def __init__(self, name, ports, env_name=None): = name self.ports = ports self.env_name = env_name volume_name = get_volume_name(name) volumes = [ MarathonContainerVolume(container_path=volume_name, host_path=None, mode='RW', persistent={'size': 512}), MarathonContainerVolume(container_path='/var/lib/zookeeper', host_path=volume_name, mode='RW', persistent=None) ] constraints = [ MarathonConstraint(field='hostname', operator='LIKE', value='') ] residency = Residency(task_lost_behavior='WAIT_FOREVER') health_checks = [ MarathonHealthCheck(grace_period_seconds=300, interval_seconds=20, max_consecutive_failures=3, protocol='TCP', timeout_seconds=20, ignore_http1xx=False, port=ports[0]) ] cmd = 'export ZOO_SERVERS="{}" && / start-foreground' labels = { '_tonomi_application': 'zookeeper', '_client_conn_port': str(ports[0]), '_follower_conn_port': str(ports[1]), '_server_conn_port': str(ports[2]) } if self.env_name: labels['_tonomi_environment'] = self.env_name env = {'ZOO_MY_ID': '', 'ZOO_PORT': str(ports[0])} super().__init__(name, image='zookeeper', volumes=volumes, network='HOST', labels=labels, cmd=cmd, constraints=constraints, residency=residency, env=env, health_checks=health_checks, cpus=0.5, mem=400, instances=1, disk=400)
def migrate_tasks(marathon_client, tasks, hosts, force=False): """ Migrate tasks from the hosts going to go for maintenance """ for app_id in tasks.iterkeys(): print(">>> Migrating the following tasks") print(app_id) # Redeploy all the applications running on maintenance hosts by adding constraints # Generate constraints list constraints_to_add = map(lambda host: MarathonConstraint('hostname', 'UNLIKE', host), hosts) # Generate app to deploy app_to_redeploy = marathon_client.get_app(app_id) task_host = tasks[app_id].host for constraint in constraints_to_add: if constraint.value == task_host: app_to_redeploy.constraints.append(constraint) # Clean the app app_to_redeploy.tasks = [] if app_to_redeploy.container: app_to_redeploy.fetch = [] # Redeploy marathon_client.update_app(app_id, app_to_redeploy, force=force) print(">>> Migrated all the tasks")
def main(args): migration_hosts = args.hosts.replace('"', '').replace('\'', '').split(',') marathon_client = MarathonClient(args.url) # Get the running marathon application dictionary with constraints all_apps = utils.dict_by_key_and_value(lambda x:, lambda y: y.constraints, marathon_client.list_apps()) print(">>> All Running Applications: ") print( json.dumps(all_apps.keys(), sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) # Constraints to remove sentinels = map(lambda x: MarathonConstraint('hostname', 'UNLIKE', x), migration_hosts) # Find all apps with a leftover constraint filtered_apps = {} for sentinel in sentinels: for app_id in all_apps: if sentinel in all_apps[app_id]: to_update = {app_id: all_apps[app_id]} print ">>> Adding app to filtered list: %s" % (app_id) filtered_apps.update(to_update) # Tasks unmigration unmigrate_tasks(marathon_client, filtered_apps, sentinels, args.force)
def __init__(self, name, port, zoo_host, zoo_port, env_name=None): = name self.port = port self.zoo_host = zoo_host self.zoo_port = zoo_port self.env_name = env_name volume_name = get_volume_name(name) volumes = [ MarathonContainerVolume(container_path=volume_name, mode='RW', persistent={'size': 512}), MarathonContainerVolume(container_path='/kafka', host_path=volume_name, mode='RW') ] port_mappings = [ MarathonContainerPortMapping(container_port=port, host_port=port, service_port=port, protocol='tcp') ] constraints = [MarathonConstraint(field='hostname', operator='UNIQUE')] residency = Residency(task_lost_behavior='WAIT_FOREVER') labels = { '_tonomi_application': 'kafka', '_cluster_port': str(port) } if self.env_name: labels['_tonomi_environment'] = self.env_name cmd = 'export KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME=$HOST &&' env = { 'KAFKA_ADVERTISED_PORT': str(port), 'KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT': '{}:{}'.format(self.zoo_host, self.zoo_port), 'KAFKA_PORT': str(port) } health_checks = [get_health_check(port=port)] super().__init__(name, image='wurstmeister/kafka:', network='BRIDGE', labels=labels, cmd=cmd, env=env, health_checks=health_checks, cpus=0.5, mem=512, instances=3, disk=256, volumes=volumes, port_mappings=port_mappings, residency=residency, constraints=constraints)
