文件: Points.py 项目: GeoWill/Raster
 def sameCoords(self,point,absolute=True,tol=1e-12):
     if absolute:
         return (point.get_x()==self._x and point.get_y()==self._y)
         return xequiv and yequiv
    def findR(self, Vtarget, theta, phi):
        This function finds the radius at which the zero velocity potential equals 
        targetV in the direction (theta, phi).  The radius is given as a 
        fraction of a. NOTE: This function only works if the target potential 
        is less than the potential at the Roche lobe.
        if( Vtarget > systemparams.VL1 ): 
            print("Attempted to find a point outside the Roche lobe in findR).")

        epsilonr = 1.0e-7 * systemparams.a
        r = 0.8 * systemparams.rL1
        for i in range(100):
            if i ==100:
                print("Too many iterations in findR.")
            Vplus  = self.V( r + epsilonr, theta, phi)
            Vminus = self.V( r - epsilonr, theta, phi)
            Vzero  = self.V( r,           theta, phi)
            slope = (Vplus - Vminus) / (2.0 * epsilonr)
            if slope == 0.0:
                slope = 100.0 * Vzero / systemparams.a
            deltar = (Vtarget - Vzero) / slope
            if( math.abs(deltar) > (0.05 * r) ): 
                deltar = (0.05 * r) * (deltar / math.abs(deltar))
            r = r + deltar 
            if( r >= systemparams.rL1 ):
                r = systemparams.rL1
            x = math.abs( (Vtarget - self.V(r, theta, phi)) / Vtarget )
            if( x <= 1.0e-6 ):
            return r
 def heuristicMD(self, node):
     Heuristic function being used. Calculates the manhattan distance between node and end.
     @param node. The current node being searched
     @returns Integer. The manhattan distance.
     return abs(node.x - self.endNode.x) + abs(node.y - self.endNode.y)
 def getCoord(self,position):
     x,y = position
     dx,dy = self.position
     dist = sqrt( abs(x - dx)**2  + abs(y - dy)**2 )
     if dist%int(dist) > 0:
         dist = int(dist) + 1
     self.currentStep = dist
def r8_aint ( x ):

## R8_AINT truncates an R8 argument to an integer.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. 
#  Modified:
#    24 July 2014
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt.
#  Parameters:
#    Input, real X, the argument.
#    Output, real VALUE, the truncated version of X.
  from math import abs
  from math import floor

  if ( x < 0.0 ):
    value = - floor ( abs ( x ) )
    value =   floor ( abs ( x ) )

  return value
def geo2tm( dsttype, in_pt, out_pt ) :
	transform(GEO, dsttype, in_pt)
	delta_lon = in_pt.getX() - m_arLonCenter[dsttype]
	sin_phi = math.sin(in_pt.getY())
	cos_phi = math.cos(in_pt.getY())

	if (m_Ind[dsttype] != 0) :
		b = cos_phi * math.sin(delta_lon)

		if ((math.abs(math.abs(b) - 1.0)) < EPSLN) :
			#Log.d("infinite error")
			#System.out.println("infinite error")

	else :
		b = 0
		x = 0.5 * m_arMajor[dsttype] * m_arScaleFactor[dsttype] * math.log((1.0 + b) / (1.0 - b))
		con = math.acos(cos_phi * math.cos(delta_lon) / math.sqrt(1.0 - b * b))

		if (in_pt.getY() < 0) :
			con = con * -1
			y = m_arMajor[dsttype] * m_arScaleFactor[dsttype] * (con - m_arLatCenter[dsttype])
	al = cos_phi * delta_lon
	als = al * al
	c = m_Esp[dsttype] * cos_phi * cos_phi
	tq = math.tan(in_pt.getY())
	t = tq * tq
	con = 1.0 - m_Es[dsttype] * sin_phi * sin_phi
	n = m_arMajor[dsttype] / math.sqrt(con)
	ml = m_arMajor[dsttype] * mlfn(e0fn(m_Es[dsttype]), e1fn(m_Es[dsttype]), e2fn(m_Es[dsttype]), e3fn(m_Es[dsttype]), in_pt.getY())

	out_pt.setX( m_arScaleFactor[dsttype] * n * al * (1.0 + als / 6.0 * (1.0 - t + c + als / 20.0 * (5.0 - 18.0 * t + t * t + 72.0 * c - 58.0 * m_Esp[dsttype]))) + m_arFalseEasting[dsttype] )
	out_pt.setY( m_arScaleFactor[dsttype] * (ml - dst_m[dsttype] + n * tq * (als * (0.5 + als / 24.0 * (5.0 - t + 9.0 * c + 4.0 * c * c + als / 30.0 * (61.0 - 58.0 * t + t * t + 600.0 * c - 330.0 * m_Esp[dsttype]))))) + m_arFalseNorthing[dsttype] )
    def estimate(self, xOther, yOther):
        goalx = xOther - self.x
        goaly = xOther - self.y
        # Manhattan distance
        d = math.abs(goalx) + math.abs(goaly)

        return (d)
文件: hlt.py 项目: bwignall/Halite
	def getDistance(self, l1, l2):
		dx = math.abs(l1.x - l2.x)
		dy = math.abs(l1.y - l2.y)
		if dx > self.map_width / 2:
			dx = self.map_width - dx
		if dy > self.map_height / 2:
			dy = self.map_height - dy
		return math.sqrt((dx*dx) + (dy*dy))
    def SpreadValueAcrossAllComponents(self, val):

        temp = val/3
        for i in range(len(self.components)):
            if (self.components[i] < 0):
                self.components[i] -= abs(temp)
                self.components[i] += abs(temp)
文件: hlt.py 项目: chmullig/Halite
	def getDistance(self, l1, l2):
		dx = math.abs(l1.x - l2.x)
		dy = math.abs(l1.y - l2.y)
		if dx > self.width / 2:
			dx = self.width - dx
		if dy > self.height / 2:
			dy = self.height - dy
		return dx + dy
文件: bp.py 项目: StevenDunn/CodeEval
def parse_hole_coordinates(hole_vertices):
    hole_vertices.gsub!(/[\[\],]/, ' ')
    hole_vertices = hole_vertices.split(" ").to_a
    hole_vertices.map! { |e| e.to_i }

    x = math.abs(hole_vertices[0] - hole_vertices[2])
    y = math.abs(hole_vertices[1] - hole_vertices[3])

    return x, y
 def horizontal_update_ball(self, ball_pos):
     """ Update horizontal ball position """
     global speed_factor
     updated_ball_pos = ball_pos
     if (updated_ball_pos[0] <= self.PAD_WIDTH + self.BALL_RADIUS):
         # The ball is at the left edge.
         # For bouncing: Change direction of movement, before update
         self.global_ball_vel[0]= - self.global_ball_vel[0]
         # Calculation without making use of geometric distance formula: 
         # Does the ball hit the paddle?
         # If at the moment where the ball touches the gutter,
         # and if the vertical distance is as big as or bigger as the 
         # "sum of ball radius and half of the paddle", 
         # the ball would not touch the paddle when passing by...
         if  (math.abs(updated_ball_pos[1]-self.paddle1_pos) >= (self.HALF_PAD_HEIGHT+self.BALL_RADIUS)):
             self.score2 += 1
             # Requirement 11 "To moderately increase the difficulty of your game,
             # increase the velocity of the ball by 10% each time
             # it strikes a paddle"
             self.speed_factor *= 1.1 
         if (updated_ball_pos[0] >= self.WIDTH - self.PAD_WIDTH - self.BALL_RADIUS):
             # The ball is at the right edge.
             # For bouncing: Change direction of movement, before update
             self.global_ball_vel[0]= - self.global_ball_vel[0]
             # Calculation without making use of geometric distance formula: 
             # Does the ball hit the paddle?
             # If at the moment where the ball touches the gutter,
             # and if the vertical distance is as big as or bigger as the 
             # "sum of ball radius and half of the paddle", 
             # the ball would not touch the paddle when passing by...
             if  (math.abs(updated_ball_pos[1]-self.paddle2_pos) >= (self.HALF_PAD_HEIGHT+self.BALL_RADIUS)):
                 self.score1 += 1
                 # Requirement 11 "To moderately increase the difficulty of your game,
                 # increase the velocity of the ball by 10% each time
                 # it strikes a paddle"
                 self.speed_factor *= 1.1 
             # Ball is not too much right or left
             # Just update horizontal position
     # update anyhow 
     # by this the ball gets out of the limits,
     # so that out-of-limits is not detected with next cycle
     # and we must not check the direction of the ball velocity
     updated_ball_pos[0] +=self.global_ball_vel[0]
     return updated_ball_pos
	def Execute(COMMON, XOUT, PAR, WRK, DOF):
		x1 = DOF[1]+PAR[1]
		y1 = DOF[2]+PAR[2]
		x2 = DOF[4]+PAR[3]
		y2 = DOF[5]+PAR[4]
		x3 = DOF[7]+PAR[5]
		y3 = DOF[8]+PAR[6]
		x4 = DOF[10]+PAR[7]
		y4 = DOF[11]+PAR[8]
		d = (x2-x1)*(y4-y3)-(x4-x3)*(y2-y1)
		d1= (x3-x1)*(y4-y3)-(x4-x3)*(y3-y1)
		d2 = (x2-x1)*(y3-y1)-(x3-x1)*(y2-y1)
		if (math.abs(d)<1e-8):
			XOUT[1] =0.0
			XOUT[2] =0.0
			XOUT[3] =0.0
			res = return_result(COMMON, XOUT, WRK)
			return res
		t1 = d1/d
		t2 = d2/d

		f1 = (x2-x1)*t1+(x4-x3)*t2- (x3-x1)
		f2 = (y2-y1)*t1+(y4-y3)*t2- (y3-y1)
		if (math.abs(f1)>1e-8 | math.abs(f2)>1e-5):
			print 'Wrong linear system calculation'
		if (t1>0.0):
			r1 = t1-1.0
			r1 = - t1
		if (t2>0.0):
			r2 = t2-1.0
			r2 = - t2
		r = r1 + r2

