def temp_graph(xdata, ydata, w, h): '''A helper function to plot data Args Returns ''' plt = figure(plot_width=w, plot_height=h) plt.line(xdata, ydata, line_width=2), ydata, fill_color="white", size=8) return plt
def generate_rec_prec_html(mrec, mprec, scores, class_name, ap): """ generate dynamic P-R curve HTML page for each class """ # bypass invalid class if len(mrec) == 0 or len(mprec) == 0 or len(scores) == 0: return rec_prec_plot_path = os.path.join('result', 'classes') os.makedirs(rec_prec_plot_path, exist_ok=True) bokeh_io.output_file(os.path.join(rec_prec_plot_path, class_name + '.html'), title='P-R curve for ' + class_name) # prepare curve data area_under_curve_x = mrec[:-1] + [mrec[-2]] + [mrec[-1]] area_under_curve_y = mprec[:-1] + [0.0] + [mprec[-1]] score_on_curve = [0.0] + scores[:-1] + [0.0] + [scores[-1]] + [1.0] source = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource( data={ 'rec': area_under_curve_x, 'prec': area_under_curve_y, 'score': score_on_curve, }) # prepare plot figure plt_title = 'class: ' + class_name + ' AP = {}%'.format(ap * 100) plt = bokeh_plotting.figure(plot_height=200, plot_width=200, tools="", toolbar_location=None, title=plt_title, sizing_mode="scale_width") plt.background_fill_color = "#f5f5f5" plt.grid.grid_line_color = "white" plt.xaxis.axis_label = 'Recall' plt.yaxis.axis_label = 'Precision' plt.axis.axis_line_color = None # draw curve data plt.line(x='rec', y='prec', line_width=2, color='#ebbd5b', source=source) plt.add_tools( bokeh.models.HoverTool(tooltips=[ ('score', '@score{0.0000 a}'), ('Prec', '@prec'), ('Recall', '@rec'), ], formatters={ 'rec': 'printf', 'prec': 'printf', }, mode='vline')) return
def get_chart(chart_type, data, **kwargs): plt.switch_backend('AGG') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) if chart_type == "#1": print("bar chart")['transaction_id'], data['price']) elif chart_type == "#2": labels = kwargs.get('labels') plt.pie(data=data, x='price', labels=labels) print("pie chart") elif chart_type == "#3": plt.line(data['transaction_id'], data['price']) print("line chart") else: print("chart generation failed") plt.tight_layout() chart = get_graph() return chart
def main(): N = 4 localnetMeans = (20, 35, 30, 35) #LAN length of outage (mins) wanMeans = (25, 32, 34, 20) #WAN length of outage (min) ind = np.arange(N) # the x locations for the groups # the width of the bars: can also be len(x) sequence width = 0.35 # describe where to display p # stack p2 on top of p1 p1 = plt.line(ind, localnetMeans, width) p2 = plt.line(ind, wanMeans, width, bottom=localnetMeans) # Describe the table metadata plt.ylabel("Length of Outage (mins)") plt.title("2018 Network Summary") plt.xticks(ind, ("Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4")) plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 81, 10)) plt.legend((p1[0], p2[0]), ("LAN", "WAN")) # display the graph # # you can try this on a Python IDE with a GUI if you'd like plt.savefig("/home/student/mycode/graphing/2018summary.pdf")
def Stock_intchart(ticker, ndays=180): today = data = yfs.get_data(ticker, start_date=today - dt.timedelta(days=ndays), end_date=today) fig = plt.line(data, y='close', title=ticker) fig.update_xaxes(rangeslider_visible=True,rangeselector=dict( buttons=list([ dict(count=15, label="15d", step="day", stepmode="backward"), dict(count=1, label="1m", step="month", stepmode="backward"), dict(count=3, label="3m", step="year", stepmode="backward"), dict(step="all") ]) ) )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Aug 6 16:30:55 2020 @author: pulki """ %matplotlib inline import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams['figure.figsize']=(20.0,10.0) data=pd.read_csv('E:/analytics/datasets/headbrain.csv') data.shape data.head() X=data['Head Size(cm^3)'].values Y=data['Brain Weight(grams)'].values ax=plt.scatter(X,Y) plt.line(X,Y) plt.title('Linear Regression') plt.xlabel("Head Size") plt.ylabel('Brain Weight')
