def plot_cube(cube, name='voxel', angle=20, IMG_DIM=80, num_class=12): from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # cube = normalize(cube) # Note that cm.Paired has 12 colors and Set2 has 8 colors # cube[np.where(cube > num_class)] = 10 if num_class == 12: cube[cube < 0] = 0 cube[cube == 255] = 0 facecolors = cm.Paired((np.round(cube) / 13)) facecolors[:, :, :, -1] = 0.2 * np.tanh( cube * 1000) + 0.7 * (cube > 5) + 0.1 * (cube == 2) elif num_class == 4: facecolors = cm.Dark2((np.round(cube) / 9)) facecolors[:, :, :, -1] = 0.4 * np.tanh(cube * 1000) elif num_class == 3: # cube[cube == -1] = 3 cube[cube < 0] = 0 facecolors = cm.Set2((np.round(cube) / 9)) facecolors[:, :, :, -1] = 0.03 * np.tanh(cube * 1000) + 0.6 * (cube == 1) elif num_class == 1: cube[cube < 0] = 0 facecolors = cm.Dark2((np.round(cube) / 1)) facecolors[:, :, :, -1] = 0.5 * (cube == 1) # make the alpha channel more similar to each others while 0 is still 0 facecolors = explode(facecolors) filled = facecolors[:, :, :, -1] != 0 x, y, z = expand_coordinates( np.indices(np.array(filled.shape) + 1).astype(float)) # Here is a loop for generating demo files for idx, val in enumerate(np.arange(160, 170, 10)): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(45 / 2.54, 45 / 2.54)) # , dpi=150) # plot ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # For samples in SUNCG, 20, -40 is a good choice for visualization # ax1.view_init(np.abs(90-val/2), val) ax1.view_init(angle, val) ax1.set_xlim(right=IMG_DIM * 2) ax1.set_ylim(top=IMG_DIM * 2) ax1.set_zlim(top=IMG_DIM * 2) ax1.set_axis_off() ax1.voxels(x, y, z, filled, facecolors=facecolors, edgecolors=np.clip(2 * facecolors - 0.5, 0, 1), linewidth=0.5) # plt.savefig(name + '_' + format(idx, '03d') + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, transparent=True) plt.close(fig) """
def generate_html(ner_result): """ add <mark> tag to the entity """ sentence = ner_result['sentence'] entity = ner_result['entity'] html = '<p class="bold"> Input sentence: </p>' html_entity = '<p class="bold"> Entities: </p>' last_end = 0 # generate color map on the fly for better color pattern unique_type = list(set([i['type'] for i in entity])) color_map = cm.Dark2(range(len(unique_type))) color_bar = {t: colors.rgb2hex(c) for c, t in zip(color_map, unique_type)} for n, ent in enumerate(entity): s, e = ent['position'] mention = ent['mention'] _type = ent['type'] html += sentence[last_end:s] html += '<span style="background:{0};color:white;">{1}</span>'.format( color_bar[_type], sentence[s:e]) last_end = e html_entity += '* {0}. {1}: <span style="font-weight:bold;color:{2};">{3}</span> <br>'.format( n + 1, mention, color_bar[_type], _type) html += sentence[last_end:] html += '<br><br>' html += html_entity return html
def visualize(self, **kwargs): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cmx strains = kwargs.get('strains', 0) if not isinstance(strains, np.ndarray): strains = np.array([strains]) colors = [cmx.Dark2(x) for x in np.linspace(0, 1, self.numAtoms)] atomIDs = self.getAtomIDs() for strain in strains: plt.figure() atomsPlotted = np.zeros_like(atomIDs) for j in range(self.numAtoms): if not atomsPlotted[atomIDs.index(self.atoms[j][0].ID)]: label = self.atoms[j][0].ID atomsPlotted[atomIDs.index(self.atoms[j][0].ID)] = True else: label = '_nolegend_' l = plt.plot(1+j,self.atoms[j][1](strain), 'o', MarkerSize=10, markeredgecolor=[0, 0, 0], markerfaceColor=colors[atomIDs.index(self.atoms[j][0].ID)], label=label) plt.axis([0.1, self.numAtoms+0.9, -0.1, (1.1+np.max(strains))]) plt.grid(True) plt.title('Strain: {:0.2f}%'.format(strain)); plt.ylabel('relative Position'); plt.xlabel('# Atoms'); plt.legend()
def show_results(evaluations, metric): """ Plot evaluation results with error bar.""" fig, ax = plt.subplots() colors = cm.Dark2(np.linspace(0, 1, len(evaluations))) results = {} for i, evaluation in enumerate(evaluations): res = evaluation.get_results(metric) mean, std = np.nanmean(res, axis=0), np.nanstd(res, axis=0) ax.errorbar(np.arange(mean.shape[0]), mean, yerr=std, color=colors[i],, fmt='-o') results[] = res # store the results on disk pwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) folder = '/results/' if evaluations[0].cache_folder == '' else \ '/results/{}/'.format(evaluations[0].cache_folder) folder = pwd + folder pickle_save(folder+'/measurement_lost_{}_{}_results.pkl'.format(evaluations[0].models[0].measurement_lost, metric), results) # Now add the legend with some customizations. legend = ax.legend(loc='upper right') # Set the fontsize for label in legend.get_texts(): label.set_fontsize('small')
