line.cap = dr_linecaps.get(st.get('linecap', 'butt'), BUTTCAP) dr_line.join = dr_linejoins.get(st.get('linejoin', 'round'), ROUNDJOIN) if '-x-me-line-priority' in st: dr_line.priority = int(st.get('-x-me-line-priority')) else: dr_line.priority = min((int(st.get('z-index', 0)) + 1000), 20000) dr_element.lines.extend([dr_line]) if st.get('pattern-image'): dr_line = LineRuleProto() dr_line.width = 0 dr_line.color = 0 icon = mwm_encode_image(st, prefix='pattern') = icon[0] dr_line.pathsym.step = float(st.get('pattern-spacing', 0)) - 16 dr_line.pathsym.offset = st.get('pattern-offset', 0) if '-x-me-line-priority' in st: dr_line.priority = int(st.get('-x-me-line-priority')) else: dr_line.priority = int(st.get('z-index', 0)) + 1000 dr_element.lines.extend([dr_line]) if st.get('shield-font-size'): dr_element.shield.height = int(st.get('shield-font-size', 10)) dr_element.shield.color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, "shield-text") if st.get('shield-text-halo-radius', 0) != 0: dr_element.shield.stroke_color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, "shield-text-halo", "white") if '-x-me-shield-priority' in st: dr_element.shield.priority = int(st.get('-x-me-shield-priority')) else: dr_element.shield.priority = min(19100, (16000 + int(st.get('z-index', 0)))) if st.get('shield-min-distance', 0) != 0: dr_element.shield.min_distance = int(st.get('shield-min-distance', 0)) if has_icons: if st.get('icon-image'): if not has_icons_for_areas: dr_element.symbol.apply_for_type = 1 icon = mwm_encode_image(st) = icon[0] if '-x-me-icon-priority' in st: dr_element.symbol.priority = int(st.get('-x-me-icon-priority')) else: dr_element.symbol.priority = min(19100, (16000 + int(st.get('z-index', 0)))) if 'icon-min-distance' in st: dr_element.symbol.min_distance = int(st.get('icon-min-distance', 0)) has_icons = False if st.get('symbol-shape'): = float(st.get('symbol-size')) = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, 'symbol-fill') if '-x-me-symbol-priority' in st: = int(st.get('-x-me-symbol-priority')) else: = min(19000, (14000 + int(st.get('z-index', 0)))) has_icons = False if has_text and st.get('text') and st.get('text') != 'none': has_text = has_text[:2] has_text.reverse() dr_text = dr_element.path_text base_z = 15000 if st.get('text-position', 'center') == 'line': dr_text = dr_element.path_text base_z = 16000 else: dr_text = dr_element.caption for sp in has_text[:]: dr_cur_subtext = dr_text.primary if len(has_text) == 2: dr_cur_subtext = dr_text.secondary dr_cur_subtext.height = int(float(sp.get('font-size', "10").split(",")[0])) dr_cur_subtext.color = mwm_encode_color(colors, sp, "text") if st.get('text-halo-radius', 0) != 0: dr_cur_subtext.stroke_color = mwm_encode_color(colors, sp, "text-halo", "white") if 'text-offset' in sp or 'text-offset-y' in sp: dr_cur_subtext.offset_y = int(sp.get('text-offset-y', sp.get('text-offset', 0))) if 'text-offset-x' in sp: dr_cur_subtext.offset_x = int(sp.get('text-offset-x', 0)) if 'text' in sp and sp.get('text') != 'name': dr_cur_subtext.text = sp.get('text') if 'text-optional' in sp: is_valid, value = to_boolean(sp.get('text-optional', '')) if is_valid: dr_cur_subtext.is_optional = value has_text.pop() if '-x-me-text-priority' in st: dr_text.priority = int(st.get('-x-me-text-priority')) else: dr_text.priority = min(19000, (base_z + int(st.get('z-index', 0)))) has_text = None if has_fills: if ('fill-color' in st) and (float(st.get('fill-opacity', 1)) > 0): dr_element.area.color = mwm_encode_color(colors, st, "fill") priority = 0 if st.get('fill-position', 'foreground') == 'background': if 'z-index' not in st: bgpos -= 1 priority = bgpos - 16000 else: zzz = int(st.get('z-index', 0)) if zzz > 0: priority = zzz - 16000 else: priority = zzz - 16700 else: priority = (int(st.get('z-index', 0)) + 1 + 1000) if '-x-me-area-priority' in st: dr_element.area.priority = int(st.get('-x-me-area-priority')) else: dr_element.area.priority = priority has_fills = False dr_cont.element.extend([dr_element]) if dr_cont is not None: if dr_cont.element: drules.cont.extend([dr_cont]) visibility["world|" + class_tree[cl] + "|"] = "".join(visstring) # Write drules_proto.bin and drules_proto.txt files drules_bin = open(os.path.join(options.outfile + '.bin'), "wb") drules_bin.write(drules.SerializeToString()) drules_bin.close() if options.txt: drules_txt = open(os.path.join(options.outfile + '.txt'), "wb") drules_txt.write(unicode(drules)) drules_txt.close() # Write classificator.txt and visibility.txt files visnodes = set() for k, v in visibility.iteritems(): vis = k.split("|") for i in range(1, len(vis) - 1): visnodes.add("|".join(vis[0:i]) + "|") viskeys = list(set(visibility.keys() + list(visnodes))) def cmprepl(a, b): if a == b: return 0 a = a.replace("|", "-") b = b.replace("|", "-") if a > b: return 1 return -1 viskeys.sort(cmprepl) visibility_file = open(os.path.join(ddir, 'visibility.txt'), "w") classificator_file = open(os.path.join(ddir, 'classificator.txt'), "w") oldoffset = "" for k in viskeys: offset = " " * (k.count("|") - 1) for i in range(len(oldoffset) / 4, len(offset) / 4, -1): print >> visibility_file, " " * i + "{}" print >> classificator_file, " " * i + "{}" oldoffset = offset end = "-" if k in visnodes: end = "+" print >> visibility_file, offset + k.split("|")[-2] + " " + visibility.get(k, "0" * (options.maxzoom + 1)) + " " + end print >> classificator_file, offset + k.split("|")[-2] + " " + end for i in range(len(offset) / 4, 0, -1): print >> visibility_file, " " * i + "{}" print >> classificator_file, " " * i + "{}" visibility_file.close() classificator_file.close() colors_file = open(colors_file_name, "w") for c in sorted(colors): colors_file.write("%d\n" % (c)) colors_file.close() patterns_file = open(patterns_file_name, "w") for p in patterns: patterns_file.write("%s\n" % (' '.join(str(elem) for elem in p))) patterns_file.close()