def repair(G, pheromone_add, pheromone_decay, explore_prob, explore2, strategy='rank',\ num_ants=100, max_steps=1000, num_iters=1, print_graph=False, video=False, \ nframes=-1, video2=False, cost_plot=False, backtrack=False, \ decay_type='exp', node_queue_lim=1, edge_queue_lim=1, one_way=False): """ """ graph_name = G.graph['name'] nests = G.graph['nests'] out_items = ['repair', strategy, graph_name, decay_type] if backtrack: out_items.append('backtrack') if one_way: out_items.append('one_way') out_str = '_'.join(out_items) def next_destination(origin): idx = nests.index(origin) idx += 1 idx %= len(nests) return nests[idx] num_edges = G.size() nframes = min(nframes, max_steps) pher_str = "%d, %f, %f, " % (num_ants, explore_prob, pheromone_decay) data_file = open('ant_%s%d.csv' % (out_str, max_steps), 'a') pruning_file = open('ant_%s_pruning.csv' % out_str, 'a') critical_nodes_file = open('critical_nodes_%s.csv' % graph_name, 'w') if video: fig = PP.figure() init_path = G.graph['init_path'] track_pruning = max_steps <= MAX_PRUNING_STEPS for iter in xrange(num_iters): nonzero_edges = set() for u, v in G.edges(): G[u][v]['weight'] = MIN_PHEROMONE G[u][v]['units'] = [] for u, v in init_path: G[u][v]['weight'] += pheromone_add * INIT_WEIGHT_FACTOR if decay_type == 'linear': G[u][v]['units']+= [pheromone_add] * INIT_WEIGHT_FACTOR nonzero_edges.add(Ninv[(u, v)]) clear_queues(G) if iter == 0 and print_graph: pass #color_graph(G, 'g', pheromone_thickness, "graph_before") print str(iter) + ": " + pher_str explore = defaultdict(bool) prevs = {} prevs2 = {} prevs3 = {} currs = {} paths = {} walks = {} destinations = {} origins = {} edge_weights = defaultdict(list) deadend = {} search_mode = defaultdict(lambda: False) costs = [] path_counts = defaultdict(int) chosen_walk_counts = defaultdict(int) max_entropy = None max_walk_entropy = None connect_time = -1 queued_nodes = set() queued_edges = set() max_cycles = 0 curr_max_cycles = 0 max_path_len = None max_chosen_path_len = None chosen_cycle_counts = [] max_chosen_cycle_count = None for ant in xrange(num_ants): origin = nests[ant % len(nests)] origins[ant] = origin destinations[ant] = next_destination(origin) prev_curr = None if one_way: prev, curr = init_path[choice((len(init_path) // 2))] else: prev, curr = init_path[choice(len(init_path))] if random() <= 0.5: prev, curr = curr, prev paths[ant] = [prev, curr] if destinations[ant] in paths[ant]: origins[ant], destinations[ant] = destinations[ant], origins[ant] walks[ant] = [prev, curr] prevs[ant] = prev prevs2[ant] = None prevs3[ant] = None currs[ant] = curr deadend[ant] = False queue_ant(G, curr, ant) queued_nodes.add(curr) steps = 1 rounds = 1 max_weight = MIN_PHEROMONE unique_weights = set() max_cost = 0 costs = [] curr_path_entropy = None curr_walk_entropy = None for u, v in sorted(G.edges()): index = Ninv[(u, v)] wt = G[u][v]['weight'] #unique_weights.add(wt) max_weight = max(max_weight, wt) if video: if wt <= MIN_DETECTABLE_PHEROMONE: edge_weights[index].append(None) else: edge_weights[index].append(wt) critical_edges_file = None if 'critical_node' in G.graph: critical_edges_file = open('critical_edges_%s.csv' % graph_name, 'a') while steps <= max_steps: cost = pheromone_cost(G) max_cost = max(max_cost, cost) if cost_plot: costs.append(cost) prun_write_items = [steps, cost] if curr_path_entropy != None: prun_write_items.append(curr_path_entropy) else: prun_write_items.append('') if curr_walk_entropy != None: prun_write_items.append(curr_walk_entropy) else: prun_write_items.append('') prun_str = ', '.join(map(str, prun_write_items)) if critical_edges_file != None: w1 = 0 w2 = 0 critical_node = G.graph['critical_node'] critical_edge = G.graph['critical_edge'] critical_node_prev = G.graph['critical_node_prev'] for v in G.neighbors(critical_node): if v == critical_node_prev: continue wt = G[critical_node][v]['weight'] if Ninv[(critical_node, v)] == Ninv[critical_edge]: w1 += wt else: w2 += wt critical_str = '%d, %f, %f\n' % (steps, w1, w2) critical_edges_file.write(critical_str) G2 = G.copy() empty_nodes = set() new_queue_nodes = set() moved_ants = set() empty_edges = set() updated_paths_ants = set() max_paths = maximal_paths(G, nests[0], nests[1]) max_path_lengths = [] for path in max_paths: path_prob = path_prob_no_explore(G, path, strategy) if path_prob > 0: max_path_lengths.append(len(path)) mean_path_len = None if len(max_path_lengths) > 0: mean_path_len = mean(max_path_lengths) if mean_path_len != None: if max_path_len == None: max_path_len = mean_path_len else: max_path_len = max(max_path_len, mean_path_len) if DEBUG_QUEUES: check_queues(G2, queued_nodes, queued_edges, num_ants) for queued_node in queued_nodes: curr_max_cycles = len(maximal_cycles(G, queued_node)) max_cycles = max(curr_max_cycles, max_cycles) queue = G2.node[queued_node]['queue'] #queue = G2.node[node]['queue'] #assert