		if (r1<WRK[1]):
			WRK[1] = r1		
		if (r2<WRK[2]):
			WRK[2] = r2		
		XOUT[1] =r
		XOUT[2] =r1
		XOUT[3] =r2
		res = return_result(COMMON, XOUT, WRK)
		return res
def pmv_hoppe_iso( t, rh, wind, mtrad, iclo):
	eta = 0.01; # Mechanical efficiency
	age = 35.0; # Age
	mbody = 75.0; # Weigth in kg
	ht = 1.75; # Heigth in m
	tcl = 30.005
	MAX_LOOP = 200
	tcl_eps = 0.05
	eps = 0.97
	sigm = 5.67e-8
	adu = 0.203 * math.pow(mbody, 0.425) * math.pow(ht, 0.725)
	metbf = 3.19 * math.pow(mbody, (3.0/4.0)) * (1.0 + 0.004* (30.0- age)+0.018 * ((ht * 100.0/ math.pow(mbody, (1.0/3.0))) - 42.1)) 
	metbm = 3.45 * math.pow(mbody, (3.0/4.0)) * (1.0 + 0.004* (30.0- age)+0.010 * ((ht * 100.0/ math.pow(mbody, (1.0/3.0))) - 43.4)) 
	vpa = (rh / 100) * 6.105 * math.pow(2.718281828, ( 17.27*t / ( 237.7 + t ) ))
	fcl = 1.0 + iclo * 0.15
	metb = metabolism(t)
	metf = metbf + metb
	metm = metbm + metb
	metb = (metf+metm)/2.0
	h = metb * (1.0 - eta)
	aef = 0.71 * fcl * adu
	p1 = 35.7 - 0.032 * (metb / (adu * 1.16))* (1 - eta)
	tcl1 = tcl
	for x in range(0, MAX_LOOP_HALF):
		if x < MAX_LOOP_HALF:
			hc = 12.06 * math.sqrtf(wind)
			abhc = 0.0
			hc = 2.38 * math.pow(fabsf(tcl1 - t), 4.0)
			abhc = 0.6 * fabsf(math.pow((tcl1 - t), -0.75))
		tcl2 = p1 - 0.155 * iclo * (3.94 * 0.00000001* fcl *(math.pow((tcl1 + 273.2),4.0)- math.pow((mtrad+ 273.2), 4.0))+fcl * hc* (tcl1 - t))
		diff = math.abs(tcl1 - tcl2)
		if diff < tcl_eps:
		abtcl = -0.155 * iclo * (4.0 * 3.94* 0.00000001* fcl *math.pow((tcl1+ 273.2),3.0) + fcl * hc- fcl *(tcl1 - t)* abhc)- 1.0
		tcl1 = tcl1 - (tcl2 - tcl1) / abtcl
		difhc = (12.06 * math.sqrt(wind)) - (2.38 * (math.pow(math.abs(t - tcl1), 0.25)))
		if difhc > 0.0 and i == MAX_LOOP_HALF:
	tsk = 35.7 - (0.028 * h / adu)
	esw = 0.42 * adu * (h / adu - 58.08)
	if esw  < 0.0: 
		esw= 0.0
	rsum = aef * eps * sigm * (math.pow((tcl1 + 273.2), 4.0) - math.pow((mtrad + 273.2),4.0))
	csum = adu * fcl * hc * (tcl1 - t)
	erel = 0.0023 * metb * (44.0 - 0.75 * vpa)
	eres = 0.0014 * metb * (34.0 - t)
	ed = 0.406 * adu * (1.92 * tsk - 25.3- 0.75 * vpa)
	load = (h - ed - erel - eres - esw - rsum - csum) / adu
	ts = (0.303 * math.expf(-0.036 * (metb / adu)) + 0.028)
	pmv= ts * load
	return pmv
    def update_center_and_radius(self):

        n = len(self.members.keys())
        if ( n == 0 ):
        R = 6371
        c_x = 0
        c_y = 0
        c_z = 0

        center = {}

        for user_id in self.members:
            location = self.members[user_id]["location"]
            latitude = math.radians(location["lat"])
            longitude = math.radians(location["long"])

            x = math.cos(latitude) * math.cos(longitude) * R
            y = math.cos(latitude) * math.sin(longitude) * R
            z = math.sin(latitude) * R

            c_x += x
            c_y += y
            c_z += z

        c_x /= n
        c_y /= n
        c_z /= n

        if ( ( math.fabs(c_x) < math.pow(10, -9) )
          and ( math.abs(c_y) < math.pow(10, -9) )
          and ( math.abs(c_z) < math.pow(10, -9) ) ):
            center["lat"] = 40.866667
            center["long"] = 34.566667
            hyp = math.sqrt(math.pow(c_x, 2) + math.pow(c_y, 2)) 
            center["lat"] = math.degrees(math.atan2(c_z, hyp))
            center["long"] = math.degrees(math.atan2(c_y, c_x))

        self.center = center

        radius = ChatRoom.MIN_RADIUS

        for user_id in self.members:
            location = self.members[user_id]["location"]
            distance = ChatRoom.distance(center, location)
            if ( distance > radius ):
                radius = distance + (ChatRoom.MIN_RADIUS / 3)

        self.radius = radius

        ChatRoom.assign_tags(self, None)
    def SpreadValueAcrossComponents(self, indices, val):

        temp = val/(len(indices))

        if (len(indices) > len(self.components)):
            print("Too many indices provided for vector")

        for i in range(len(indices)):
            if (self.components[indices[i]] < 0):
                self.components[indices[i]] -= abs(temp)
                self.components[indices[i]] += abs(temp)
 def advTestingMove():
     _, t = self.tracker.cap.read()
     width = t.shape[0:2]
         tags = self.tracker.getTag()
         next = min(tags, key = lambda x:(math.abs(x)-width/2.0)
             self.mover.bot.go(10, 0)
             past = next
             tags = self.tracker.getTag()
             next = min(tags, key = lambda x:(math.abs(x)-width/2.0)
         if(math.abs(past) <=self.tracker.r and math.abs(next) >=width/6.0):
             ##check if the next value is way off. 
             ##This is a sign that we are almost at our target tag, and just lost sight of it
             self.mover.bot.go(10, 0)
         ##Turn until facing a tag
             while(math.abs(next) >=self.tracker.r):
                 self.mover.bot.go(0, 5*math.abs(next)/next)
                 past = next
                 tags = self.tracker.getTag()
                 next = min(tags, key = lambda x:(math.abs(x)-width/2.0)
def laplace_crossover(random, mom, dad, args):
    a = args.setdefault('laplace_a', 1)
    b = args.setdefault('laplace_b', 0)
    bro = copy.copy(dad)
    sis = copy.copy(mom)
    for i, (m, d) in enumerate(zip(mom, dad)):
        u = random.random()
        if random.random() <= 0.5:
            beta = a - b * math.log(u)
            beta = a + b * math.log(u)
        bro[i] = m + beta * math.abs(m - d)
        sis[i] = d + beta * math.abs(m - d)
    return [bro, sis]
def getMag(halfSpectrum):

    from math import sqrt, abs

    rPart = halfSpectrum[0]
    iPart = halfSpectrum[1]
    length = len(rPart)
    data = [0] * (length + 1)

    for i in xrange(1, length):
        data[i] = sqrt(rPart[i] * rPart[i] + iPart[i] * iPart[i])

    data[0] = abs(rPart[0]) * 2
    data[length] = abs(iPart[0]) * 2
def getTurnOffset(offsets, velX, velY, sprint):
    turn = offsets.turnInPlace
    if velX > 0:
        if sprint:
            turn = turn + math.abs(velX) * (offsets.turnSprint - offsets.turnInPlace)
            turn = turn + math.abs(velX) * (offsets.turnFwd - offsets.turnInPlace)
        turn = turn + math.abs(velX) * (offsets.turnBack - offsets.turnInPlace)
    if velY > 0:
        turn = turn + math.abs(velY) * (offsets.turnLeft - offsets.turnInPlace)
        turn = turn + math.abs(velY) * (offsets.turnRight - offsets.turnInPlace)
    return turn
 def steerRobotOnBridge(self, centerOfGap, robotCenter):
     '''Physically stears the robot by writing the correct velocity and 
     turning commands to it. Stearing is done through portional control 
     with the difference between the center of the largest gap in the image 
     and the center of the image.
     INPUT: Integer representing center of the largest gap found by the robot
     OUTPUT: Integer representing center of the image, used to determine how 
             far off center the robot is
     EFFECT: The robot turns and moves forward. Turning is porportional to 
     how far awway from the center of the image the largest gap is.
     K = .06 #PID constant
     portion = math.abs(centerOfGap - robotCenter)
     turnAmount = K * portion
     #uses if statements because without having the current heading, simple subtraction isn't that robust'
     if centerOfGap < robotCenter: #Gap is to the left of the robot's center
         #turn left
     elif centerOfGap > robotCenter:
     pub.publish(speed, angular)
 #print 'lft turn ', lft_trn_amt
 #Construct publish data:
     return Twist(speed,angular)
def mountains2(L):
    for i in range(len(L)-1):
        dif = math.abs(L[i]-L[i]+1)
        if dif>=30:
    return peaks >= 3
def histogram_data(data, nbins=10, histrange=(0,10), edges=None, weights=None):
    """ Histogram a 1-d Array, integral normalized

    Histogram is integral normalized. A stdev is outputted as 
    sqrt(N)/norm where N is the total counts of each bin and
    norm is the normalization factor the whole histogram is
    divided by.
    Must specify range and number of bins
    Or a list of edges to histogram inside
    Weights is optional and is assumed equal weighting if None
    if weights is None:
        weights = np.ones(np.shape(data)[0])
    if edges is None:
        hist, edges, slices = stats.binned_statistic(data, weights, statistic="sum", histrange=[histrange], bins=nbins)
        hist, edges, slices = stats.binned_statistic(data, weights, statistic="sum", edges=edges)

    normalization = math.abs(integrate_simple(hist, edges))
    stdev = np.sqrt(hist) / normalization
    hist = hist / normalization
    bincenters = 0.5*(edges[1:] + edges[:-1])
    return hist, stdev, bincenters, edges, slices
def detwin_miller_array(miller_obs,
  # for the moment, ignore incompleten twin pairs please
  cb_op = sgtbx.change_of_basis_op( twin_law )
  twin_related_miller  = miller_obs.change_basis( cb_op ).set_observation_type(
    miller_obs )
  set1, set2 = miller_obs.common_sets( twin_related_miller )\
               .set_observation_type(miller_obs )

  assert miller_obs.observation_type() is not None
  assert miller_obs.sigmas() is not None
  if set1.is_xray_amplitude_array():
    set1 = set1.f_as_f_sq()
    set2 = set1.f_as_f_sq()

  detwinned_f     = flex.double()
  detwinned_sigma = flex.double()
  if set1.is_xray_intensity_array():
    if set2.is_xray_intensity_array():
      for i1,s1,i2,s2 in zip( set1.data(), set1.sigmas(),
                              set2.data(), set2.sigmas() ):
        tmp_detwinner = detwin(i1,s1,i2,s2)
        # we do some double work here actually
        ni1 = tmp_detwinner.xm
        ns1 = math.sqrt( math.abs(self.vcv[0]) )
        detwinned_f.append( ni1 )
        detwinned_s.append( ns1 )