def draw_3d(args): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('workDir', type=str) parser.add_argument('--names', type=str, nargs='+', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() out = "{}/tsne_3d.pdf".format(args.workDir) if not os.path.exists(out): y = pd.read_csv("{}/labels.csv".format(args.workDir)).as_matrix()[:, 0] X = pd.read_csv("{}/reps.csv".format(args.workDir)).as_matrix() target_names = np.array(args.names) colors = cm.Dark2(np.linspace(0, 1, len(target_names))) X_pca = PCA(n_components=50).fit_transform(X, X) tsne = TSNE(n_components=3, init='random', random_state=0) X_r = tsne.fit_transform(X_pca) for c, i, target_name in zip(colors, list(range(1, len(target_names) + 1)), target_names): ax.scatter(X_r[y == i, 0], X_r[y == i, 1], c=c, label=target_name) plt.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.05), ncol=3, fontsize=8) plt.savefig(out) print("Saved to: {}".format(out))
def draw_2d(args): mpl.use('Agg')'bmh') out = "{}/tsne.pdf".format(args.workDir) if not os.path.exists(out): y = pd.read_csv("{}/labels.csv".format(args.workDir)).as_matrix()[:, 0] X = pd.read_csv("{}/reps.csv".format(args.workDir)).as_matrix() target_names = np.array(args.names) colors = cm.Dark2(np.linspace(0, 1, len(target_names))) X_pca = PCA(n_components=50).fit_transform(X, X) tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, init='random', random_state=0) X_r = tsne.fit_transform(X_pca) for c, i, target_name in zip(colors, list(range(1, len(target_names) + 1)), target_names): plt.scatter(X_r[y == i, 0], X_r[y == i, 1], c=c, label=target_name) plt.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.05), ncol=3, fontsize=8) plt.savefig(out) print("Saved to: {}".format(out))
def tsne(work_dir, dtype): out = "{}/{}_tsne.pdf".format(work_dir, dtype) print(work_dir) if os.path.exists(out): print(out) return True y = np.loadtxt("{}/{}_labels.csv".format(work_dir, dtype)) X = np.loadtxt("{}/{}_embeddings.csv".format(work_dir, dtype)) target_names = np.array(list(set(y))) colors = cm.Dark2(np.linspace(0, 1, len(target_names))) if X.shape[1] < 50: X_pca = PCA(n_components=int(X.shape[1] / 2)).fit_transform(X, X) else: X_pca = PCA(n_components=50, random_state=0).fit_transform(X, X) tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, init='random', random_state=0, verbose=0) X_r = tsne.fit_transform(X_pca) for c, i, target_name in zip(colors, list(range(1, len(target_names) + 1)), target_names): plt.scatter(X_r[y == i, 0], X_r[y == i, 1], c=c, label=target_name) plt.legend() plt.savefig(out) print("Saved to: {}".format(out))
def show_results(res_paths): results = {} for path in res_paths: result = pickle_load(path) for k, v in result.items(): if k not in results.keys(): results[k] = result[k] results = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(results.items())) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 5.5)) colors = cm.Dark2(np.linspace(0, 1, len(results))) count = 0 for k, res in results.items(): mean, std = np.nanmean(res, axis=0), np.nanstd(res, axis=0) # ax.errorbar(np.arange(mean.shape[0]), mean, yerr=std, color=colors[count], label=k, fmt='-o') plt.plot(np.arange(mean.shape[0]) + 1, mean, '-o', color=colors[count], label=k) count += 1 print(np.array_str(mean[8:], precision=3)) print("Average precision of %s for future prediction: %f" % (k, mean[8:].mean())) # Now add the legend with some customizations. legend = ax.legend(loc='upper right') ax.set_xlabel("time step") ax.set_ylabel("average precision") plt.axvline(x=8.5, color='r', linestyle='--') plt.text(3, 0.1, 'tracking', fontsize=18, color='grey') plt.text(11, 0.1, 'prediction', fontsize=18, color='grey')
def add_traj_line(self, num_targets=1): """ Add 2D Lines for showing trajectories.""" colors = cm.Dark2(np.linspace(0, 1, num_targets)) # add lines for showing trajectories self.lines = map( lambda _: self.axes.add_line( Line2D([], [], zorder=14, color='grey')), range(num_targets))