len(queue) > 0 qlim = node_queue_lim if qlim == -1: qlim = len(queue) next_ants = [] q = 0 while q < len(queue) and len(next_ants) < qlim: if queue[q] not in moved_ants: q_ant = queue[q] next_ants.append(q_ant) q += 1 for next_ant in next_ants: queue.remove(next_ant) for queued_ant in queue: if queued_ant not in moved_ants: moved_ants.add(queued_ant) if video: paths[queued_ant].append(queued_node) if DEBUG_PATHS: check_path(G, paths[queued_ant]) if track_pruning: walks[queued_ant].append(queued_node) #path = paths[queued_ant] if len(queue) == 0: empty_nodes.add(queued_node) for next_ant in next_ants: moved_ants.add(next_ant) curr = currs[next_ant] prev = prevs[next_ant] if curr != origins[next_ant] and (not search_mode[next_ant])\ and pheromone_dead_end(G, curr, prev): search_mode[next_ant] = True n = list(G.neighbors(curr)) if curr != prev and prev != None: n.remove(prev) if len(n) == 0: deadend[next_ant] = (curr not in nests) #print curr, deadend[j] elif len(n) > 1: deadend[next_ant] = False if (prev == curr) or (curr == origins[next_ant] and not search_mode[next_ant]): prev = None exp_prob = explore_prob if search_mode[next_ant]: exp_prob = explore2 elif (curr == origins[next_ant] and not search_mode[next_ant]): exp_prob = 0 next, ex = next_edge(G, curr, exp_prob, strategy, prev, \ destinations[next_ant], search_mode[next_ant],\ backtrack) if ex: queue_ant(G2, curr, next_ant) if not deadend[next_ant]: add_amount = 2 * pheromone_add if 'plant' in G.node[curr] and 'plant' in G.node[next]: if G.node[curr]['plant'] != G.node[next]['plant']: add_amount *= 0.5 G2[curr][next]['weight'] += add_amount if decay_type == 'linear': G2[curr][next]['units'].append(add_amount) nonzero_edges.add(Ninv[(curr, next)]) new_queue_nodes.add(curr) empty_nodes.discard(curr) prevs[next_ant] = curr currs[next_ant] = curr if video: paths[next_ant].append(curr) if track_pruning: walks[next_ant].append(curr) if DEBUG_PATHS: check_path(G, paths[next_ant]) else: if (curr, next) == G[curr][next]['forwards']: G2[curr][next]['forwards_queue'].append(next_ant) else: G2[curr][next]['backwards_queue'].append(next_ant) queued_edges.add(Ninv[(curr, next)]) queued_nodes.difference_update(empty_nodes) queued_nodes.update(new_queue_nodes) if DEBUG_QUEUES: check_queues(G2, queued_nodes, queued_edges, num_ants) for edge_id in queued_edges: u, v = N[edge_id] resulting_size = 0 for direction in ['forwards', 'backwards']: i = 0 curr, next = G2[u][v][direction] if CRITICAL_NODES and 'critical_node' in G.graph: if G.graph['critical_node'] in (u, v): critical_nodes_file.write('%s, %s, %d\n' % (curr, next, steps)) edge_queue = G2[u][v][direction + '_queue'] eqlim = edge_queue_lim if edge_queue_lim == -1: eqlim = len(edge_queue) while len(edge_queue) > 0 and i < eqlim: next_ant = edge_queue.pop(0) i += 1 queue_ant(G2, next, next_ant) new_queue_nodes.add(next) empty_nodes.discard(next) prevs[next_ant] = curr currs[next_ant] = next if not deadend[next_ant]: add_amount = pheromone_add if 'plant' in G.node[curr] and 'plant' in G.node[next]: if G.node[curr]['plant'] != G.node[next]['plant']: add_amount *= 0.5 G2[curr][next]['weight'] += add_amount if decay_type == 'linear': G2[curr][next]['units'].append(add_amount) nonzero_edges.add(Ninv[(curr, next)]) if video: paths[next_ant].append(next) if track_pruning: walks[next_ant].append(next) if DEBUG_PATHS: check_path(G, paths[next_ant]) if next == destinations[next_ant]: orig, dest = origins[next_ant], destinations[next_ant] dest = next_destination(orig) origins[next_ant], destinations[next_ant] = dest, orig search_mode[next_ant] = False if track_pruning : walk = walks[next_ant] if walk[0] == orig and walk[-1] == dest: chosen_walk_counts[tuple(walk)] += 1 walk2 = remove_self_loops(walk) path, cycle_count = walk_to_path(walk2) start = path[0] end = path[-1] idx1 = nests.index(orig) idx2 = nests.index(dest) if idx2 > idx1: path = path[::-1] path_counts[tuple(path)] += 1 curr_path_entropy = entropy(path_counts.values()) curr_walk_entropy = entropy(chosen_walk_counts.values()) if max_entropy == None: max_entropy = curr_path_entropy else: max_entropy = max(max_entropy, curr_path_entropy) if max_walk_entropy == None: max_walk_entropy = curr_walk_entropy else: max_walk_entropy = max(max_walk_entropy, curr_walk_entropy) mean_chosen_path_len = weighted_mean_path_len(path_counts) if max_chosen_path_len == None: max_chosen_path_len = mean_chosen_path_len else: max_chosen_path_len = max(max_chosen_path_len, mean_chosen_path_len) chosen_cycle_counts.append(cycle_count) mean_chosen_cycle_count = mean(chosen_cycle_counts) if max_chosen_cycle_count == None: max_chosen_cycle_count = mean_chosen_cycle_count else: max_chosen_cycle_count = max(max_chosen_cycle_count, mean_chosen_cycle_count) walks[next_ant] = [origins[next_ant]] elif next == origins[next_ant]: search_mode[next_ant] = True for j in