def upload(self): #read# file = open(self.tfile_path, 'r') lines = file.readlines() file.close() #load# self.tpath = lines[0].replace('tpath: ', '')[0:-1] self.machine[0] = lines[1].replace('machine0: ', '')[0:-1] self.machine[1] = lines[2].replace('machine1: ', '')[0:-1] self.path[0] = lines[3].replace('path0: ', '')[0:-1] self.path[1] = lines[4].replace('path1: ', '')[0:-1] exclusions = lines[5].replace('exclusions: ', '')[0:-1] if exclusions != '': exclusions = exclusions.split('|') else: exclusions = [] self.exclusions[0] = [] self.exclusions[1] = [] for exclusion in exclusions: self.exclusions[0].append(self.path[0] + exclusion) self.exclusions[1].append(self.path[1] + exclusion) self.mpath[0] = mapping.MappedPath( mpath_str=lines[6].replace('mpath0: ', '')[0:-1]) self.mpath[1] = mapping.MappedPath( mpath_str=lines[7].replace('mpath1: ', '')[0:-1]) self.changes[0] = changes.upload_changes(lines[8].replace( 'changes0: ', '')[0:-1]) self.changes[1] = changes.upload_changes(lines[9].replace( 'changes1: ', '')[0:-1])
def __init__(self, name, path, new=False): if path != '' and name != '': path = path self.tfile_path = path + '\\' + name self.tpath = 0 self.machine = [0, 0] self.path = [0, 0] self.exclusions = [0, 0] self.mpath = [0, 0] self.changes = [0, 0] if new: self.tpath = path self.machine[0] = '' self.machine[1] = '' self.path[0] = '' self.path[1] = '' self.exclusions[0] = [] self.exclusions[1] = [] self.mpath[0] = mapping.MappedPath(mpath_str='a*a*0*0*False<>') self.mpath[1] = mapping.MappedPath(mpath_str='a*a*0*0*False<>') self.changes[0] = changes.empty_changes self.changes[1] = changes.empty_changes
def make_ctime_unique(mpath, mpath_check): while True: if mpath.search_dup(mpath_check) != None: # while duplicate exists #### get duplicate #### mpath_dup_pos = mpath.search_dup(mpath_check) mpath_dup = mpath.get_mpath_at(mpath_dup_pos) #### mod duplicate #### resources.mod_ctime( mpath_dup.path) # iterate duplicate ctime by a nanosecond mpath.update_mpath_at(mapping.MappedPath(mpath_dup.path), mpath_dup_pos) # update mpath duplicate make_ctime_unique(mpath, mpath_dup) # check duplicate for duplicates else: break
print('transfile testing\n') #switches# transfile_switch = True cleanup_switch = False #tests# if transfile_switch: disp_test_title('make new') tfile = TransFile('', '', new=True) tfile.tpath = 'D:\\Transfer' tfile.path[0] = 'testdir\\original' tfile.path[1] = 'testdir\\remix' tfile.exclusions[0].append('testdir\\original\\symb') tfile.exclusions[1].append('testdir\\remix\\symb') tfile.mpath[0] = mapping.MappedPath(tfile.path[0], exclusions=tfile.exclusions[0]) tfile.mpath[1] = mapping.MappedPath(tfile.path[1], exclusions=tfile.exclusions[1]) print('tpath: {}'.format(tfile.tpath)) print('path0: {}'.format(tfile.path[0])) print('path1: {}'.format(tfile.path[1])) print('exclusions: {}'.format(tfile.exclusions)) print('mpath0: {}'.format(tfile.mpath[0].get_mpath_str())) print('mpath1: {}'.format(tfile.mpath[1].get_mpath_str())) print('changes0: {}'.format(tfile.changes[0])) print('changes1: {}'.format(tfile.changes[1])) disp_test_output(tfile) disp_test_title('download') disp_test_output('check for \"\"')
def transfer(name, path): tfile = load.TransFile(name, path) tfile.upload() local_m = -1 exterior_m = -1 #get host computer# if os.environ['COMPUTERNAME'] == tfile.machine[0]: local_m = 0 exterior_m = 1 elif os.environ['COMPUTERNAME'] == tfile.machine[1]: local_m = 1 exterior_m = 0 #CHECK# - get any changes on the local machine #var# old_mpath = tfile.mpath[local_m] new_mpath = mapping.MappedPath( tfile.path[local_m], exclusions=tfile.path[local_m] ) # get new new_mpath to compare to the old one old_changes = tfile.changes(local_m) new_changes = changes.empty_changes merged_changes = changes.empty_changes #check# binding.make_ctimes_unique( new_mpath) # make sure any new