def remove_groups_from_project(project_pk: int, group_pk: list, auth: str): """Remove groups from a project""" params = {'projectPk': project_pk,'teamPks': group_pk} query = project_queries.remove_groups_from_project_query r, json_data = utils.make_request(auth, query, params) if r.status_code != 200: if not project_pk or not group_pk: click.echo("\nLooks like you might be missing some args, add `--help` to your command to see the options.\n") else: click.echo('\n' + json_data['data']['removeTeamsFromProject']['error']['message'] + '\n') else: data_success = json_data['data']['removeTeamsFromProject']['succeeded'] data_failed = json_data['data']['removeTeamsFromProject']['failed'] if data_success: successful_groups = [] for s in data_success: successful_groups.append(s.get('pk')) click.echo("\nThe following groups were successfully removed from project %s: %s\n" % (project_pk, successful_groups)) if data_failed: click.echo('\nThe following groups could not be removed from project %s:' % (project_pk)) for f in data_failed: click.echo("%s - %s" % (f.get('teamPk'), f.get('message'))) click.echo("\n")
def add_collabs_to_project(project_pk: int, email: list, auth: str): """Add collaborators to a project""" params = {'projectPk': project_pk,'emails': email} query = project_queries.add_collabs_to_project_query r, json_data = utils.make_request(auth, query, params) if r.status_code != 200: if not project_pk: click.echo("\nLooks like you might be missing some args, add `--help` to your command to see the options.\n") else: click.echo('\n' + json_data['data']['addCollaboratorsToProject']['error']['message'] + '\n') else: # status_code 200 without all args if not email: click.echo("\nLooks like you might be missing some args, add `--help` to your command to see the options.\n") else: data_success = json_data['data']['addCollaboratorsToProject']['succeeded'] data_failed = json_data['data']['addCollaboratorsToProject']['failed'] if data_success: successful_emails = [] for s in data_success: successful_emails.append(s.get('email')) click.echo("\nThe following people were successfully added to project %s: %s" % (project_pk, ', '.join(successful_emails))) if data_failed: click.echo('\nThe following people could not be added to project %s for the following reasons:' % (project_pk)) for f in data_failed: click.echo("%s - '%s'" % (f.get('email'), f.get('message'))) click.echo("\n")
def delete_groups(group_pk: list, auth: str): """Delete a list of groups""" params = {'groupPks': group_pk} query = group_queries.delete_groups_query r, json_data = utils.make_request(auth, query, params) if r.status_code != 200: click.echo(json_data['data']['deleteGroups']['error']['message']) else: if not group_pk: click.echo( "\nLooks like you might be missing some args, add `--help` to your command to see the options.\n" ) else: data_success = json_data['data']['deleteGroups']['succeeded'] data_failed = json_data['data']['deleteGroups']['failed'] if data_success: click.echo( "\nThe following groups were deleted from your workspace successfully: %s" % data_success) if data_failed: click.echo( '\nThe following groups could not be deleted from your workspace:' ) for f in data_failed: click.echo("%s - %s" % (f.get('groupPk'), f.get('message'))) click.echo("\n")
def remove_collabs_from_project(project_pk: int, email: list, auth: str): """Remove collaborators from a project""" params = {'projectPk': project_pk,'emails': email} query = project_queries.remove_collabs_from_project_query r, json_data = utils.make_request(auth, query, params) if r.status_code != 200: if not project_pk: click.echo("\nLooks like you might be missing some args, add `--help` to your command to see the options.\n") else: click.echo('\n' + json_data['data']['removeCollaboratorsFromProject']['error']['message'] + '\n') else: if not email: click.echo("\nLooks like you might be missing some args, add `--help` to your command to see the options.\n") else: data_success = json_data['data']['removeCollaboratorsFromProject']['succeeded'] if json_data['data']['removeCollaboratorsFromProject']['succeeded']: click.echo("\nThe following people were successfully removed from project %s: %s" % (project_pk, data_success)) data_failed = json_data['data']['removeCollaboratorsFromProject']['failed'] if data_failed: click.echo('\nThe following people could not be removed from project %s for the following reasons:' % (project_pk)) for f in data_failed: click.echo("%s - '%s'" % (f.get('email'), f.get('message'))) click.echo("\n")