  set1 = set1.f_sq_as_f()
  new_f = set1.customized_copy
def rune_kutta_fehlberg(f, a, b, alpha, TOL = 1e-08, hmax, hmin):
    t = a
    w = alpha
    h = hmax
    yield t, w, h
    FLAG = True
    while FLAG:
        K1 = h * f(t, w)
        K2 = h * f(t + 0.25 * h, w + 0.25 * K1)
        K3 = h * f(t + 0.375 * h, w + 0.09375 * K1 + 0.28125 * K2)
        K4 = h * f(t + 12 * h / 13, w[i-1] + 1932 * K1/2197 - 7200 * K2 / 2197 + 7296 * K3 / 2197)
        K5 = h * f(t + h, w + 439 * K1 / 216 - 8 * K2 + 3680 * K3 / 513 - 845 * K4 / 4104)
        K6 = h * f(t + 0.5 * h, w - 8 * K1 / 27 + 2 * K2 - 3544 * K3 / 2565 +1859 * K4 / 4104 - 11 * K5 / 40)
        R = math.abs(K1 / 360 - 128 * K3 / 4275 - 2197 * K4 / 75240 + K5 / 50 + 2 * K6 / 55) / h
        if R <= TOL:
            t = t + h
            w = w + 25 * K1 / 216 + 1408 * K3 / 2565 + 2197 * K4 / 4104 - K5 / 5
            yield t ,w , h
        delta = 0.84 * math.pow(TOL / R, 0.25)
        if delta <= 0.1:
            h = 0.1 * h
        elif delta >= 4:
            h = 4 * h
            h = delta * h
        if h > hmax:
            h = hmax
        if t >= b:
            FLAG = False
        elif t + h > b:
            h = b - t
        elif h < hmin:
            FLAG = False
            raise ValueError('minimum h exceeded')
 def isCompatableWith(self, other, tol=1e-6):
   S = self.S * other.S
   E1 = self.__restrictedTo(S)
   E2 = other.__restrictedTo(S)
   for _p_ in E1.keys():
     if M.abs(E1[_p_] - E2[_p_]) > tol:  return False
   return True
    def findDrawingPointsAdded(self, curveIndex, t0, t1, pointList, insertionIndex):
        left = self.calculateBezerPoint(curveIndex, t0)
        right = self.calculateBezerPoint(curveIndex, t1)

        if (left - right).sqrMagnitude() < self.minimum_sqr_distance:
            return 0

        tMid = (t0 - t1) / 2
        mid = self.calculateBezerPoint(curveIndex, tMid)

        leftDirection = (left - mid).normalize()
        rightDirection = (right - mid).normalize()

        if (leftDirection.dot(rightDirection) > self.divison_threshold or
                math.abs(tMid - 0.5) < 0.0001):
            pointsAddedCount = 0

            pointsAddedCount += self.findDrawingPointsAdded(curveIndex, t0, tMid, pointList, insertionIndex)
            pointList.append(insertionIndex + pointsAddedCount, mid)
            pointsAddedCount += 1
            pointsAddedCount += self.findDrawingPointsAdded(curveIndex, tMid, t1, pointList, insertionIndex + pointsAddedCount)

            return pointsAddedCount

        return 0
 def RtoEuler(R):
     #given a 3x3 rotaiton matrix
     #gives you the angles that make up the rotation matrix
     #in a 1x3 matrix
     if math.abs(R[2,0])!=1:
         if R[2,0]==-1:
             zai= math.atan2(R[0,1],R[0,2])
             zai= math.atan2(-1*R[0,1],-1*R[0,2])
     return euler
def Broyden(F, x, N, TOL = 1e-05):
    J = Jacobi(F)
    j = np.matrix([[],[]])
    for i in range(0, len(F)):
        for j in range(0, len(F)):
            j[i][j] = J[i][j](x)
    A0 = j
    v = np.array([])
    for i in range(0, len(F)):
        v[i] = F[i](x)
    A = np.linalg.inv(A0)
    s = -A * v
    X = x
    X = X + s
    k = 2
    while k <= N:
        w = v
        for i in range(0, len(F)):
            v[i] = F[i](X)
        y = v - w
        z = -A * y
        p = -s.T * z
        u = s.T * A
        A = A + (s + z) * u / p
        s = -A * v
        X = X + s
        if max([math.abs(i) for i in s]) < TOL:
            return x
        k = k + 1
    raise ValueError('Maximum number of iterations exceeded')
	def calculateDistanceProbability(self, distanceAmplitudePairs): 
		# the pressure of sound is reduced linearly by the distance
		# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sound_pressure#Distance_law
		# distance law: p ~ 1/r 
		# op (original pressure) / d (distance) =  sp (pressure at sensor)
		# => op1 / d1 = sp1 & op2 / d2 = sp2  [divide both equations]
		# => op1 / d1 * d2 / op2 = sp1 / sp2 [op1 = op2, as it's same audio signal]
		# => d2 / d1 = sp1 / sp2
		# => 0 = sp1 / sp2 - d2 / d1 
		# if the the position is not correct, we need an error term 
		# => e = sp1 / sp2 - d2 / d1
		# => we want to normalize the error term between 0..1, where 1 represents no error 
		# => exp(-|e|) = exp(-| sp1/sp2 - d2/d1 |)

		sumOfProbs = 0. 
		numOfProbs = 0 

		for sensorA, seonsorB in itertools.combinations(distanceAmplitudePairs, repeat=2): 
			d1, sp1 = sensorA
			d2, sp2 = seonsorB
			prob = math.exp(-math.abs( sp1/sp2 - d2/d1 ))

			numOfProbs = numOfProbs + 1
			sumOfProbs = sumOfProbs + prob 

		return sumOfProbs / numOfProbs
def compute_h0_eigenvalues_sneg(u, g):
    Lambda = get_lambda('param')
    z = get_z()
    scale = (1 + Lambda**-1) / 2.0 * Lambda**(1.0 - z)

    u, g = scale_u_gamma(u, g)
    g = mt.abs(g)

    eigs = np.empty(22)

    eigs[0] = u
    eigs[1] = 0.5 * (u - (u**2 + 8 * g)**0.5)
    eigs[2] = 0.5 * (3 * u - (u**2 + 8 * g)**0.5)
    eigs[3] = 0.5 * (u + (u**2 + 8 * g)**0.5)
    eigs[4] = 0.5 * (3 * u + (u**2 + 8 * g)**0.5)
    eig5 = -1/6*(u**2 + 8*g)*(-1j*ct.sqrt(3) + 1)/(u**3 - (u**2 - 4*g)*u - 6*g*u \
            + 1/3*ct.sqrt(-1/3*u**6 - 8*g*u**4 - 28*g**2*u**2 - 512/3*g**3))**(1/3) \
            - 1/2*(u**3 - (u**2 - 4*g)*u - 6*g*u + 1/3*ct.sqrt(-1/3*u**6 - 8*g*u**4 \
            - 28*g**2*u**2 - 512/3*g**3))**(1/3)*(1j*mt.sqrt(3) + 1) + u
    eigs[5] = eig5.real
    eig6 = -1/6*(u**2 + 8*g)*(1j*ct.sqrt(3) + 1)/(u**3 - (u**2 - 4*g)*u - 6*g*u + \
            1/3*ct.sqrt(-1/3*u**6 - 8*g*u**4 - 28*g**2*u**2 - 512/3*g**3))**(1/3) - \
            1/2*(u**3 - (u**2 - 4*g)*u - 6*g*u + 1/3*ct.sqrt(-1/3*u**6 - 8*g*u**4 - \
            28*g**2*u**2 - 512/3*g**3))**(1/3)*(-1j*ct.sqrt(3) + 1) + u
    eigs[6] = eig6.real
    eig7 = u + 1/3*(u**2 + 8*g)/(u**3 - (u**2 - 4*g)*u - 6*g*u + 1/3*ct.sqrt(-1/3*u**6 - \
            8*g*u**4 - 28*g**2*u**2 - 512/3*g**3))**(1/3) + (u**3 - (u**2 - 4*g)*u - 6*g*u \
            + 1/3*ct.sqrt(-1/3*u**6 - 8*g*u**4 - 28*g**2*u**2 - 512/3*g**3))**(1/3)
    eigs[7] = eig7.real

    eigs[8] = 0

    eigs[9] = 2 * u
    eigs[10] = 0.5 * (3 * u - (u**2 + 8 * g)**0.5)
    eigs[11] = 0.5 * (3 * u + (u**2 + 8 * g)**0.5)
    eig12 = -1/6*(u**2 + 8*g)*(-1j*mt.sqrt(3) + 1)/(u**3 - (u**2 - 4*g)*u - \
            2*g*u + 1/3*ct.sqrt(-1/3*u**6 - 8*g*u**4 - 28*g**2*u**2 - \
            512/3*g**3))**(1/3) - 1/2*(u**3 - (u**2 - 4*g)*u - 2*g*u + \
            1/3*ct.sqrt(-1/3*u**6 - 8*g*u**4 - 28*g**2*u**2 - 512/3*g**3))**(1/3)*(1j*ct.sqrt(3) + 1) + u
    eigs[12] = eig12.real
    eig13 = -1/6*(u**2 + 8*g)*(1j*mt.sqrt(3) + 1)/(u**3 - (u**2 - 4*g)*u - 2*g*u + \
            1/3*ct.sqrt(-1/3*u**6 - 8*g*u**4 - 28*g**2*u**2 - 512/3*g**3))**(1/3) - \
            1/2*(u**3 - (u**2 - 4*g)*u - 2*g*u + 1/3*ct.sqrt(-1/3*u**6 - 8*g*u**4 - \
            28*g**2*u**2 - 512/3*g**3))**(1/3)*(-1j*mt.sqrt(3) + 1) + u
    eigs[13] = eig13.real
    eig14 = u + 1/3*(u**2 + 8*g)/(u**3 - (u**2 - 4*g)*u - 2*g*u + 1/3*ct.sqrt(-1/3*u**6 \
            - 8*g*u**4 - 28*g**2*u**2 - 512/3*g**3))**(1/3) + (u**3 - (u**2 - 4*g)*u - \
            2*g*u + 1/3*ct.sqrt(-1/3*u**6 - 8*g*u**4 - 28*g**2*u**2 - 512/3*g**3))**(1/3)
    eigs[14] = eig14.real

    eigs[15] = u
    eigs[16] = 0.5 * (u - (u**2 + 8 * g)**0.5)
    eigs[17] = 0.5 * (u + (u**2 + 8 * g)**0.5)

    eigs[18] = u
    eigs[19] = 0.5 * (3 * u - (u**2 + 8 * g)**0.5)
    eigs[20] = 0.5 * (3 * u + (u**2 + 8 * g)**0.5)

    eigs[21] = 2 * u

    return (eigs - eigs.min()) * scale
def GetNewCollectionName(dbName, MaxIndex):
    db = client[dbName]
    collectionName = db.list_collection_names(session=None)
    NewCollectionName = []
    EmailBody = []
    for i in collectionName:
        flag = 0
        price = []
        number = []
        OneBody = []
        for index in range(1, MaxIndex + 1):
            collection = db[i]
            query = {"Index": index}
            result = collection.find(query, {"_id": 0, "Index": 0})
            for x in result:
        ##构建构建内容 包括名称价格等信息
        if MaxIndex > 5:
            Email = str(i) + "\n"
            EmailPric = "Price:" + "-".join(price) + "\n"
            EmailNumber = "Number" + "-".join(number) + "\n"
            Email = Email + EmailPric + EmailNumber
        allNumber = 0
        for x in range(0, len(number)):
            allNumber = allNumber + number[x]
        avg = allNumber / len(number)
        if avg < 20:
        #当数据量小于5时候不做修改 只有数量小于20的才会进行修改
        if MaxIndex <= 5:

        proPrice = 0
        backPrice = 0
        proNumber = 0
        backNumber = 0
        avgPrice = 0
        avgNumber = 0
        for x in range(0, len(price)):
            if x == 0:
                proPrice = price[x]
                proNumber = number[x]
            elif x == 1:
                backPrice = price[x]
                backNumber = number[x]
                avgPrice = avgPrice + math.fabs(proPrice -
                                                backPrice) / float(proPrice)
                avgNumber = avgNumber + math.abs(proNumber - backNumber)

