def create(self, arguments={}, invert=False): import numpy as np if getValue(arguments, 'homography', 'None') == 'None': if self.startIm.has_alpha(): img_array = np.asarray(self.startIm) mask = np.copy(img_array[:, :, 3]) #accept the alpha channel as what is kept mask[mask > 0] = 255 #invert since 0 in the donor mask indicates the donor pixels return ImageWrapper(mask).invert() # use the pre select mask (inverted) as the selection...invert what was removed to be what is kept return _pre_select_mask(self.graph, self.donor_start, self.startIm) mask = self.graph.get_edge_image(self.parent_of_end, self.donor_end, 'arguments.pastemask') if mask is None: mask = self.graph.get_edge_image(self.parent_of_end, self.donor_end, 'maskname') mask, analysis = interpolateMask(mask, self.startIm, self.destIm, arguments=arguments, invert=invert) if mask is not None and mask.shape != (0, 0): mask = ImageWrapper(mask) else: mask = None return mask
def transform(img, source, target, **kwargs): img_to_paste = openImageFile(kwargs['donor']) pasteregionsize = kwargs['region size'] if 'region size' in kwargs else 1.0 approach = kwargs['approach'] if 'approach' in kwargs else 'simple' segment_algorithm = kwargs[ 'segment'] if 'segment' in kwargs else 'felzenszwalb' if pasteregionsize < 1.0: dims = (int(img.size[1] * pasteregionsize), int(img.size[0] * pasteregionsize)) else: dims = (img.size[1], img.size[0]) x = (img.size[1] - dims[0]) / 2 y = (img.size[0] - dims[1]) / 2 imgarray = np.asarray(img) if len(imgarray.shape) > 2: newimg = imgarray[x:dims[0] + x, y:dims[1] + y, :] else: newimg = imgarray[x:dims[0] + x, y:dims[1] + y] transform_matrix, out = performPaste(ImageWrapper(newimg), img_to_paste, approach, segment_algorithm) if pasteregionsize < 1.0: out2 = np.copy(imgarray) if len(imgarray.shape) > 2: out2[x:dims[0] + x, y:dims[1] + y, :] = out else: out2[x:dims[0] + x, y:dims[1] + y] = out out = out2 ImageWrapper(out).save(target) return { 'transform matrix': tool_set.serializeMatrix(transform_matrix) } if transform_matrix is not None else None, None
def test_global_transform_analysis(self): from maskgen.image_wrap import ImageWrapper analysis = {} mask = np.random.randint(0, 2, (1000, 1000), dtype=np.uint8) mask[mask > 0] = 255 tool_set.globalTransformAnalysis(analysis, ImageWrapper(mask), ImageWrapper(mask), mask=mask, linktype='image.image', arguments={}, directory='.') self.assertEquals('yes', analysis['global']) mask = np.zeros((1000, 1000), dtype=np.uint8) mask[0:30, 0:30] = 255 tool_set.globalTransformAnalysis(analysis, ImageWrapper(mask), ImageWrapper(mask), mask=mask, linktype='image.image', arguments={}, directory='.') self.assertEquals('no', analysis['global']) self.assertEquals('small', analysis['change size category']) mask = np.zeros((1000, 1000), dtype=np.uint8) mask[0:75, 0:75] = 255 tool_set.globalTransformAnalysis(analysis, ImageWrapper(mask), ImageWrapper(mask), mask=mask, linktype='image.image', arguments={}, directory='.') self.assertEquals('no', analysis['global']) self.assertEquals('medium', analysis['change size category']) mask[0:100, 0:100] = 255 tool_set.globalTransformAnalysis(analysis, ImageWrapper(mask), ImageWrapper(mask), mask=mask, linktype='image.image', arguments={}, directory='.') self.assertEquals('no', analysis['global']) self.assertEquals('large', analysis['change size category']) tool_set.globalTransformAnalysis(analysis, ImageWrapper(mask), ImageWrapper(mask), mask=mask, linktype='image.image', arguments={}, directory='.')