def show_traj(trajs): colors = cm.Dark2(np.linspace(0, 1, len(trajs))) for i, traj in enumerate(trajs): coordinate = traj.T.tolist() # starting point plt.plot(coordinate[0][0], coordinate[1][0], 'o', color=colors[i], zorder=13) plt.plot(coordinate[0], coordinate[1], color=colors[i], zorder=12)
def plot_patient_reconstructions(path, data, model, param_ind, max_patient_number=10, attribute_type=None): colors = cm.Dark2(np.linspace(0, 1, max_patient_number + 2)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) patient_values = model.compute_individual_tensorized( data.timepoints, param_ind, attribute_type) if type(max_patient_number) == int: patients_list = range(max_patient_number) else: patients_list = max_patient_number for i in patients_list: model_value = patient_values[ i, 0:data.nb_observations_per_individuals[i], :] score = data.values[i, 0:data.nb_observations_per_individuals[i], :] ax.plot(data.timepoints[ i, 0:data.nb_observations_per_individuals[i]].detach().numpy(), model_value.detach().numpy(), c=colors[i]) ax.plot(data.timepoints[ i, 0:data.nb_observations_per_individuals[i]].detach().numpy(), score.detach().numpy(), c=colors[i], linestyle='--', marker='o') if i > max_patient_number: break # Plot the mean also # min_time, max_time = torch.min(data.timepoints[data.timepoints>0.0]), torch.max(data.timepoints) min_time, max_time = np.percentile( data.timepoints[data.timepoints > 0.0].detach().numpy(), [10, 90]) timepoints = np.linspace(min_time, max_time, 100) timepoints = torch.Tensor([timepoints]) patient_values = model.compute_mean_traj(timepoints) for i in range(patient_values.shape[-1]): ax.plot(timepoints[0, :].detach().numpy(), patient_values[0, :, i].detach().numpy(), c="black", linewidth=3, alpha=0.3) plt.savefig(path) plt.close() return ax
def propagate(self, motions, control, duration, state_out): del duration # unused, multi-step propagation is handled inside propagateMotionsWhileValid # Convert from OMPL -> Numpy previous_states, previous_actions = self.motions_to_numpy(motions) previous_state = previous_states[-1] previous_ompl_state = motions[-1].getState() new_action = self.scenario_ompl.ompl_control_to_numpy( previous_ompl_state, control) np_final_state, final_classifier_probability = self.predict( previous_states, previous_actions, new_action) # Convert back Numpy -> OMPL self.scenario_ompl.numpy_to_ompl_state(np_final_state, state_out) if self.verbose >= 2: alpha = final_classifier_probability * 0.8 + 0.2 classifier_probability_color = cm.Reds_r( final_classifier_probability) if len(previous_actions) == 0: random_color = cm.Dark2(self.control_sampler_rng.uniform(0, 1)) RRT.propagate.r = random_color[0] RRT.propagate.g = random_color[1] RRT.propagate.b = random_color[2] elif not are_dicts_close_np(previous_actions[-1], new_action): random_color = cm.Dark2(self.control_sampler_rng.uniform(0, 1)) RRT.propagate.r = random_color[0] RRT.propagate.g = random_color[1] RRT.propagate.b = random_color[2] statisfies_bounds = self.state_space.satisfiesBounds(state_out) if final_classifier_probability > 0.5 and statisfies_bounds: self.scenario.plot_tree_state( np_final_state, color=classifier_probability_color) self.scenario.plot_current_tree_state( np_final_state, horizon=self.classifier_model.horizon, color=classifier_probability_color) self.scenario.plot_tree_action(previous_state, new_action, r=RRT.propagate.r, g=RRT.propagate.g, b=RRT.propagate.b, a=alpha)
def plot_patient_trajectory(self, model, results, indices, **kwargs): colors = kwargs['color'] if 'color' in kwargs.keys() else cm.Dark2( np.linspace(0, 1, model.dimension)) labels = model.features if 'ax' in kwargs.keys(): ax = kwargs['ax'] else: (fig, ax) = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 8)) if in ['logistic', 'logistic_parallel']: plt.ylim(0, 1) if type(indices) is not list: indices = [indices] for idx in indices: indiv = timepoints = indiv.timepoints observations = np.array(indiv.observations) t = torch.Tensor(timepoints).unsqueeze(0) indiv_parameters = results.get_patient_individual_parameters(idx) trajectory = model.compute_individual_tensorized( t, indiv_parameters).squeeze(0) for dim in range(model.dimension): not_nans_idx = np.array(1 - np.isnan(observations[:, dim]), dtype=bool) ax.plot(np.array(timepoints), trajectory.detach().numpy()[:, dim], c=colors[dim]) ax.plot(np.array(timepoints)[not_nans_idx], observations[:, dim][not_nans_idx], c=colors[dim], linestyle='--') if 'save_as' in kwargs.keys(): plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_path, kwargs['save_as'])) if 'title' in kwargs.keys(): plt.title(kwargs['title']) from matplotlib.lines import Line2D custom_lines = [ Line2D([0], [0], color=colors[i % 8], lw=4) for i in range((model.dimension)) ] print(custom_lines) ax.legend(custom_lines, labels, loc='upper right') if 'ax' not in kwargs.keys(): plt.close()
def test_assign_colors(self): X = np.array([[1, 3], [4, 6], [7, 9], [10, 12]]) Y = np.array([[100, 1000], [200, 2000], [300, 3000], [400, 4000]]) ds = Dataset(X, Y, random_state=10) ds.assign_colors() arr = np.array([0., 1.]) self.assertIn('f0', ds.feature_colors.keys()) self.assertIn('f1', ds.feature_colors.keys()) self.assertIn('t0', ds.target_colors.keys()) self.assertIn('t1', ds.target_colors.keys()) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.array(list(ds.feature_colors.values())), cm.tab10(arr))) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.array(list(ds.target_colors.values())), cm.Dark2(arr)))
def visualize(self, **kwargs): """visualize Allows for 3D presentation of unit cell by allow for a & b coordinate of atoms. Also add magnetization per atom. Todo: use the avogadro project as plugin Todo: create unit cell from CIF file e.g. by xrayutilities plugin. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cmx strains = kwargs.get('strains', 0) if not isinstance(strains, np.ndarray): strains = np.array([strains]) colors = [cmx.Dark2(x) for x in np.linspace(0, 1, self.num_atoms)] atom_ids = self.get_atom_ids() for strain in strains: plt.figure() atoms_plotted = np.zeros_like(atom_ids) for j in range(self.num_atoms): if not atoms_plotted[atom_ids.index(self.atoms[j][0].id)]: label = self.atoms[j][0].id atoms_plotted[atom_ids.index(self.atoms[j][0].id)] = True plt.plot(1+j, self.atoms[j][1](strain), 'o', MarkerSize=10, markeredgecolor=[0, 0, 0], markerfaceColor=colors[atom_ids.index(self.atoms[j][0].id)], label=label) else: label = '_nolegend_' plt.plot(1+j, self.atoms[j][1](strain), 'o', MarkerSize=10, markeredgecolor=[0, 0, 0], markerfaceColor=colors[atom_ids.index(self.atoms[j][0].id)], label=label) plt.axis([0.1, self.num_atoms+0.9, -0.1, (1.1+np.max(strains))]) plt.grid(True) plt.title('Strain: {:0.2f}%'.format(strain)) plt.ylabel('relative Position') plt.xlabel('# Atoms') plt.legend()
def color_mapping(number_of_wards, number_of_years): """ Create our color map based on the number of wards :param number_of_wards: how many wards in dataframe :param number_of_years: how many years in dataframe :return: """ start = 0.0 stop = 1.0 cm_subsection = np.linspace(start, stop, number_of_wards) gc.pie_colors = [cm.Dark2(x) for x in cm_subsection] # gc.pie_colors = [cm.hsv(x) for x in cm_subsection] cm_subsection = np.linspace(0.2, stop, number_of_years) gc.bar_colors = [cm.winter(x) for x in cm_subsection] gc.line_colors = [cm.winter(x) for x in cm_subsection]
def get_fermi_vs_pressure_plot(self, temps=[300], pressure_limit=(1e-5, 1)): """ E_F vs p_O2 plot for different temperatures Args: temps: Temperatures in K as list Default is 300 K pressure_limit: Tuple with lower and upper limits on pressure. Defaults are 1e-5 and 1 (Note these are very high values) Returns: matplotlib plot object containg E_F vs p_O2 plot """ po2s = [] pressure = pressure_limit[0] while pressure < pressure_limit[1]: po2s.append(pressure) pressure *= 10 fermi_levels = defaultdict(list) for T in temps: self._analyzer.set_T(T) for po2 in po2s: self._analyzer.set_gas_pressure(po2) self._analyzer.solve_for_fermi_energy(self._dos, self._gap) ef = self._analyzer.fermi_energy fermi_levels[T].append(ef) width, height = 12, 8 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.clf() import as cm colors = cm.Dark2(np.linspace(0, 1, len(temps))) for i, temp in enumerate(temps): plt.semilogx(po2s, fermi_levels[temp], linewidth=2, color=colors[i]) plt.legend(list(map(lambda x: str(x) + ' K', temps)), fontsize=0.8 * width, loc='best') plt.xlabel("$p_{O_2}$ (atm)", size=width) plt.ylabel("$E_F$ (eV)", size=width) #plt.title("Varition of Fermi level with T and $p_{O_2}$") return plt
