def __init__(self):
        self.minP = Vector3(0,0,0)
        self.maxP = Vector3(0,0,0)
        self.boxVertices = math3D.getBoxVertices(self.minP, self.maxP)
        self.voxelData = None
        self.verts = None
        self.norms = None
        self.txcds = None
        self.numTrianglesInBatch = 0 # number of triangles in the vertex data
        self.vbo_verts = GLuint(0)
        self.vbo_norms = GLuint(0)
        self.vbo_txcds = GLuint(0)
        self.pool = None
        self.dirty = True
        self.terrainTaskResult = None
        self.saveTaskResult = None
        self.setNotDirty = lambda r: setattr(self, 'dirty', False)

        # Lock to protect terrain data (voxelData, verts, and norms)
        self.terrainDataLock = multiprocessing.Lock()
    def loadFromDisk(cls, folder, chunkID, minP, maxP, pool):
        chunk = Chunk()
        chunk.minP = minP # extents of the chunk in world-space
        chunk.maxP = maxP #   "
        chunk.boxVertices = math3D.getBoxVertices(chunk.minP, chunk.maxP)
        chunk.dirty = False
        chunk.pool = pool
        chunk.folder = folder

        # Spin off a task to load the terrain.
        if debugSerializeChunkTasks:
            r = loadChunkFromDiskWorker(folder, chunkID)
            callback = lambda r: chunk._callbackTerrainTaskHasFinished(r)
            chunk.terrainTaskResult = \
                                 [folder, chunkID],

        return chunk
    def fromProceduralGeneration(cls, minP, maxP, terrainHeight, seed,
                                 pool, folder):
        chunk = Chunk()
        chunk.minP = minP # extents of the chunk in world-space
        chunk.maxP = maxP #   "
        chunk.boxVertices = math3D.getBoxVertices(chunk.minP, chunk.maxP)
        chunk.pool = pool
        chunk.folder = folder

        # Spin off a task to generate terrain and geometry.
        # Chunk will have no terrain or geometry until this has finished.
        if debugSerializeChunkTasks:
            r = procedurallyGenerateChunkWorker(seed,terrainHeight,minP,maxP)
            chunk.terrainTaskResult = \
                    [seed, terrainHeight, minP, maxP],
                    callback=lambda r:chunk._callbackTerrainTaskHasFinished(r))

        return chunk