def carveSeams(source, target, shape, mask_filename, approach='backward', energy='Sobel', keep_size=False): """ :param img: :return: @type img: ImageWrapper """ import traceback import sys try: sc = SeamCarver(source, shape=shape, energy_function=SobelFunc() if energy == 'Sobel' else ScharrEnergyFunc(), mask_filename=mask_filename, keep_size=keep_size, seam_function=foward_base_energy_function if approach == 'forward' else base_energy_function) image, mask = sc.remove_seams() except IndexError as ex: texc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_tb(exc_traceback, limit=10, file=sys.stdout) raise ex maskname = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(source), shortenName(os.path.basename(source), '_real_mask.png', identifier=uniqueId())) adjusternames = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(source), shortenName(os.path.basename(source), '.png', identifier=uniqueId())) finalmaskname = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(source), shortenName(os.path.basename(source), '_final_mask.png', identifier=uniqueId())) ImageWrapper(mask).save(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source), maskname)) adjusternames_row, adjusternames_col = sc.mask_tracker.save_adjusters( adjusternames) sc.mask_tracker.save_neighbors_mask(finalmaskname) ImageWrapper(image).save(target) return { 'neighbor mask': finalmaskname, 'column adjuster': adjusternames_col, 'row adjuster': adjusternames_row, 'plugin mask': maskname }
def transform(img, source, target, **kwargs): finalimage = openImageFile(kwargs['Final Image']) output = None if 'inputmaskname' not in kwargs: pastemask, analsys, error = createMask(img, finalimage) if error: logging.getLogger('maskgen').error("Error creating inputmask " + error) splits = os.path.split(source) pastemask.invert()[0] + '_inputmask.png') pastemask = pastemask.to_array() output = {'inputmaskname': splits[0] + '_inputmask.png'} else: pastemask = openImageFile(kwargs['inputmaskname']).to_array() finalimage = finalimage.to_array() sourceimg = np.copy(img.to_array()).astype('float') if len(pastemask.shape) > 2: if pastemask.shape[2] > 3: mult = pastemask[:, :, 3] / 255.0 else: mult = pastemask[:, :, 1] / 255.0 else: mult = pastemask / 255.0 for dim in range(sourceimg.shape[2]): sourceimg[:,:,dim] = \ (sourceimg[:,:,dim]*(1.0-mult)).astype('uint8') + \ (finalimage[:,:,dim]*(mult)).astype('uint8') ImageWrapper(sourceimg.astype('uint8')).save(target) return output, None
def transform(img, source, target, **kwargs): # NOTE: arguments passed on AS IS!! im = openImageFile(source, args=kwargs) imarray = np.array(im) #deal with grayscale image if len(imarray.shape) == 2: w, h = imarray.shape ret = np.empty((w, h, 3), dtype=np.uint8) ret[:, :, :] = imarray[:, :, np.newaxis] imarray = ret analysis = {} if 'Crop' in kwargs and kwargs['Crop'] == 'yes': dims = getExifDimensions(source, crop=True) if len(dims) > 0 and imarray.shape[0] != dims[0][0]: h = int(imarray.shape[0] - dims[0]) / 2 w = int(imarray.shape[1] - dims[1]) / 2 imarray = imarray[h:-h, w:-w] analysis['location'] = str((h, w)) if 'Image Rotated' in kwargs and kwargs['Image Rotated'] == 'yes': orientation = exif.getOrientationFromExif(source) if orientation is not None: analysis.update(exif.rotateAnalysis(orientation)) imarray = exif.rotateAccordingToExif(imarray, orientation, counter=True) ImageWrapper(imarray).save(target, format='PNG') analysis['Image Rotated'] = 'yes' if 'rotation' in analysis else 'no' return analysis, None
