class ExceptionHandler(QtCore.QObject): errorSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal() silentSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def __init__(self): super(ExceptionHandler, self).__init__() def handler(self, exctype, value, traceback): global failure_ self.errorSignal.emit() failure_ = (exctype, value, traceback) sys._excepthook(exctype, value, traceback)
class ComponentsList(QtCore.QObject): ''' Keep track of Components in a list and emit signals. Methods 'append' and 'remove' are provided and emit signals, direct access to the list is allowed with 'ComponentList.list', but not recommended.''' componentAppended = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object, name="ComponentAppended") componentRemoved = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object, name="ComponentRemoved") def __init__(self): super(ComponentsList, self).__init__() self.list = [] def append(self, item): self.list.append(item) self.componentAppended.emit(item) def remove(self, item): self.list.remove(item) self.componentRemoved.emit(item) def index(self, item): return self.list.index(item) def __delitem__(self, key): self.list.__delitem__(key) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.list.__getitem__(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.list.__setitem__(key, value) def __len__(self): return len(self.list) def __repr__(self): return self.list.__repr__()
class Trace(QtCore.QThread): """ timer for the IOC measurement""" ##--------Signal Definition--------## started = QtCore.pyqtSignal() finished = QtCore.pyqtSignal('PyQt_PyObject') ##--------CONSTRUCTOR--------## def __init__(self,interval): # t--interval call the hFunction QtCore.QThread.__init__(self) self.interval = interval self.evented = threading.Event() # 引入事件进行定时器的设置 self.trace_points = None self.trace_time = None self.trace_value = {} self.trace_triggerlevel = None self.trace_offsettime = None #Execute def run(self): self.started.emit() while not self.evented.is_set(): self.evented.wait(self.interval) #self.trace_points = caget('SRFLab-010:RFS-PM-01:Trace_points.VAL', as_string=False) self.trace_time = caget('SRFLab-010:RFS-PM-01:Trace_time.VAL', as_string=False) self.trace_value = caget('SRFLab-010:RFS-PM-01:Value_trace.VAL', as_string=False) self.trace_triggerlevel = caget('SRFLab-010:RFS-PM-01:Trace_level_callback_DBM.VAL', as_string=False) self.trace_offsettime = caget('SRFLab-010:RFS-PM-01:Trace_offset_time_callback.VAL',as_string=False) self.trace_points = len(self.trace_value) psen = TraceMeasure() psen._array = self.trace_value psen._points = self.trace_points psen._time = self.trace_time psen._triggerlevel = self.trace_triggerlevel psen._offsetTime = self.trace_offsettime self.finished.emit(psen) #STOP def cancel(self): self.evented.set()
class HelpScreen(QMainWindow): clicked = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, parent=None): super(HelpScreen, self).__init__() # Object for data persistence # self.settings = QtCore.QSettings('UHSLC', 'com.uhslc.qcsoft') # st.SETTINGS.remove("savepath") self.ui = parent # If a save path hasn't been defined, give it a home directory if (st.get_path(st.SAVE_KEY)): self.ui.lineEditPath.setPlaceholderText(st.get_path(st.SAVE_KEY)) else: st.SETTINGS.setValue(st.SAVE_KEY, os.path.expanduser('~')) self.ui.lineEditPath.setPlaceholderText(os.path.expanduser('~')) self.ui.lineEditLoadPath.setPlaceholderText(st.get_path(st.LOAD_KEY)) # If a fast delivery save path hasn't been defined, give it a home directory if (st.get_path(st.FD_PATH)): self.ui.lineEditFDPath.setPlaceholderText(st.get_path(st.FD_PATH)) else: st.SETTINGS.setValue(st.FD_PATH, os.path.expanduser('~')) self.ui.lineEditFDPath.setPlaceholderText(os.path.expanduser('~')) # If a high frequency data save path hasn't been defined, give it a home directory if (st.get_path(st.HF_PATH)): self.ui.lineEditHFPath.setPlaceholderText(st.get_path(st.HF_PATH)) else: st.SETTINGS.setValue(st.HF_PATH, os.path.expanduser('~')) self.ui.lineEditHFPath.setPlaceholderText(os.path.expanduser('~')) if st.get_path(st.DIN_PATH): self.ui.lineEdit_din.setPlaceholderText(st.get_path(st.DIN_PATH)) saveButton = self.ui.pushButton_save_folder loadButton = self.ui.pushButton_load_folder dinSave = self.ui.pushButton_din FDSave = self.ui.pushButton_fd_folder hf_save = self.ui.pushButton_hf_data saveButton.clicked.connect( lambda: self.savePath(self.ui.lineEditPath, st.SAVE_KEY)) loadButton.clicked.connect( lambda: self.savePath(self.ui.lineEditLoadPath, st.LOAD_KEY)) dinSave.clicked.connect( lambda: self.saveDIN(self.ui.lineEdit_din, st.DIN_PATH)) FDSave.clicked.connect( lambda: self.savePath(self.ui.lineEditFDPath, st.FD_PATH)) hf_save.clicked.connect( lambda: self.savePath(self.ui.lineEditFDPath, st.HF_PATH)) def savePath(self, lineEditObj, setStr): folder_name = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( self, 'Select a Folder') if (folder_name): st.SETTINGS.setValue(setStr, folder_name) st.SETTINGS.sync() lineEditObj.setPlaceholderText(st.get_path(setStr)) lineEditObj.setText("") else: pass def saveDIN(self, lineEditObj, setStr): filters = "*.din" if st.DIN_PATH: path = st.DIN_PATH else: path = os.path.expanduser('~') file_name = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames( self, 'Open File', path, filters) if (file_name): st.SETTINGS.setValue(setStr, file_name[0][0]) st.SETTINGS.sync() lineEditObj.setPlaceholderText(st.get_path(setStr)) lineEditObj.setText("") else: pass