                # if proPrice >= backPrice : ##降价
                #     diffPrice = proPrice - backPrice
                #     avgPrice = avgPrice + diffPrice/float(proPrice)
                # else : #涨价
                #     diffPrice = backPrice - proPrice
                #     avgPrice = avgPrice + diffPrice/float(proPrice)
                # if proNumber >= backNumber:
                #     diffNumber = proNumber - backNumber
                #     avgNumber = avgNumber + diffNumber
                # else :
                #     diffNumber = backNumber - proNumber
                #     avgNumber =
                proPrice = backPrice
                backPrice = price[x]
                proNumber = backNumber
                backNumber = number[x]
                avgPrice = avgPrice + math.fabs(proPrice -
                                                backPrice) / float(proPrice)
                avgNumber = avgNumber + math.abs(proNumber - backNumber)

                # if proPrice >= backPrice : ##降价
                #     diffPrice = proPrice - backPrice
                #     avgPrice = avgPrice + diffPrice/float(proPrice)
                # else : #涨价
                #     diffPrice = backPrice - proPrice
                #     avgPrice = avgPrice + diffPrice/float(proPrice)
        avgNumber = avgNumber / float(len(number) - 1)
        avgPrice = avgPrice / float(len(price) - 1)
        if (avgNumber >= 0.05 and avgPrice >= 0.05):
            flag = 1

        if flag == 1:

    if MaxIndex > 5:
        sendemail.SendToMe("监控目录", "\n".join(EmailBody))
    return NewCollectionName
             d.bottom() - d.top()])
    faces_size = len(faces)
    array_of_faces_labeling.append([0 for x in range(faces_size)])
    happened = 0
    distance = 0
    k_best = 0
    l_best = 0
    border = 0
    current_label = 0

    for i in range(faces_size):
        print "**NEW_FACE**"
        happened = 0
        distance = abs(height) + abs(width)
        k_best = 0
        l_best = 0
        roi = frame[faces[i][1]:faces[i][1] + faces[i][3],
                    faces[i][0]:faces[i][0] + faces[i][2]]

        ##### Is the current face potentially a criminal ? In which case is_criminal >=1

        cv2.imwrite("face.png", roi)
        feats = extract_feature(net, ["face.png"], 'prob', 1)
        feats = feats[0]
        is_criminal = 0
        for z in range(0, len(features_criminal)):
            if cosine_similarity(feats, features_criminal[z]) > 0.2:
                is_criminal += 1
 def set_motor(self, motor, speed):
     current = math.round(self.s)
     while current != speed:
         sign = (speed - current) / math.abs(speed - current)
         motor.ChangeDutyCycle(current + (1 * sign))
def draw_line( x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, screen, zbuffer, color ):

    #swap points if going right -> left
    if x0 > x1:
        x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1 = x1,y1,z1,x0,y0,z0

    x = x0
    y = y0
    A = 2 * (y1 - y0)
    B = -2 * (x1 - x0)
    wide = False
    tall = False

    if ( abs(x1-x0) >= abs(y1 - y0) ): #octants 1/8
        wide = True
        loop_start = x
        loop_end = x1
        dx_east = dx_northeast = 1
        dy_east = 0
        d_east = A
        if ( A > 0 ): #octant 1
            d = A + B/2
            dy_northeast = 1
            d_northeast = A + B
        else: #octant 8
            d = A - B/2
            dy_northeast = -1
            d_northeast = A - B

    else: #octants 2/7
        tall = True
        dx_east = 0
        dx_northeast = 1
        if ( A > 0 ): #octant 2
            d = A/2 + B
            dy_east = dy_northeast = 1
            d_northeast = A + B
            d_east = B
            loop_start = y
            loop_end = y1
        else: #octant 7
            d = A/2 - B
            dy_east = dy_northeast = -1
            d_northeast = A - B
            d_east = -1 * B
            loop_start = y1
            loop_end = y

    z = z0
    if x1!=x0 and ((y1-y0)/(x1-x0))>-1 and ((y1-y0)/(x1-x0))<1:
      dz = (z1-z0)/(x1-x0)
    elif y1!=y0:
      dz = (z1-z0)/math.abs(y1-y0)
    while ( loop_start < loop_end ):
      plot( screen, zbuffer, color, x, y, z )
      z += dz
      if ( (wide and ((A > 0 and d > 0) or (A < 0 and d < 0))) or
           (tall and ((A > 0 and d < 0) or (A < 0 and d > 0 )))):

          x+= dx_northeast
          y+= dy_northeast
          d+= d_northeast
          x+= dx_east
          y+= dy_east
          d+= d_east
      loop_start+= 1
 def calc_heuristic_maldis(n1, n2):
     w = 1.0  # weight of heuristic
     dx = w * math.abs(n1.x - n2.x)
     dy = w * math.abs(n1.y - n2.y)
     return dx + dy
 def hit(self, other):
     if math.abs(self.x - other.x) < 5 and math.abs(self.y - other.y) < 5:
         return True
     return False
	def get_distance(x,y):
		return math.abs(x[0]-y[0])+math.abs(x[1]-y[1])
def intersect_mline():
    plot,orientation = current_position()
    x,__ = plot
    if x >= 0 and 90 < orientation <= 270:
        if 90 < orientation <= 180:
            temp = 180 - orientation
        elif 180 < orientation <= 270:
            temp = 270 - orientation
    elif x < 0 and (0 <= orientation <= 90 or 270 < orientation <= 360):
        if 0 <= orientation <= 90:
            temp = orientation
        elif 270 < orientation <= 360:
            temp = 360 - orientation
    else:   #not oriented towards mline
        return BIGNUM

    dist = math.abs(x) / math.cos(math.radians(temp)) * 100 #convert m to cm

    #if at the mline
    if dist < 10:
        n = 0
        if 0 <= orientation <= 180:
            if orientation < 90:
                temp = 180 - orientation
        elif 180 < orientation <= 360:
            if orientation <= 270:
                temp = 90
                n = 1
                temp = 90
                n = 2
        distance = dream_team_us_dist()
        goal_dist = distance_to_goal()

        #if you can see the goal unobstructed, go for it
        if distance >= goal_dist:
            enc = (goal_dist/CRCM) * 18.
            if 0 <= orientation <= 90:
                turn('left', 90-orientation)
            elif 90 < orientation <= 180:
                turn('right', orientation-90)
            enc_tgt(1,1, int(math.ceil(enc)))
            while read_enc_status() != 0:
            print "Goal Reached!"
            raise SystemExit
        elif distance <= OBS_DIST:  #return to previous orientation
            if n == 1:
                turn('left', orientation+90)
            elif n == 2:
                turn('right', (360-orientation)+90)
            return BIGNUM
        #if we are going to travel along the mline with a future obstacle
            pos,orient = mov_table[-1]
            x,y = pos
            if 0 <= orient <= 90:
                turn = 90 - orient
                turn('left', turn)
            elif 90 < orient <= 270:
                turn = orient - 90
                turn('right', turn)
            insert_mov_plot((x,y+0.15), 90)

    #number of encoders to the closest mline point on current orientation
    return (dist/CRCM)*18.
 def compute_distance(self, p:Point):
     numerator = math.abs(self.a * p.x + self.b * p.y + self.c)
     denominator = math.sqrt(self.a ** 2 + self.b**2)
     return numerator / denominator
 def distance(self, angle):
     phi = math.abs(angle.angle - self.angle) % 360
     distance = 360 - phi if phi > 180 else phi
     return distance

    print("\n\nResultado: " + str(resultado))
elif opcao == 2:
    num1 = int(raw_input("Informe um numero:\n"))
    operacao = int(
            "Selecione uma operacao:\n 1 - Ceil\n 2 - Floor\n 3 - Sqrt\n 4 - Abs\n"

    if operacao == 1:
        resultado = math.ceil(num1)
    elif operacao == 2:
        resultado = math.floor(num1)
    elif operacao == 3:
        resultado = resultado = math.sqrt(num1)
    elif operacao == 4:
        resultado = math.abs(num1)
        print("Opcao invalida!")

    print("\n\nResultado: " + str(resultado))

elif opcao == 3:

    print("Opcao invalida!")
 def get_area(self):
     return math.abs((self.azimuth_in + AzimuthDMS(180) -
                      self.azimuth_out).to_radians() * self.radius)
    x = int(imu0.ypr[2])
    y = int(imu0.ypr[1])
    if x >= 60:
        x = 60
    if x <= -60:
        x = -60
    if y >= 60:
        y = 60
    if y <= -60:
        y = -60

    label0.setText("%s" % x)
    label4.setText("%s" % y)

    # 计算出速度
    speed_max = max(abs(x), abs(y)) - stop_limit
    speed = int(abs(speed_max // 10))

    pos = 0  # 赋初始值
    # 停止
    if abs(x) <= stop_limit and abs(y) <= stop_limit:
        pos = 0

    # 前进
    if x < -stop_limit and -stop_limit < y < stop_limit:
        pos = 1

    # 后退
    if x > stop_limit and -stop_limit < y < stop_limit:
        pos = 2
 def get_sum_of_squared_residuals(self):
     ss_residuals = 0
     for x, y in zip(self.training_x, self.training_y):
         ss_residuals += math.abs(y - self.f(x))**2
     g.debug.prn(self, 'SS Residuals gotten.')
     return ss_residuals
def len_ABS( P_coord ):
    #print ( P_coord )
    return math.max( math.abs( P_coord[0]), math.abs( P_coord[1]),math.abs( P_coord[2]) )
    def __nonzero__(self):
        """Return 'truthiness' value of the vector."""