xrange(len(edge_queue)): next_ant = edge_queue[j] if video: paths[next_ant].append(curr) if DEBUG_PATHS: check_path(G, paths[next_ant]) walks[next_ant].append(curr) resulting_size += 1 if resulting_size == 0: empty_edges.add(edge_id) queued_nodes.difference_update(empty_nodes) queued_nodes.update(new_queue_nodes) queued_edges.difference_update(empty_edges) if DEBUG_QUEUES: check_queues(G2, queued_nodes, queued_edges, num_ants) decay_func = get_decay_func_edges(decay_type) zero_edges = decay_func(G2, nonzero_edges, pheromone_decay, time=1, min_pheromone=MIN_PHEROMONE) nonzero_edges.difference_update(zero_edges) G = G2 for u, v in sorted(G.edges()): index = Ninv[(u, v)] wt = G[u][v]['weight'] #unique_weights.add(wt) max_weight = max(max_weight, wt) if video: if wt <= MIN_DETECTABLE_PHEROMONE: edge_weights[index].append(None) else: edge_weights[index].append(wt) if connect_time == -1 and has_pheromone_path(G, nests[0], nests[1]): connect_time = steps steps += 1 cost = 0 max_wt = 0 for u, v in G.edges(): wt = G[u][v]['weight'] if wt > MIN_PHEROMONE: cost += 1 max_wt = max(wt, max_wt) e_colors = edge_color[:] e_widths = edge_width[:] n_colors = node_color[:] n_sizes = node_size[:] for nest in nests: n_colors[Minv[nest]] = 'm' n_sizes[Minv[nest]] = 100 def init(): nx.draw(G, pos=pos, with_labels=False, node_size=n_sizes, edge_color=e_colors,\ node_color=n_colors, width=e_widths, nodelist = sorted(G.nodes()), \ edgelist = sorted(G.edges())) def redraw(frame): PP.clf() print frame n_colors = ['r'] * len(node_color) n_sizes = [10] * len(node_size) ax = PP.gca() for n in xrange(num_ants): node = paths[n][frame + 1] index = Minv[node] n_colors[index] = 'k' n_sizes[index] += ant_thickness #if frame > 0: # frame -= 1 max_units = max_weight / pheromone_add e_colors = [] e_widths = [] for u, v in sorted(G.edges()): index = Ninv[(u, v)] edge_wt = edge_weights[index][frame] if edge_wt == None: e_colors.append('k') e_widths.append(1) else: e_colors.append('g') e_widths.append(1 + 25 * (edge_wt / max_weight)) for nest in nests: n_colors[Minv[nest]] = 'm' #n_sizes[Minv[nest]] = min(n_sizes[Minv[nest]], 100) #print nest, n_sizes[Minv[nest]] nx.draw(G, pos=pos, with_labels=False, node_size=n_sizes, edge_color=e_colors, \ node_color=n_colors, width=e_widths, nodelist = sorted(G.nodes()), \ edgelist = sorted(G.edges())) f = PP.draw() return f, if nframes == -1: nframes = steps if video: ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, redraw, init_func=init, frames=nframes, \ interval = FRAME_INTERVAL) mywriter = animation.AVConvWriter()"ant_" + out_str + str(iter) + ".mp4", writer=mywriter) if print_graph: color_graph(G, 'g', (pheromone_add / max_wt), "graph_after_%s%d_e%0.2fd%0.2f" \ % (out_str, max_steps, explore_prob, pheromone_decay), cost) print "graph colored" costs.append(cost) max_cost = max(max_cost, cost) costs = PP.array(costs) cost_pruning = (max_cost - cost) / float(max_cost) if cost_plot: figname = "pruning/pruning_%s%d_e%0.2fd%0.2f" % (out_str, max_steps, \ explore_prob, pheromone_decay, cost) pruning_plot(costs, figname, max_cost) path_pruning = None if len(path_counts) > 0: curr_path_entropy = entropy(path_counts.values()) max_entropy = max(max_entropy, curr_path_entropy) path_pruning = max_entropy - curr_path_entropy walk_pruning = None if len(chosen_walk_counts) > 0: curr_walk_entropy = entropy(chosen_walk_counts.values()) max_walk_entropy = max(max_walk_entropy, curr_walk_entropy) walk_pruning = max_walk_entropy - curr_walk_entropy # Output results. path_lengths, revisits = [], [] right_nest, wrong_nest = 0.0, 0.0 hit_counts, miss_counts = [], [] nest, target = nests[0], nests[1] has_path = has_pheromone_path(G, nest, target) after_paths = [] if has_path: if 'uniform' in strategy and UNIFORM_ENTROPY: after_paths = pheromone_paths(G, nest, target, MAX_PATH_LENGTH) else: after_paths = maximal_paths(pheromone_subgraph(G), nest, target) path_probs = [] useful_edges = set() path_lenghts = [] for path in after_paths: path_prob = path_prob_no_explore(G, path, strategy) if path_prob > 0: path_probs.append(path_prob) edges = path_to_edges(path) useful_edges.update(edges) path_lengths.append(len(path)) wasted_edge_count, wasted_edge_weight = wasted_edges(G, useful_edges) #print sorted(path_probs) #print sum(path_probs) path_etr = None if len(path_probs) > 0: path_etr = entropy(path_probs) path_etr = np.abs(path_etr) else: has_path = False mean_path_len = None if len(path_lengths) > 0: #mean_path_len = mean(path_lengths) mean_path_len = PP.average(path_lengths, weights=path_probs) if 'uniform' in strategy: print "weighted mean path len", mean_path_len mean_chosen_path_len = weighted_mean_path_len(path_counts) mean_chosen_cycle_count = None if len(chosen_cycle_counts) > 1: mean_chosen_cycle_count = mean(chosen_cycle_counts) path_len_pruning = None if mean_path_len != None: if max_path_len != None: path_len_pruning = max_path_len - mean_path_len chosen_path_len_pruning = None if mean_chosen_path_len != None: if max_chosen_path_len != None: chosen_path_len_pruning = max_chosen_path_len - mean_chosen_path_len chosen_cycle_count_pruning = None if mean_chosen_cycle_count != None: if max_chosen_cycle_count != None: chosen_cycle_count_pruning = max_chosen_cycle_count - mean_chosen_cycle_count print "has path", has_path print "path entropy", path_etr journey_times = [] journey_lengths = [] walk_counts = defaultdict(int) total_steps = 0 cycles_pruning = None if max_cycles > 0: cycles_pruning = max_cycles - curr_max_cycles header_items = [] write_items = [int(has_path), cost] if (path_etr != None) and path_etr != float("-inf") and (not PP.isnan(path_etr)): assert path_etr >= 0 write_items.append(path_etr) else: write_items.append('') if len(walk_counts.values()) > 0: write_items += [walk_entropy, mean_journey_time, med_journey_time, walk_success_rate] else: write_items += ['', '', '', ''] #write_items.append(walk_success_rate) write_items.append(cost_pruning) if connect_time != -1: write_items.append(connect_time) else: write_items.append('') if path_pruning != None: write_items.append(path_pruning) else: write_items.append('') if curr_path_entropy != None: write_items.append(curr_path_entropy) else: write_items.append('') if walk_pruning != None: write_items.append(walk_pruning) else: write_items.append('') if curr_walk_entropy != None: write_items.append(curr_walk_entropy) else: write_items.append('') write_items += [wasted_edge_count, wasted_edge_weight] if mean_path_len != None: write_items.append(mean_path_len) else: write_items.append('') if cycles_pruning != None: write_items.append(cycles_pruning) else: write_items.append('') write_items.append(curr_max_cycles) if path_len_pruning != None: write_items.append(path_len_pruning) else: write_items.append('') if chosen_path_len_pruning != None: write_items.append(chosen_path_len_pruning) else: write_items.append('') if chosen_cycle_count_pruning != None: write_items.append(chosen_cycle_count_pruning) else: write_items.append('') ant_str = ', '.join(map(str, write_items)) line = pher_str + ant_str + '\n' data_file.write(line) data_file.close() pruning_file.close() critical_nodes_file.close()
def repair(G, pheromone_add, pheromone_decay, explore_prob, strategy='rank',\ num_ants=100, max_steps=1000, num_iters=1, print_graph=False, video=False, \ nframes=-1, cost_plot=False, backtrack=False, \ decay_type='exp', node_queue_lim=1, edge_queue_lim=1, one_way=False): graph_name = G.graph['name'] nests = G.graph['nests'] out_items = ['repair', strategy, graph_name, decay_type] if backtrack: out_items.append('backtrack') if one_way: out_items.append('one_way') out_str = '_'.join(out_items) savedir = '%s/%s/%s' % (graph_name, strategy, decay_type) header_items = ['graph', 'strategy', 'decay type', 'ants', 'max steps',\ 'backtrack', 'one_way', 'node queue lim', 'edge queue lim',\ 'explore', 'decay'] write_items = [graph_name, strategy, decay_type, num_ants, max_steps,\ backtrack, one_way, node_queue_lim, edge_queue_lim,\ explore_prob, pheromone_decay] def next_destination(origin): idx = nests.index(origin) idx += 1 idx %= len(nests) return nests[idx] num_edges = G.size() nframes = min(nframes, max_steps) data_fname = '/iblsn/data/Arjun/Ants/ant_repair.csv' first_time = not os.path.exists(data_fname) if video: fig = PP.figure() init_path = G.graph['init path'] track_pruning = max_steps <= MAX_PRUNING_STEPS for iter in xrange(num_iters): nonzero_edges = set() for u, v in G.edges(): G[u][v]['weight'] = MIN_PHEROMONE G[u][v]['units'] = [] for u, v in init_path: G[u][v]['weight'] += pheromone_add * INIT_WEIGHT_FACTOR if decay_type == 'linear': G[u][v]['units']+= [pheromone_add] * INIT_WEIGHT_FACTOR nonzero_edges.add(Ninv[(u, v)]) clear_queues(G) explore = defaultdict(bool) prevs = {} currs = {} paths = {} walks = {} destinations = {} origins = {} edge_weights = defaultdict(list) deadend = {} search_mode = defaultdict(lambda: False) costs = [] path_counts = defaultdict(int) chosen_walk_counts = defaultdict(int) max_entropy = None max_walk_entropy = None connect_time = -1 queued_nodes = set() queued_edges = set() max_cycles = 0 curr_max_cycles = 0 max_path_len = None max_chosen_path_len = None chosen_cycle_counts = [] max_chosen_cycle_count = None curr_ants = num_ants if curr_ants == -1: curr_ants = max_steps // 10 for ant in xrange(curr_ants): origin = nests[ant % len(nests)] origins[ant] = origin destinations[ant] = next_destination(origin) prev, curr = None, None if one_way: prev, curr = init_path[choice((len(init_path) // 2))] else: prev, curr = init_path[choice(len(init_path))] if random() <= 0.5: prev, curr = curr, prev paths[ant] = [prev, curr] if destinations[ant] in paths[ant]: origins[ant], destinations[ant] = destinations[ant], origins[ant] walks[ant] = [prev, curr] prevs[ant] = prev