def transform(img, source, target, **kwargs): pixelWidth = int(kwargs['width']) pixelHeight = int(kwargs['height']) ImageWrapper( resizeImage(img.to_array(), (pixelHeight, pixelWidth), kwargs['interpolation'])).save(target) return None, None
def test_image_donor(self): import numpy as np from maskgen.image_wrap import ImageWrapper graph = Mock() def lkup_preds(x): return {'b': ['a'], 'e': ['d']}[x] def lkup_edge(x, y): return \ {'ab': {'op': 'NoSelect'}, 'de': {'op': 'SelectRegion'}}[ x + y] withoutalpha = ImageWrapper(np.zeros((400, 400, 3), dtype=np.uint8)) withAlpha = ImageWrapper(np.zeros((400, 400, 4), dtype=np.uint8)) mask = ImageWrapper(np.ones((400, 400), dtype=np.uint8) * 255) mask.image_array[0:30, 0:30] = 0 withAlpha.image_array[0:30, 0:30, 3] = 255 graph.predecessors = lkup_preds graph.get_edge = lkup_edge graph.dir = '.' graph.get_edge_image = Mock(return_value=mask) donor = InterpolateDonor( graph, 'e', 'f', 'x', (withoutalpha, self.locateFile('tests/videos/')), (withAlpha, self.locateFile('tests/videos/'))) mask = donor.create(arguments={}) self.assertTrue(np.all(mask.image_array[0:30, 0:30] == 255)) self.assertEquals(900, np.sum((mask.image_array / 255))) donor = InterpolateDonor( graph, 'b', 'c', 'x', (withoutalpha, self.locateFile('tests/videos/')), (withAlpha, self.locateFile('tests/videos/'))) mask = donor.create(arguments={}) self.assertIsNone(mask) donor = InterpolateDonor( graph, 'b', 'c', 'x', (withAlpha, self.locateFile('tests/videos/')), (withAlpha, self.locateFile('tests/videos/'))) mask = donor.create(arguments={}) self.assertTrue(np.all(mask.image_array[0:30, 0:30] == 0)) self.assertEquals(159100, np.sum((mask.image_array / 255)))
def transform(img, source, target, **kwargs): areaConstraints = (int(kwargs['area.lower.bound']) if 'area.lower.bound' in kwargs else 0, int(kwargs['area.upper.bound']) if 'area.upper.bound' in kwargs else sys.maxint) annotation, mask = createMaskImageWithParams( np.asarray(img), source, kwargs, areaConstraint=areaConstraints) ImageWrapper(mask).save(target) return {'subject': annotation}, None
def transform(img, source, target, **kwargs): pixelWidth = int(kwargs['pixel_width']) pixelHeight = int(kwargs['pixel_height']) x = int(kwargs['crop_x']) y = int(kwargs['crop_y']) cv_image = numpy.array(img) new_img = cv_image[y:-(pixelHeight - y), x:-(pixelWidth - x), :] ImageWrapper(new_img).save(target) return None, None
def transform(img, source, target, **kwargs): channel_map = {"red": 0, "green": 1, "blue": 2} donor = kwargs['mask'] if 'mask' in kwargs else source channel_name = kwargs['channel'] if 'channel' in kwargs else "green" img = openImageFile(donor) color_im = np.zeros((img.size[1], img.size[0], 3), dtype=np.uint8) color_im[:, :, channel_map[channel_name]] = img.image_array ImageWrapper(color_im).save(target) return None, None
def xtest_mask_gen(self): from maskgen import tool_set from maskgen.image_wrap import ImageWrapper aorig = image_wrap.openImageFile('tests/images/0c5a0bed2548b1d77717b1fb4d5bbf5a-TGT-17-CLONE.png') a = aorig.convert('YCbCr') borig = image_wrap.openImageFile('tests/images/0c5a0bed2548b1d77717b1fb4d5bbf5a-TGT-18-CARVE.png') b = borig.convert('YCbCr') mask = tool_set._tallySeam((a.to_array()[:, :, 0]), (b.to_array()[20:, :, 0])) ImageWrapper(mask).save('seam_mask.png')