class Start(QMainWindow): clicked = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, parent=None): super(Start, self).__init__() self.ui = parent self.sens_objects = { } ## Collection of Sensor objects for station for one month self.home() def home(self): print("HOME CALLED") # print("static_canvas",self.static_canvas) self.ui.mplwidget_top.canvas.figure.clf() self.ui.mplwidget_bottom.canvas.figure.clf() self._static_ax = self.ui.mplwidget_top.canvas.figure.subplots() self._static_fig = self.ui.mplwidget_top.canvas.figure = -99 self.cid = -98 self.toolbar1 = self._static_fig.canvas.toolbar # Get the toolbar handler self.toolbar1.update() # Update the toolbar memory # self._residual_fig = self.ui.mplwidget_bottom.canvas.figure self._residual_ax = self.ui.mplwidget_bottom.canvas.figure.subplots() self.ui.save_btn.clicked.connect(self.save_to_ts_files) self.ui.ref_level_btn.clicked.connect(self.show_ref_dialog) def make_sensor_buttons(self, sensors): # Remove all sensor checkbox widgets from the layout # every time new data is loaded for i in range(self.ui.verticalLayout_left_top.count()): item = self.ui.verticalLayout_left_top.itemAt(i) # self.verticalLayout_left_top.removeWidget(item.widget()) widget = item.widget() if widget is not None: widget.deleteLater() for i in range(self.ui.verticalLayout_bottom.count()): item = self.ui.verticalLayout_bottom.itemAt(i) # self.verticalLayout_left_top.removeWidget(item.widget()) widget = item.widget() if widget is not None: widget.deleteLater() # sensors' keys are names of all sensors which carry # all of the data associated with it # Make copy of it so we can use its keys and assign radio buttons to it # If we do not make a copy then the sensors values would get # overwritten by radio button objects self.sensor_dict = dict(sensors) self.sensor_dict2 = dict(sensors) # Counter added to figure out when the last item was added # Set alignment of the last item to push all the radio buttons up counter = len(sensors.items()) for key, value in sensors.items(): counter -= 1 self.sensor_radio_btns = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(key, self) self.sensor_check_btns = QtWidgets.QCheckBox(key, self) self.sensor_dict[key] = self.sensor_radio_btns self.sensor_dict2[key] = self.sensor_check_btns self.ui.buttonGroup_data.addButton(self.sensor_dict[key]) self.ui.buttonGroup_residual.addButton(self.sensor_dict2[key]) if (counter > 0): self.ui.verticalLayout_left_top.addWidget( self.sensor_dict[key]) self.ui.verticalLayout_bottom.addWidget(self.sensor_dict2[key]) else: self.ui.verticalLayout_left_top.addWidget( self.sensor_dict[key], 0, QtCore.Qt.AlignTop) self.ui.verticalLayout_bottom.addWidget( self.sensor_dict2[key], 0, QtCore.Qt.AlignTop) self.sensor_dict[key].setText(key) # radio_btn_HF = QtWidgets.QRadioButton("Minute", self) # radio_btn_HF.setChecked(True) self.mode = self.ui.radioButton_Minute.text() self.sensor_dict["PRD"].setChecked(True) self.sens_str = "PRD" # self.sensor_dict2["PRD"].setEnabled(False) self.sensor_dict2["ALL"].setEnabled(False) self.plot(all=False) self.ui.buttonGroup_data.buttonClicked.connect(self.on_sensor_changed) self.ui.buttonGroup_residual.buttonClicked.connect( self.on_residual_sensor_changed) self.ui.buttonGroup_resolution.buttonClicked.connect( self.on_frequency_changed) def on_sensor_changed(self, btn): print(btn.text()) if (btn.text() == "ALL"): # TODO: plot_all and plot should be merged to one function self.ui.save_btn.setEnabled(False) self.ui.ref_level_btn.setEnabled(False) self.plot(all=True) else: self.ui.save_btn.setEnabled(True) self.ui.ref_level_btn.setEnabled(True) self.sens_str = btn.text() self._update_top_canvas(btn.text()) self.ui.lineEdit.setText( self.sens_objects[self.sens_str].header[0]) self.update_graph_values() # Update residual buttons and graph when the top sensor is changed # self.on_residual_sensor_changed(None) # Clear residual buttons and graph when the top sensor is changed for button in self.ui.buttonGroup_residual.buttons(): button.setChecked(False) self._residual_ax.cla() self._residual_ax.figure.canvas.draw() # print("ref