currs[ant] = curr deadend[ant] = False queue_ant(G, curr, ant) queued_nodes.add(curr) steps = 1 rounds = 1 max_weight = MIN_PHEROMONE unique_weights = set() max_cost = 0 costs = [] curr_path_entropy = None curr_walk_entropy = None for u, v in sorted(G.edges()): index = Ninv[(u, v)] wt = G[u][v]['weight'] #unique_weights.add(wt) max_weight = max(max_weight, wt) if video: if wt <= MIN_DETECTABLE_PHEROMONE: edge_weights[index].append(None) else: edge_weights[index].append(wt) while steps <= max_steps: cost = pheromone_cost(G) max_cost = max(max_cost, cost) G2 = G.copy() empty_nodes = set() new_queue_nodes = set() moved_ants = set() empty_edges = set() updated_paths_ants = set() max_paths = maximal_paths(G, nests[0], nests[1]) max_path_lengths = [] for path in max_paths: path_prob = path_prob_no_explore(G, path, strategy) if path_prob > 0: max_path_lengths.append(len(path)) mean_path_len = None if len(max_path_lengths) > 0: mean_path_len = mean(max_path_lengths) if mean_path_len != None: if max_path_len == None: max_path_len = mean_path_len else: max_path_len = max(max_path_len, mean_path_len) if DEBUG_QUEUES: check_queues(G2, queued_nodes, queued_edges, curr_ants) for queued_node in queued_nodes: curr_max_cycles = len(maximal_cycles(G, queued_node)) max_cycles = max(curr_max_cycles, max_cycles) queue = G2.node[queued_node]['queue'] #queue = G2.node[node]['queue'] #assert len(queue) > 0 qlim = node_queue_lim if qlim == -1: qlim = len(queue) next_ants = [] q = 0 while q < len(queue) and len(next_ants) < qlim: if queue[q] not in moved_ants: q_ant = queue[q] next_ants.append(q_ant) q += 1 for next_ant in next_ants: queue.remove(next_ant) for queued_ant in queue: if queued_ant not in moved_ants: moved_ants.add(queued_ant) if video: paths[queued_ant].append(queued_node) if DEBUG_PATHS: check_path(G, paths[queued_ant]) if track_pruning: walks[queued_ant].append(queued_node) if len(queue) == 0: empty_nodes.add(queued_node) for next_ant in next_ants: moved_ants.add(next_ant) curr = currs[next_ant] prev = prevs[next_ant] if curr != origins[next_ant] and (not search_mode[next_ant])\ and pheromone_dead_end(G, curr, prev): search_mode[next_ant] = True n = list(G.neighbors(curr)) if curr != prev and prev != None: n.remove(prev) if len(n) == 0: deadend[next_ant] = (curr not in nests) #print curr, deadend[j] elif len(n) > 1: deadend[next_ant] = False if (prev == curr) or (curr == origins[next_ant] and not search_mode[next_ant]): prev = None exp_prob = explore_prob if (curr == origins[next_ant] and not search_mode[next_ant]): exp_prob = 0 next, ex = next_edge(G, curr, exp_prob, strategy, prev, \ destinations[next_ant], search_mode[next_ant],\ backtrack) if G[curr][next]['weight'] <= MIN_DETECTABLE_PHEROMONE: queue_ant(G2, curr, next_ant) if not deadend[next_ant]: add_amount = 2 * pheromone_add G2[curr][next]['weight'] += add_amount if decay_type == 'linear': G2[curr][next]['units'].append(add_amount) nonzero_edges.add(Ninv[(curr, next)]) new_queue_nodes.add(curr) empty_nodes.discard(curr) prevs[next_ant] = next currs[next_ant] = curr if video: paths[next_ant].append(curr) if track_pruning: walks[next_ant].append(curr) if DEBUG_PATHS: check_path(G, paths[next_ant]) else: if (curr, next) == G[curr][next]['forwards']: G2[curr][next]['forwards_queue'].append(next_ant) else: G2[curr][next]['backwards_queue'].append(next_ant) queued_edges.add(Ninv[(curr, next)]) queued_nodes.difference_update(empty_nodes) queued_nodes.update(new_queue_nodes) if DEBUG_QUEUES: check_queues(G2, queued_nodes, queued_edges, curr_ants) for edge_id in queued_edges: u, v = N[edge_id] resulting_size = 0 for direction in ['forwards', 'backwards']: i = 0 curr, next = G2[u][v][direction] if CRITICAL_NODES and 'critical_node' in G.graph: if G.graph['critical_node'] in (u, v): critical_nodes_file.write('%s, %s, %d\n' % (curr, next, steps)) edge_queue = G2[u][v][direction + '_queue'] eqlim = edge_queue_lim if edge_queue_lim == -1: eqlim = len(edge_queue) while len(edge_queue) > 0 and i < eqlim: next_ant = edge_queue.pop(0) i += 1 queue_ant(G2, next, next_ant) new_queue_nodes.add(next) empty_nodes.discard(next) prevs[next_ant] = curr currs[next_ant] = next if not deadend[next_ant]: add_amount = pheromone_add if 'plant' in G.node[curr] and 'plant' in G.node[next]: if G.node[curr]['plant'] != G.node[next]['plant']: add_amount *= 0.5 G2[curr][next]['weight'] += add_amount if decay_type == 'linear': G2[curr][next]['units'].append(add_amount) nonzero_edges.add(Ninv[(curr, next)]) if video: paths[next_ant].append(next) if track_pruning: walks[next_ant].append(next) if DEBUG_PATHS: check_path(G, paths[next_ant]) if next == destinations[next_ant]: orig, dest = origins[next_ant], destinations[next_ant] dest = next_destination(orig) origins[next_ant], destinations[next_ant] = dest, orig search_mode[next_ant] = False