def transform(img, source, target, **kwargs): # source = zip of images if 'Registration Type' in kwargs: reg_type = kwargs['Registration Type'] else: reg_type = 'ECC' zipf = ZipCapture(source) imgs = [] logger = logging.getLogger("maskgen") retrieved, zip_image = if not retrieved: raise ValueError("Zip File {0} is empty".format( os.path.basename(source))) registrar = { 'ECC': OpenCVECCRegistration(os.path.join(zipf.dir, zipf.names[0])) } reg_tool = registrar[reg_type] if 'Image Rotated' in kwargs and kwargs['Image Rotated'] == 'yes': try: orientation = getValue(zipf.get_exif(), 'Orientation', None) except KeyError: orientation = None else: orientation = None logger.debug("Beginning image alignment for " + os.path.basename(source)) while retrieved: aligned = reg_tool.align(zip_image) imgs.append(aligned) retrieved, zip_image = logger.debug(os.path.basename(source) + " alignment complete") if not imgs: return None, False stacks = np.stack(np.asarray(imgs)) median_img = np.median(stacks, 0) analysis = {'Merge Operation': 'Median Pixel'} if orientation is not None: analysis.update(exif.rotateAnalysis(orientation)) median_img = exif.rotateAccordingToExif(median_img, orientation, counter=True) ImageWrapper(median_img).save(target, format='PNG') analysis['Image Rotated'] = 'yes' if 'rotation' in analysis else 'no' return analysis, None
def open_heic(filename, isMask=False): from wand.image import Image as WandImage from PIL import Image import numpy as np from io import BytesIO from maskgen.image_wrap import ImageWrapper depthmap = {'8': 'uint8', '16':'uint16', '32':'uint32'} with WandImage(filename=filename) as wand_img: with wand_img.convert(format='bmp') as img: img_buffer = np.asarray(bytearray(img.make_blob()), dtype=depthmap[str(img.depth)]) bytesio = BytesIO(img_buffer) pilImage = return ImageWrapper(np.asarray(pilImage), mode=pilImage.mode,, to_mask=isMask, filename=filename)
def transform(img, source, target, **kwargs): cv_image = img.to_array() shape = cv_image.shape percentageWidth = float(kwargs['percentage_width']) percentageHeight = float(kwargs['percentage_height']) pixelWidth = int(shape[1] * percentageWidth) pixelHeight = int(shape[0] * percentageHeight) pixelWidth = pixelWidth - pixelWidth % 8 pixelHeight = pixelHeight - pixelHeight % 8 ImageWrapper( resizeImage(cv_image, (pixelHeight, pixelWidth), kwargs['interpolation'])).save(target) return None, None
def pasteAnywhere(img, img_to_paste, mask_of_image_to_paste, simple): # get gravity center for rotation w, h, area, cx_gra, cy_gra = minimum_bounding_box(mask_of_image_to_paste) if not simple: # use gravity center to rotate rot_mat = build_random_transform(img_to_paste, mask_of_image_to_paste, (cx_gra, cy_gra)) img_to_paste = cv2.warpAffine( img_to_paste, rot_mat, (img_to_paste.shape[1], img_to_paste.shape[0])) mask_of_image_to_paste = cv2.warpAffine( mask_of_image_to_paste, rot_mat, (img_to_paste.shape[1], img_to_paste.shape[0])) # x,y is the Geometry center(gravity center), which can't align to the crop center(bounding box center) w, h, area, cx, cy = minimum_bounding_box(mask_of_image_to_paste) else: rot_mat = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]]).astype('float') # To calculate the bbox center x, y, w1, h1 = tool_set.widthandheight(mask_of_image_to_paste) if img.size[0] < w + 4: w = img.size[0] - 2 xplacement = w / 2 + 1 else: xplacement = random.randint(w / 2 + 1, img.size[0] - w / 2 - 1) if img.size[1] < h + 4: h = img.size[1] - 2 yplacement = h / 2 + 1 else: yplacement = random.randint(h / 2 + 1, img.size[1] - h / 2 - 1) output_matrix = np.eye(3, dtype=float) for i in range(2): for j in range(2): output_matrix[i, j] = rot_mat[i, j] # That is the correct offset output_matrix[0, 2] = rot_mat[0, 2] + xplacement - x - w1 / 2 output_matrix[1, 2] = rot_mat[1, 2] + yplacement - y - h1 / 2 return output_matrix, tool_set.place_in_image( ImageWrapper(img_to_paste).to_mask().to_array(), img_to_paste, np.asarray(img), (xplacement, yplacement), # x,y have no use rect=(x, y, w, h))
