class MDP(object): def __init__(self, num_positions=1000, num_orientations=10, map=None, grid_debug=False, seed=False): # Build the markov model self.markov_model = MarkovModel(num_positions=num_positions, num_orientations=num_orientations, map=map) self.markov_model.make_states(grid_debug=grid_debug, seed=seed) self.markov_model.build_roadmap() self.num_states = num_positions * num_orientations if(grid_debug): self.num_states = self.markov_model.num_states self.goal_state_idx = 0 self.reward_radius = 0 self.rewards = np.empty(self.num_states) self.policy = [] # List of actions to take corresponding to each state idx in markov_model.model_states self.value_function = [] # List of rewards corresponding to being each state based on the policy # Visualization self.turn_right_pub = rospy.Publisher('/right_pose_array', PoseArray, queue_size=10) self.turn_left_pub = rospy.Publisher('/left_pose_array', PoseArray, queue_size=10) self.forward_pub = rospy.Publisher('/forward_pose_array', PoseArray, queue_size=10) self.goal_state_pub = rospy.Publisher('/goal_state_marker', Marker, queue_size=10) """ Function: set_goal_state Inputs: State state int reward_radius Sets the state that the robot wants to end up in, as well as the radius around this state which will count as close enough. """ def set_goal_state(self, state, reward_radius=0.5): self.goal_state_idx = self.markov_model.get_closest_state_idx(state) # print(self.goal_state_idx) # print(self.markov_model.model_states[self.goal_state_idx]) self.reward_radius = reward_radius ''' Function: set_rewards Inputs: Generates a vector assigning a low reward to all states not within the minimum radius around the goal. The high reward is assigned to all states that are within this radius, such as multiple orientations of the same state. ''' def set_rewards(self): high_reward = 10 low_reward = -1 goal_state = self.markov_model.model_states[self.goal_state_idx] for state_idx in xrange(self.num_states): s = self.markov_model.model_states[state_idx] if goal_state.distance_to(s) < self.reward_radius: self.rewards[state_idx] = high_reward else: self.rewards[state_idx] = low_reward """ Function: get_policy Inputs: State goal_state - new goal state to be set. Calculates the optimal policy for a given (or saved) goal state by iteratively solving a value function (how much payoff each action at a state will have in the long run) to update the action to take in each state (policy). Returns the policy, num of iterations, time of compuation (modelled after mdptoolbox outputs) """ def get_policy(self, goal_state=None): if(goal_state != None): self.set_goal_state(goal_state) # Generate reward vector self.set_rewards() # Generate a starting, random policy from all available actions start_time = time.time() self.policy = self.get_random_policy() change = -1 iteration_count = 0 while change != 0 and iteration_count < 30: print("iteration {}".format(iteration_count)) iteration_count += 1 # Find V of this policy. solved = self.solve_value_function() if(solved): # Calculate new policy. change = self.get_new_policy() print(change) else: print("Failed to solve for a value function, trying a new random policy") # Singular matrix solution to V self.policy = self.get_random_policy() print("Converged in {} iterations".format(iteration_count)) print("MDP solved in {}\n".format(time.time() - start_time)) # print(self.policy) return (self.policy, iteration_count, time.time() - start_time) """ Function: get_random_policy Inputs: Returns a randomly-assigned policy, or action to be taken in each state. """ def get_random_policy(self): return np.random.choice(range(len(Action.get_all_actions())), self.num_states, replace=True) # TODO: xrange good here? """ Function: get_new_policy Inputs: Computes a new policy by looping through each start state and assigning the action that generates the highest reward long-term. Returns 0 if no changes to the policy were made. Any other integer means that different actions were chosen as compared to the previous policy. """ def get_new_policy(self): gamma = 0.999 all_actions = Action.get_all_actions() total_change = 0 for state_idx in xrange(self.num_states): ps_matrix = self.build_ps_matrix(state_idx) state_rewards = self.rewards[state_idx] + gamma * idx_action = state_rewards.argmax() total_change += self.policy[state_idx] - idx_action self.policy[state_idx] = idx_action return total_change """ Function: solve_value_function Inputs: Solves for the value function which calculates the infinite horizon or payoof at infinite time at each state if following the current policy. Returns false if the matrix is non-invertible. """ def solve_value_function(self, gamma=0.999): print("Solving value function") # Build P matrix. p_matrix = self.build_p_matrix() # print(p_matrix) A_dense = np.identity(self.num_states) - gamma * p_matrix A = csr_matrix(A_dense) b = self.rewards # if(np.linalg.det(A_dense) == 0): # yolo # return False self.value_function = spsolve(A, b) return True """ Function: build_p_matrix Inputs: Returns a num_states x num_states matrix with each element representing the probability of transitioning from a start_state to end_state with the action defined in the policy. """ def build_p_matrix(self): p_matrix = np.empty([self.num_states, self.num_states]) for start_state_idx in xrange(self.num_states): action_idx = self.policy[start_state_idx] p_matrix[start_state_idx] = self.markov_model.roadmap[action_idx, start_state_idx, :] return p_matrix """ Function: build_ps_matrix Inputs: int start_state_idx Returns a num_actions x num_states matrix with each element representing the probability of transitioning from a start_state to end_state with the action specified in each row. """ def build_ps_matrix(self, start_state_idx): # print("Building PS matrix") return self.markov_model.roadmap[:, start_state_idx, :] def get_goal_state_idx(self, state): return self.markov_model.get_closest_state_idx(state) def visualize_policy(self, policy, goal_state): print("Visualizing policy") goal_state_idx = self.get_goal_state_idx(goal_state) # Visualize the goal state as sphere. self.goal_state_pub.publish(self.markov_model.model_states[goal_state_idx].get_marker()) turn_left_array = PoseArray() turn_right_array = PoseArray() forward_array = PoseArray() turn_left_array.header.frame_id = "map" turn_right_array.header.frame_id = "map" forward_array.header.frame_id = "map" all_actions = Action.get_all_actions() # Add pose of each state to array wih corresponding policy action for state_idx in xrange(len(policy)): # print(len(policy)) # print(policy[state_idx].shape) # print(type(policy[state_idx])) action = all_actions[policy[state_idx]] state_pose = self.markov_model.model_states[state_idx].get_pose() if(action == Action.LEFT): turn_left_array.poses.append(state_pose) elif(action == Action.RIGHT): turn_right_array.poses.append(state_pose) else: forward_array.poses.append(state_pose) self.turn_left_pub.publish(turn_left_array) self.turn_right_pub.publish(turn_right_array) self.forward_pub.publish(forward_array)
class MDPToolbox(object): def __init__(self, num_positions=1000, num_orientations=10, map=None, grid_debug=False): # Build the markov model self.markov_model = MarkovModel(num_positions=num_positions, num_orientations=num_orientations, map=map) self.markov_model.make_states(grid_debug=grid_debug) self.markov_model.build_roadmap() self.num_states = num_positions * num_orientations # S if(grid_debug): self.num_states = self.markov_model.num_states # Visualization self.turn_right_pub = rospy.Publisher('/right_pose_array', PoseArray, queue_size=10) self.turn_left_pub = rospy.Publisher('/left_pose_array', PoseArray, queue_size=10) self.forward_pub = rospy.Publisher('/forward_pose_array', PoseArray, queue_size=10) self.goal_state_pub = rospy.Publisher('/goal_state_marker', Marker, queue_size=10) ''' Function: get_policy Inputs: State goal_state int reward_radius Uses mdptoolbox Policy iteration to generate a policy to reach the specified goal, within the specified radius. Returns policy as tuple with len S, num_iterations, and CPU time ''' def get_policy(self, goal_state, reward_radius=0.15): transition_probabilities = self.markov_model.roadmap # Shape (A, S, S) goal_state_idx = self.get_goal_state_idx(goal_state) print("Goal state idx: {}".format(goal_state_idx)) rewards = self.get_rewards(goal_state_idx, reward_radius) # Shape (S,) discount = 0.9 # How much weight to give to future values pi = mdptoolbox.mdp.PolicyIteration(transition_probabilities, rewards, discount) return pi.policy, pi.iter, pi.time """ Function: get_goal_state_idx Inputs: State state Gets the closest existing state in the roadmap to the goal. Returns the goal_state_idx. """ def get_goal_state_idx(self, state): print(self.markov_model.get_closest_state_idx(state)) return self.markov_model.get_closest_state_idx(state) ''' Function: get_rewards Inputs: int goal_state_idx int reward_radius Generates a vector assigning a low reward to all states not within the minimum radius around the goal. The high reward is assigned to all states that are within this radius, such as multiple orientations of the same state. Returns an array of shape (S,) assigning a reward to being in each state. ''' def get_rewards(self, goal_state_idx, reward_radius=0.15): high_reward = 10 low_reward = -1 rewards = np.empty((self.num_states,)) goal_state = self.markov_model.model_states[goal_state_idx] for state_idx in range(self.num_states): s = self.markov_model.model_states[state_idx] if goal_state.distance_to(s) < reward_radius: rewards[state_idx] = high_reward else: rewards[state_idx] = low_reward return rewards ''' Function: visualize_policy Inputs: array policy State goal_state Publishes a sphere marker at the goal state. Generates three pose arrays corresponding to the three different actions. Depending on which action the policy says to execute at a state, the pose of this state is added to the corresponding pose array. ''' def visualize_policy(self, policy, goal_state): print("Visualizing policy") goal_state_idx = self.get_goal_state_idx(goal_state) # Visualize the goal state as sphere. self.goal_state_pub.publish(self.markov_model.model_states[goal_state_idx].get_marker()) turn_left_array = PoseArray() turn_right_array = PoseArray() forward_array = PoseArray() turn_left_array.header.frame_id = "map" turn_right_array.header.frame_id = "map" forward_array.header.frame_id = "map" all_actions = Action.get_all_actions() # Add pose of each state to array wih corresponding policy action for state_idx in range(len(policy)): action = all_actions[policy[state_idx]] state_pose = self.markov_model.model_states[state_idx].get_pose() if(action == Action.LEFT): turn_left_array.poses.append(state_pose) elif(action == Action.RIGHT): turn_right_array.poses.append(state_pose) else: forward_array.poses.append(state_pose) self.turn_left_pub.publish(turn_left_array) self.turn_right_pub.publish(turn_right_array) self.forward_pub.publish(forward_array)