class RocketSimulator(object): def __init__(self): self.T = 150 self.dt = 0.01 self.time = np.arange(0.0, self.T, self.dt) self.N = len(self.time) def initialize(self, design, launch_condition): """ 初期化 """ = design['name'] self.m_af = design['m_af'] self.I_af = design['I_af'] self.CP = design['CP'] self.CG_a = design['CG_a'] self.d = design['d'] self.area = np.pi * (self.d**2) / 4.0 self.len_a = design['len_a'] self.inertia_z0 = design['inertia_z0'] self.inertia_zT = design['inertia_zT'] self.engine = design['engine'] self.me_total = design['me_total'] self.me_prop = design['me_prop'] self.len_e = design['len_e'] self.d_e = design['d_e'] self.p0 = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) # position(x, y, z) self.condition_name = launch_condition['name'] self.theta0 = launch_condition['AngleOfFire'] self.phi0 = launch_condition['azimuthal'] self.launch_rod = launch_condition['launch_rod'] self.v0 = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) # velocity(vx, vy, vz) self.ome0 = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) self.density = launch_condition['density'] self.wind_R = launch_condition['StandardWind'] self.z_R = launch_condition['StandardHeight'] self.beta = launch_condition['WindDirection'] # wind direction self.wind_direction = np.array( [np.cos(self.beta), np.sin(self.beta), 0.0]) self.qua_theta0 = np.array( [np.cos(0.5 * self.theta0), np.sin(0.5 * self.theta0), 0., 0.]) # x軸theta[rad]回転, 射角 self.qua_phi0 = np.array( [np.cos(0.5 * self.phi0), 0., 0., np.sin(0.5 * self.phi0)]) # z軸phi[rad]回転, 方位角 self.wind_direction = np.array( [np.cos(self.beta), np.sin(self.beta), 0.0]) self.engine_data = np.loadtxt(self.engine) self.force = Force(self.area, self.engine_data, self.T, self.density) self.thrust = self.force.thrust() self.mass = Mass(self.m_af, self.I_af, self.CG_a, self.len_a, self.inertia_z0, self.inertia_zT, self.me_total, self.me_prop, self.len_e, self.d_e, self.force.burn_time, self.T) self.M = self.mass.mass() self.Me = self.mass.me_t() self.Me_dot = self.mass.me_dot() self.CG = self.mass.CG() self.CG_dot = self.mass.CG_dot() self.Ie = self.mass.iexg() self.Inertia = self.mass.inertia() self.Inertia_z = self.mass.inertia_z() self.Inertia_dot = self.mass.inertia_dot() self.Inertia_z_dot = self.mass.inertia_z_dot() self.wind = Wind(self.z_R, self.wind_R) def deriv_mc(self, pi, vi, quai, omei, t, nw, nb): """ 運動方程式 """ qt = Quaternion() # 機軸座標系の推力方向ベクトル r_Ta = np.array([0., 0., 1.0]) # 慣性座標系重力加速度 gra = np.array([0., 0., -g]) # 機軸座標系の空力中心位置 r = np.array([0., 0., self.CG(t) - self.CP]) # 慣性座標系の推力方向ベクトル r_T = qt.rotation(r_Ta, qt.coquat(quai)) r_T /= np.linalg.norm(r_T) # 慣性テンソル I = np.diag([self.Inertia(t), self.Inertia(t), self.Inertia_z(t)]) # 慣性テンソルの時間微分 I_dot = np.diag( [self.Inertia_dot(t), self.Inertia_dot(t), self.Inertia_z_dot(t)]) # 慣性座標系対気速度 beta = self.beta + nb v_air = (1 + nw) * self.wind.wind(pi[2]) * np.array( [np.cos(beta), np.sin(beta), 0.0]) - vi # 迎角 alpha = aoa.aoa(qt.rotation(v_air, quai)) # ランチロッド垂直抗力 N = 0 # ランチロッド進行中 if np.linalg.norm(pi) <= self.launch_rod and r_T[2] >= 0: Mg_ = self.M(t) * gra - * gra, r_T) * r_T D_ = self.force.drag(alpha, v_air) - self.force.drag(alpha, v_air), r_T) * r_T N = -Mg_ - D_ # 慣性座標系加速度 v_dot = gra + (self.thrust(t) * r_T + self.force.drag(alpha, v_air) + N) / self.M(t) # クォータニオンの導関数 qua_dot = qt.qua_dot(omei, quai) # 機軸座標系角加速度 ome_dot = np.linalg.solve( I, -np.cross(r, qt.rotation(self.force.drag(alpha, v_air), quai)) -, omei) - np.cross(omei,, omei))) # ランチロッド進行中 if np.linalg.norm(pi) <= self.launch_rod: # ランチロッド進行中は姿勢が一定なので角加速度0とする ome_dot = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) return vi, v_dot, qua_dot, ome_dot def simulate_mc(self, sd_w=0.1, sd_b=0.1): noise_w = np.random.randn(self.N) * sd_w noise_b = np.random.randn(self.N) * sd_b """ 数値計算 """ qt = Quaternion() p = np.empty((self.N + 1, 3)) v = np.empty((self.N + 1, 3)) qua = np.empty((self.N + 1, 4)) ome = np.empty((self.N + 1, 3)) p[0] = self.p0 v[0] = self.v0 qua[0] = qt.product(self.qua_phi0, self.qua_theta0) ome[0] = self.ome0 count = 0 for (i, t) in enumerate(self.time): # Euler method p_dot, v_dot, qua_dot, ome_dot = self.deriv_mc( p[i], v[i], qua[i], ome[i], t, noise_w[i], noise_b[i]) # if np.isnan(qua_dot).any() or np.isinf(qua_dot).any() or np.isnan(ome_dot).any() or np.isinf(ome_dot).any(): # count = i # break p[i + 1] = p[i] + p_dot * self.dt v[i + 1] = v[i] + v_dot * self.dt qua[i + 1] = qua[i] + qua_dot * self.dt ome[i + 1] = ome[i] + ome_dot * self.dt # vz<0かつz<0のとき計算を中断 if v[i + 1][2] < 0 and p[i + 1][2] < 0: count = i + 1 break qua[i + 1] /= np.linalg.norm(qua[i + 1]) if t <= self.force.burn_time: p[i + 1][2] = max(0., p[i + 1][2]) # vz<0かつz<0のとき計算を中断 if v[i + 1][2] < 0 and p[i + 1][2] < 0: count = i + 1 break self.p = p[:count + 1] self.v = v[:count + 1] self.qua = qua[:count + 1] self.ome = ome[:count + 1] def falling_range(self, n=1000, sd_w=0.1, sd_b=0.1): falling_area = [] max_alttitude = [] self.paths = [] for i in range(n): self.simulate_mc(sd_w, sd_b) falling_area.append(self.p[-1]) max_alttitude.append(self.p[:, 2].max()) self.paths.append(self.p) if (i + 1) % 10 == 0: print(str((i + 1) / n * 100) + '%') self.paths = np.array(self.paths) return np.array(falling_area), np.array(max_alttitude) def output_kml(self, place): # 原点からの距離 def dis2d(x, y): return pow(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2), 0.5) # y軸とベクトル(x, y)のなす角 def ang2d(x, y): # y軸上 if x == 0: if y >= 0: return 0.0 else: return 180.0 # x軸上 if y == 0: if x >= 0: return 90.0 else: return 270.0 # 第1象限 if x > 0 and y > 0: return np.arctan(x / y) * 180 / np.pi # 第2象限 if x > 0 and y < 0: return 180.0 + np.arctan(x / y) * 180 / np.pi # 第3象限 if x < 0 and y < 0: return 180.0 + np.arctan(x / y) * 180 / np.pi # 第4象限 if x < 0 and y > 0: return 360.0 + np.arctan(x / y) * 180 / np.pi distance = [ dis2d(self.p[i, 0], self.p[i, 1]) for i in range(len(self.p)) ] angle = [ang2d(self.p[i, 0], self.p[i, 1]) for i in range(len(self.p))] coordinate0 = place[1] latitude = coordinate0[0] longitude = coordinate0[1] geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps='WGS84') newLong = [] newLat = [] invAngle = [] for i in range(len(self.p)): nlon, nlat, nang = geod.fwd(longitude, latitude, angle[i], distance[i]) newLong.append(nlon) newLat.append(nlat) invAngle.append(nang) kml = simplekml.Kml(open=1) cood = [] for i in range(len(self.p)): cood.append((newLong[i], newLat[i], self.p[i, 2])) ls = kml.newlinestring( + "'s Path") ls.coords = cood = 3 = ls.altitudemode = simplekml.AltitudeMode.relativetoground ls.extrude = 0 + "_" + place[0] + '_' + self.condition_name + "_path.kml") print("Kml file for Google Earth was created.")