def test_two_images(self): from maskgen import tool_set from maskgen.image_wrap import ImageWrapper aorig = image_wrap.openImageFile('tests/images/0c5a0bed2548b1d77717b1fb4d5bbf5a-TGT-17-CLONE.png') a = aorig.convert('YCbCr') borig = image_wrap.openImageFile('tests/images/0c5a0bed2548b1d77717b1fb4d5bbf5a-TGT-18-CARVE.png') b = borig.convert('YCbCr') index = CSHSingleIndexer() index.init(number_of_tables=2, length_of_tables=6) index.hash_images(ImageWrapper(a.to_array()[:, :, 0]), ImageWrapper(b.to_array()[:, :, 0])) collector = ImageLabel() analysis = {} src_dst_pts = tool_set.getMatchedSIFeatures() data_set, labels = find_lines(src_dst_pts[0], src_dst_pts[1]) label_set = set(np.unique(labels)) label_set = set(label_set).difference(set([0, 1])) dist = 125 / len(label_set) label_map = {} i = 0 for label in np.unique(labels): if label >= 0: label_map[label] = 124 + i * dist i += 1 amask = np.zeros(a.to_array().shape, dtype=np.uint8) bmask = np.zeros(b.to_array().shape, dtype=np.uint8) for i in range(len(data_set)): result = data_set[i] if labels[i] >= 0: amask[max(int(result[2][0][0]) - 5, 0):min(int(result[2][0][0]) + 5, amask.shape[0]), max(int(result[2][0][1]) - 5, 0):min(int(result[2][0][1]) + 5, amask.shape[1]), :] = label_map[labels[i]] bmask[max(int(result[3][0][0]) - 5, 0):min(int(result[3][0][0]) + 5, amask.shape[0]), max(int(result[3][0][1]) - 5, 0):min(int(result[3][0][1]) + 5, amask.shape[1]), :] = label_map[labels[i]] ImageWrapper(amask).save('amask.png') ImageWrapper(bmask).save('bmask.png')
def test_wh_generation(self): from maskgen.image_wrap import ImageWrapper seq2 = gen_wh(4).astype(int) self.assertEqual(seq2.shape[0], 16) im = np.copy(seq2) im[im < 0 ]= 0 im[im > 0] =255 ImageWrapper(im.astype('uint8')).save('foo.png') for i in range(4): for j in range(4): quadsum = sum(sum(seq2[i*4:i*4+4,j*4:j*4+4])) if (i,j)==(0,0): self.assertEqual(16,quadsum, msg=str((i,j))) else: self.assertEqual(0, quadsum,msg=str((i,j)))
def transform(img, source, target, **kwargs): cv_image = numpy.array(img) shape = cv_image.shape snapto8 = 'eightbit_boundary' in kwargs and kwargs[ 'eightbit_boundary'] == 'yes' percentageWidth = float(kwargs['percentage_width']) percentageHeight = float(kwargs['percentage_height']) pixelWidth = int(shape[1] * percentageWidth) pixelHeight = int(shape[0] * percentageHeight) # only percentages are too big if pixelHeight > shape[0] / 2: pixelHeight = shape[0] / 2 - 8 if pixelWidth > shape[1] / 2: pixelWidth = shape[1] / 2 - 8 start_y = 0 end_y = shape[0] start_x = 0 end_x = shape[1] if snapto8: pixelWidth = (pixelWidth + (8 - pixelWidth % 8)) pixelHeight = (pixelHeight + (8 - pixelHeight % 8)) # case where width is not cropped if pixelWidth > 0: if snapto8: start_x = randint(1, pixelWidth / 8 - 1) * 8 if pixelWidth > 8 else 0 else: start_x = randint(1, pixelWidth - 1) if pixelWidth > 1 else 0 end_x = -(pixelWidth - start_x) if pixelHeight > 0: if snapto8: start_y = randint(1, pixelHeight / 8 - 1) * 8 if pixelHeight > 8 else 0 else: start_y = randint(1, pixelHeight - 1) if pixelHeight > 1 else 0 end_y = -(pixelHeight - start_y) new_img = cv_image[start_y:end_y, start_x:end_x, :] ImageWrapper(new_img).save(target) return { 'crop_x': start_x, 'crop_y': start_y, 'crop_width': pixelWidth, 'crop_height': pixelHeight }, None