def get_stoichiometry_vs_pressure_plot(self, specie, temps=[300], pressure_limit=(1e-5, 1)): """ stoichiometry deviation vs p_O2 plot for different temperatures Args: temps: Temperatures in K as list Default is 300 K pressure_limit: Tuple with lower and upper limits on pressure. Defaults are 1e-5 and 1 (Note these are very high values) Returns: matplotlib plot object containg E_F vs p_O2 plot """ po2s = [] pressure = pressure_limit[0] while pressure < pressure_limit[1]: po2s.append(pressure) pressure *= 10 del_x = defaultdict(list) for T in temps: self._analyzer.set_T(T) for po2 in po2s: self._analyzer.set_gas_pressure(po2) self._analyzer.solve_for_fermi_energy(self._dos, self._gap) del_x[T].append( self._analyzer.get_stoichiometry_deviations()[specie]) width, height = 12, 8 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.clf() import as cm colors = cm.Dark2(np.linspace(0, 1, len(temps))) for i, temp in enumerate(temps): plt.semilogx(po2s, del_x[temp], linewidth=2, color=colors[i]) plt.legend(list(map(lambda x: str(x) + ' K', temps)), fontsize=.8 * width, loc='best') plt.xlabel("$p_{O_2}$ (atm)", size=width) plt.ylabel("$\Delta X$ of {}".format(specie), size=width) #plt.title("Deviation from stoichiometry") return plt
def __init__(self, size, nop): self.region = {} self.regionShape = None self.k = nop self.pods = {} self.size = size origin = Point(0, 0) offset = 1 count = 1 self.colorMap = {} colors = cm.Dark2( np.linspace(0, 1, self.k) ) # inferno rainbow ,agma Set1 # for i in range(self.k): self.colorMap['p' + str(i + 1)] = colors[i] self.regionShape = Polygon([ (origin.x, origin.y), (origin.x, origin.y + offset), (origin.x + offset, origin.y + offset), (origin.x + offset, origin.y), ]) for x in range(self.size): rowOrigin = origin for y in range(self.size): p = Polygon([(origin.x, origin.y), (origin.x, origin.y + offset), (origin.x + offset, origin.y + offset), (origin.x + offset, origin.y)]) centroid = p.centroid bg = BlockGroup.BlockGroup(count, p, centroid) self.region[count] = bg count += 1 origin = Point(origin.x + offset, origin.y) if y == self.size - 1: origin = Point(rowOrigin.x, rowOrigin.y + offset) self.getPodLocations() origin = Point(0, 0) self.regionShape = Polygon([(origin.x, origin.y), (origin.x, origin.y + size), (origin.x + size, origin.y + size), (origin.x + size, origin.y)]) print(self.regionShape.exterior.coords[:])
def make_artifact_plots(data, outname, pos_arts, neg_arts, stds): colors = [cm.Dark2(x) for x in np.linspace(0, 1, len(stds))] f, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1) if len(pos_arts) == 0 and len(neg_arts) == 0: # nothing to do plt.savefig(outname + ".png") return for c, (poss, negs) in enumerate(zip(pos_arts, neg_arts)): extrema = np.array(poss + negs, dtype=int) for i in extrema: ax1.plot(data[i - 10:i + 10, c] / stds[c], linewidth=0.5, color=colors[c]) plt.hist(data[extrema, c] / stds[c], bins=20, fill=None, edgecolor=colors[c]) ax3.vlines(extrema, 0, 1, color=colors[c]) ax1.set_ylabel("standard deviation") ax1.set_title("artifacts") ax2.set_title("amplitude distribution") ax3.set_title("artifact locations") plt.savefig(outname + ".png")
def showNeighbourdsInMap(neighbourhoods_df, city_address, lat=None, long=None): if lat and long: latitude = lat longitude = long else: geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="coursera-battle-of-neighbourhood") location = geolocator.geocode(city_address) latitude = location.latitude longitude = location.longitude print('The geograpical coordinate of Rotterdam are {}, {}.'.format( latitude, longitude)) map_clusters = folium.Map(location=[latitude, longitude], zoom_start=12) # set color scheme for the clusters x = np.arange(kclusters) ys = [i + x + (i * x)**2 for i in range(kclusters)] colors_array = cm.Dark2(np.linspace(0, 1, len(ys))) rainbow = [colors.rgb2hex(i) for i in colors_array] # add markers to the map # markers_colors = [] for lat, lon, poi, poi_postal, cluster in zip( neighbourhoods_df['Latitude'], neighbourhoods_df['Longitude'], neighbourhoods_df.reset_index()['Neighbourhood'], neighbourhoods_df.reset_index()['Neighbourhood Postal Code'], neighbourhoods_df['Cluster Labels']): label = folium.Popup(str(poi) + '-\n' + str(poi_postal) + ' Cluster ' + str(cluster), parse_html=True) folium.CircleMarker([lat, lon], radius=5, popup=label, color=rainbow[cluster - 1], fill=True, fill_color=rainbow[cluster - 1], fill_opacity=0.7).add_to(map_clusters) return map_clusters
