def require_peaks_below_mz(spectrum_in: SpectrumType,
                           n_required: int = 10,
                           max_mz: float = 1000.0) -> SpectrumType:
    """Spectrum will be set to None when it has fewer peaks than required.

        Input spectrum.
        Number of minimum required peaks. Spectra with fewer peaks will be set
        to 'None'.
        Only peaks <= max_mz will be counted to check if spectrum contains
        sufficient peaks to be considered (>= n_required).
    if spectrum_in is None:
        return None

    spectrum = spectrum_in.clone()

    if spectrum.peaks.mz[spectrum.peaks.mz < max_mz].size < n_required:
        return None

    return spectrum
def post_process_normal(spectrum_in: SpectrumType, min_peaks: int = 10) \
        -> Union[SpectrumType, None]:
    """Normal processing of spectra for Spec2Vec

        Input spectrum.
        Minimum number of peaks to pass the spectrum (otherwise -> None)
    if spectrum_in is None:
        return None

    s = spectrum_in.clone()
    s = normalize_intensities(s)
    if any(np.isnan(s.peaks[1])):
        return None  # remove spectra that have all intensities 0
    s = select_by_mz(s, mz_from=0, mz_to=1000)
    s = require_minimum_number_of_peaks(s, n_required=min_peaks)
    s = reduce_to_number_of_peaks(s, n_required=min_peaks, ratio_desired=0.5)
    if s is None:
        return None
    # remove low peaks unless less than 10 peaks are left
    s_remove_low_peaks = select_by_relative_intensity(s, intensity_from=0.001)
    if len(s_remove_low_peaks.peaks) >= 10:
        s = s_remove_low_peaks
    # add losses to normally processed spectra
    s = add_losses(s, loss_mz_from=5.0, loss_mz_to=200.0)
    return s
def remove_precursor_mz_peak(spectrum_in: SpectrumType) -> SpectrumType:
    """Remove the peak for precursor_mz in the spectrum (if it exists)

        Input spectrum.
    if spectrum_in is None:
        return None

    spectrum = spectrum_in.clone()

    prec_mz = spectrum.get("precursor_mz")
    before_len = len(spectrum.peaks)
    if prec_mz:  # precursor_mz exists
        mzs, intensities = spectrum.peaks.clone()
        prec_mz_i = [i for i, mz in enumerate(mzs) if mz == prec_mz]
        if prec_mz_i:  # precursor_mz peak exists -> remove it
            new_mzs = np.delete(mzs, prec_mz_i)
            new_intensities = np.delete(intensities, prec_mz_i)
            new_spikes = Spikes(mz=new_mzs, intensities=new_intensities)
            spectrum.peaks = new_spikes
            after_len = len(spectrum.peaks)
            assert after_len == before_len - 1, \
                "Expected only one peak to have been removed"

    return spectrum
def normalize_intensities(spectrum_in: SpectrumType) -> SpectrumType:
    """Normalize intensities of peaks (and losses) to unit height."""

    if spectrum_in is None:
        return None

    spectrum = spectrum_in.clone()

    if len(spectrum.peaks) == 0:
        return spectrum

    max_intensity = numpy.max(spectrum.peaks.intensities)

    # Normalize peak intensities
    mz, intensities = spectrum.peaks
    normalized_intensities = intensities / max_intensity
    spectrum.peaks = Spikes(mz=mz, intensities=normalized_intensities)

    # Normalize loss intensities
    if spectrum.losses is not None and len(spectrum.losses) > 0:
        mz, intensities = spectrum.losses
        normalized_intensities = intensities / max_intensity
        spectrum.losses = Spikes(mz=mz, intensities=normalized_intensities)

    return spectrum
def normalize_intensities(spectrum_in: SpectrumType) -> SpectrumType:
    """Normalize intensities to unit height."""

    if spectrum_in is None:
        return None

    spectrum = spectrum_in.clone()

    if len(spectrum.peaks) > 0:
        scale_factor = numpy.max(spectrum.peaks.intensities)
        mz, intensities = spectrum.peaks
        normalized_intensities = intensities / scale_factor
        spectrum.peaks = Spikes(mz=mz, intensities=normalized_intensities)

    return spectrum
def post_process_md(spectrum_in: SpectrumType,
                    low_int_cutoff: float = 0.05,
                    min_peaks: int = 10,
                    max_peaks: int = 30) -> Union[SpectrumType, None]:
    """Processing of spectra that are used for mass difference extraction