def test_SIFT(self): from maskgen.image_wrap import ImageWrapper img1 = ImageWrapper( np.random.randint(0, 255, (4000, 5000, 3), dtype='uint8')) img2 = ImageWrapper( np.random.randint(0, 255, (8000, 8000, 3), dtype='uint8')) img2.image_array[1000:2000, 1000:2000, :] = img1.image_array[2000:3000, 2000:3000, :] mask1 = ImageWrapper(np.zeros((4000, 5000), dtype='uint8')) mask1.image_array[2000:3000, 2000:3000] = 255 mask2 = ImageWrapper(np.zeros((8000, 8000), dtype='uint8')) mask2.image_array[1000:2000, 1000:2000] = 255 features = tool_set.getMatchedSIFeatures(img1, img2, mask1=mask1, mask2=mask2, arguments={ 'homography max matches': '2000', 'homography': 'RANSAC-4' }) img1 = ImageWrapper( np.random.randint(0, 65535, (4000, 5000, 3), dtype='uint16')) img2 = ImageWrapper( np.random.randint(0, 65535, (8000, 8000, 3), dtype='uint16')) img2.image_array[1000:2000, 1000:2000, :] = img1.image_array[2000:3000, 2000:3000, :] mask1 = ImageWrapper(np.zeros((4000, 5000), dtype='uint8')) mask1.image_array[2000:3000, 2000:3000] = 255 mask2 = ImageWrapper(np.zeros((8000, 8000), dtype='uint8')) mask2.image_array[1000:2000, 1000:2000] = 255 features = tool_set.getMatchedSIFeatures(img1, img2, mask1=mask1, mask2=mask2, arguments={ 'homography max matches': '2000', 'homography': 'RANSAC-4' })
def transform(img, source, target, **kwargs): rotation = int(kwargs['rotation']) imgdata = img.to_array() #if len(imgdata.shape) > 2: # imgdata = cv2.cvtColor(imgdata, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) rows, cols, channels = imgdata.shape M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols / 2, rows / 2), rotation, 1) constant = int(imgdata.max()) rotated_img = cv2.warpAffine(imgdata, M, (cols, rows), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE) #rotated_img = rotateImage(rotation,(rows / 2,cols / 2),imgdata) #out_img = cv2.cvtColor(rotated_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) # display(out_img, 'rotation') ImageWrapper(rotated_img).save(target) return {'transform matrix': serializeMatrix(M)}, None
def transform(img, source, target, **kwargs): donor = kwargs['donor'] # raise error if missing donor im_source = openImageFile(source).image_array im_donor_trace = openImageFile(donor).image_array if np.shape(im_source)[0:2] != np.shape(im_donor_trace)[0:2]: orientation_source = np.shape(im_source)[0] - np.shape(im_source)[1] orientation_donor = np.shape(im_donor_trace)[0] - np.shape( im_donor_trace)[1] if sign(orientation_source) != sign(orientation_donor): im_donor_trace = np.rot90(im_donor_trace, -1) location, im_source = centeredCrop(im_source, im_donor_trace) ImageWrapper(im_source).save(target, format='PNG') else: location = (0, 0) return {'location': location}, None