def plot_from_individual_parameters(self, model, indiv_parameters, timepoints, **kwargs): colors = kwargs['color'] if 'color' in kwargs.keys() else cm.Dark2( np.linspace(0, 1, model.dimension)) labels = model.features fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(11, 6)) trajectory = model.compute_individual_trajectory( timepoints, indiv_parameters).squeeze() for dim in range(model.dimension): ax.plot(timepoints, trajectory[:, dim], c=colors[dim], label=labels[dim]) if 'save_as' in kwargs.keys(): plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_path, kwargs['save_as'])) plt.legend() plt.close()
def slice_pdf(ax, particles): N_slices = 10 cm_subsection = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, N_slices) colors = [cm.Dark2(x) for x in cm_subsection] ax.cla() ax.set_ylabel(r'pdf slices') ax.set_xlabel(r'$v_x$') xlims = np.linspace(rpic.grid_xmin, rpic.grid_xmax, N_slices + 1) for i in range(len(xlims) - 1): #print "slice lims", xlims[i], xlims[i+1] indx1 = np.where(particles[:, 0] > xlims[i]) indx2 = np.where(particles[:, 0] < xlims[i + 1]) indx = np.intersect1d(indx1, indx2) vx_sample = particles[indx, 3] ax = plot_pdf(ax, vx_sample, color=colors[i]) return ax
def plot_points(centroids, data, clustered_class): plt.figure(figsize=[20, 10]) legend = list() classes = np.unique(clustered_class) colors = cm.Dark2(np.linspace(0, 1, len(classes))) for i in range(len(classes)): cluster_data = data[np.where(clustered_class[:] == classes[i])] legend.append( plt.scatter(cluster_data[:, 0], cluster_data[:, 1], c=colors[i], alpha=0.75, s=10)) plt.scatter(centroids[i, 0], centroids[i, 1], s=130, marker="x", c=colors[i]) plt.legend(legend, classes) plt.title("KMeans")
def get_diff_vs_temp_plot(self, pressures=[1e-5], temps_limit=(300, 1200)): """ stoichiometry deviation vs p_O2 plot for different temperatures Args: temps: Temperatures in K as list Default is 300 K pressure_limit: Tuple with lower and upper limits on pressure. Defaults are 1e-5 and 1 (Note these are very high values) Returns: matplotlib plot object containg E_F vs p_O2 plot """ temps = [] T = temps_limit[0] while T < temps_limit[1]: temps.append(T) T += 50 del_x = defaultdict(list) for pO2 in pressures: for T in temps: #D = get_diffusion_coefficient(fermi, del_x[pO2].append( self._analyzer.get_stoichiometry_deviations()[specie]) width, height = 12, 8 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.clf() import as cm colors = cm.Dark2(np.linspace(0, 1, len(temps))) for i, temp in enumerate(temps): plt.semilogx(po2s, del_x[temp], linewidth=3, color=colors[i]) plt.legend(map(lambda x: str(x) + ' K', temps), fontsize=1.8 * width, loc='best') plt.xlabel("$p_{O_2}$ (atm)", size=2 * width) plt.ylabel("$\Delta X$ of {}".format(specie), size=2 * width) plt.title("Deviation from stoichiometry") return plt
def tsne_plot_similar_words(title, labels, embedding_clusters, word_clusters, a, filename): plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9)) colors = cm.Dark2(np.linspace(0, 1, len(labels))) for label, embeddings, words, color in zip(labels, embedding_clusters, word_clusters, colors): x = embeddings[:, 0] y = embeddings[:, 1] plt.scatter(x, y, c=color, alpha=a, label=label) for i, word in enumerate(words): plt.annotate(word, alpha=0.5, xy=(x[i], y[i]), xytext=(5, 2), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom', size=12) plt.legend(loc=4) plt.title(title) plt.grid(True) if filename: plt.savefig(filename, format='png', dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight')