height:",self.sens_objects[self.sens_str].height) def on_frequency_changed(self, btn): print("Frequency changed", btn.text()) self.mode = btn.text() if (self.mode == "Minute"): self.sensor_dict2["PRD"].setEnabled(True) else: self.sensor_dict2["PRD"].setEnabled(False) self.on_residual_sensor_changed() def update_graph_values(self): # convert 'nans' back to 9999s nan_ind = np.argwhere(np.isnan([nan_ind] = 9999 # we want the sensor data object to point to and not # because when the is modified on the graph # the sensor data object will automatically be modified as well self.sens_objects[self.sens_str].data = def on_residual_sensor_changed(self): self._residual_ax.cla() self._residual_ax.figure.canvas.draw() checkedItems = [ button for button in self.ui.buttonGroup_residual.buttons() if button.isChecked() ] if (checkedItems): for button in checkedItems: self.calculate_and_plot_residuals(self.sens_str, button.text(), self.mode) else: self._residual_ax.cla() self._residual_ax.figure.canvas.draw() def plot(self, all=False): # Set the data browser object to NoneType on every file load self.browser = None self._static_ax.cla() self._residual_ax.cla() self._residual_ax.figure.canvas.draw() if all: lineEditText = 'No Header -- Plotting all sensors' sens_objects = self.sens_objects title = 'Relative levels = signal - average over selected period' else: lineEditText = self.sens_objects[self.sens_str].header[0] sens_objects = [self.sens_str] title = 'Tide Prediction' self.ui.lineEdit.setText(lineEditText) for sens in sens_objects: ## Set 9999s to NaN so they don't show up on the graph ## when initially plotted ## nans are converted back to 9999s when file is saved if sens == "ALL": pass else: data_flat = self.sens_objects[sens].get_flat_data() time = self.sens_objects[sens].get_time_vector() nines_ind = np.where(data_flat == 9999) data_flat[nines_ind] = float('nan') if all: mean = np.nanmean(data_flat) else: mean = 0 # t = np.linspace(0, 10, 501) # t = np.arange(data.size) t = time y = data_flat - mean # self._static_ax.plot(t, np.tan(t), ".") line, = self._static_ax.plot( t, y, '-', picker=5, lw=0.5, markersize=3) # 5 points tolerance # self._static_fig = self.static_canvas.figure if all: line.set_label(sens) self._static_ax.legend() self._static_ax.set_title(title) self._static_ax.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both', tight=True) self._static_ax.set_xlim([t[0], t[-1]]) self._static_ax.margins(0.05, 0.05) self.ui.mplwidget_top.canvas.setFocusPolicy( QtCore.Qt.ClickFocus) self.ui.mplwidget_top.canvas.setFocus() self.ui.mplwidget_top.canvas.figure.tight_layout() # self.toolbar1 = self._static_fig.canvas.toolbar #Get the toolbar handler self.toolbar1.update() # Update the toolbar memory self.ui.mplwidget_top.canvas.draw() def calculate_and_plot_residuals(self, sens_str1, sens_str2, mode): # resample_freq = min(int(self.sens_objects[sens_str1].rate), int(self.sens_objects[sens_str2].rate)) # _freq = str(resample_freq)+'min' # # # Get a date range to create pandas time Series # # using the sampling frequency of the sensor # rng1 = date_range(self.sens_objects[sens_str1].date, periods = self.sens_objects[sens_str1].data.size, freq=_freq) # ts1 = Series(self.sens_objects[sens_str1].data, rng1) # # rng2 = date_range(self.sens_objects[sens_str2].date, periods = self.sens_objects[sens_str2].data.size, freq=_freq) # ts2 = Series(self.sens_objects[sens_str2].data, rng2) # resample the data and linearly interpolate the missing values # upsampled = ts.resample(_freq) # interp = upsampled.interpolate() if mode == "Hourly": data_obj = {} # data_obj["prd"]={'time':filt.datenum2(self.sens_objects["PRD"].get_time_vector()), 'station':'014', 'sealevel':self.sens_objects["PRD"].get_flat_data().copy()} # for key in self.sens_objects.keys(): # print("KEY", key) sl_data = self.sens_objects[sens_str1].get_flat_data().copy() sl_data = self.remove_9s(sl_data) sl_data = sl_data - int(self.sens_objects[sens_str1].height) data_obj[sens_str1.lower()] = { 'time': filt.datenum2(self.sens_objects[sens_str1].get_time_vector()), 'station': '014', 'sealevel': sl_data } sl_data2 = self.sens_objects[sens_str2].get_flat_data().copy() sl_data2 = self.remove_9s(sl_data2) sl_data2 = sl_data2 - int(self.sens_objects[sens_str2].height) data_obj[sens_str2.lower()] = { 'time': filt.datenum2(self.sens_objects[sens_str2].get_time_vector()), 'station': '014', 'sealevel': sl_data2 } year = self.sens_objects[sens_str2].date.astype(object).year month = self.sens_objects[sens_str2].date.astype(object).month data_hr = filt.hr_process_2( data_obj, filt.datetime(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0), filt.datetime(year, month + 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) if sens_str1 != "PRD": hr_resid = data_hr[sens_str1.lower()]["sealevel"] - data_hr[ sens_str2.lower()]["sealevel"] time = [ filt.matlab2datetime(tval[0]) for tval in data_hr[list(data_hr.keys())[0]]['time'] ] self.generic_plot(self.ui.mplwidget_bottom.canvas, time, hr_resid, sens_str1, sens_str2, "Hourly Residual", is_interactive=False) else: self.show_custom_message( "Warning", "For hourly residual an actual channel needs to be selected in the top plot." ) self.generic_plot( self.ui.mplwidget_bottom.canvas, [0], [0], sens_str1, sens_str2, "Choose a channel in the top plot other than PRD", is_interactive=False) else: newd1 = self.resample2(sens_str1) newd2 = self.resample2(sens_str2) # newd1 = ts1.resample(_freq).interpolate() # newd2 = ts2.resample(_freq).interpolate() if (newd1.size > newd2.size): resid = newd2 - newd1[:newd2.size] else: resid = newd1 - newd2[:newd1.size] # time = np.array([self.sens_objects[sens_str1].date + np.timedelta64(i*int(1), 'm') for i in range(resid.size)]) # time = np.arange(resid.size) time = date_range(self.sens_objects[sens_str1].date, periods=resid.size, freq='1min') self.generic_plot(self.ui.mplwidget_bottom.canvas, time, resid, sens_str1, sens_str2, "Residual", is_interactive=False) def generic_plot(self, canvas, x, y, sens1, sens2, title, is_interactive): print("GENERIC PLOT CALLED") # self._residual_ax = canvas.figure.subplots() line, = self._residual_ax.plot(x, y, '-', picker=5, lw=0.5, markersize=3) # 5 points tolerance line.set_gid(sens2) self._residual_fig = canvas.figure self._residual_ax.set_title(title) line.set_label(title + ": " + sens1 + " - " + sens2) self._residual_ax.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both', tight=True) self._residual_ax.set_xlim([x[0], x[-1]]) self._residual_ax.margins(0.05, 0.05) self._residual_ax.legend() if (is_interactive): self.browser = PointBrowser(x, y, self._residual_ax, line, self._residual_fig, self.find_outliers(x, y, sens1)) self.browser.onDataEnd += self.show_message canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', self.browser.onpick) canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.browser.onpress) ## need to activate focus onto the mpl canvas so that the keyboard can be used canvas.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ClickFocus) canvas.setFocus() self._residual_ax.figure.tight_layout() self.toolbar2 = self._residual_fig.canvas.toolbar # Get the toolbar handler self.toolbar2.update() # Update the toolbar memory self._residual_ax.figure.canvas.draw() def _update_top_canvas(self, sens): data_flat = self.sens_objects[sens].get_flat_data() nines_ind = np.where(data_flat == 9999) # nonines_data = data_flat.copy() # nonines_data[nines_ind] = float('nan') # data_flat = nonines_data # data_flat =data_flat - np.nanmean(data_flat) if (len(nines_ind[0]) < data_flat.size): # data_flat[nines_ind] = float('nan') pass else: self.show_custom_message("Warning", "The following sensor has no data") self._static_ax.clear() # disconnect canvas pick and press events when a new sensor is selected # to eliminate multiple callbacks on sensor change # self.static_canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.pidP) # self.static_canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.cidP) self.ui.mplwidget_top.canvas.mpl_disconnect( self.ui.mplwidget_top.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.cid) if self.browser: self.browser.onDataEnd -= self.show_message self.browser.disconnect() # time = np.arange(data_flat.size) time = self.sens_objects[sens].get_time_vector() self.line, = self._static_ax.plot(time, data_flat, '-', picker=5, lw=0.5, markersize=3) self._static_ax.set_title( 'select a point you would like to remove and press "D"') self.browser = PointBrowser(time, data_flat, self._static_ax, self.line, self._static_fig, self.find_outliers(time, data_flat, sens)) self.browser.onDataEnd += self.show_message self.browser.on_sensor_change_update() # update event ids so that they can be disconnect on next sensor change = self.ui.mplwidget_top.canvas.mpl_connect( 'pick_event', self.browser.onpick) self.cid = self.ui.mplwidget_top.canvas.mpl_connect( 'key_press_event', self.browser.onpress) ## need to activate focus onto the mpl canvas so that the keyboard can be used self.toolbar1.update() self.ui.mplwidget_top.canvas.