def remove_users_from_workspace(email: list, auth: str): """Remove users from your workspace""" params = {'emails': email} query = workspace_queries.remove_users_from_workspace_query r, json_data = utils.make_request(auth, query, params) if not email: click.echo( 'Looks like you are missing some args, add `--help` to the command to see the options' ) if r.status_code != 200: if not email: click.echo( 'Looks like you are missing some args, add `--help` to the command to see the options' ) else: click.echo('\n' + json_data['data']['removeUsersFromWorkspace'] ['error']['message'] + '\n') else: data_success = json_data['data']['removeUsersFromWorkspace'][ 'succeeded'] data_failed = json_data['data']['removeUsersFromWorkspace']['failed'] if data_success: succeeded = "\nThe following people were successfully removed from your workspace: %s \n" % ', '.join( data_success) click.echo(succeeded) if data_failed: click.echo( '\nThe following people could not be removed from your workspace:' ) for f in data_failed: click.echo("%s - '%s'\n" % (f.get('email'), f.get('message')))
def get_billing_info(auth: str): """Get billing information""" query = workspace_queries.get_billing_info_query r, json_data = utils.make_request(auth, query) if r.status_code != 200: click.echo('\n' + 'Billing data could not be returned right now.' + '\n') else: billing = json_data['data']['user']['company']['billing'] plan = billing['plan'] if billing['billingCycle'] == 'yearly': price = int(plan['priceYearly'] / 100) price_per_seat = round(price / billing['seatQuantityUsed'], 2) else: price = int(plan['priceMonthly'] / 100) price_per_seat = round(price / billing['seatQuantityUsed'], 2) click.echo(utils.colour.BOLD + "\nYour Plan" + utils.colour.END) click.echo("Type: %s" % plan['title']) if plan['title'] != 'Free': click.echo("Price: %s %s" % (price, billing['currency'].upper())) click.echo("Seats: %s (%s %s per user)" % (plan['teamMembers'], price_per_seat, billing['currency'].upper())) click.echo("Projects: Unlimited \n") else: click.echo("Seats: %s " % (plan['teamMembers'])) click.echo("Projects: 1 \n") click.echo(utils.colour.BOLD + "Your Usage" + utils.colour.END) click.echo("Seats Purchased: %s" % billing['seatQuantityPurchased']) click.echo("Seats Used: %s" % billing['seatQuantityUsed']) click.echo("Projects: %s \n" % billing['projectQuantityUsed']) if plan['title'] != 'Free': next_payment_date = billing['nextPaymentDate'] dt = datetime.datetime(int(next_payment_date[0:4]), int(next_payment_date[5:7]), int(next_payment_date[8:10]), 0, 0) next_payment_date = "%s-%s-%s" % (, dt.month, dt.year) next_payment_amount = price_per_seat * billing[ 'seatQuantityPurchased'] click.echo( "Your next payment date is %s. You'll be paying %s %s for %s seats.\n" % (next_payment_date, next_payment_amount, billing['currency'].upper(), billing['seatQuantityPurchased'])) else: click.echo( "Upgrade to create more projects and add more team members:\n" )
def create_project(name: str, password: str, auth: str): """Create a new project""" if not name: click.echo("\nLooks like you might be missing some args, add `--help` to your command to see the options.\n") else: user_query = workspace_queries.get_billing_info_query req, json_data_user = utils.make_request(auth, user_query) plan = json_data_user['data']['user']['company']['billing']['plan']['title'] proj_used = json_data_user['data']['user']['company']['billing']['projectQuantityUsed'] if plan == 'Free' and proj_used == 1: click.echo("\nYou have maxed out your allowances, either delete a project then run the command again or upgrade for unlimited projects: \n") else: params = {'name': name,'password': password} if not password: params['password'] = '' query = project_queries.create_project_query r, json_data = utils.make_request(auth, query, params) if r.status_code != 200: click.echo('\n' + 'A new project could not be created at this time."' + '\n') else: click.echo('\n"%s" has been successfully created in your Marvel account \n' % name)
def delete_project(project_pk: str, auth: str): """Delete a project""" params = {'pk': project_pk} query = project_queries.delete_project_query r, json_data = utils.make_request(auth, query, params) if r.status_code == 200: if json_data['data']['deleteProject'] is None: click.echo("\nProject '%s' has not been deleted for the following reason: %s\n" % ( project_pk, json_data['errors'][0]['message'] )) else: click.echo("\n'%s' has been successfully deleted from your Marvel account\n" % project_pk) else: click.echo("\nTry 'marvelcli delete_project --help' to make sure you are not missing any args.\n")
def update_group_name(group_pk: int, name: str, auth: str): """Update a group name""" params = {'pk': group_pk, 'name': name} query = group_queries.update_group_name_query r, json_data = utils.make_request(auth, query, params) if r.status_code == 200: if not json_data['data']['updateGroup']['ok']: click.echo('\n' + json_data['data']['updateGroup']['error']['message']) else: click.echo( "\nThe name of the group was updated successfully to '%s'\n" % name) else: click.echo( "\nTry 'marvelcli update_group_name --help' to make sure you are not missing any args.\n" )