def pca(i, component=0, normalize=False): from sklearn.decomposition import PCA import cv2 i1 = np.reshape(i.image_array[:, :, 0], i.size[1] * i.size[0]) i2 = np.reshape(i.image_array[:, :, 1], i.size[1] * i.size[0]) i3 = np.reshape(i.image_array[:, :, 2], i.size[1] * i.size[0]) X = np.stack([i1, i2, i3]) pca = PCA(3) pca.fit_transform(X) A = pca.components_[component] * pca.explained_variance_ratio_[component] A1 = (A - min(A)) / (max(A) - min(A)) * 255 if normalize: imhist, bins = np.histogram(A1, 256, normed=True) cdf = imhist.cumsum() # cumulative distribution function cdf = 255 * cdf / cdf[-1] A1 = np.interp(A1, bins[:-1], cdf) PCI = np.reshape(A1, i.image_array[:, :, 0].shape).astype('uint8') return ImageWrapper(PCI)
def ela(i): from PIL import Image import time import os tmp = 't' + str(time.clock()) + '.jpg' Image.fromarray(i.image_array).save(tmp, 'JPEG', quality=95) with open(tmp, 'rb') as f: i_qa = i_qa_array = np.asarray(i_qa) i_qa.load() os.remove(tmp) ela_im = i.image_array - i_qa_array maxdiff = np.max(ela_im) mindiff = np.min(ela_im) scale = 255.0 / (maxdiff - mindiff) for channel in range(ela_im.shape[2]): ela_im[:, :, channel] = histeq(ela_im[:, :, channel]) # - mindiff) * scale return ImageWrapper(ela_im.astype('uint8'))
def repairMask(graph, start, end): """ :param graph: :param start: :param end: :return: @type graph: ImageGraph @type start: str @type end: str """ edge = graph.get_edge(start, end) startimage, name = graph.get_image(start) finalimage, fname = graph.get_image(end) mask = graph.get_edge_image(start, end, 'maskname') inputmaskname = os.path.splitext(name)[0] + '_inputmask.png' ImageWrapper(composeCloneMask(mask, startimage, finalimage)).save(inputmaskname) edge['inputmaskname'] = os.path.split(inputmaskname)[1] graph.setDataItem('autopastecloneinputmask', 'yes')
def transform(img, source, target, **kwargs): im_source = openImageFile(source).image_array dimensionX, dimensionY = coordsFromString(kwargs['crop dimensions']) eyePosX, eyePosY = coordsFromString(str(kwargs['right eye position'])) if 'right eye position' in kwargs else None,None chinPosX, chinPosY = coordsFromString(str(kwargs['chin position'])) if 'chin position' in kwargs else None,None filemap = kwargs['filemap'] if 'filemap' in kwargs else None if filemap is not None: face = selectfacefromdata(filemap, kwargs['donor'], im_source.shape, cropDimensions=(dimensionX,dimensionY)) #eyePosX = face['right_eye_x'] eyePosY = face['right_eye_y'] chinPosX = face['chin_x'] #chinPosY = face['chin_y'] faceCenter = chinPosX, eyePosY top = (faceCenter[1] - dimensionY / 2) - (faceCenter[1] - dimensionY / 2) % 8 left = (faceCenter[0] - dimensionX / 2) - (faceCenter[0] - dimensionX / 2) % 8 im_source = im_source[top:top + dimensionY, left:left + dimensionX, :] ImageWrapper(im_source).save(target, format='PNG') return {"top":top, "left":left},None
def paste(self, video_file, object, codec): vfi = cv2api_delegate.videoCapture(video_file) width = int(vfi.get(cv2api_delegate.prop_frame_width)) height = int(vfi.get(cv2api_delegate.prop_frame_height)) fourcc = fourccs[codec] video_prefix = video_file[:video_file.rfind('.')] video_file_output = video_prefix + '_paste.' + suffices[codec] video_file_output = os.path.split(video_file_output)[1] vfo = cv2api_delegate.videoWriter(video_file_output, fourcc, (vfi.get(cv2api_delegate.prop_fps)), (width, height)) if not vfo.isOpened(): raise ValueError('VideoWriter failed to open.') try: while vfi.isOpened() and vfo.isOpened(): r,f = if not r: break i = ImageWrapper(self.paste_in(f,object),mode='BGR') vfo.write(i.image_array) finally: vfi.release() vfo.release() self.addFileToRemove(video_file_output) return video_file_output