def app_constraints(self, field, operator, value=None): """ Constraints control where apps run. It is to allow optimizing for either fault tolerance (by spreading a task out on multiple nodes) or locality (by running all of an application tasks on the same node). Constraints have three parts @args: field: Field can be the hostname of the agent node or any attribute of the agent node. operator: e.g. UNIQUE tells Marathon to enforce uniqueness of the attribute across all of an app's tasks. This allows you, for example, to run only one app taks on each host. CLUSTER allows you to run all of your app's tasks on agent nodes that share a certain attribute. Think about having special hardware needs. GROUP_BY can be used to distribute tasks evenly across racks or datacenters for high availibility. LIKE accepts a regular expression as parameter, and allows you to run your tasks only on the agent nodes whose field values match the regular expression. UNLIKE accepts a regular expression as parameter, and allows you to run your tasks on agent nodes whose field values do NOT match the regular expression. value: :return: """ return MarathonConstraint(field=field, operator=operator, value=value)
def __init__(self, name, port, is_master=True, env_name=None): = name self.env_name = env_name volume_name = get_volume_name(name) volumes = [ MarathonContainerVolume(container_path=volume_name, mode='RW', persistent={'size': 512}), MarathonContainerVolume(container_path='/var/lib/redis', host_path=volume_name, mode='RW') ] constraints = [MarathonConstraint(field='hostname', operator='UNIQUE')] residency = Residency(task_lost_behavior='WAIT_FOREVER') health_checks = [get_health_check(port=port)] service_port = 0 if not is_master else port port_mappings = [ MarathonContainerPortMapping(container_port=port, host_port=port, service_port=service_port, protocol='tcp') ] cmd = ' redis-server --port $REDIS_PORT ' if not is_master: cmd += '--slaveof {} $REDIS_PORT' labels = { '_tonomi_application': 'redis', '_cluster_port': str(port) } if self.env_name: labels['_tonomi_environment'] = self.env_name env = { 'REDIS_PORT': str(port) } super().__init__(name, image='redis:3.2', volumes=volumes, network='BRIDGE', labels=labels, cmd=cmd, constraints=constraints, residency=residency, env=env, health_checks=health_checks, cpus=0.5, mem=300, instances=1, disk=512, port_mappings=port_mappings)
def __init__(self, name, ports, env_name=None): = name self.ports = ports self.env_name = env_name volume_name = get_volume_name(name) volumes = [ MarathonContainerVolume(container_path='{}-data'.format(volume_name), mode='RW', persistent={'size': 512}), MarathonContainerVolume(container_path='/data', host_path='{}-data'.format(volume_name), mode='RW'), MarathonContainerVolume(container_path='{}-datalog'.format(volume_name), mode='RW', persistent={'size': 512}), MarathonContainerVolume(container_path='/datalog', host_path='{}-datalog'.format(volume_name), mode='RW') ] constraints = [MarathonConstraint(field='hostname', operator='LIKE', value='')] residency = Residency(task_lost_behavior='WAIT_FOREVER') health_checks = [get_health_check(port=ports[0])] cmd = 'export ZOO_SERVERS="{}" && / start-foreground' labels = { '_tonomi_application': 'zookeeper', '_client_conn_port': str(ports[0]), '_follower_conn_port': str(ports[1]), '_server_conn_port': str(ports[2]) } if self.env_name: labels['_tonomi_environment'] = self.env_name env = { 'ZOO_MY_ID': '', 'ZOO_PORT': str(ports[0]) } super().__init__(name, image='zookeeper:3.4.9', volumes=volumes, network='HOST', labels=labels, cmd=cmd, constraints=constraints, residency=residency, env=env, health_checks=health_checks, cpus=0.5, mem=400, instances=1, disk=400)