def create_group(name: str, auth: str): """Create a group""" params = {'name': name} query = group_queries.create_group_query r, json_data = utils.make_request(auth, query, params) if r.status_code == 200: if not json_data['data']['createTeam']['ok']: click.echo('\n' + json_data['data']['createTeam']['error']['message'] + '\n') else: click.echo( '\nThe group "%s" has been successfully created in your Marvel account\n' % name) else: click.echo( "\nTry 'marvelcli create-group --help' to make sure you are not missing any args.\n" )
def get_personal_projects(auth: str): """List all projects owned by you""" query = project_queries.get_all_personal_projects_query r, json_data = utils.make_request(auth, query) if r.status_code != 200: click.echo('\n' + 'Your personal projects could not be returned at this time."' + '\n') else: data = json_data['data']['user']['projects']['edges'] urls = [] for d in data: url = d['node']['prototypeUrl'] urls.append(url) project_count = len(json_data['data']['user']['projects']['edges']) click.echo('\nYou have %s project(s):' % project_count) for url in urls: click.echo(url) click.echo("\n")
def about_user(auth: str): """User statistics""" query = user_queries.about_user_query r, json_data = utils.make_request(auth, query) if r.status_code != 200: click.echo( "\nWe could not retrieve the data at this time, possibly due to a ratelimit. Try again in a few minutes\n" ) else: user = json_data['data']['user'] last_active = user['lastActiveAt'] last_active = datetime.datetime(int(last_active[0:4]), int(last_active[5:7]), int(last_active[8:10]), 0, 0) click.echo(utils.colour.BOLD + '\nYour Account:' + utils.colour.END) click.echo('Email: %s' % user['email']) click.echo('Last Active: %s' % last_active) click.echo('Status: %s' % user['status']) click.echo('Username: %s \n' % user['username'])
def create_folder(name: str, visibility: str, auth: str): """Create a folder""" if not visibility: visibility = 'WORKSPACE' params = {'name': name, 'visibility': visibility.upper()} query = folder_queries.create_folder_query r, json_data = utils.make_request(auth, query, params) if r.status_code == 200: if not json_data['data']['createFolder']['ok']: click.echo('\n' + json_data['data']['createFolder']['error']['message'] + '\n') else: click.echo( '\nThe %s folder "%s" has been successfully created in your Marvel account\n' % (visibility.lower(), name)) else: click.echo( "\nTry 'marvelcli create-folder --help' to make sure you are not missing any args.\n" )
def add_members_to_group(group_pk: int, email: list, auth: str): """Add members to a group""" params = {'teamPk': group_pk, 'emails': email} query = group_queries.add_members_query r, json_data = utils.make_request(auth, query, params) if r.status_code != 200: if not group_pk: click.echo( "\nLooks like you might be missing some args, add `--help` to your command to see the options.\n" ) else: click.echo( json_data['data']['addMembersToTeam']['error']['message']) else: if not email: click.echo( "\nLooks like you might be missing some args, add `--help` to your command to see the options.\n" ) else: data_success = json_data['data']['addMembersToTeam']['succeeded'] data_failed = json_data['data']['addMembersToTeam']['failed'] if data_success: successful_emails = [] for s in data_success: successful_emails.append(s.get('email')) click.echo( "\nThe following people were successfully added to group %s: %s" % (group_pk, ', '.join(successful_emails))) if data_failed: click.echo( '\nThe following people could not be added to group %s for the following reasons:' % (group_pk)) for f in data_failed: click.echo("%s - %s" % (f.get('email'), f.get('message'))) click.echo("\n")
def remove_members_from_group(group_pk: int, email: list, auth: str): """Remove members from a group""" params = {'teamPk': group_pk, 'emails': email} query = group_queries.remove_members_query r, json_data = utils.make_request(auth, query, params) if r.status_code != 200: if not group_pk: click.echo( "\nLooks like you might be missing some args, add `--help` to your command to see the options.\n" ) else: click.echo( json_data['data']['removeMembersFromTeam']['error']['message']) else: if not email: click.echo( "\nLooks like you might be missing some args, add `--help` to your command to see the options.\n" ) else: data_success = json_data['data']['removeMembersFromTeam'][ 'succeeded'] data_failed = json_data['data']['removeMembersFromTeam']['failed'] if data_success: click.echo( "\nThe following people were successfully removed from group %s: %s" % (group_pk, data_success)) if data_failed: click.echo( '\nThe following people could not be removed from group %s:' % (group_pk)) for f in data_failed: click.echo("%s - %s" % (f.get('email'), f.get('message'))) click.echo("\n")