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ClickFocus) self.ui.mplwidget_top.canvas.setFocus() def find_outliers(self, t, data, sens): channel_freq = self.sens_objects[sens].rate _freq = channel_freq + 'min' nines_ind = np.where(data == 9999) nonines_data = data.copy() nonines_data[nines_ind] = float('nan') # Get a date range to create pandas time Series # using the sampling frequency of the sensor rng = date_range(t[0], t[-1], freq=_freq) ts = Series(nonines_data, rng) # resample the data and linearly interpolate the missing values upsampled = ts.resample(_freq) interp = upsampled.interpolate() # calculate a window size for moving average routine so the window # size is always 60 minutes long window_size = 60 // int(channel_freq) # calculate moving average including the interolated data # moving_average removes big outliers before calculating moving average y_av = self.moving_average(np.asarray(interp.tolist()), window_size) # y_av = self.moving_average(data, 30) # missing=np.argwhere(np.isnan(y_av)) # y_av[missing] = np.nanmean(y_av) # calculate the residual between the actual data and the moving average # and then find the data that lies outside of sigma*std residual = nonines_data - y_av std = np.nanstd(residual) sigma = 3.0 itemindex = np.where((nonines_data > y_av + (sigma * std)) | (nonines_data < y_av - (sigma * std))) return itemindex def moving_average(self, data, window_size): """ Computes moving average using discrete linear convolution of two one dimensional sequences. Args: ----- data (pandas.Series): independent variable window_size (int): rolling window size Returns: -------- ndarray of linear convolution References: ------------ [1] Wikipedia, "Convolution", [2] API Reference: """ # REMOVE GLOBAL OUTLIERS FROM MOVING AVERAGE CALCULATION nk filtered_data = data.copy() # my_mad=np.nanmedian(np.abs(filtered_data-np.nanmedian(filtered_data))) # my_mean=np.nanmean(filtered_data) my_mean = np.nanmean(filtered_data) my_std = np.nanstd(filtered_data) # itemindex = np.where(((filtered_data>my_mean+4*my_mad ) | (filtered_data<my_mean-4*my_mad))) itemindex = np.where(((filtered_data > my_mean + 3 * my_std) | (filtered_data < my_mean - 3 * my_std))) filtered_data[itemindex] = np.nanmean(filtered_data) # Fix boundary effects by adding prepending and appending values to the data filtered_data = np.insert( filtered_data, 0, np.ones(window_size) * np.nanmean(filtered_data[:window_size // 2])) filtered_data = np.insert( filtered_data, filtered_data.size, np.ones(window_size) * np.nanmean(filtered_data[-window_size // 2:])) window = np.ones(int(window_size)) / float(window_size) # return (np.convolve(filtered_data, window, 'same')[window_size:-window_size],itemindex) return np.convolve(filtered_data, window, 'same')[window_size:-window_size] def resample2(self, sens_str): data = self.sens_objects[sens_str].data.copy() nines_ind = np.where(data == 9999) data[nines_ind] = float('nan') ave = np.nanmean(data) datas = data[0:-1] - ave # int(self.sens_objects[sens_str].height) datae = data[1:] - ave # int(self.sens_objects[sens_str].height) yc = (datae - datas) / int(self.sens_objects[sens_str].rate) min_data = [] for j in range(0, len(datas)): for i in range(0, int(self.sens_objects[sens_str].rate)): min_data.append(float(datas[j] + yc[j])) # nan_ind = np.argwhere(np.isnan(min_data)) # min_data[nan_ind] = 9999 return np.asarray(min_data) def show_message(self, *args): print("SHOW MESSAGE", *args) # choice = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, 'The end of data has been reached', 'The end of data has been reached', QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) self.show_custom_message(*args, *args) def show_ref_dialog(self): try: self.browser except AttributeError: self.show_custom_message("Error!", "Data needs to be loaded first.") return else: if (self.is_digit(str(self.ui.refLevelEdit.text()))): # text, result = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getText(self, 'My Input Dialog', 'Enter start date and time:') date, time, result = DateDialog.getDateTime(self) ISOstring = date.toString('yyyy-MM-dd') + 'T' + time.toString( "HH:mm") if result: REF_diff = int(str(self.ui.refLevelEdit.text())) - int( self.sens_objects[self.sens_str].height) new_REF = REF_diff + int( self.sens_objects[self.sens_str].height) # offset the data self.browser.offset_data(ISOstring, REF_diff) # format the new reference to a 4 character string (i.e add leading zeros if necessary) # update the header new_header = self.sens_objects[self.sens_str].header[0][:60] + '{:04d}'.format(new_REF) + \ self.sens_objects[self.sens_str].header[0][64:] self.sens_objects[self.sens_str].header[0] = new_header self.ui.lineEdit.setText( self.sens_objects[self.sens_str].header[0]) print("Succesfully changed to: ", str(self.ui.refLevelEdit.text())) else: self.show_custom_message("Error!", "The value entered is not a number.") return def is_digit(self, n): try: int(n) return True except ValueError: return False def remove_9s(self, data): nines_ind = np.where(data == 9999) data[nines_ind] = float('nan') return data def show_custom_message(self, title, descrip): choice = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(self, title, descrip, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) def