def plot(self, mu_elts=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, ax_fontsize=1.3, lg_fontsize=1., lg_position=None, fermi_level=None, title=None, saved=False): """ Produce defect Formation energy vs Fermi energy plot Args: mu_elts: a dictionnary of {Element:value} giving the chemical potential of each element xlim: Tuple (min,max) giving the range of the x (fermi energy) axis ylim: Tuple (min,max) giving the range for the formation energy axis ax_fontsize: float multiplier to change axis label fontsize lg_fontsize: float multiplier to change legend label fontsize lg_position: Tuple (horizontal-position, vertical-position) giving the position to place the legend. Example: (0.5,-0.75) will likely put it below the x-axis. saved: Returns: a matplotlib object """ if xlim is None: xlim = (-0.5, self.band_gap + 0.5) xy = {} lower_cap = -100. upper_cap = 100. y_range_vals = [ ] # for finding max/min values on y-axis based on x-limits for defnom, def_tl in self.transition_level_map.items(): xy[defnom] = [[], []] if def_tl: org_x = list(def_tl.keys()) # list of transition levels org_x.sort() # sorted with lowest first # establish lower x-bound first_charge = max(def_tl[org_x[0]]) for chg_ent in self.stable_entries[defnom]: if chg_ent.charge == first_charge: form_en = chg_ent.formation_energy( chemical_potentials=mu_elts, fermi_level=lower_cap) fe_left = chg_ent.formation_energy( chemical_potentials=mu_elts, fermi_level=xlim[0]) xy[defnom][0].append(lower_cap) xy[defnom][1].append(form_en) y_range_vals.append(fe_left) # iterate over stable charge state transitions for fl in org_x: charge = max(def_tl[fl]) for chg_ent in self.stable_entries[defnom]: if chg_ent.charge == charge: form_en = chg_ent.formation_energy( chemical_potentials=mu_elts, fermi_level=fl) xy[defnom][0].append(fl) xy[defnom][1].append(form_en) y_range_vals.append(form_en) # establish upper x-bound last_charge = min(def_tl[org_x[-1]]) for chg_ent in self.stable_entries[defnom]: if chg_ent.charge == last_charge: form_en = chg_ent.formation_energy( chemical_potentials=mu_elts, fermi_level=upper_cap) fe_right = chg_ent.formation_energy( chemical_potentials=mu_elts, fermi_level=xlim[1]) xy[defnom][0].append(upper_cap) xy[defnom][1].append(form_en) y_range_vals.append(fe_right) else: # no transition - just one stable charge chg_ent = self.stable_entries[defnom][0] for x_extrem in [lower_cap, upper_cap]: xy[defnom][0].append(x_extrem) xy[defnom][1].append( chg_ent.formation_energy(chemical_potentials=mu_elts, fermi_level=x_extrem)) for x_window in xlim: y_range_vals.append( chg_ent.formation_energy(chemical_potentials=mu_elts, fermi_level=x_window)) if ylim is None: window = max(y_range_vals) - min(y_range_vals) spacer = 0.1 * window ylim = (min(y_range_vals) - spacer, max(y_range_vals) + spacer) if len(xy) <= 8: colors = cm.Dark2(np.linspace(0, 1, len(xy))) else: colors = cm.gist_rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(xy))) plt.figure() plt.clf() width, height = 12, 8 # plot formation energy lines for_legend = [] for cnt, defnom in enumerate(xy.keys()): plt.plot(xy[defnom][0], xy[defnom][1], linewidth=3, color=colors[cnt]) for_legend.append(self.stable_entries[defnom][0].copy()) # plot transtition levels for cnt, defnom in enumerate(xy.keys()): x_trans, y_trans = [], [] for x_val, chargeset in self.transition_level_map[defnom].items(): x_trans.append(x_val) for chg_ent in self.stable_entries[defnom]: if chg_ent.charge == chargeset[0]: form_en = chg_ent.formation_energy( chemical_potentials=mu_elts, fermi_level=x_val) y_trans.append(form_en) if len(x_trans): plt.plot(x_trans, y_trans, marker='*', color=colors[cnt], markersize=12, fillstyle='full') # get latex-like legend titles legends_txt = [] for dfct in for_legend: flds ='_') if 'Vac' == flds[0]: base = '$Vac' sub_str = '_{' + flds[1] + '}$' elif 'Sub' == flds[0]: flds ='_') base = '$' + flds[1] sub_str = '_{' + flds[3] + '}$' elif 'Int' == flds[0]: base = '$' + flds[1] sub_str = '_{inter}$' else: base = sub_str = '' legends_txt.append(base + sub_str) if not lg_position: plt.legend(legends_txt, fontsize=lg_fontsize * width, loc=0) else: plt.legend(legends_txt, fontsize=lg_fontsize * width, ncol=3, loc='lower center', bbox_to_anchor=lg_position) plt.ylim(ylim) plt.xlim(xlim) plt.plot([xlim[0], xlim[1]], [0, 0], 'k-') # black dashed line for Eformation = 0 plt.axvline(x=0.0, linestyle='--', color='k', linewidth=3) # black dashed lines for gap edges plt.axvline(x=self.band_gap, linestyle='--', color='k', linewidth=3) if fermi_level is not None: plt.axvline(x=fermi_level, linestyle='-.', color='k', linewidth=2) # smaller dashed lines for gap edges plt.xlabel("Fermi energy (eV)", size=ax_fontsize * width) plt.ylabel("Defect Formation\nEnergy (eV)", size=ax_fontsize * width) if title: plt.title("{}".format(title), size=ax_fontsize * width) if saved: plt.savefig(str(title) + "FreyplnravgPlot.pdf") else: return plt