class RocketSimulator(object): def __init__(self): self.T = 150 self.dt = 0.01 self.time = np.arange(0.0, self.T, self.dt) self.N = len(self.time) def initialize(self, design, launch_condition): """ 初期化 """ = design['name'] self.m_af = design['m_af'] self.I_af = design['I_af'] self.CP = design['CP'] self.CG_a = design['CG_a'] self.d = design['d'] self.area = np.pi * (self.d**2) / 4.0 self.len_a = design['len_a'] self.inertia_z0 = design['inertia_z0'] self.inertia_zT = design['inertia_zT'] self.engine = design['engine'] self.me_total = design['me_total'] self.me_prop = design['me_prop'] self.len_e = design['len_e'] self.d_e = design['d_e'] self.p0 = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) # position(x, y, z) self.condition_name = launch_condition['name'] self.theta0 = launch_condition['AngleOfFire'] self.phi0 = launch_condition['azimuthal'] self.launch_rod = launch_condition['launch_rod'] self.v0 = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) # velocity(vx, vy, vz) self.ome0 = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) self.density = launch_condition['density'] self.wind_R = launch_condition['StandardWind'] self.z_R = launch_condition['StandardHeight'] self.beta = launch_condition['WindDirection'] # wind direction self.wind_direction = np.array( [np.cos(self.beta), np.sin(self.beta), 0.0]) self.qua_theta0 = np.array( [np.cos(0.5 * self.theta0), np.sin(0.5 * self.theta0), 0., 0.]) # x軸theta[rad]回転, 射角 self.qua_phi0 = np.array( [np.cos(0.5 * self.phi0), 0., 0., np.sin(0.5 * self.phi0)]) # z軸phi[rad]回転, 方位角 self.wind_direction = np.array( [np.cos(self.beta), np.sin(self.beta), 0.0]) self.engine_data = np.loadtxt(self.engine) self.force = Force(self.area, self.engine_data, self.T, self.density) self.thrust = self.force.thrust() self.mass = Mass(self.m_af, self.I_af, self.CG_a, self.len_a, self.inertia_z0, self.inertia_zT, self.me_total, self.me_prop, self.len_e, self.d_e, self.force.burn_time, self.T) self.M = self.mass.mass() self.Me = self.mass.me_t() self.Me_dot = self.mass.me_dot() self.CG = self.mass.CG() self.CG_dot = self.mass.CG_dot() self.Ie = self.mass.iexg() self.Inertia = self.mass.inertia() self.Inertia_z = self.mass.inertia_z() self.Inertia_dot = self.mass.inertia_dot() self.Inertia_z_dot = self.mass.inertia_z_dot() self.wind = Wind(self.z_R, self.wind_R) def deriv(self, pi, vi, quai, omei, t): """ 運動方程式 """ qt = Quaternion() # 機軸座標系の推力方向ベクトル r_Ta = np.array([0., 0., 1.0]) # 慣性座標系重力加速度 gra = np.array([0., 0., -g]) # 機軸座標系の空力中心位置 r = np.array([0., 0., self.CG(t) - self.CP]) # 慣性座標系の推力方向ベクトル r_T = qt.rotation(r_Ta, qt.coquat(quai)) r_T /= np.linalg.norm(r_T) # 慣性テンソル I = np.diag([self.Inertia(t), self.Inertia(t), self.Inertia_z(t)]) # 慣性テンソルの時間微分 I_dot = np.diag( [self.Inertia_dot(t), self.Inertia_dot(t), self.Inertia_z_dot(t)]) # 慣性座標系対気速度 v_air = self.wind.wind(pi[2]) * self.wind_direction - vi # 迎角 alpha = aoa.aoa(qt.rotation(v_air, quai)) # ランチロッド垂直抗力 N = 0 # ランチロッド進行中 if np.linalg.norm(pi) <= self.launch_rod and r_T[2] >= 0: Mg_ = self.M(t) * gra - * gra, r_T) * r_T D_ = self.force.drag(alpha, v_air) - self.force.drag(alpha, v_air), r_T) * r_T N = -Mg_ - D_ # 慣性座標系加速度 v_dot = gra + (self.thrust(t) * r_T + self.force.drag(alpha, v_air) + N) / self.M(t) # クォータニオンの導関数 qua_dot = qt.qua_dot(omei, quai) # 機軸座標系角加速度 ome_dot = np.linalg.solve( I, -np.cross(r, qt.rotation(self.force.drag(alpha, v_air), quai)) -, omei) - np.cross(omei,, omei))) # ランチロッド進行中 if np.linalg.norm(pi) <= self.launch_rod: # ランチロッド進行中は姿勢が一定なので角加速度0とする ome_dot = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) return