        return math.abs(
            math.sqrt(self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y +
                      self.z * self.z)) >= 0.000000001
def flux_altitude_attenuation(flux, latitude):
    # Taking into account constant altitude ~ 11 km
    koef = 0.0226 * math.abs(latitude)
def area_of_triangle(p1, p2, p3):
    return math.abs(p1.x * (p2.y - p3.y) + p2.x * (p3.y - p1.y) + p3.x *
                    (p1.y - p2.y)) / 2.0
# Print text
print("this is a demo")

# User input
userinput = input("type some input: ")

# If/else
if (userinput == ""):
  print("you typed nothing")
  print("you typed '" + userinput + "'")

# For
print("numbers from 1 to 9")
for x in range(1,10):
  print("- " + x)

# Arithmetic
a = 1
b = 1
sum = a + b
diff = a - b
absdiff = math.abs(diff)
product = a * b
sqrtproduct = math.sqrt(product)
quotient = a / b
exponent = a ** b
modulo = a %% b

def absolute_error(n_distinct: int, threshold: int) -> int:
    return abs(n_distinct - threshold)
 def isCarStable(self, na, nva, fva):
     f = 2.5
     return (math.abs(na) < .025*f) and (math.abs(nva) < .0125*f) and (math.abs(fva) < .0125*f)
def display_network(A,
    A = np.asarray(A)
    m = A.mean()
    B = A - m
    A = B


    s = A.shape()
    L = s[0]  #Row
    M = s[1]  #column

    sz = math.sqrt(L)

    buf = 1

    if cols == -1:
        if (math.floor(math.sqrt(M))**2) != M:
            n = math.ceil(math.sqrt(M))
            while M % n != 0 and n < 1.2 * math.sqrt(M):
                n = n + 1
            m = math.ceil(M / n)
            n = math.sqrt(M)
            m = n

        n = cols
        m = math.ceil(M / n)

    array = -1 * np.ones((buf + m * (sz + buf), buf + n * (sz + buf)))

    if opt_graycolor == False:
        array = 0.1 * array

    if opt_colmajor == False:
        k = 1
        for i in range(1, m + 1):
            for j in range(1, n + 1):
                if k > M:
                clim = math.max(math.abs(A[:, k]))  #Check this line
                if opt_normalize:
                        buf + (i - 1) * (sz + buf) + range(1, sz + 1) - 1,
                        buf + (j - 1) * (sz + buf) + range(1, sz + 1) -
                        1)] = np.reshape(A[:, k], (sz, sz)) / clim
                    xx = A
                        buf + (i - 1) * (sz + buf) + range(1, sz + 1),
                        buf + (j - 1) *
                        (sz + buf) + range(1, sz + 1) - 1)] = np.reshape(
                            A[:, k], (sz, sz)) / abs(xx.flat[abs(xx).argmax()])
                k = k + 1
        k = 1
        for j in range(1, n):
            for i in range(1, m):
                if k > M:
                clim = math.max(math.abs(A[:, k]))  #Check this line
                if opt_normalize:
                        buf + (i - 1) * (sz + buf) + range(1, sz + 1) - 1,
                        buf + (j - 1) * (sz + buf) + range(1, sz + 1) -
                        1)] = np.reshape(A[:, k], (sz, sz)) / clim
                        buf + (i - 1) * (sz + buf) + range(1, sz + 1),
                        buf + (j - 1) * (sz + buf) + range(1, sz + 1) -
                        1)] = np.reshape(A[:, k], (sz, sz))
                k = k + 1

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    f = plt.figure(1)

    return f, array
import math

print("Введите c ")
c = float(input())
print("Введите d ")
x = float(input())

res = int(math.abs(math.sin**3) * (math.abs(c * x**3)))
def jayBinner(numDeps, tauRos, temp, planckBin, grayLevel):

    """// method jayBolom computes bolometric angle-averaged mean intensity, J
    // This is a Lambda operation, ie. the Schwartzschild equation"""

    #// For bolometric J on a Gray Tau scale in LTE: 
    #// J(Tau) = 1/2 * Sigma_Tau=0^Infty { E_1(|t-Tau|)*Planck_Bol(Tau) }
    logE = math.log10(math.e) #// for debug output

    #double E1 #//E_1(x)

    #//Set up local optical depth scale:
    tauBin = [ [ 0.0 for i in range(numDeps) ] for j in range(2) ]
    #double deltaTauRos
    tauBin[0][0] = tauRos[0][0] * grayLevel #// Is this a good idea??
    tauBin[1][0] = math.log(tauBin[0][0])
    for iTau in range(1, numDeps):
        deltaTauRos = tauRos[0][iTau] - tauRos[0][iTau - 1]
        #//grayLevel *is*, by definition, the ratio kappa_Bin/kappaRos that we need here!
        tauBin[0][iTau] = tauBin[0][iTau - 1] + grayLevel * deltaTauRos;
        tauBin[1][iTau] = math.log(tauBin[0][iTau]);

    #double logInteg, integ, integ1, integ2, logInteg1, logInteg2, meanInteg, logMeanInteg, term, logTerm;
    #double deltaTau, logDeltaTau; //accumulator
    accum = 0.0 #//accumulator

    jayBin = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    #// if E_1(t-Tau) evaluated at Tau=bottom of atmosphere, then just set Jay=B at that Tau - we're deep enough to be thermalized
    #// and we don't want to let lambda operation implicitly include depths below bottom of model where B=0 implicitly 
    tiny = 1.0e-14  #//tuned to around maxTauDIff at Tau_Ros ~ 3
    #double maxTauDiff;

    #//stipulate the {|t-Tau|} grid at which E_1(x)B will be evaluated - necessary to sample the 
    #// sharply peaked integrand properly
    #// ** CAUTION: minLog10TmTau and maxLog10TmTau are tau offsets from the centre of J integration, 
    #//  NOT the optical depth scale of the atmosphere!
    #//stipulate the {|t-Tau|} grid at which E_1(x)B will be evaluated - necessary to sample the 
    #// sharply peaked integrand properly
    fineFac = 3.0 #// integrate E1 on a grid fineFac x finer in logTau space
    E1Range = 36.0 #// number of master tauBin intervals within which to integrate J 
    numInteg = E1Range * fineFac
    deltaLogTauE1 = (tauBin[1][numDeps - 1] - tauBin[1][0]) / numDeps
    deltaLogTauE1 = deltaLogTauE1 / fineFac

    #double thisTau1, logThisTau1, thisTau2, logThisTau2, logE1, deltaTauE1, logThisPlanck, iFloat;

    #//Prepare 1D vectors for Interpol.interpol:
    logTauBin = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    logPlanck = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    #//System.out.println("logTauBin  logB");
    for k in range(numDeps):
        logTauBin[k] = tauBin[1][k]
        logPlanck[k] = math.log(planckBin[0][k])
        #//System.out.format("%12.8f   %12.8f%n", logE*logTauBin[k], logE*logPlanck[k]);

    #//Outer loop over Taus where Jay(Tau) being computed:
    #// Start from top and work down to around tau=1 - below that assume we're thermalized with J=B
    #//System.out.println("For logTauRos = " + logE*tauRos[1][40] + ": thisTau  E1xB  E1  B");
    #//System.out.println("tauRos[1][iTau]   Math.log(planckBin[iTau])   jayBin[1][iTau]");
    for iTau in range(numDeps):
        #//System.out.println("jayBinner: iTau: " + iTau + " tauRos[0] " + tauRos[0][iTau] + " tauRos[1] " + logE * tauRos[1][iTau]);
        jayBin[iTau] = planckBin[0][iTau] #//default initialization J_bin = B_bin

        if (tauRos[0][iTau] < 66.67):
            #//System.out.println("tauRos[0] < limit condition passed");
            #// initial test - don't let E_1(x) factor in integrand run off bottom of atmosphere
            #// - we have no emissivity down there and J will drop below B again, like at surface!
            maxTauDiff = math.abs(tauBin[0][numDeps - 1] - tauBin[0][iTau])
            #//System.out.println("tauBin[0][numDeps - 1]: " + tauBin[0][numDeps - 1] + " tauBin[0][iTau] " + tauBin[0][iTau] + " maxTauDiff " + maxTauDiff);
            #//System.out.println("maxTauDiff= " + maxTauDiff + " expOne(maxTauDiff)= " + expOne(maxTauDiff));
            if (expOne(maxTauDiff) < tiny):

                #//System.out.println("maxTauDiff < tiny condition passed, expOne(maxTauDiff): " + expOne(maxTauDiff));
                #// We're above thermalization depth: J may not = B:
                #//Inner loop over depths contributing to each Jay(iTau):
                #// work outward from t=Tau (ie. i=iTau) piece-wise  
                accum = 0.0;
                #// conribution from depths above Tau:
                #//initial integrand:
                #// start at i=1 instead of i=0 - cuts out troublesome central cusp of E_1(x) - but now we underestimate J!
                logThisTau1 = tauBin[1][iTau] - deltaLogTauE1
                thisTau1 = math.exp(logThisTau1)
                deltaTauE1 = tauBin[0][iTau] - thisTau1
                E1 = expOne(deltaTauE1)
                logE1 = math.log(E1)
                logThisPlanck = ToolBox.interpol(logTauBin, logPlanck, logThisTau1)
                logInteg1 = logE1 + logThisPlanck
                integ1 = Math.exp(logInteg1);

                for i in range(2, numInteg-1):

                    iFloat = float(i)
                    #// Evaluate E_1(x) and log(E_1(x)) one and for all here

                    #//System.out.format("%02d %12.8f %12.8f%n", j, tmTau[j], E1);
                    #// LTE bolometric source function is Bolometric Planck function
                    #// Extended trapezoidal rule for non-uniform abscissae - this is an exponential integrand!             
                    #// We cannot evaluate E_1(x) at x=0 - singular:
                    logThisTau2 = tauBin[1][iTau] - iFloat * deltaLogTauE1
                    thisTau2 = math.exp(logThisTau2)

                    #//if (i == numInteg - 2) {
                    #//    System.out.println("i " + i + " logThisTau1 " + logE * logThisTau1 + " logThisTau2 " + logE * logThisTau2);
                    #// Make sure we're still in the atmosphere!
                    if (logThisTau2 > tauBin[1][0]):
                        #//if (i == numInteg - 2) {
                        #//    System.out.println("thisTau2 > tauBin[0][0] condition passed");
                        #//if (iTau == 37) {
                        #//    System.out.println("i " + i + " logThisTau1 " + logE * logThisTau1 + " logThisTau2 " + logE * logThisTau2);

                        deltaTauE1 = tauBin[0][iTau] - thisTau2
                        E1 = expOne(deltaTauE1)
                        logE1 = math.log(E1)
                        #// interpolate log(B(log(Tau)) to the integration abscissa
                        logThisPlanck = ToolBox.interpol(logTauBin, logPlanck, logThisTau2)
                        logInteg2 = logE1 + logThisPlanck
                        integ2 = math.exp(logInteg2)

                        logDeltaTau = math.log(thisTau1 - thisTau2) #// logDeltaTau *NOT* the same as deltaLogTau!!

