def do_live_demo(filename='demodata.npy', sealevel=7.0, steps=42, fps=30, save_fig=False): import string fps_clock = pygame.time.Clock() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(RESOLUTION, pygame.DOUBLEBUF) scene = m.Map(filename, sealevel, True) look_at = np.array([31, 33, 21]) cam = c.Camera(position=np.array([ scene.positions[:, 0].mean(), -2 * np.ceil(scene.positions[:, 2].max()) - 9.0, 2 * np.ceil(scene.positions[:, 2].max()) + 6.0 ]), screen=c.Screen(resolution=np.array(RESOLUTION))) shader = s.Shader(cam) angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, steps + 1) R = np.linalg.norm(cam.position[:2] - look_at[:2]) for N, a in enumerate(angles): screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) cam.position = np.array([np.sin(a) * R + 31, np.cos(a) * R + 33, 42]) cam.look_at_point(look_at) # pixels = cam.get_screen_coordinates(scene.positions) colours = shader.apply_lighting(scene.positions, scene.normals, scene.colours.copy()) patches, depth = cam.get_screen_coordinates(scene.patches) order = np.argsort(-((scene.positions - cam.position)**2).mean(-1)) for n in order: # Use this to render point cloud in uniform colour: # screen.set_at(np.round(pixels[n]).astype(, (204, 0, 0)) # Use this to render point cloud in shaded colours (not pretty): # screen.set_at(np.round(pixels[n]).astype(, colours[n, :]) # Use this to render patches: pygame.draw.polygon(screen, colours[n], patches[n]) pygame.display.flip() if save_fig:, 'out/{0}.png'.format(string.zfill(str(N), 2))) fps_clock.tick(fps)
def main(): screen = pygame.display.set_mode([500, 500]) m = mapper.Map(1785852800490497919) m.set_name("Diamond Seed") m.set_coordiantes(237, 64, 113) running = True while running: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False screen.fill((255, 255, 255)), (0, 0, 255), (m.coordinates.x, m.coordinates.z), 5) pygame.display.flip()
def __init__(self, Map): self.canvas = Canvas(Map, bg="#4c94a1") self.canvas.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH, padx=3, pady=3) = mapper.Map(self.canvas, 30, 30, 30) #events initialisations self.canvas.bind('<Motion>', self.canvas_hover) self.canvas.bind('<B3-Motion>', self.canvas.bind('<Button-3>', = (0, 0) self.start_right_click = (0, 0) #painter initialisation self.painter = self.canvas.create_oval(5, 5, 10, 10, fill="black") self.painter_size = IntVar() self.painter_type = 0 self.tree = 1 #map initialisation
def do_demo(filename='demodata.npy', cam=None, look_at=None, sealevel=0): screen = pygame.display.set_mode(RESOLUTION, pygame.DOUBLEBUF) scene = m.Map(filename, sealevel) if cam is None: cam = c.Camera(position=np.array([ scene.positions[:, 0].mean(), -2 * np.ceil(scene.positions[:, 2].max()) - 9.0, 2 * np.ceil(scene.positions[:, 2].max()) + 6.0 ]), screen=c.Screen(resolution=np.array(RESOLUTION))) shader = s.Shader(cam) if look_at is not None: cam.look_at_point(look_at) # pixels = cam.get_screen_coordinates(scene.positions) colours = shader.apply_lighting(scene.positions, scene.normals, scene.colours.copy()) patches, depth = cam.get_screen_coordinates(scene.patches) order = np.argsort(-((scene.positions - cam.position)**2).mean(-1)) for n in order: # Use this to render point cloud in uniform colour: # screen.set_at(np.round(pixels[n]).astype(, (204, 0, 0)) # Use this to render point cloud in shaded colours (not pretty): # screen.set_at(np.round(pixels[n]).astype(, colours[n, :]) # Use this to render patches: pygame.draw.polygon(screen, colours[n], patches[n]) pygame.display.flip() return scene, cam
def do_brand_demo(filename='zdata.npy', sealevel=0.0, steps=42, fps=30, save_fig=False, frames=None): import string fps_clock = pygame.time.Clock() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(RESOLUTION, pygame.DOUBLEBUF) scene = m.Map(filename, sealevel, True) look_at = np.array([63.5, 63.5, 6.0]) cam = c.Camera(position=np.array([54.5, 63.5, 6.0]), screen=c.Screen(resolution=np.array(RESOLUTION))) shader = s.Shader(cam) fighter = o.FireFighter() fighter.position = np.array([63.5, 63.5, 6.0]) house = o.House() house.position = np.array([58.5, 67, 2.23]) house.yaw = np.pi / 8 angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, steps + 1) R = np.linalg.norm(cam.position[:2] - look_at[:2]) for N, a in enumerate(angles): screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) cam.position = np.array( [np.sin(a) * R + 63.5, np.cos(a) * R + 63.5, 6.0]) cam.look_at_point(look_at) colours = shader.apply_lighting(scene.positions, scene.normals, scene.colours.copy()) patches, depth = cam.get_screen_coordinates(scene.patches) order = np.argsort(-((scene.positions - cam.position)**2).mean(-1)) for n in order: if ((depth[n].mean() > 0 and patches[n] >= 0).any() and (patches[n, :, 0] < RESOLUTION[0]).any() and (patches[n, :, 1] < RESOLUTION[1]).any()): pygame.draw.polygon(screen, colours[n], patches[n]) fighter.yaw = a fighter.pitch = a fighter.roll = a colours = shader.apply_lighting(fighter.positions, fighter.normals, fighter.colours.copy()) patches, depth = cam.get_screen_coordinates(fighter.patches) order = np.argsort(-((fighter.positions - cam.position)**2).mean(-1)) for n in order: if (colours[n, 3] and depth[n].mean() > 0 and (patches[n] >= 0).any() and (patches[n, :, 0] < RESOLUTION[0]).any() and (patches[n, :, 1] < RESOLUTION[1]).any()): pygame.draw.polygon(screen, colours[n], patches[n]) colours = shader.apply_lighting(house.positions, house.normals, house.colours.copy()) patches, depth = cam.get_screen_coordinates(house.patches) order = np.argsort(-((house.positions - cam.position)**2).mean(-1)) for n in order: if (colours[n, 3] and depth[n].mean() > 0 and (patches[n] >= 0).any() and (patches[n, :, 0] < RESOLUTION[0]).any() and (patches[n, :, 1] < RESOLUTION[1]).any()): pygame.draw.polygon(screen, colours[n], patches[n]) pygame.display.flip() if save_fig:, 'out/{0}.png'.format(string.zfill(str(N), 2))) the_tick = fps_clock.tick(fps) print "Frame update time: {0} ms".format(the_tick) if frames is not None: frames.append(the_tick / 1000.0)