def _plotQ(self, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, ax, norm, Q=numpy.empty((0,0)) ): if (self.left is not None and or (self.right is not None and if self.axis == 0: if self.left is not None: #print (" call plot left:", x_min," ", y_min," ",[1]," ", y_max) self.left._plotQ(x_min, y_min,[self.axis], y_max, ax, norm, Q) if self.right is not None: #print (" call plot right:", x_min, " ",[1], " ",x_max, " ",y_max) self.right._plotQ([0], y_min, x_max, y_max, ax, norm, Q) elif self.axis == 1: #self._plotRect([x_min, x_max] , [[self.axis],[self.axis] ], colors[self.label]) if self.left is not None: #print (" call plot left:", x_min," ", y_min," ",[1]," ", y_max) self.left._plotQ(x_min, y_min, x_max,[self.axis], ax, norm, Q) if self.right is not None: #print (" call plot right:", x_min, " ",[1], " ",x_max, " ",y_max) self.right._plotQ(x_min,[1], x_max, y_max, ax, norm, Q) else: pass # assert False, "Cannot plot this axis" else: assert is None, "At a leaf data is None. There is no further split." colors = [cm.ocean(norm( float(q) )) for q in Q[self.label]] self._plotActionValues(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, ax, colors)
def _plotV(self, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, ax, norm, V=numpy.empty(0)): plt_kd.text([0],[1], "%0.2f" % V[self.label], size=8) color = cm.ocean( norm( float( V[self.label] ) ) ) self._plotRect(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max, ax, color) if (self.left and or (self.right and if self.axis == 0: if self.left: #print (" call plot left:", x_min," ", y_min," ",[1]," ", y_max) self.left._plotV(x_min, y_min,[self.axis], y_max, ax, norm, V) if self.right: #print (" call plot right:", x_min, " ",[1], " ",x_max, " ",y_max) self.right._plotV([0], y_min, x_max, y_max, ax, norm, V) elif self.axis == 1: #self._plotRect([x_min, x_max] , [[self.axis],[self.axis] ], colors[self.label]) if self.left: #print (" call plot left:", x_min," ", y_min," ",[1]," ", y_max) self.left._plotV(x_min, y_min, x_max,[self.axis], ax, norm, V) if self.right: #print (" call plot right:", x_min, " ",[1], " ",x_max, " ",y_max) self.right._plotV(x_min,[1], x_max, y_max, ax, norm, V)
def get_rope_sdf_str(self): rope_sdf_str = self.model_start_frag curr_z = self.rope_height # Add the rest of the rope for i in range(0, self.num_segments): frac = i / self.num_segments if self.model_name == "rope_1": r, g, b, a = cm.plasma(frac) else: r, g, b, a = cm.ocean(frac) capsule_str = SDFGenerator.apply_replacements( self.capsule_frag, { "{height}": str(curr_z), "{name}": f"{self.model_name}_capsule_{i + 1}", "{length}": str(self.segment_lengths[i]), "{half_length}": str(self.segment_lengths[i] / 2.0), "{radius}": str(self.rope_radius), "{link_mass}": str(self.link_masses[i]), "{link_ixx}": str(self.link_ixxs[i]), "{link_iyy}": str(self.link_iyys[i]), "{link_izz}": str(self.link_izzs[i]), "{x}": str(self.rope_x), "{y}": str(self.rope_y), "{r}": str(r), "{g}": str(g), "{b}": str(b) }) revolute_str = SDFGenerator.apply_replacements( self.capsule_joint_frag, { "{effort_int}": "0", "{height}": str(curr_z), "{joint1_name}": f"{self.model_name}_capsule_{i}", "{joint2_name}": f"{self.model_name}_capsule_{i + 1}", "{limit}": str(self.joint_limit), "{damping}": str(self.joint_damping), "{friction}": str(self.joint_friction), "{spring_stiffness}": str(self.spring_stiffness), "{x}": str(self.rope_x), "{y}": str(self.rope_y) }) curr_z -= self.segment_lengths[i] if i == 0: revolute_str = "" rope_sdf_str += capsule_str rope_sdf_str += revolute_str rope_sdf_str += self.model_end_frag return rope_sdf_str
def _draw_single_box_only(image, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, display_str, font, color='black', thickness=4): #draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image, 'RGBA') draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) (left, right, top, bottom) = (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) scale = 255 / 92 rgba_val = [int(x) for x in * color)), 255)] rgba_val[-1] = 50 # print(rgba_val, "class", color) draw.rectangle([(left, top), (right, bottom)], fill=int(scale * color)) return image
def color (number): return cm.ocean( number / 4.)
if __name__ == "__main__": plt.title("Neural Life") plt.xscale("log") plt.yscale("log") plt.xlabel("Train size") plt.ylabel("Board accuracy") plt_patches = [] for meta_ind,N in enumerate(sorted(META_PARAMETERS.keys())): points_x = [] points_y = [] X_test, Y_test = generateData(N, 100000) for data_size in META_PARAMETERS[N]: nn = loadKeras("models/model_{}_{}".format(N, int(data_size * 0.5))) cellAcc, boardAcc = getAccuracies(nn, X_test, Y_test) points_x.append(data_size * 0.5) points_y.append(boardAcc) plt.plot(points_x, points_y, "o", linestyle="-", color=cm.ocean(meta_ind/len(META_PARAMETERS))) plt_patches.append(mpatches.Patch(color=cm.ocean(meta_ind/len(META_PARAMETERS)), label="N={}".format(N))) plt.legend(handles=plt_patches, loc=2) plt.savefig("graphics-board.svg")
#Q = numpy.zeros((numberOfStates,numberOfActions)) Q = numpy.zeros((10,4)) Q[1][0]=0.1 Q[1][1]=0.2 Q[1][2]=0.3 Q[1][3]=0.4 norm = colors.Normalize(Q.min(), Q.max()) x_min = 0 y_min = 0 x_max = 1 y_max = 1 state = 5 color = [cm.ocean(norm( float(q) )) for q in Q[1]] # --------------------------------------------------------- x_top = (x_min + x_max)/2.0 y_top = (y_min + y_max)/2.0 triangle_coord = [[x_min, y_min, y_min, y_max],[x_min, y_max, x_max, y_max],[x_max, y_max, x_max, y_min, y_max],[x_max, y_min, x_min, y_min]] assert len(triangle_coord)==len(color), "only four actions/colors supported" for col, coord in zip(color, triangle_coord): print col verts = [ (coord[0], coord[1]), # left, bottom (coord[2], coord[3]), # left, top (x_top, y_top), # triangle peak, center of square (coord[0], coord[1]), # ignored
fi = np.asarray(fi) print fi.shape d = [float(i) for i in fi[:, 1]] d = sorted(d) d = np.asarray(d) #m = max(d) m = 305 tot = float(len(d)) X = np.arange(5, m, 5) X = np.append(X, [0, 1]) X = np.sort(X) Y = [] for i in X: if i < 300: c = ((0 <= d) & (d <= i)).sum() c = (c / tot) * 100 else: c = ((0 <= d) & (d <= max(d))).sum() c = (c / tot) * 100 Y.append(c) plt.plot(X, Y, color=cm.ocean(indx * 5), label=q) plt.xlabel('Depth') plt.ylabel('Percent of Bases Covered') plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3, ncol=3, mode="expand", borderaxespad=1.5, prop={'size': 8}) plt.savefig('coverage.pdf', format='pdf')