    def update_mapping(self, mapping, data):
        """ Update an existing mapping """

        # Generate the diff
        diffs = {}
        if 'retired' in data and mapping.retired != data['retired']:
            diffs['retired'] = {'was': mapping.retired, 'is': data['retired']}
        original = mapping.clone(self.user)
        serializer = MappingUpdateSerializer(
            mapping, data=data, context={'request': MockRequest(self.user)})
        if not serializer.is_valid():
            raise IllegalInputException(
                'Could not parse mapping to update mapping %s due to %s.' %
                (mapping.id, serializer.errors))
        mapping = serializer.object
        if 'retired' in diffs:
            mapping.retired = data['retired']
        diffs.update(Mapping.diff(original, mapping))

        # Update concept if different
        if diffs:
            if not self.test_mode:
                if not serializer.is_valid():
                    raise IllegalInputException(
                        'Could not persist update to mapping %s due to %s' %
                        (mapping.id, serializer.errors))

            return ImportActionHelper.IMPORT_ACTION_UPDATE

        # No diff, so do nothing
        return ImportActionHelper.IMPORT_ACTION_NONE
    def update_mapping(self, mapping, data):
        """ Update an existing mapping """

        # Generate the diff
        diffs = {}
        if 'retired' in data and mapping.retired != data['retired']:
            diffs['retired'] = {'was': mapping.retired, 'is': data['retired']}
        original = mapping.clone(self.user)
        serializer = MappingUpdateSerializer(
            mapping, data=data, context={'request': MockRequest(self.user)})
        if not serializer.is_valid():
            raise IllegalInputException(
                'Could not parse mapping to update mapping %s due to %s.' %
                (mapping.id, serializer.errors))
        mapping = serializer.object
        if 'retired' in diffs:
            mapping.retired = data['retired']
        diffs.update(Mapping.diff(original, mapping))

        # Update concept if different
        if diffs:
            if not self.test_mode:
                if not serializer.is_valid():
                    raise IllegalInputException(
                        'Could not persist update to mapping %s due to %s' %
                        (mapping.id, serializer.errors))

            return ImportActionHelper.IMPORT_ACTION_UPDATE

        # No diff, so do nothing
        return ImportActionHelper.IMPORT_ACTION_NONE