                        meanInteg = 0.5 * (integ1 + integ2) #//Trapezoid rule
                        logMeanInteg = math.log(meanInteg)
                        #//if (iTau == 40) {
                        #//    System.out.format("%15.8f    %15.8f    %15.8f   %15.8f%n", logE*Math.log(thisTau1), logE*logMeanInteg, logE*logE1, logE*logThisPlanck);

                        logTerm = logMeanInteg + logDeltaTau
                        term = math.exp(logTerm)
                        accum = accum + term

                        integ1 = integ2
                        thisTau1 = thisTau2
                        #//if (iTau == 41){
                        #//    System.out.println("term " + term + " accum " + accum);
                    #} // thisTau > 0
                #} // i ("t") loop, above iTau 

                jayBin[iTau] = 0.5 * accum  #//store what we have.
                #//test jayBin[iTau] = 0.5 * planckBin[0][iTau]; // fake upper half with isotropic result
                #//test jayBin[iTau] = jayBin[iTau] + 0.5 * planckBin[0][iTau]; // test upper atmosphere part of J integration by fixing lower part with isotropic result

                #// conribution from depths below Tau:
                #// include iTau itself so we don't miss the area under the central peak of E_1(x) - the expOne function
                #// will protect itself from the x=0 singularity using variable 'tiny'
                accum = 0.0
                #//initial integrand:
                #// start at i=1 instead of i=0 - cuts out troublesome central cusp of E_1(x) - but now we underestimate J!
                logThisTau1 = tauBin[1][iTau] + deltaLogTauE1
                thisTau1 = math.exp(logThisTau1)
                deltaTauE1 = thisTau1 - tauBin[0][iTau]
                E1 = expOne(deltaTauE1)
                logE1 = math.log(E1)
                logThisPlanck = ToolBox.interpol(logTauBin, logPlanck, logThisTau1)
                logInteg1 = logE1 + logThisPlanck
                integ1 = math.exp(logInteg1)

                for i in range(2, numInteg - 1):

                    iFloat = float(i)

                    logThisTau2 = tauBin[1][iTau] + iFloat * deltaLogTauE1
                    thisTau2 = math.exp(logThisTau2)
                    #// We cannot evaluate E_1(x) at x=0 - singular:
                    #// Extended trapezoidal rule for non-uniform abscissae - the is an exponential integrand! 

                    #// make sure we're still in the atmosphere!
                    if (logThisTau2 < tauBin[1][numDeps - 1]):

                        deltaTauE1 = thisTau2 - tauBin[0][iTau]
                        E1 = expOne(deltaTauE1)
                        logE1 = math.log(E1)

                        logThisPlanck = ToolBox.interpol(logTauBin, logPlanck, logThisTau2)
                        logInteg2 = logE1 + logThisPlanck
                        integ2 = math.exp(logInteg2)

                        logDeltaTau = math.log(thisTau2 - thisTau1) #// logDeltaTau *NOT* the same as deltaLogTau!!

                        meanInteg = 0.5 * (integ1 + integ2) #//Trapezoid rule
                        logMeanInteg = math.log(meanInteg)
                        #//if (iTau == 40) {
                        #//    System.out.format("%15.8f    %15.8f    %15.8f    %15.8f%n", logE*Math.log(thisTau1), logE*logMeanInteg, logE*logE1, logE*logThisPlanck);

                        #// LTE bolometric source function is Bolometric Plnack function
                        logTerm = logMeanInteg + logDeltaTau
                        term = math.exp(logTerm)
                        accum = accum + term

                        integ1 = integ2
                        thisTau1 = thisTau2

                    #}// if thisTau < tauBin[0][numDeps-1]
                #} #// i ("t") loop, below iTau

                jayBin[iTau] = jayBin[iTau] + 0.5 * accum

            #} //if branch for E_1(x) safely dwindling away before reaching bottom of atmosphere
        #} #// if branch for above thermalization depth of Tau=10? 

        #//System.out.format("%12.8f   %12.8f  %12.8f%n",
        #//       logE * tauRos[1][iTau], Math.log10(planckBin[iTau]), Math.log10(jayBin[iTau]));
    #} //iTau loop

    return jayBin
def mgTCorr(numDeps, teff, tauRos, temp, rho, kappa):

    #// updated temperature structure
    newTemp = [ [ 0.0 for i in range(numDeps) ] for j in range(2) ]
    #//Teff boundary between early and late-type stars:
    isCool = 6500.0

    #//Set up multi-gray opacity:
    #// lambda break-points and gray levels:
    #// No. multi-gray bins = num lambda breakpoints +1
    #//double[] grayLams = {30.0, 1.0e6};  //nm //test
    #//double[] grayLevel = {1.0};  //test
    #// ***  Late type stars, Teff < 9500 K (???):
    minLambda = 30.0  #//nm
    maxLambda = 1.0e6  #//nm
    maxNumBins = 11
    grayLams = [0.0 for i in range(maxNumBins + 1)]
    grayLevel = [0.0 for i in range(maxNumBins)]
    epsilon = [0.0 for i in range(maxNumBins)]
    #//initialize everything first:
    for iB in range(maxNumBins):
        grayLams[iB] = maxLambda
        grayLevel[iB] = 1.0
        epsilon[iB] = 0.99
    grayLams[maxNumBins] = maxLambda #//Set final wavelength

    grayLevelsEpsilons = grayLevEps(maxNumBins, minLambda, maxLambda, teff, isCool)
    #//Find actual number of multi-gray bins:
    numBins = 0 #//initialization
    for i in range(maxNumBins):
        if (grayLevelsEpsilons[0][i] < maxLambda):
    #//Add one more for final lambda:
    #//System.out.println("numBins: " + numBins);

    if (teff < isCool) {
        #// physically based wavelength break-points and gray levels for Sun from Rutten Fig. 8.6
        #// H I Balmer and Lyman jumps for lambda <=3640 A, H^- b-f opacity hump in visible & hole at 1.6 microns, increasing f-f beyond that
        double[] lamSet = {minLambda, 91.1, 158.5, 364.0, 794.3, 1600.0, 3.0e3, 1.0e4, 3.3e4, 1.0e5, 3.3e5, maxLambda}; //nm
        double[] levelSet = {1000.0, 100.0, 5.0, 1.0, 0.3, 1.0, 3.0, 10.0, 30.0, 100.0, 1000.0};
        #//photon *thermal* destruction and creation probability (as opposed to scattering)
        #//WARNING:  THese cannot be set exactly = 1.0 or a Math.log() will blow up!!
        double[] epsilonSet = {0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 0.9, 0.99, 0.99, 0.99, 0.99, 0.99};
        int numBins = levelSet.length;

        for (int iB = 0; iB < numBins; iB++) {
            grayLams[iB] = lamSet[iB] * 1.0e-7;
            grayLevel[iB] = levelSet[iB];
            epsilon[iB] = epsilonSet[iB];
        grayLams[numBins] = lamSet[numBins] * 1.0e-7; //Get final wavelength
    } else {
        #// *** Early type stars, Teff > 9500 K (???)
        #// It's all about H I b-f (??) What about Thomson scattering (gray)?
        #// Lyman, Balmer, Paschen, Brackett jumps
        #//What about He I features?
        double[] lamSet = {minLambda, 91.1, 364.0, 820.4, 1458.0, maxLambda};  //nm
        double[] levelSet = {100.0, 10.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0};  //???
        double[] epsilonSet = {0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.5};
        int numBins = levelSet.length;
        for (int iB = 0; iB < numBins; iB++) {
            grayLams[iB] = lamSet[iB] * 1.0e-7;;
            grayLevel[iB] = levelSet[iB];
            epsilon[iB] = epsilonSet[iB];
        grayLams[numBins] = lamSet[numBins] * 1.0e-7; //Get final wavelength

    #//Find out how many bins we really have:
    #int numBins = 0;  //initialize
    #for (int iB = 0; iB < maxNumBins; iB++) {
    if (grayLams[iB] < maxLambda) {
    for iB in range(numBins):
        grayLams[iB] = grayLevelsEpsilons[0][iB]
        grayLevel[iB] = grayLevelsEpsilons[1][iB]
        epsilon[iB] = grayLevelsEpsilons[2][iB];
    grayLams[numBins] = grayLevelsEpsilons[0][numBins] #//Get final wavelength

    #//Set overall gray-level - how emissive and absorptive the gas is overall
    #// a necessary "fudge" because our kappa values are arbitrary rather than "in situ"
    graySet = 1.0

    #//double tcDamp = 0.5; // damp the temperature corrections, Delta T, by this *multiplicative* factor
    tcDamp = 1.0   #// no damping - Lambda iteration is slow rather than oscillatory

    logE = math.log10(math.E) #// for debug output

    #//double[][] planckBol = MulGrayTCorr.planckBin(numDeps, temp, lamStart, lamStop);
    planckBol = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] #//just for reference - not really needed - ??   
    jayBol = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] #//just for reference - not really needed - ??
    dBdTBol = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] #//just for reference - not really needed - ??
    cool = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]  #// cooling term in Stromgren equation
    heat = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]  #// heating term in Stromgren equation
    corrDenom = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] #//denominator in 1st order temp correction
    #//double[] accumB = new double[numDeps]; //accumulator

    #//CAUTION: planckBin[2][]: Row 0 is bin-integrated B_lambda; row 1 is bin integrated dB/dT_lambda
    planckBin = [ [ 0.0 for i in range(numDeps) ] for j in range(2) ]
    jayBin = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    dBdTBin = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]
    #//double logCool, logHeat, logCorrDenom, logCoolTherm, logCoolScat;

    #// initialize accumulators & set overell gray kappa level:
    for iTau in range(numDeps):

        planckBol[iTau] = 0.0  #//just for reference - not really needed - ??
        jayBol[iTau] = 0.0  #//just for reference - not really needed - ??
        dBdTBol[iTau] = 0.0  #//just for reference - not really needed - ??
        cool[iTau] = 0.0
        heat[iTau] = 0.0
        corrDenom[iTau] = 0.0

        kappa[1][iTau] = kappa[1][iTau] + math.log(graySet)
        kappa[0][iTau] = math.exp(kappa[1][iTau])


    for iB in range(numBins):
        #//System.out.println("iB: " + iB + " grayLams[iB] " + grayLams[iB]);
        planckBin = planckBinner(numDeps, temp, grayLams[iB], grayLams[iB + 1])