def transform(img, source, target, **kwargs): mask = numpy.asarray( tool_set.openImageFile(kwargs['inputmaskname']).to_mask()) img_array = img.to_array() result = None if len(img_array.shape) == 2: # grey result = numpy.zeros( (img_array.shape[0], img_array.shape[1], 2)).astype('uint8') result[:, :, 0] = img_array result[:, :, 1] = mask elif len(img_array.shape) == 3: if img_array.shape[2] == 4: result = img_array result[:, :, 4] = mask else: result = numpy.zeros( (img_array.shape[0], img_array.shape[1], 4)).astype('uint8') result[:, :, 0] = img_array[:, :, 0] result[:, :, 1] = img_array[:, :, 1] result[:, :, 2] = img_array[:, :, 2] result[:, :, 3] = mask ImageWrapper(result).save(target) return None, None
def create_zero(h, w): return ImageWrapper(np.zeros((h, w), dtype='uint8'))
def copyFrames(in_file, out_file, start_time, end_time, paste_time, codec=None): """ :param in_file: is the full path of the video file from which to drop frames :param out_file: resulting video file :param start_time: (milli,frame no) to start to fill :param end_time: (milli,frame no) end fil :param codec: :return: """ import time logger = logging.getLogger('maskgen') frames_to_write = [] frames_to_copy = [] cap = cv2api_delegate.videoCapture(in_file) fourcc = cv2api_delegate.get_fourcc( str(codec)) if codec is not None else cap.get( cv2api_delegate.fourcc_prop) fps = cap.get(cv2api_delegate.prop_fps) height = int(np.rint(cap.get(cv2api_delegate.prop_frame_height))) width = int(np.rint(cap.get(cv2api_delegate.prop_frame_width))) out_video = cv2api_delegate.videoWriter(out_file, fourcc, fps, (width, height), isColor=1) if not out_video.isOpened(): err = out_file + " fourcc: " + str(fourcc) + " FPS: " + str(fps) + \ " H: " + str(height) + " W: " + str(width) raise ValueError('Unable to create video ' + err) copy_time_manager = VidTimeManager(startTimeandFrame=start_time, stopTimeandFrame=end_time) paste_time_manager = VidTimeManager(startTimeandFrame=paste_time) write_count = 0 try: while (not copy_time_manager.isPastTime() and cap.grab()): ret, frame = cap.retrieve() elapsed_time = float(cap.get(cv2api_delegate.prop_pos_msec)) copy_time_manager.updateToNow(elapsed_time) paste_time_manager.updateToNow(elapsed_time) if not copy_time_manager.isBeforeTime( ) and not copy_time_manager.isPastTime(): frames_to_copy.append(frame) if not paste_time_manager.isBeforeTime(): frames_to_write.append(frame) else: out_video.write(frame) write_count += 1 if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug("First to copy {}".format( hashlib.sha256(frames_to_copy[0]).hexdigest())) logger.debug("Last to copy {}".format( hashlib.sha256(frames_to_copy[-1]).hexdigest())) ImageWrapper(frames_to_copy[0]).save('first_' + str(time.clock()) + '.png') ImageWrapper(frames_to_copy[-1]).save('last_' + str(time.clock()) + '.png') if len(frames_to_write) > 0: # paste prior to copy for copy_frame in frames_to_copy: out_video.write(copy_frame) for write_frame in frames_to_write: out_video.write(write_frame) else: # paste after to copy frame = None while (paste_time_manager.isBeforeTime() and cap.grab()): ret, frame = cap.retrieve() elapsed_time = float(cap.get(cv2api_delegate.prop_pos_msec)) paste_time_manager.updateToNow(elapsed_time) if paste_time_manager.isBeforeTime(): out_video.write(frame) write_count += 1 for copy_frame in frames_to_copy: out_video.write(copy_frame) if frame is not None: out_video.write(frame) while (cap.grab()): ret, frame = cap.retrieve() out_video.write(frame) finally: cap.release() out_video.release() return write_count