   def DISABLED_memleak( self ):
      """Test agg backend for memory leaks."""

      fontname = '/usr/local/share/matplotlib/Vera.ttf'
      fname = self.outFile( "agg_memleak_%05d.png" )

      N = 200
      for i in range( N ):
         gc = GraphicsContextBase()
         gc.set_clip_rectangle( [20, 20, 20, 20] )
         o = RendererAgg( 400, 400, 72 )

         for j in range( 50 ):
            xs = [ 400*int(rand()) for k in range(8) ]
            ys = [ 400*int(rand()) for k in range(8) ]
            rgb = (1, 0, 0)
            pnts = zip( xs, ys )
            o.draw_polygon( gc, rgb, pnts )
            o.draw_polygon( gc, None, pnts )

         for j in range( 50 ):
            x = [ 400*int(rand()) for k in range(4) ]
            y = [ 400*int(rand()) for k in range(4) ]
            o.draw_lines( gc, x, y )

         for j in range( 50 ):
            args = [ 400*int(rand()) for k in range(4) ]
            rgb = (1, 0, 0)
            o.draw_rectangle( gc, rgb, *args )

         if 1: # add text
            font = FT2Font( fontname )
            font.set_text( 'hi mom', 60 )
            font.set_size( 12, 72 )
            o.draw_text_image( font.get_image(), 30, 40, gc )

         o.write_png( fname % i )
         val = report_memory( i )
         if i==1: start = val

      end = val
      avgMem = (end - start) / float(N)
      print 'Average memory consumed per loop: %1.4f\n' % (avgMem)

      #TODO: Verify the expected mem usage and approximate tolerance that should be used
      self.checkClose( 0.32, avgMem, absTol = 0.1 )
    gc = GraphicsContextBase()
    gc.set_clip_rectangle([20, 20, 20, 20])
    o = RendererAgg(400, 400, 72)

    for j in range(50):
        xs = [400 * int(rand()) for k in range(8)]
        ys = [400 * int(rand()) for k in range(8)]
        rgb = (1, 0, 0)
        pnts = zip(xs, ys)
        o.draw_polygon(gc, rgb, pnts)
        o.draw_polygon(gc, None, pnts)

    for j in range(50):
        x = [400 * int(rand()) for k in range(4)]
        y = [400 * int(rand()) for k in range(4)]
        o.draw_lines(gc, x, y)

    for j in range(50):
        args = [400 * int(rand()) for k in range(4)]
        rgb = (1, 0, 0)
        o.draw_rectangle(gc, rgb, *args)

    if 1:  # add text
        font = FT2Font(fname)
        font.set_text('hi mom', 60)
        font.set_size(12, 72)
        o.draw_text_image(font.get_image(), 30, 40, gc)

    o.write_png('aggtest%d.png' % i)
    val = report_memory(i)
    gc = GraphicsContextBase()
    gc.set_clip_rectangle( [20,20,20,20] )
    o = RendererAgg(400,400, 72)

    for j in range(50):
        xs = [400*int(rand()) for k in range(8)]
        ys = [400*int(rand()) for k in range(8)]
        rgb = (1,0,0)
        pnts = zip(xs, ys)
        o.draw_polygon(gc, rgb, pnts)
        o.draw_polygon(gc, None, pnts)

    for j in range(50):
        x = [400*int(rand()) for k in range(4)]
        y = [400*int(rand()) for k in range(4)]
        o.draw_lines( gc, x, y)

    for j in range(50):
        args = [400*int(rand()) for k in range(4)]
        rgb = (1,0,0)
        o.draw_rectangle(gc, rgb, *args)

    if 1: # add text
        font = FT2Font(fname)
        font.set_text('hi mom', 60)
        font.set_size(12, 72)
        o.draw_text_image(font.get_image(), 30, 40, gc)

    val = report_memory(i)