save_to_ts_files(self): # Deleting tkey "ALL" from the list of sensors if "ALL" in self.sens_objects: del self.sens_objects["ALL"] if (self.sens_objects): months = len( self.sens_objects["PRD"].line_num) # amount of months loaded # print("Amount of months loaded", months) assem_data = [ [] for j in range(months) ] # initial an empty list of lists with the number of months nan_ind = np.argwhere(np.isnan( # print("NAN INDICES",nan_ind) #[nan_ind] = 9999 # self.sens_objects[self.sens_str].data = # separate PRD from the rest because it has to be saved on the top file # Because dictionaries are unordered prd_list = [[] for j in range(months)] # Cycle through each month loaded for m in range(months): # Cycle through each month loaded, where key is the sensor name # Use value instead of self.sens_objects[key]? for key, value in self.sens_objects.items(): # Add header # separate PRD from the rest because it has to be saved on the top file if (key == "PRD"): prd_list[m].append( self.sens_objects[key].header[m].strip("\n")) else: assem_data[m].append( self.sens_objects[key].header[m].strip("\n")) # The ugly range is calculating start and end line numbers for each month that was Loaded # so that the data can be saved to separate, monthly files for i in range( sum(self.sens_objects[key].line_num[:]) - sum(self.sens_objects[key].line_num[m:]), sum(self.sens_objects[key].line_num[:]) - sum(self.sens_objects[key].line_num[m:]) + self.sens_objects[key].line_num[m]): # File formatting is differs based on the sampling rate of a sensor if (int(self.sens_objects[key].rate) >= 5): # Get only sealevel reading, without anything else (no time/date etc) data = ''.join( '{:5.0f}'.format(e) for e in self.sens_objects[key].data.flatten() [i * 12:12 + i * 12].tolist()) # The columns/rows containing only time/data and no sealevel measurements it_col_formatted = ' ' + self.sens_objects[key].type + ' ' + \ self.sens_objects[key].time_info[i][8:12].strip()[-2:] + \ self.sens_objects[key].time_info[i][12:20] # assem_data.append(info_time_col[i][0:]+data) if (key == "PRD"): prd_list[m].append(''.join(it_col_formatted) + data) else: assem_data[m].append( ''.join(it_col_formatted) + data) else: data = ''.join( '{:4.0f}'.format(e) for e in self.sens_objects[key].data.flatten() [i * 15:15 + i * 15].tolist()) it_col_formatted = ' ' + self.sens_objects[key].type + ' ' + \ self.sens_objects[key].time_info[i][8:12].strip()[-2:] + \ self.sens_objects[key].time_info[i][12:20] # assem_data.append(info_time_col[i][0:]+data) assem_data[m].append(''.join(it_col_formatted) + data) if (key == "PRD"): prd_list[m].append('9' * 80) else: assem_data[m].append('9' * 80) del data # find the start date lines of each monp file that was loaded date_str = self.sens_objects[key].time_info[ sum(self.sens_objects[key].line_num[:]) - sum(self.sens_objects[key].line_num[m:])] month_int = int(date_str[12:14][-2:]) month_str = "{:02}".format(month_int) year_str = date_str[8:12][-2:] station_num = self.sens_objects[key].type[0:-3] file_name = 't' + station_num + year_str + month_str file_extension = '.dat' try: with open( st.get_path(st.SAVE_KEY) + '/' + file_name + file_extension, 'w') as the_file: for lin in prd_list[m]: the_file.write(lin + "\n") for line in assem_data[m]: the_file.write(line + "\n") # Each file ends with two lines of 80 9s that's why adding an additional one the_file.write('9' * 80 + "\n") self.show_custom_message( "Success", "Success \n" + file_name + file_extension + " Saved to " + st.get_path(st.SAVE_KEY) + "\n") except IOError as e: self.show_custom_message( "Error", "Cannot Save to " + st.get_path(st.SAVE_KEY) + "\n" + str(e) + "\n Please select a different path to save to") self.save_fast_delivery(self.sens_objects) self.save_mat_high_fq(file_name) # if result == True: # print("Succesfully changed to: ", str(self.refLevelEdit.text())) else: self.show_custom_message("Warning", "You haven't loaded any data.") # this function is called for every month of data loaded def save_mat_high_fq(self, file_name): import as sio if st.get_path(st.HF_PATH): save_path = st.get_path(st.HF_PATH) else: self.show_custom_message( "Warning", "Please select a location where you would like your high " "frequency matlab data " "to be saved. Click save again once selected.") return for key, value in self.sens_objects.items(): sl_data = self.sens_objects[key].get_flat_data().copy() sl_data = self.remove_9s(sl_data) sl_data = sl_data - int(self.sens_objects[key].height) time = filt.datenum2(self.sens_objects[key].get_time_vector()) data_obj = [time, sl_data] # transposing the data so that it matches the shape of the UHSLC matlab format matlab_obj = { 'NNNN': file_name + key.lower(), file_name + key.lower(): np.transpose(data_obj, (1, 0)) } try: sio.savemat(save_path + '/' + file_name + key.lower() + '.mat', matlab_obj) self.show_custom_message( "Success", "Success \n" + file_name + key.lower() + '.mat' + " Saved to " + st.get_path(st.HF_PATH) + "\n") except IOError as e: self.show_custom_message( "Error", "Cannot Save to high frequency (.mat) data to" + st.get_path(st.HF_PATH) + "\n" + str(e) + "\n Please select a different path to save to") def save_fast_delivery(self, _data): import as sio # 1. Check if the .din file was added and that it still exist at that path # b) also check that a save folder is set up # 2. If it does. load in the primary channel for our station # 3. If it does not exist, display a warning message on how to add it and that the FD data won't be saved # 4. Perform filtering and save din_path = None save_path = None if st.get_path(st.DIN_PATH): din_path = st.get_path(st.DIN_PATH) else: self.show_custom_message( "Warning", "The fast delivery data cannot be processed because you haven't selected" "the .din file location. Press F1 to access the menu to select it. And " "then click the save button again.") return if st.get_path(st.FD_PATH): save_path = st.get_path(st.FD_PATH) else: self.show_custom_message( "Warning", "Please select a location where you would like your hourly and daily data" "to be saved. Click save again once selected.") return data_obj = {} station_num = _data["PRD"].type[0:-3] primary_sensor = filt.get_channel_priority( din_path, station_num)[0].upper( ) # returns multiple sensor in order of importance if primary_sensor not in _data: self.show_custom_message( "Error", f"Your .din file says that {primary_sensor} " f"is the primary sensor but the file you have loaded does " f"not contain that sensor. Hourly and daily data will not be saved." ) return sl_data = _data[primary_sensor].get_flat_data().copy() sl_data = self.remove_9s(sl_data) sl_data = sl_data - int(_data[primary_sensor].height) data_obj[primary_sensor.lower()] = { 'time': filt.datenum2(_data[primary_sensor].get_time_vector()), 'station': station_num, 'sealevel': sl_data } year = _data[primary_sensor].date.astype(object).year month = _data[primary_sensor].date.astype(object).month # Filter to hourly data_hr = filt.hr_process_2(data_obj, filt.datetime(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0), filt.datetime(year, month + 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) # for channel parameters see filt.channel_merge function # We are not actually merging channels here (not needed for fast delivery) # But we still need to run the data through the merge function, even though we are only using one channel # in order to get the correct output data format suitable for the daily filter ch_params = [{primary_sensor.lower(): 0}] hourly_merged = filt.channel_merge(data_hr, ch_params) # Note that hourly merged returns a channel attribute which is an array of integers representing channel type. # used for a particular day of data. In Fast delivery, all the number should be the same because no merge # int -> channel name mapping is inside of var_flag function data_day = filt.day_119filt(hourly_merged, _data[primary_sensor].location[0]) month_str = "{:02}".format(month) hourly_filename = save_path + '/' + 'th' + str(station_num) + str( year)[-2:] + month_str + '.mat' daily_filename = save_path + '/' + 'da' + str(station_num) + str( year)[-2:] + month_str + '.mat' sio.savemat(hourly_filename, data_hr) sio.savemat(daily_filename, data_day) self.show_custom_message( "Success", "Success \n Hourly and Daily Date Saved to " + st.get_path(st.FD_PATH) + "\n") monthly_mean = np.round(np.nanmean(data_day['sealevel'])).astype(int) # Remove nans, replace with 9999 to match the legacy files nan_ind = np.argwhere(np.isnan(data_day['sealevel'])) data_day['sealevel'][nan_ind] = 9999 sl_round_up = np.round(data_day['sealevel']).astype( int) # round up sealevel data and convert to int # right justify with 5 spaces sl_str = [str(x).rjust(5, ' ') for x in sl_round_up] # convert data to string daily_filename = save_path + '/' + 'da' + str(station_num) + str( year)[-2:] + month_str + '.dat' # format the date and name strings to match the legacy .dat format month_str = str(month).rjust(2, ' ') station_name = _data[primary_sensor].name.ljust(7) line_begin_str = f'{station_name}WOC {year}{month_str}' counter = 1 try: with open(daily_filename, 'w') as the_file: for i, sl in enumerate(sl_str): if i % 11 == 0: line_str = line_begin_str + str( counter) + " " + ''.join(sl_str[i:i + 11]) if counter == 3: line_str = line_str.ljust(75) final_str = line_str[:-5] + str(monthly_mean) line_str = final_str the_file.write(line_str + "\n") counter += 1 except IOError as e: self.show_custom_message( "Error", "Cannot Save to " + daily_filename + "\n" + str(e) + "\n Please select a different path to save to")
