def _serialize(self, nested_obj, attr, obj):
        # Load up the schema first. This allows a RegistryError to be raised
        # if an invalid schema name was passed
        if nested_obj is None:
            return None
        elif self.mongo_world:
            # In mongo world, value is a regular ObjectId
            return str(nested_obj)

        if getattr(nested_obj, '_document', None):
            nested_obj = nested_obj._document
            return str(

        schema = self.schema
        if not self.__updated_fields:
            schema._update_fields(obj=nested_obj, many=self.many)
            self.__updated_fields = True
        ret, errors = schema.dump(nested_obj,
                                  update_fields=not self.__updated_fields)
        if isinstance(self.only, basestring):  # self.only is a field name
            only_field = self.schema.fields[self.only]
            key = ''.join(
                [self.schema.prefix or '', only_field.dump_to or self.only])
            if self.many:
                return utils.pluck(ret, key=key)
                return ret[key]
        if errors:
            raise ValidationError(errors, data=ret)
        return ret
 def _serialize(self, nested_obj, attr, obj):
     # Load up the schema first. This allows a RegistryError to be raised
     # if an invalid schema name was passed
     schema = self.schema
     if nested_obj is None:
         return None
     if self.many and utils.is_iterable_but_not_string(nested_obj):
         nested_obj = list(nested_obj)
     if not self.__updated_fields:
         schema._update_fields(obj=nested_obj, many=self.many)
         self.__updated_fields = True
     ret, errors = schema.dump(nested_obj,
                               update_fields=not self.__updated_fields)
     if isinstance(self.only, basestring):  # self.only is a field name
         only_field = self.schema.fields[self.only]
         key = ''.join(
             [self.schema.prefix or '', only_field.dump_to or self.only])
         if self.many:
             return utils.pluck(ret, key=key)
             return ret[key]
     if errors:
         raise ValidationError(errors, data=ret)
     return ret
 def _serialize(self, nested_obj, attr, obj):
     # Load up the schema first. This allows a RegistryError to be raised
     # if an invalid schema name was passed
     schema = self.schema
     if nested_obj is None:
         if self.many:
             return []
         if self.allow_null:
             return None
     if not self.__updated_fields:
         schema._update_fields(obj=nested_obj, many=self.many)
         self.__updated_fields = True
         ret = schema.dump(nested_obj, many=self.many,
                 update_fields=not self.__updated_fields).data
     except TypeError as err:
         raise TypeError('Could not marshal nested object due to error:\n"{0}"\n'
                         'If the nested object is a collection, you need to set '
     if isinstance(self.only, basestring):  # self.only is a field name
         if self.many:
             return utils.pluck(ret, key=self.only)
             return ret[self.only]
     return ret
 def _serialize(self, nested_obj, attr, obj):
     # Load up the schema first. This allows a RegistryError to be raised
     # if an invalid schema name was passed
     schema = self.schema
     if nested_obj is None:
         return None
     if not self.__updated_fields:
         schema._update_fields(obj=nested_obj, many=self.many)
         self.__updated_fields = True
     ret = schema.dump(nested_obj, many=self.many, update_fields=False).data
     if isinstance(self.only, basestring):  # self.only is a field name
         if self.many:
             return utils.pluck(ret, key=self.only)
             return ret[self.only]
     return ret
 def _serialize(self, nested_obj, attr, obj):
     # Load up the schema first. This allows a RegistryError to be raised
     # if an invalid schema name was passed
     schema = self.schema
     if nested_obj is None:
         return None
     if not self.__updated_fields:
         schema._update_fields(obj=nested_obj, many=self.many)
         self.__updated_fields = True
         ret = schema.dump(nested_obj, many=self.many,
             update_fields=not self.__updated_fields)
     except ValidationError as exc:
         raise ValidationError(exc.messages, data=obj, valid_data=exc.valid_data)
         if isinstance(self.only, basestring):  # self.only is a field name
             if self.many:
                 return utils.pluck(ret, key=self.only)
                 return ret[self.only]
     return ret