if track_pruning : walk = walks[next_ant] if walk[0] == orig and walk[-1] == dest: chosen_walk_counts[tuple(walk)] += 1 walk2 = remove_self_loops(walk) path, cycle_count = walk_to_path(walk2) start = path[0] end = path[-1] idx1 = nests.index(orig) idx2 = nests.index(dest) if idx2 > idx1: path = path[::-1] path_counts[tuple(path)] += 1 curr_path_entropy = entropy(path_counts.values()) curr_walk_entropy = entropy(chosen_walk_counts.values()) if max_entropy == None: max_entropy = curr_path_entropy else: max_entropy = max(max_entropy, curr_path_entropy) if max_walk_entropy == None: max_walk_entropy = curr_walk_entropy else: max_walk_entropy = max(max_walk_entropy, curr_walk_entropy) mean_chosen_path_len = weighted_mean_path_len(path_counts) if max_chosen_path_len == None: max_chosen_path_len = mean_chosen_path_len else: max_chosen_path_len = max(max_chosen_path_len, mean_chosen_path_len) chosen_cycle_counts.append(cycle_count) mean_chosen_cycle_count = mean(chosen_cycle_counts) if max_chosen_cycle_count == None: max_chosen_cycle_count = mean_chosen_cycle_count else: max_chosen_cycle_count = max(max_chosen_cycle_count, mean_chosen_cycle_count) walks[next_ant] = [origins[next_ant]] elif next == origins[next_ant]: search_mode[next_ant] = True for j in xrange(len(edge_queue)): next_ant = edge_queue[j] if video: paths[next_ant].append(curr) if DEBUG_PATHS: check_path(G, paths[next_ant]) walks[next_ant].append(curr) resulting_size += 1 if resulting_size == 0: empty_edges.add(edge_id) queued_nodes.difference_update(empty_nodes) queued_nodes.update(new_queue_nodes) queued_edges.difference_update(empty_edges) if DEBUG_QUEUES: check_queues(G2, queued_nodes, queued_edges, curr_ants) decay_func = get_decay_func_edges(decay_type) zero_edges = decay_func(G2, nonzero_edges, pheromone_decay, time=SECONDS_PER_STEP, min_pheromone=MIN_PHEROMONE) nonzero_edges.difference_update(zero_edges) if num_ants == -1: for nest in nests: ant = curr_ants curr = nest origin = nest origins[ant] = origin destinations[ant] = next_destination(origin) if video: paths[ant] = ([None] * (steps + 1)) + [curr] if destinations[ant] == curr: origins[ant], destinations[ant] = destinations[ant], origins[ant] walks[ant] = [curr] prevs[ant] = None currs[ant] = curr deadend[ant] = False queue_ant(G2, curr, ant) queued_nodes.add(curr) curr_ants += 1 G = G2 for u, v in sorted(G.edges()): index = Ninv[(u, v)] wt = G[u][v]['weight'] #unique_weights.add(wt) max_weight = max(max_weight, wt) if video: if wt <= MIN_DETECTABLE_PHEROMONE: edge_weights[index].append(None) else: edge_weights[index].append(wt) if connect_time == -1 and has_pheromone_path(G, nests[0], nests[1]): connect_time = steps steps += 1 cost = 0 max_wt = 0 for u, v in G.edges(): wt = G[u][v]['weight'] if wt > MIN_PHEROMONE: cost += 1 max_wt = max(wt, max_wt) e_colors = edge_color[:] e_widths = edge_width[:] n_colors = node_color[:] n_sizes = node_size[:] for nest in nests: n_colors[Minv[nest]] = 'm' n_sizes[Minv[nest]] = 100 def init(): nx.draw(G, pos=pos, with_labels=False, node_size=n_sizes, edge_color=e_colors,\ node_color=n_colors, width=e_widths, nodelist = sorted(G.nodes()), \ edgelist = sorted(G.edges())) def redraw(frame): PP.clf() print frame n_colors = ['r'] * len(node_color) n_sizes = [10] * len(node_size) ax = PP.gca() for p in paths: node = paths[p][frame + 1] if node != None: index = Minv[node] n_colors[index] = 'k' n_sizes[index] += ant_thickness max_units = max_weight / pheromone_add e_colors = [] e_widths = [] for u, v in sorted(G.edges()): index = Ninv[(u, v)] edge_wt = edge_weights[index][frame] if edge_wt == None: e_colors.append('k') e_widths.append(1) else: e_colors.append('g') e_widths.append(1 + 25 * (edge_wt / max_weight)) for nest in nests: n_colors[Minv[nest]] = 'm' nx.draw(G, pos=pos, with_labels=False, node_size=n_sizes, edge_color=e_colors, \ node_color=n_colors, width=e_widths, nodelist = sorted(G.nodes()), \ edgelist = sorted(G.edges())) f = PP.draw() return f, if nframes == -1: nframes = steps if video: ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, redraw, init_func=init, frames=nframes, \ interval = FRAME_INTERVAL) vid_dir = 'figs/videos/%s' % savedir os.system('mkdir -p ' + vid_dir)'%s/ant_%s%d.mp4' % (vid_dir, out_str, iter), writer='avconv') return None if print_graph: outdir = 'figs/after_graphs/' + savedir os.system('mkdir -p ' + outdir) figname = outdir + '/graph_after_%s%d_e%0.2fd%0.2f' % (out_str, max_steps, explore_prob, pheromone_decay) color_graph(G, 'g', (pheromone_add / max_wt), figname, cost) print "graph colored" costs.append(cost) max_cost = max(max_cost, cost) costs = PP.array(costs) cost_pruning = (max_cost - cost) / float(max_cost) if cost_plot: outdir = 'figs/cost_plots/' + savedir os.system('mkdir -p ' + outdir) figname = outdir + "/cost_plot_%s%d_e%0.2fd%0.2f" %\ (savedir, out_str, max_steps, explore_prob,\ pheromone_decay, cost) pruning_plot(costs, figname, max_cost) path_pruning = None if len(path_counts) > 0: curr_path_entropy = entropy(path_counts.values()) max_entropy = max(max_entropy, curr_path_entropy) path_pruning = max_entropy - curr_path_entropy walk_pruning = None if len(chosen_walk_counts) > 0: curr_walk_entropy = entropy(chosen_walk_counts.values()) max_walk_entropy = max(max_walk_entropy, curr_walk_entropy) walk_pruning = max_walk_entropy - curr_walk_entropy # Output results. path_lengths, revisits = [], [] right_nest, wrong_nest = 0.0, 0.0 hit_counts, miss_counts = [], [] nest, target = nests[0], nests[1] has_path = has_pheromone_path(G, nest, target) after_paths = [] if has_path: if False:#'uniform' in strategy: after_paths = pheromone_paths(G, nest, target, MAX_PATH_LENGTH) else: after_paths = maximal_paths(pheromone_subgraph(G), nest, target) path_probs = [] useful_edges = set() path_lenghts = [] for path in after_paths: path_prob = path_prob_no_explore(G, path, strategy) if path_prob > 0: path_probs.append(path_prob) edges = path_to_edges(path) useful_edges.update(edges) path_lengths.append(len(path)) wasted_edge_count, wasted_edge_weight = wasted_edges(G, useful_edges) path_etr = None if len(path_probs) > 0: path_etr = entropy(path_probs) path_etr = np.abs(path_etr) else: has_path = False mean_path_len = None if len(path_lengths) > 0: mean_path_len = mean(path_lengths) mean_chosen_path_len = weighted_mean_path_len(path_counts) mean_chosen_cycle_count = None if len(chosen_cycle_counts) > 1: mean_chosen_cycle_count = mean(chosen_cycle_counts) path_len_pruning = None if mean_path_len != None: if max_path_len != None: path_len_pruning = max_path_len - mean_path_len chosen_path_len_pruning = None if mean_chosen_path_len != None: if max_chosen_path_len != None: chosen_path_len_pruning = max_chosen_path_len - mean_chosen_path_len chosen_cycle_count_pruning = None if mean_chosen_cycle_count != None: if max_chosen_cycle_count != None: chosen_cycle_count_pruning = max_chosen_cycle_count - mean_chosen_cycle_count print "has path", has_path print "path entropy", path_etr journey_times = [] journey_lengths = [] walk_counts = defaultdict(int) total_steps = 0 cycles_pruning = None if max_cycles > 0: cycles_pruning = max_cycles - curr_max_cycles header_items += ['has path', 'graph cost'] write_items += [int(has_path), cost] header_items.append('path entropy') if (path_etr != None) and path_etr != float("-inf") and (not PP.isnan(path_etr)): assert path_etr >= 0 write_items.append(path_etr) else: write_items.append('') header_items.append('cost pruning') write_items.append(cost_pruning) header_items.append('connect time') if connect_time != -1: write_items.append(connect_time) else: write_items.append('') header_items.append('path pruning') if path_pruning != None: write_items.append(path_pruning) else: write_items.append('') header_items.append('current path entropy') if curr_path_entropy != None: write_items.append(curr_path_entropy) else: write_items.append('') header_items.append('walk pruning') if walk_pruning != None: write_items.append(walk_pruning) else: write_items.append('') header_items.append('current walk entropy') if curr_walk_entropy != None: write_items.append(curr_walk_entropy) else: write_items.append('') header_items += ['wasted edge count', 'wasted edge weight'] write_items += [wasted_edge_count, wasted_edge_weight] header_items.append('mean path length') if mean_path_len != None: write_items.append(mean_path_len) else: write_items.append('') header_items.append('cycles pruning') if cycles_pruning != None: write_items.append(cycles_pruning) else: write_items.append('') header_items.append('current max cycles') write_items.append(curr_max_cycles) header_items.append('path length pruning') if path_len_pruning != None: write_items.append(path_len_pruning) else: write_items.append('') header_items.append('chosen path length pruning') if chosen_path_len_pruning != None: write_items.append(chosen_path_len_pruning) else: write_items.append('') header_items.append('chosen cycle count pruning') if chosen_cycle_count_pruning != None: write_items.append(chosen_cycle_count_pruning) else: write_items.append('') with open(data_fname, 'a') as data_file: header_str = ', '.join(map(str, header_items)) if first_time: data_file.write(header_str + '\n') data_str = ', '.join(map(str, write_items)) data_file.write(line + '\n')