#-----global.flag web_get001txtFg = False # @zt_web.web_get001txtFg #-----bs4.findall bs_get_ktag_kstr = '' #--colors #10,prism,brg,dark2,hsv,jet #10,,hot,Vega10,Vega20 cors_brg = cm.brg(np.linspace(0, 1, 10)) cors_hot =, 1, 10)) cors_hsv = cm.hsv(np.linspace(0, 1, 10)) cors_jet = cm.jet(np.linspace(0, 1, 10)) cors_prism = cm.prism(np.linspace(0, 1, 10)) cors_Dark2 = cm.Dark2(np.linspace(0, 1, 10)) #cors_Vega10=cm.Vega10(np.linspace(0,1,10)) #cors_Vega20=cm.Vega20(np.linspace(0,1,10)) sgnSP4 = ' ' sgnSP8 = sgnSP4 + sgnSP4 logFN = '' #--------------dir raiLib = '/aiLib/' r_TDS = raiLib + 'TDS/' #------------------- #---zDat.....
def __init__(self, geo_data): # Set the values of matplotlib fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_xlim(0, 7) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.axis('off') # Compute the anchor values for the number of series. This is a DataFrame self.anch_series, self.anch_formations, self.thick_series, self.thick_formations = set_anchor_points( geo_data) # We create the list that contains rectangles that represent our series ang are global global series_rect series_rect = {} # Define the initial value of each rectangle pos_anch = np.squeeze(self.anch_series.as_matrix()) rects = ax.barh( pos_anch, np.ones_like(pos_anch) * 2, self.thick_series, ) # We connect each rectangle for e, series in enumerate(geo_data.series.columns): # TODO Alex set the colors of the series accordingly rects[e].set_color(cm.Dark2(e)) rects[e].set_label(series) dr = DraggableRectangle(rects[e], geo_data, series) dr.connect() dr.rect.f = None dr.rect.s = series series_rect[series] = dr global formation_rect formation_rect = {} # Define the initial value of each rectangle pos_anch = np.squeeze(self.anch_formations.as_matrix()) rects = ax.barh(pos_anch, np.ones_like(pos_anch) * 2, .5, left=3.) color = 1 # We connect each rectangle for e, formation in enumerate(self.anch_formations.columns): if 'aux' in formation: rects[e].set_alpha(.1) rects[e].set_color('gray') else: rects[e].set_color(cmap(color)) rects[e].set_label(formation) color += 1 dr = DraggableRectangle(rects[e], geo_data, formation) dr.connect() dr.rect.f = formation dr.rect.s = None formation_rect[formation] = dr plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 1.05)) plt.ion() ax.text(1, self.anch_series.max().values.max() + self.thick_series / 2 + 2, r'Series', fontsize=15, fontweight='bold', bbox={ 'facecolor': 'gray', 'alpha': 0.5, 'pad': 10 }, horizontalalignment='center') ax.text(4, self.anch_series.max().values.max() + self.thick_series / 2 + 2, r'Faults/Formations', fontsize=15, fontweight='bold', bbox={ 'facecolor': 'gray', 'alpha': 0.5, 'pad': 10 }, horizontalalignment='center') self.figure = plt.gcf()
Note: This example assumes that `name i` corresponds to `label i` in `labels.csv`. """) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('workDir', type=str) parser.add_argument('--names', type=str, nargs='+', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() y = pd.read_csv("{}/labels.csv".format(args.workDir), header=None).as_matrix()[:, 0] X = pd.read_csv("{}/reps.csv".format(args.workDir), header=None).as_matrix() target_names = np.array(args.names) colors = cm.Dark2(np.linspace(0, 1, len(target_names))) nc = None if len(X) < 50 else 50 X_pca = PCA(n_components=nc).fit_transform(X, X) for p in [2, 5, 10, 30, 50, 100]: tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, init='random', random_state=0, perplexity=p) X_r = tsne.fit_transform(X_pca) plt.figure() for c, i, target_name in zip(colors, list(range(1, len(target_names) + 1)), target_names): plt.scatter(X_r[y == i, 0], X_r[y == i, 1], c=c, label=target_name) plt.legend() out = "{}/tsne_{}.pdf".format(args.workDir, p)