class Variable(QtCore.QObject): ''' Class that holds a value, using change() emits a signal. There is no mandatory naming for instances of this Class, however ARTview components name variable according to the following table, using it is recommended: .. _shared_variable: .. table:: Shared Variables Table +-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------+ | Name | Function | Valid values | +===========+===================+====================================+ | Vradar | Hold radar open | :py:class:`pyart.core.Radar` | | | with pyart | instance | +-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------+ | Vgrid | Hold grid open or | :py:class:`pyart.core.Grid` | | | generated with | instance | | | pyart | | +-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------+ | Vcontainer| Alias to Vradar or| Radar, Grid or None | | | Vgrid | | +-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------+ | Vfield | Name of a Field | string, preferentially in | | | in radar file | radar.fields.keys(), but there is | | | | no guarranty | +-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------+ | Vtilt | Tilt (sweep) of | int between 0 and | | | a radar file | (number of sweeps) - 1 | +-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------+ | VlevelZ | Vertical level of | int between 0 and | | | a grid file | nz - 1 | +-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------+ | VlevelY | Latitudinal level | int between 0 and | | | of a grid file | ny - 1 | +-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------+ | VlevelX | Longitudinal level| int between 0 and | | | of a grid file | nx - 1 | +-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------+ | Vlevel | Alias to Vtilt, | positive integer | | | VlevelZ, VlevelY | | | | or VlevelX | | +-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------+ | Vlimits | Limits of display | dict containing keys: 'xmin', | | | | 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax' and holding | | | | float values | +-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------+ | Vcolormap | Colormap | dict containing keys: 'vmin' and | | | | 'vmax' holding float values and key| | | | 'cmap' holding colormap string name| +-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------+ |Vgatefilter| Hold pyart |:py:class:`pyart.filters.GateFilter`| | | GateFilter |instance or None | +-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------+ |VplotAxes | Hold axes of |:py:class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` | | | Matplotlib figure |instance or None | +-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------+ |VPathInte\ | Hold auxillary |function like :py:func:`~artview.\ | |riorFunc | function |components.RadarDisplay.\ | | | |getPathInteriorValues` or None | +-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------+ |Vfilelist | Hold filenames in |list containing paths to files | | | current working |(strings) | | | directory | | +-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------+ |VRadarCol\ | Cache radars |list of :py:class:`pyart.core.Radar`| |lection | |instances | | | | | +-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------+ |VpyartDis\ | Hold pyart display| instance of one of the classes | |play | instances | in :py:mod:`pyart.graph` | | | | | +-----------+-------------------+------------------------------------+ ''' value = None #: Value of the Variable valueChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(QtCore.QObject, bool, name='ValueChanged') def __init__(self, value=None): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.value = value def change(self, value, strong=True): ''' Change the Variable value and emit 'ValueChanged' signal. Parameters ---------- value : New Value to be assigned to the variable. [Optional] strong : bool, optional Define if this is a strong or weak change. This is a somewhat subjective decision: strong is default. A weak change should be used to indicate to the slot that the change should not trigger any costly computation. Reasons for this are: When initializing a variable, it is likely to change again shortly, or another more important variable is being changed as well etc. .. note:: Defining how to respond to strong/weak changes is the responsibility of the slot, most can just ignore the difference, but the costly ones should be aware. Notes ----- The arguments of the emitted signal are (self, value, strong). ''' self.value = value self.valueChanged.emit(self, strong) def update(self, strong=True): ''' Emits the 'ValueChanged' signal without changings value. This is useful when value is changed in place. Parameters ---------- strong : bool, optional Define if this is a strong or weak change. ''' self.valueChanged.emit(self, strong)