files have unique ctimes new_changes = changes.get_changes( tfile.mpath[local_m], new_mpath) # compare old_mpath to new_mpath tfile.mpath[local_m] = new_mpath if not changes.is_empty(old_changes): # if there are old changes merged_changes = changes.hard_merge_changes( tfile.changes[local_m], new_changes) # merge old_changes with new_changes tfile.changes[local_m] = merged_changes # add merged changes changes.make_trans_changes( tfile.changes[local_m], tfile.tpath, tfile.mpath[local_m] ) # make transitional changes so changes can be made elif not changes.is_empty( new_changes ): # if there are no old changes but there are new ones tfile.changes[local_m] = new_changes # add changes changes.make_trans_changes( tfile.changes[local_m], tfile.tpath, tfile.mpath[local_m] ) # make transitional changes so changes can be made #display# print('CHECK') print('old new_mpath: ' + new_mpath.get_mpath_str()) print('new new_mpath: ' + old_mpath.get_mpath_str()) print('') print('old changes(local):') for change in old_changes: change.display() print('') print('new changes(local):') for change in new_changes: change.display() print('') if not changes.is_empty(old_changes): # if there are old changes print('merged changes(local):') for change in new_changes: change.display() print('') #APPLY# - merge any changes on the local machine with changes on the exterior machine and apply merged exterior changes(staged changes) #var# local_changes = tfile.changes(local_m) exterior_changes = tfile.changes(exterior_m) merged_local_changes = changes.empty_changes staged_changes = changes.empty_changes #apply# if (not changes.is_empty(local_changes)) and ( not changes.is_empty(exterior_changes) ): # if there are changes on the local and exterior machine merged_local_changes, staged_changes = changes.soft_merge_changes( local_changes, exterior_changes) # merge local and exterior changes tfile.changes[local_m] = merged_local_changes changes.make_changes(staged_changes, tfile.tpath, tfile.mpath[local_m]) # apply staged changes tfile.changes[ exterior_m] = changes.empty_changes # clear exterior changes (applied) #display# print('APPLY') print('local changes:') for change in local_changes: change.display() print('') print('exterior changes:') for change in exterior_changes: change.display() print('') if (not changes.is_empty(local_changes)) and ( not changes.is_empty(exterior_changes) ): # if there are changes on the local and exterior machine print('merged local changes:') for change in merged_local_changes: change.display() print('') print('staged changes:') for change in staged_changes: change.display() print('') print('staged changes applied') else: print('no staged changes') #DOWNLOAD#
test_dir0 = 'C:\\Users\\JackPaul\\PycharmProjects\\Transpher\\testdir\\original' test_dir1 = 'C:\\Users\\JackPaul\\PycharmProjects\\Transpher\\testdir\\remix' #title# print('changes testing\n') #switches# get_changes_switch = False merge_changes_switch = False make_changes_switch = False output_switch = True #tests# if get_changes_switch: #init# mpath0 = mapping.MappedPath(test_dir0) binding.make_ctimes_unique(mpath0) resources.delete_file(test_dir1) resources.copy_file(test_dir0, test_dir1) binding.bind_paths(test_dir0, test_dir1) resources.make_file('C:\\Users\\JackPaul\\PycharmProjects\\Transpher\\testdir\\remix\\symb\\$.txt') # add resources.rename_file('/testdir/remix/numb/positive/a.txt', 'C:\\Users\\JackPaul\\PycharmProjects\\Transpher\\testdir\\remix\\numb\\positive\\a.txt') # move resources.write_file('C:\\Users\\JackPaul\\PycharmProjects\\Transpher\\testdir\\remix\\symb\\!.txt', 'no') # update resources.delete_file('C:\\Users\\JackPaul\\PycharmProjects\\Transpher\\testdir\\remix\\alpha\\d.txt') # del mpath1 = mapping.MappedPath(test_dir1) #tests# disp_test_title('get changes') changes = get_changes(mpath0, mpath1) print('output: ')