        Input spectrum.
        Lower intensity cutoff for the peaks selected for MD
        Minimum number of peaks to pass the spectrum (otherwise -> None)
        Maximum number of peaks allowed in the spectrum (ranked on intensity)
    if spectrum_in is None:
        return None

    s = spectrum_in.clone()
    # remove precurzor_mz from spectra so neutral losses don't end up in MDs
    s = remove_precursor_mz_peak(s)
    s = normalize_intensities(s)
    if any(np.isnan(s.peaks[1])):
        return None  # remove spectra that have all intensities 0
    s = select_by_mz(s, mz_from=0, mz_to=1000)
    s = require_minimum_number_of_peaks(s, n_required=min_peaks)
    s = reduce_to_number_of_peaks(s, n_required=min_peaks, ratio_desired=0.5)
    if s is None:
        return None
    # remove low peaks unless less than 10 peaks are left
    s_remove_low_peaks = select_by_relative_intensity(s, intensity_from=0.001)
    if len(s_remove_low_peaks.peaks) >= 10:
        s = s_remove_low_peaks
    # do an additional removal step with a different intensity cutoff
    s_second_peak_removal = select_by_relative_intensity(
        s, intensity_from=low_int_cutoff)
    if len(s_second_peak_removal.peaks) >= 10:
        s = s_second_peak_removal

    # reduce to top30 peaks
    s = reduce_to_number_of_peaks(s, n_required=min_peaks, n_max=max_peaks)
    return s
def post_process_classical(spectrum_in: SpectrumType, min_peaks: int = 10) \
        -> Union[SpectrumType, None]:
    """Processing of spectra for calculating classical scores

        Input spectrum.
        Minimum number of peaks to pass the spectrum (otherwise -> None)
    if spectrum_in is None:
        return None

    s = spectrum_in.clone()
    s = normalize_intensities(s)
    if any(np.isnan(s.peaks[1])):
        return None  # remove spectra that have all intensities 0
    s = select_by_mz(s, mz_from=0, mz_to=1000)
    s = require_minimum_number_of_peaks(s, n_required=min_peaks)
    s = select_by_relative_intensity(s, intensity_from=0.01, intensity_to=1.0)
    return s
def get_mass_differences(spectrum_in: SpectrumType,
                         multiply: bool = False,
                         max_mds_per_peak: int = 30,
                         cutoff: int = 36,
                         n_max: int = 100) -> Union[Spikes, None]:
    """Returns Spikes with top X mass differences and intensities

        Spectrum in matchms.Spectrum format
        Multiply parent peak intensities instead of taking the mean
        Maximum amount of MDs that can originate from one peak, ranked on
        intensity. The minimum is 2 (with this implementation)
        Mass cutoff for mass difference (default like Xing et al.)
        Maximum amount of mass differences to select, ranked on intensity
        (default like Xing et al.)
    if spectrum_in is None:
        return None

    spectrum = spectrum_in.clone()
    peaks_mz_ori, peaks_intensities_ori = spectrum.peaks
    # sort on intensities to allow for max_mds_per_peak selection
    sort_idx = peaks_intensities_ori.argsort()[::-1]
    peaks_intensities = peaks_intensities_ori[sort_idx]
    peaks_mz = peaks_mz_ori[sort_idx]

    # for every peak, calculate MDs to all other peaks
    mass_diff_mz = []
    mass_diff_intensities = []
    used_mz_dict = {mz_val: 0 for mz_val in peaks_mz}  # keep track of used mz
    for i, (mz_i,
            int_i) in enumerate(zip(peaks_mz[:-1], peaks_intensities[:-1])):
        cur = used_mz_dict[mz_i]  # number of uses of this peak
        allowed = max_mds_per_peak - cur  # still allowed uses
        for mz_j, int_j in zip(peaks_mz[i + 1:i + 1 + allowed],
                               peaks_intensities[i + 1:i + 1 + allowed]):
            # update used peaks dict
            used_mz_dict[mz_i] += 1
            used_mz_dict[mz_j] += 1
            # calculate mass difference
            mz_diff = mz_j - mz_i
            if mz_diff > cutoff:
                if multiply:
                    new_intensity = int_i * int_j
                    new_intensity = np.mean([int_i, int_j])
    # sort on mz
    mass_diff_mz = np.array(mass_diff_mz)
    mass_diff_intensities = np.array(mass_diff_intensities)
    idx = mass_diff_intensities.argsort()[-n_max:]
    idx_sort_by_mz = mass_diff_mz[idx].argsort()
    mass_diff_peaks = Spikes(
    return mass_diff_peaks