rgax[:,11] = rgax[:,11] + dmag rg[pl.find(rg[:,8] < 0),8] = rg[pl.find(rg[:,8] < 0),8] + 360 rg[pl.find(rg[:,13] < 0),13] = rg[pl.find(rg[:,13] < 0),13] + 360 rg[pl.find(rg[:,16] < 0),16] = rg[pl.find(rg[:,16] < 0),16] + 360 rgax[pl.find(rgax[:,11] < 0),11] = rgax[pl.find(rgax[:,11] < 0),11] + 360 #datas # dre = np.array([datetime.strptime(str(int(re[i,0])), '%Y%m%d%H%M') for i in range(len(re))]) dsa = np.array([datetime.strptime(str(int(sa[i,0])), '%Y%m%d%H%M') for i in range(len(sa))]) dfl = np.array([datetime.strptime(str(int(fl[i,0])), '%Y%m%d%H%M') for i in range(len(fl))]) drg = np.array([datetime.strptime(str(int(rg[i,0])), '%Y%m%d%H%M') for i in range(len(rg))]) drgax = np.array([datetime.strptime(rgax_data[i,0]+'-'+rgax_data[i,1], '%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M') for i in range(len(rgax))]) #retira os valores com nan # re1 = re[pl.find(pl.isnan(re[:,1])==False),:] sa1 = sa[pl.find(pl.isnan(sa[:,1])==False),:] fl1 = fl[pl.find(pl.isnan(fl[:,1])==False),:] rg1 = rg[pl.find(pl.isnan(rg[:,1])==False),:] #################################################################################### #################################################################################### #comparacao da serie temporal da axys (summary) e lioc #janela para plotagem com as 3 medicoes a1 = datetime(2012,8,19,1,0) a2 = datetime(2012,9,30,1,0) ms = 9 #markersize pl.figure()
def phot1(r, imlist, plot=True, names=None, panel=None, debug=None, showmask="both"): """ give me a region and an imlist and tell me whether to plot cutouts """ nim = len(imlist) # TODO alg for how many subpanels. if panel == None: panel = [5, 4, 1] # for vertical page f = [] df = [] raw = [] for j in range(nim): im = imlist[j] # if plotting, need to make image cutouts; even if not, this tells # us if the source is off the edge xtents = r.imextents(imlist[j]) minsize = 5 if (xtents[3] - xtents[1]) < minsize or (xtents[2] - xtents[0]) < minsize: raw0, f0, df0 = 0, 0, 0 print "phot region too small - %f,%f less than %d pixels" % ( (xtents[3] - xtents[1]), (xtents[2] - xtents[0]), minsize) print xtents, r.imcoords(im, reg="bg1") else: if plot: pl.subplot(panel[0], panel[1], panel[2]) im = hextract(imlist[j], xtents)[0] ## ROTATE rotate = True if rotate: from astropy import wcs w = wcs.WCS(im.header) from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import rotate if w.wcs.has_crota(): t0 = w.wcs.crota[1] else: t0 = pl.arctan2([0, 1],[0, 0]) * 180 / pl.pi theta = -1 * t0 = rotate(, theta, reshape=False) ct = pl.cos(pl.pi * theta / 180) st = pl.sin(pl.pi * theta / 180) if w.wcs.has_crota(): w.wcs.crota[1] = w.wcs.crota[1] + theta im.header['CROTA2'] = w.wcs.crota[1] print "rotating crota by " + str(theta) else: = pl.matrix( * pl.matrix([[ct, -st], [st, ct]]) im.header['CD1_1'] =[0, 0] im.header['CD1_2'] =[0, 1] im.header['CD2_1'] =[1, 0] im.header['CD2_2'] =[1, 1] print "rotating cd by " + str(theta) #pdb.set_trace() # ugh need minmax of aperture region... # estimate as inner 1/2 for now s = im.shape z =[int(s[0] * 0.25):int(s[0] * 0.75), int(s[1] * 0.25):int(s[1] * 0.75)] if len(z[0]) <= 0: print z z = pl.where(pl.isnan( if len(z[0]) > 0: z = pl.where(pl.isnan( == False) std =[z[0], z[1]].std() else: std = rg = pl.median( + pl.array([-0.5, 5]) * std # marta wants them less saturated rg[1] = pl.nanmax( if rg[0] < 0: rg[0] = 0 if rg[1] <= rg[0]: rg = [pl.nanmin(z), pl.nanmax(z)] if showmask == False or showmask == "both": # show the jet one pl.imshow(, origin="bottom", interpolation="nearest", vmin=rg[0], vmax=rg[1]) elif showmask == True: # only show the mask pl.imshow(, origin="bottom", interpolation="nearest", vmin=rg[0], vmax=rg[1], cmap="YlGn") ax = pl.gca() ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) if names: pl.text(0.05, 0.99, names[j], horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.5)) pl.xlim([-0.5, s[1] - 0.5]) pl.ylim([-0.5, s[0] - 0.5]) if showmask == False: r.plotimx(im) # overplot the apertures if showmask == "both": panel[2] = panel[2] + 1 pl.subplot(panel[0], panel[1], panel[2]) rg = pl.median( + pl.array([-0.5, 5]) * std if rg[0] < 0: rg[0] = 0 if rg[1] <= rg[0]: rg = [pl.nanmin(z), pl.nanmax(z)] pl.imshow(, origin="bottom", interpolation="nearest", vmin=rg[0], vmax=rg[1], cmap="YlGn") ax = pl.gca() ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) if names: pl.text(0.05, 0.99, names[j], horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.5)) pl.xlim([-0.5, s[1] - 0.5]) pl.ylim([-0.5, s[0] - 0.5]) if debug: # r.debug=True if names: print names[j] raw0, bg, f0, df0 = r.phot(im) raw.append(raw0) f.append(f0) df.append(df0) panel[2] = panel[2] + 1 if plot: pl.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.02, hspace=0.02, left=0.1, right=0.97, top=0.95, bottom=0.05) return f, df, raw
for idata in range(len(datam_pystr)): nest[idata] = np.where(datam_ww3str == datam_pystr[idata])[0] nest = nest.astype(int) ww3 = ww3[nest] datam_ww3 = datam_ww3[nest] ########################################################################### #realiza estatisticas (bias, rmse, si, corr) #seleciona valor sem nan aux = pl.find(pl.isnan(py[:,6])==False) hs = py[aux,6] tp = py[aux,7] dp = py[aux,8] hs_mod = ww3[aux,5] tp_mod = ww3[aux,6] dp_mod = ww3[aux,7] ### BIAS ### #hs bias_hs = np.mean(hs_mod - hs) #tp bias_tp = np.mean(tp_mod - tp) #dp