        #// We are lambda-operating on a wavelength integrated B_lambda for each multi-gray bin
        jayBin = jayBinner(numDeps, tauRos, temp, planckBin, grayLevel[iB])
        #//System.out.println("tauRos[1][iTau]   planckBin[0]   planckBin[1]   jayBin");
        for iTau in range(numDeps):
            #//System.out.format("%12.8f   %12.8f   %12.8f   %12.8f%n",
            #//        logE * tauRos[1][iTau], logE * Math.log(planckBin[0][iTau]), logE * Math.log(planckBin[1][iTau]), logE * Math.log(jayBin[iTau]));
            #//CAUTION: planckBin[2][]: Row 0 is bin-integrated B_lambda; row 1 is bin integrated dB/dT_lambda
            #//Net LTE volume cooling rate deltaE = Integ_lam=0^infnty(4*pi*kappa*rho*B_lam)dlam - Integ_lam=0^infnty(4*pi*kappa*rho*J_lam)dlam
            #// where Jlam = LambdaO[B_lam] - Rutten Eq. 7.32, 7.33 
            #// CAUTION: the 4pi and rho factors cancel out when diving B-J term by dB/dT term 
            planckBol[iTau] = planckBol[iTau] + planckBin[0][iTau]  #//just for reference - not really needed - ??
            #//logCool = Math.log(grayLevel[iB]) + kappa[1][iTau] + Math.log(planckBin[0][iTau])  #//no scatering
            #//cool[iTau] = cool[iTau] + Math.exp(logCool);   //no scattering
            logCoolTherm = math.log(grayLevel[iB]) + math.log(epsilon[iB]) + kappa[1][iTau] + math.log(planckBin[0][iTau])
            logCoolScat = math.log(grayLevel[iB]) + math.log((1.0 - epsilon[iB])) + kappa[1][iTau] + math.log(jayBin[iTau])
            cool[iTau] = cool[iTau] + math.exp(logCoolTherm) + math.exp(logCoolScat)
            jayBol[iTau] = jayBol[iTau] + jayBin[iTau]  #//just for reference - not really needed - ??
            logHeat = math.log(grayLevel[iB]) + kappa[1][iTau] + math.log(jayBin[iTau])
            heat[iTau] = heat[iTau] + math.exp(logHeat)
            dBdTBol[iTau] = dBdTBol[iTau] + planckBin[1][iTau]  #//just for reference - not really needed - ??
            logCorrDenom = math.log(grayLevel[iB]) + kappa[1][iTau] + math.log(planckBin[1][iTau])
            corrDenom[iTau] = corrDenom[iTau] + math.exp(logCorrDenom)
            #// if (iTau == 10){
            #//    System.out.format("iB: %02d   %12.8f   %12.8f   %12.8f   %12.8f%n", iB, logE*Math.log(planckBin[0][iTau]), logE*Math.log(cool[iTau]), logE*Math.log(heat[iTau]), logE*Math.log(corrDenom[iTau]));
        #} // iTau loop
    #} //iB loop

    #// System.out.println("i   tauRos[1][iTau]   planckBol[0]   planckBol[1]   jayBol      cool      heat      corrDenom");
    #// for (int iTau = 0; iTau < numDeps; iTau++) {
    #//System.out.format("%02d   %12.8f   %12.8f   %12.8f   %12.8f   %12.8f   %12.8f   %12.8f%n", iTau,
    #//        logE * tauRos[1][iTau], logE * Math.log(planckBol[iTau]), logE * Math.log(dBdTBol[iTau]), logE * Math.log(jayBol[iTau]),
    #//        logE * Math.log(cool[iTau]), logE * Math.log(heat[iTau]), logE * Math.log(corrDenom[iTau]));
    #// }
    #double logRatio, ratio, deltaTemp, logDeltaTemp;
    sign = 1.0 #//initialize for positive JminusB

    #//System.out.println("tauRos[1][iTau]   deltaTemp[iTau]");
    for iTau in range(numDeps):
        #// Compute a 1st order T correction:  Compute J-B so that DeltaT < 0 if J < B:
        #// avoid direct subtraction of two large almost equal numbers, J & B:

        //Gray method:
        double JminusB
        logRatio = Math.log(planckBol[iTau]) - Math.log(jayBol[iTau]);
        ratio = Math.exp(logRatio);
        JminusB = jayBol[iTau] * (1.0 - ratio);
        if (JminusB < 0.0) {
            sign = -1.0;

        #// DeltaB/DeltaT ~ dB/dT & dB/dT = (4/pi)sigma*T^3
        logDeltaTemp = Math.log(Math.abs(JminusB)) + Math.log(Math.PI) - Math.log(4.0) - Useful.logSigma() - 3.0 * temp[1][iTau];
        deltaTemp[iTau] = sign * Math.exp(logDeltaTemp) * tcDamp;
        #//System.out.format("%12.8f   %12.8f%n", tauRos[1][iTau], deltaTemp[iTau]);

        sign = 1.0; //reset sign
        #//Multi-Gray method:
        #double deltaE;
        #//double logHeatNorm, heatNorm, logCoolNorm, deltaENorm;

        #////Normalize numbers by dividing heat and cool terms each by common denominator derivative term first:
        #//logHeatNorm = Math.log(heat[iTau]) - Math.log(corrDenom[iTau]);
        #//heatNorm = Math.exp(logHeatNorm);
        #//logCoolNorm = Math.log(cool[iTau]) - Math.log(corrDenom[iTau]);
        logRatio = math.log(cool[iTau]) - math.log(heat[iTau])
        #//logRatio = logCoolNorm - logHeatNorm

        ratio = math.exp(logRatio)
        deltaE = heat[iTau] * (1.0 - ratio)
        #//deltaENorm = heatNorm * (1.0 - ratio)
        if (deltaE < 0.0):
            sign = -1.0
        #//CHEAT: Try a Tau-dependent deltaE damping here - things are flaky at tdepth where t(Tau) steepens
        deltaE = deltaE * math.exp(1.0 * (tauRos[0][0] - tauRos[0][iTau]))

        #// DeltaE/DeltaT ~ dB/dT_Bol
        logDeltaTemp = math.log(math.abs(deltaE)) - math.log(corrDenom[iTau])
        deltaTemp = sign * math.exp(logDeltaTemp) * tcDamp
        #//deltaTemp = sign * deltaENorm * tcDamp;

        newTemp[0][iTau] = temp[0][iTau] + deltaTemp;
        newTemp[1][iTau] = math.log(newTemp[0][iTau]);

    #} //iTau loop

    return newTemp
def jolaProfileQ(omega0, logf, vibConst, jolaPoints, alphQ, numDeps, temp):
    """//JOLA profile for Q (Delta J = 0) branch
//Equation 24 from Zeidler & Koestler"""

    nm2cm = 1.0e-7
    numPoints = len(jolaPoints)
    #// derivative of rotational-line oscillator strength with respect to frequency

    dfBydw = [[0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] for j in range(numPoints)]
    fvv = math.exp(logf)
    logHcBbyK = Useful.logH() + Useful.logC() + math.log(vibConst[0]) \
                                - Useful.logK()

    Bsum = vibConst[1] + vibConst[0]
    Bdiff = vibConst[1] - vibConst[0]

    #double mQ; #// related to J, for R & P branches, respectively

    #//value of m is closely related to rotational quantum number J,
    #//Near band origin, frequency, w, range should correspond to -1 <= m <= 1 - ???:
    #//      double wMin = Useful.c / (1.0e-7*lambda[1]); //first frequency omega
    #//     double wMax = Useful.c / (1.0e-7*lambda[0]); //last frequency omega
    #//    double deltaW = 0.02;
    #double w, logW, mQFctr, mHelp;
    #double denom, mQTerm, wMinusw0OverBDiff;
    #double help1, logHcBbyKt, hcBbyKt;

    #//Outer loop over frequency omega
    #//for (int iW = -1; iW <= 1; iW++){
    #for (int iW = numPoints-1; iW >= 0; iW--){
    for iW in range(numPoints - 1, 0, -1):
        #//dW = (double) iW;
        #//w = wMin + (dW*deltaW);
        #//logW = Useful.logC() - Math.log(1.0e-7*jolaPoints[iW]); //if w is freq in Hz
        logW = 0.0 - math.log(
            nm2cm * jolaPoints[iW])  #//if w is waveno in cm^-1
        w = math.exp(logW)

        #//I have no idea if this is right...
        wMinusw0OverBDiff = (w - omega0) / Bdiff
        mHelp = 0.25 + math.abs(wMinusw0OverBDiff)
        mHelp = math.sqrt(mHelp)  #//Eq. 17
        mQ = -0.5 + mHelp
        mQFctr = (mQ * mQ - mQ)
        denom = math.abs(Bdiff)

        for iD in range(numDeps):

            if (wMinusw0OverBDiff > 0):

                logHcBbyKt = logHcBbyK - temp[1][iD]
                hcBbyKt = math.exp(logHcBbyKt)

                help1 = -1.0 * hcBbyKt * mQFctr
                mQTerm = math.exp(help1) / denom

                #//Can this be used like a differential cross-section (once converted to sigma)?
                #//System.out.println("alphQ " + alphQ + " fvv " + " logHcBbyKt " + logHcBbyKt + " mQTerm " + mQTerm);
                dfBydw[iW][iD] = alphQ * fvv * hcBbyKt * mQTerm  #// Eq. 24


                dfBydw[iW][iD] = 0.0

            #//if (iD%10 == 1){
            #//System.out.println("Q iD " + iD + " iW " + iW + " dfBydw " + dfBydw[iW][iD]);

        #//iD - depth loop

    #} //iW - frequency loop

    return dfBydw
def lansvd(A,  m = A.shape[0], n = A.shape[1], K = math.min(math.min(m, n), 6), SIGMA='L', OPTS=[]):
	#LANSVD  Compute a few singular values and singular vectors.
#   LANSVD computes singular triplets (u,v,sigma) such that
#   A*u = sigma*v and  A'*v = sigma*u. Only a few singular values 
#   and singular vectors are computed  using the Lanczos 
#   bidiagonalization algorithm with partial reorthogonalization (BPRO). 
#   S = LANSVD(A) 
#   S = LANSVD('Afun','Atransfun',M,N)  
#   The first input argument is either a  matrix or a
#   string containing the name of an M-file which applies a linear
#   operator to the columns of a given matrix.  In the latter case,
#   the second input must be the name of an M-file which applies the
#   transpose of the same operator to the columns of a given matrix,  
#   and the third and fourth arguments must be M and N, the dimensions 
#   of the problem.
#   [U,S,V] = LANSVD(A,K,'L',...) computes the K largest singular values.
#   [U,S,V] = LANSVD(A,K,'S',...) computes the K smallest singular values.
#   The full calling sequence is
#   [U,S,V] = LANSVD('Afun','Atransfun',M,N,K,SIGMA,OPTIONS)
#   where K is the number of singular values desired and 
#   SIGMA is 'L' or 'S'.
#   The OPTIONS structure specifies certain parameters in the algorithm.
#    Field name      Parameter                              Default
#    OPTIONS.tol     Convergence tolerance                  16*eps
#    OPTIONS.lanmax  Dimension of the Lanczos basis.
#    OPTIONS.p0      Starting vector for the Lanczos        rand(n,1)-0.5
#                    iteration.
#    OPTIONS.delta   Level of orthogonality among the       sqrt(eps/K)
#                    Lanczos vectors.
#    OPTIONS.eta     Level of orthogonality after           10*eps^(3/4)
#                    reorthogonalization. 
#    OPTIONS.cgs     reorthogonalization method used        0
#                    '0' : iterated modified Gram-Schmidt 
#                    '1' : iterated classical Gram-Schmidt
#    OPTIONS.elr     If equal to 1 then extended local      1
#                    reorthogonalization is enforced. 
#   See also LANBPRO, SVDS, SVD

# References: 
# R.M. Larsen, Ph.D. Thesis, Aarhus University, 1998.
# B. N. Parlett, ``The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem'', 
# Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1980.
# H. D. Simon, ``The Lanczos algorithm with partial reorthogonalization'',
# Math. Comp. 42 (1984), no. 165, 115--142.