def write(self, user, request_app, original_app): request_app.constraints.append(MarathonConstraint.from_json("key:LIKE:value".split(":"))) return request_app
def __init__(self, name, ports, is_seed=True, env_name=None): self.env_name = env_name volume_name = get_volume_name(name) volumes = [ MarathonContainerVolume(container_path=volume_name, host_path=None, mode='RW', persistent={'size': 512}), MarathonContainerVolume(container_path='/var/lib/cassandra', host_path=volume_name, mode='RW', persistent=None) ] constraints = [MarathonConstraint(field='hostname', operator='UNIQUE')] residency = Residency(task_lost_behavior='WAIT_FOREVER') health_checks = [ MarathonHealthCheck(grace_period_seconds=300, interval_seconds=20, max_consecutive_failures=3, protocol='TCP', timeout_seconds=20, ignore_http1xx=False, port=ports[9042]) ] ports_map = { 'p11': 9042, 'p12': ports[9042], 'p21': 9160, 'p22': ports[9160], 'p31': 7199, 'p32': ports[7199], 'p41': 7000, 'p42': ports[7000], 'p51': 7001, 'p52': ports[7001] } cmd = "chown -R cassandra /var/lib/cassandra && sed -i 's/{p11}/{p12}/' /etc/cassandra/default.conf/cqlshrc.sample && sed -i 's/{p31}/{p32}/' /etc/cassandra/default.conf/ && sed -i 's/{p41}/{p42}/;s/{p51}/{p52}/;s/{p11}/{p12}/;s/{p21}/{p22}/;s/{p31}/{p32}/' /etc/cassandra/default.conf/cassandra.yaml".format( **ports_map) if is_seed: cmd += ' && cd ${MESOS_SANDBOX}/cassandra-schema && ./ & start' else: cmd += ' && start' labels = { '_tonomi_application': 'cassandra', '_jmx_port': str(ports[7199]), '_internode_communication_port': str(ports[7000]), '_tls_internode_communication_port': str(ports[7001]), '_thrift_client_port': str(ports[9160]), '_cql_native_port': str(ports[9042]) } if self.env_name: labels['_tonomi_environment'] = self.env_name env = {'SEEDS': '', 'CASSANDRA_PORT': str(ports[9042])} uris = [ '' ] super().__init__(name, image='poklet/cassandra', volumes=volumes, network='HOST', labels=labels, cmd=cmd, constraints=constraints, residency=residency, env=env, health_checks=health_checks, uris=uris, cpus=0.5, mem=400, instances=1, disk=512)
def __init__(self, name, ports, is_seed=True, env_name=None): self.env_name = env_name volume_name = get_volume_name(name) volumes = [] if is_seed: volumes = [ MarathonContainerVolume(container_path=volume_name, mode='RW', persistent={'size': 512}), MarathonContainerVolume(container_path='/var/lib/cassandra', host_path=volume_name, mode='RW') ] constraints = [MarathonConstraint(field='hostname', operator='UNIQUE')] residency = None if is_seed: residency = Residency(task_lost_behavior='WAIT_FOREVER') health_checks = [get_health_check(port=ports[9042])] ports_map = { 'p11': 9042, 'p12': ports[9042], 'p21': 9160, 'p22': ports[9160], 'p31': 7199, 'p32': ports[7199], 'p41': 7000, 'p42': ports[7000], 'p51': 7001, 'p52': ports[7001] } cmd = "export CASSANDRA_BROADCAST_ADDRESS=$HOST && sed -i 's/{p41}/{p42}/;s/{p51}/{p52}/;s/{p11}/{p12}/;s/{p21}/{p22}/;s/{p31}/{p32}/' /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml && sed -i 's/{p31}/{p32}/' /etc/cassandra/".format(**ports_map) if is_seed: cmd += " && cd ${MESOS_SANDBOX}/cassandra-schema && sed -i '2i sleep 20' && ./ & / cassandra -f" else: cmd += " && / cassandra -f" labels = { '_tonomi_application': 'cassandra', '_jmx_port': str(ports[7199]), '_internode_communication_port': str(ports[7000]), '_tls_internode_communication_port': str(ports[7001]), '_thrift_client_port': str(ports[9160]), '_cql_native_port': str(ports[9042]) } if self.env_name: labels['_tonomi_environment'] = self.env_name env = { 'CASSANDRA_SEEDS': '', 'CASSANDRA_PORT': str(ports[9042]) } uris = [''] super().__init__(name, image='cassandra:3.7', volumes=volumes, network='HOST', labels=labels, cmd=cmd, constraints=constraints, residency=residency, env=env, health_checks=health_checks, uris=uris, cpus=0.5, mem=2512, instances=1, disk=512)