  def __init__(self, monitor_port=11611, domain=''):
    Initialize method of the local master.
    @param monitor_port: The port of the RPC Server, used to get more information about the ROS master.
    @type monitor_port:  int
    if rospy.has_param('~rosmaster_hz'):
      Discoverer.ROSMASTER_HZ = rospy.get_param('~rosmaster_hz')

    self.master_monitor = MasterMonitor(monitor_port)
    name = self.master_monitor.getMastername()
    # create the txtArray for the zeroconf service of the ROS master
    materuri = self.master_monitor.getMasteruri()
    # test the host for local entry
    masterhost, masterport = MasterInfo.MasteruriToAddr(materuri)
    if (masterhost in ['localhost', '']):
      sys.exit("'%s' is not reachable for other systems. Change the ROS_MASTER_URI!", masterhost)
    rpcuri = ''.join(['http://', socket.gethostname(), ':', str(monitor_port), '/'])
    txtArray = ["timestamp=%s"%str(0), "master_uri=%s"%materuri, "zname=%s"%rospy.get_name(), "rpcuri=%s"%rpcuri]
    # the Zeroconf class, which contains the QMainLoop to receive the signals from avahi
    Zeroconf.__init__(self, name, '_ros-master._tcp', masterhost, masterport, domain, txtArray)
    # the list with all ROS master neighbors with theirs SyncThread's and all Polling threads
    self.masters = MasterList(self.masterInfo, self.requestResolve, self.checkLocalMaster)
    # set the callback to finish all running threads