# Rasmus Munk Larsen, DAIMI, 1998

# Python Implementation: Matt Dioso, Seattle University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2018
# NOTE: Purposely omitting the Atrans option. don't think it applies in Python implementation
# ref: https://github.com/areslp/matlab/blob/master/PROPACK/lansvd.m

##################### Parse and check input arguments. ######################

	if not isinstance(A, str):
		if not np.isreal(A):
			print("[lansvd] A must be real")

	if m < 0 or n < 0 or K < 0:
		print("[lansvd] m, n, and K must be positive integers")

	if math.min(n, m) < 1 or K < 1:
		U = np.eye(m, K)
		S = np.zeroes(K, K)
		V = np.eye(n, K)
		bnd = np.zeroes(K, 1)

		return U, S, V

	else if math.min(n, m) == 1 and K > 0:
		U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(A) #translated from [U,S,V] = svd(full(A))		
		bnd = 0

		return U, S, V

	if isinstance(A, num):
		if np.count_nonzero(A) == 0:
			U = np.eye(m, K)
			S = np.zeroes(K, K)
			V = np.eye(n, K)
			bnd = np.zeros(K, 1)

			return U, S, V

	lanmax = math.min(m, n)
	tol = 16 * np.spacing(1)
	p = np.random.rand(m, 1) - 0.5

	c = list(opts.keys())
	for i in range(0, len(c)):
		if "p0" in c:
			p = opts.get("p0")
			p = p[:]
		if "tol" in c:
			tol = opts.get("tol")
		if "lanmax" in c:
			lanmax = opts.get("lanmax")

	tol = math.max(tol, np.spacing(1))
	lanmax = math.min(lanmax, math.min(m, n))
	if p.shape(0) != m:
		print("[lansvd] p0 must be a vector of length m")

	lanmax = math.min(lanmax, math.min(m, n))
	if K > lanmax:
		print("[lansvd] K must satisfy K <= LANMAX <= MIN(M, N)")

	if SIGMA == 'S':
		if isinstance(A, str):
			print("[lansvd] Shift-and-invert works only when the atrix A is given explicitly")
			if scipy.sparse.issparse(A):
				pmmd = scipy.sparse.linalg.splu(A, 'COLAMD')
				AA = A[:,pmmd] #CHECK THIS

			if m>=n:
				if scipy.sparse.issparse(AA):
					AR = scipy.linalg.qr(AA)
					ARt = AR.conj().transpose()
					p = ARt / (AA.conj().transpose().dot(p))
					AQ, AR = scipy.linalg.qr(AA)
					ARt = AR.conj().transpose()
					p = AQ.conj.transpose().dot(p)
				print("Sorry, shift-and-invert for m<n not implemented yet")
				AR = scipy.linalg.qr(AA.conj().transpose())
				ARt = AR.conj().transpose()
			condR = np.linalg.cond(AR)
			if condR > 1/np.spacing(1):
				print("[lansvd] A is rank deficient or too ill-conditioned to do shift-and-invert")

	ksave = K
	neig = 0
	nrestart = -1
	j = math.min(k+math.max(8, K) + 1, lanmax)
	U = []
	V = []
	B = []
	anorm = []
	work = np.zeros(2, 2)
	while neig < K:
		if not isinstance(A, str):
			U, B, V, p, ierr, w = lanbpro(A, j, p, opts, U, B, V, anorm) #IMPLEMENT LANBPRO

		work = work +w

		if ierr < 0:
			j = -ierr

		resnrm = np.linalg.norm(p)

		S, bot = bdsqr(np,diag(B), [np.diag(B, -1); resnrm]) #IMPLEMENT BDSQR

		anorm = S[0]

		bnd = resnrm * math.abs(bot)

		bnd = refinebounds(S**2, bnd, n*np.spacing(1)*anorm)

		i = 0
		neig = 0
		while i <= math.min(j, k):
			if (bnd[i] <= tol*math.abs(S[i])):
				neig = neig + 1
				i = i + 1
				i = math.min(j, k) + 1

		if ierr < 0:
			if j < k:
				print("[lansvd] Warning: Invariant subspace of dimension %d found", j-1)
			j = j - 1

		if j >= lanmax:
			if j >= math.min(m,n):
				neig = ksave

			if neig < ksave:
				print("[lansvd] Warning maximum dimension of Krylob subspace exceeded prior to convergence")

			j = math.max(1.5*j, j+10)
		if neig > 0:
			j = j+math.min(100, math.max(2, 0.5*(K-neig)*j/(neig+1)))
			j=math.max(1.5*j, j+10)

		j = math.ceil(math.min(j+1, lanmax))	
		nrestart = nrestart + 1

	K = math.min(ksave, j)


	P, S, Q = np.linalg.svd([B;np.zeros(1, j-1)])

	S = np.diag(S)

	if Q.shape[1] != K:
		Q = Q[:, 0:K]
		P = P[:, 0:K]

	if resnrm != 0:
		U = U.dot(P[0:j, :]) + (p/resnrm).dot(P[j+1, :])
		U = U.dot(P[0:j, :])

	V = V.dot(Q)

	for i in range(0, K):
		nq = np.linalg.norm(V[:, i])
		if np.isfinite(nq) and nq != 0 and nq != 1:
			V[:,i] = U[:, i]/nq

		nq = np.linalg.norm(U[:, i])
		if np.isfinite(nq) and nq != 0 and nq != 1:
			U[:, i] = U[:, i]/nq

	S = S[0:K]
	bnd = bnd[0:K]

	if sigma == 'S':
		S= np.sort(-1/S)
		S = -S
		bnd = bnd[S.size]
		if scipy.sparse.issparse(AA):
			U = AA.dot(AR/U[:,p])
			V[pmmd,:] = V[:,p]
			U = AQ[:, 1:math.min(m,n)].dot(U[:, p])
			V = V[:,p]

	return U, S, V, bnd, j
def prA():
    k = 3
    log_laur = lambda t: log1p(
        abs(Laurent(k, exp(2 * math.pi * cmath.sqrt(-1) * t))))
    integrand = integrate.quad(log_laur, 0, 1)
    print exp(integrand)
def ekf_localization(estimated_state_mean, estimated_state_covariance, z, u):
    Jacobian of Motion Model

    __motion model__
    x_{t+1} = x_t - v/w*sin(yaw_t) + v/w*sin(yaw_t + w*dt)
    y_{t+1} = y_t + v/w*cos(yaw_t) - v/w*cos(yaw_t + w*dt)
    yaw_{t+1} = yaw_t + w*dt
    __partial derivatives__
    dx/dyaw = - v/w*cos(yaw_t) + v/w*cos(yaw_t + w*dt)
    dy/dyaw = -v/w*sin(yaw_t) + v/w*sin(yaw_t + w*dt)
    dy/dv = dt*sin(yaw)
    dx/dt = 1
    dy/dt = 1
    dyaw/dt = 1
    yaw = estimated_state_mean[2, 0]
    v = u[0, 0]
    w = u[1, 0]
    G = np.array([
            1.0, 0.0,
            -v / w * math.cos(yaw) + v / w * math.cos(yaw + w * delta_t)
            0.0, 1.0,
            -v / w * math.sin(yaw) + v / w * math.sin(yaw + w * delta_t)
        [0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
    Jacobian of Gaussian Noise in Motion Model
    __derivative of non-linear motion function with respect to control inputs__
    dx/dv = (-sin(yaw_t) + sin(yaw_t + w*dt)) / w
    dx/dw = v *(sin(yaw_t) - sin(yaw_t +w*dt))/w^2 + v*cos(yaw_t+w*dt)*dt/w
    dy/dv = (cos(yaw_t) - cos(yaw_t +w*dt))/w 
    dy/dw = - v *(cos(yaw_t) - cos(yaw_t + w*dt)) /w^2 + v*sin(yaw_t+w*dt)*dt/w
    dyaw/dv = 0
    dyaw/dw = dt

    V = np.array([[(-math.sin(yaw) + math.sin(yaw + w * delta_t)) / w,
                   v * (math.sin(yaw) - math.sin(yaw + w * delta_t)) / (w**2) +
                   v * math.cos(yaw + w * delta_t) * delta_t / w],
                  [(math.cos(yaw) - math.cos(yaw + w * delta_t)) / w,
                   -v * (math.cos(yaw) - math.cos(yaw + w * delta_t)) /
                   (w**2) + v * math.sin(yaw + w * delta_t) * delta_t / w],
                  [0, delta_t]])
    Covariance of the additional motion noise N(0,R_t)
    in control space.
    M = np.array([(a1 * math.abs(v) + a2 * math.abs(w))**2, 0],
                 [0, (a3 * math.abs(v) + a4 * math.abs(w))**2])
    #  Predict
    pred_state_covariance = G @ estimated_state_covariance @ G.T + V @ M @ V.T
    pred_state_mean = motion_model(estimated_state_mean, u)
    #  Correction
    Measurement noise on landmarks
    Q = np.array([[std_range**2, 0, 0], [0, std_yaw**2, 0],
                  [0, 0, std_signature**2]])

    H = jacobian_observation(pred_state_mean)
    zPred = H @ pred_state_mean
    y = z - zPred
    S = H @ pred_state_covariance @ H.T + R
    K = pred_state_covariance @ H.T @ np.linalg.inv(S)
    estimated_state_mean = pred_state_mean + K @ y
    estimated_state_covariance = (np.eye(len(estimated_state_mean)) -
                                  K @ H) @ pred_state_covariance
    return estimated_state_mean, estimated_state_covariance