vi, v_dot, qua_dot, ome_dot def simulate(self, method='RungeKutta', log=False): """ 数値計算 """ qt = Quaternion() p = np.empty((self.N + 1, 3)) v = np.empty((self.N + 1, 3)) qua = np.empty((self.N + 1, 4)) ome = np.empty((self.N + 1, 3)) p[0] = self.p0 v[0] = self.v0 qua[0] = qt.product(self.qua_phi0, self.qua_theta0) ome[0] = self.ome0 count = 0 for (i, t) in enumerate(self.time): if method == 'RungeKutta': # Runge-Kutta method pk1, vk1, quak1, omek1 = self.deriv(p[i], v[i], qua[i], ome[i], t) pk2, vk2, quak2, omek2 = self.deriv( p[i] + pk1 * self.dt * 0.5, v[i] + vk1 * self.dt * 0.5, qua[i] + quak1 * self.dt * 0.5, ome[i] + omek1 * self.dt * 0.5, t + self.dt * 0.5) pk3, vk3, quak3, omek3 = self.deriv( p[i] + pk2 * self.dt * 0.5, v[i] + vk2 * self.dt * 0.5, qua[i] + quak2 * self.dt * 0.5, ome[i] + omek2 * self.dt * 0.5, t + self.dt * 0.5) pk4, vk4, quak4, omek4 = self.deriv(p[i] + pk3 * self.dt, v[i] + vk3 * self.dt, qua[i] + quak3 * self.dt, ome[i] + omek3 * self.dt, t + self.dt) p[i + 1] = p[i] + (pk1 + 2 * pk2 + 2 * pk3 + pk4) * self.dt / 6 v[i + 1] = v[i] + (vk1 + 2 * vk2 + 2 * vk3 + vk4) * self.dt / 6 qua[i + 1] = qua[i] + (quak1 + 2 * quak2 + 2 * quak3 + quak4) * self.dt / 6 ome[i + 1] = ome[i] + (omek1 + 2 * omek2 + 2 * omek3 + omek4) * self.dt / 6 elif method == 'Euler': # Euler method p_dot, v_dot, qua_dot, ome_dot = self.deriv( p[i], v[i], qua[i], ome[i], t) p[i + 1] = p[i] + p_dot * self.dt v[i + 1] = v[i] + v_dot * self.dt qua[i + 1] = qua[i] + qua_dot * self.dt ome[i + 1] = ome[i] + ome_dot * self.dt if t <= self.force.burn_time: p[i + 1][2] = max(0., p[i + 1][2]) # vz<0かつz<0のとき計算を中断 if v[i + 1][2] < 0 and p[i + 1][2] < 0: count = i + 1 print("Calculation was successfully completed.") break self.p = p[:count + 1] self.v = v[:count + 1] self.qua = qua[:count + 1] self.ome = ome[:count + 1] if log: np.savetxt( + "_" + self.condition_name + "_position.csv", p, delimiter=",") print("Position file was created.") print("Altitude is " + str(max(p[:, 2])) + "[m].") def output_kml(self, place): # 原点からの距離 def dis2d(x, y): return pow(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2), 0.5) # y軸とベクトル(x, y)のなす角 def ang2d(x, y): # y軸上 if x == 0: if y >= 0: return 0.0 else: return 180.0 # x軸上 if y == 0: if x >= 0: return 90.0 else: return 270.0 # 第1象限 if x > 0 and y > 0: return np.arctan(x / y) * 180 / np.pi # 第2象限 if x > 0 and y < 0: return 180.0 + np.arctan(x / y) * 180 / np.pi # 第3象限 if x < 0 and y < 0: return 180.0 + np.arctan(x / y) * 180 / np.pi # 第4象限 if x < 0 and y > 0: return 360.0 + np.arctan(x / y) * 180 / np.pi distance = [ dis2d(self.p[i, 0], self.p[i, 1]) for i in range(len(self.p)) ] angle = [ang2d(self.p[i, 0], self.p[i, 1]) for i in range(len(self.p))] coordinate0 = place[1] latitude = coordinate0[0] longitude = coordinate0[1] geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps='WGS84') newLong = [] newLat = [] invAngle = [] for i in range(len(self.p)): nlon, nlat, nang = geod.fwd(longitude, latitude, angle[i], distance[i]) newLong.append(nlon) newLat.append(nlat) invAngle.append(nang) kml = simplekml.Kml(open=1) cood = [] for i in range(len(self.p)): cood.append((newLong[i], newLat[i], self.p[i, 2])) ls = kml.newlinestring( + "'s Path") ls.coords = cood = 3 = ls.altitudemode = simplekml.AltitudeMode.relativetoground ls.extrude = 0 + "_" + place[0] + '_' + self.condition_name + "_path.kml") print("Kml file for Google Earth was created.")