def plot_powspec_binned_bokeh(data: Dict, lmax: Dict, title_string: str, truthfile=None, truth_label: str = None) -> None: """Plotting Args: data (Dict): powerspectra with spectrum and frequency-combinations in the columns plotsubtitle (str, optional): Add characters to the title. Defaults to 'default'. plotfilename (str, optional): Add characters to the filename. Defaults to 'default' """ # koi = next(iter(data.keys())) # specs = list(data[koi].keys()) bins = np.logspace(np.log10(1), np.log10(lmax + 1), 250) bl = bins[:-1] br = bins[1:] from bokeh.plotting import figure as bfigure plt = bfigure(title=title_string, y_axis_type="log", x_axis_type="log", x_range=(10, 4000), y_range=(1e-3, 1e6), background_fill_color="#fafafa") # plt.xlabel("Multipole l") # plt.ylabel("Powerspectrum") idx = 0 idx_max = 8 from bokeh.palettes import inferno for freqc, val in data.items(): col = inferno(idx_max) freqs = freqc.split("-") if freqs[0] == freqs[1]: binmean, binerr, _ = _std_dev_binned(data[freqc]) binerr_low = np.array([ binmean[n] * 0.01 if binerr[n] > binmean[n] else binerr[n] for n in range(len(binerr)) ]) plt.line( 0.5 * bl + 0.5 * br, np.nan_to_num(binmean), legend_label=freqc + " Channel", # yerr=(binerr_low, binerr), # # 0.5 * bl + 0.5 * br, # # binmean, # # yerr=binerr, # label=freqc, # capsize=2, # elinewidth=1, # fmt='x', # # ls='-', # ms=4, # alpha=(2*idx_max-idx)/(2*idx_max) color=col[idx], line_width=3, muted_alpha=0.2) plt.multi_line( #[(bm, bm) for bm in np.nan_to_num(binmean)] [(bx, bx) for bx in 0.5 * bl + 0.5 * br], [(bm - br, bm + br) for bm, br in zip(np.nan_to_num(binmean), np.nan_to_num(binerr))], legend_label=freqc + " Channel", # yerr=(binerr_low, binerr), # # 0.5 * bl + 0.5 * br, # # binmean, # # yerr=binerr, # label=freqc, # capsize=2, # elinewidth=1, # fmt='x', # # ls='-', # ms=4, # alpha=(2*idx_max-idx)/(2*idx_max) line_color=col[idx], line_width=2, muted_alpha=0.2) idx += 1 plt.xaxis.axis_label = "Multipole l" plt.yaxis.axis_label = "Powerspectrum" plt.line(np.arange(0, 4000, 1), truthfile, color='red', line_width=4, legend_label="Best Planck EE", muted_alpha=0.2) # label = truth_label, # ls='-', marker='.', # ms=0, # lw=3) plt.legend.location = "top_left" plt.legend.click_policy = "mute" return plt
sales = sales.set_index('date') print(sales.head(5)) y = sales['item_cnt_day'].resample('MS').sum() y = y.diff()'fivethirtyeight') y.plot(figsize=(15, 6))'ggplot') decomposition = sm.tsa.seasonal_decompose(y, model='additive') fig = decomposition.plot() plt.line() decomposition = sm.tsa.seasonal_decompose(y, model='multiplicative') fig = decomposition.plot() print( monthly_sales = sales.groupby(["date_block_num", "shop_id", "item_id"])["date", "item_price", "item_cnt_day"].agg({ "date": ["min", 'max'], "item_price": "mean", "item_cnt_day": "sum"
level='glyph', x_offset=-17.5, y_offset=0, source=source, text_font_size='14pt', render_mode='canvas') plt.add_layout(labels) # plot a = plt.vbar(x='kod', top='cases', width=0.8, source=source) a.glyph.fill_color = '#084594' r = {} r['in_pop'] = plt.line(x='kod', y='in_pop', color='red', source=source, y_range_name='procenty', legend_label='share in the population') r['increment'] ='kod', y='increment', size=20, color='green', source=source, y_range_name='procenty', legend_label='daily increment ') # legenda plt.legend.location = 'top_right' plt.legend.click_policy = 'hide' # tabela do layout'u
def cum_sum(Y): Y['cum_sum'] = Y['spot_counts'].cumsum() Y.reset_index(inplace=True) return Y # Z=group.apply(cum_sum) group = good_check.groupby([ 'market', 'station_name', 'daypart_name', 'invcode_name', 'air_week', 'air_year' ]) bad_check = Bad_Data[Bad_Data.invcode_name == 'Today Show 7-8a'] plt.line('') normal_pile = data[data['sport_olympic_flag'] == 'normal'] sport_pile = data[data['sport_olympic_flag'] == 'sports'] olympic_pile = data[data['sport_olympic_flag'] == 'olympic'] # Good Pile Fit_TS = normal_pile[(normal_pile['time_series_flag'] == 'fit')] Good_Data = Fit_TS[Fit_TS['spot_flag'] == 'good'] # Bad_Pile Unfit_TS = normal_pile[(normal_pile['time_series_flag'] == 'unfit')] Fit_Bad_Spot = Fit_TS[Fit_TS['spot_flag'] == 'bad'] Bad_Data = Unfit_TS.append(Fit_Bad_Spot)
import matplotlib.pyplot as pt #importing matplotlib pt is an alias of pyplot import pandas as pd #importing pandas , pd is an elias of pandas #If we want to read something from dataset or csv file we use read_csv() method. data = pd.read_csv("../../matplotlib/cgpa.csv") data = data.head(40) # head() method is used to select some elements of dataset #here i am plotting rollno vs cgpa so x-axis will be rollno and y-axis will be cgpa #color of scatter is blue and we also include label as scatter. #scatter() method is used to plot the scatter pt.line(data["rollno"], data["cgpa"], color="blue", label="scatter") pt.xlabel("RollNo", color="green") #xlabel() defines the label of x-axis pt.ylabel("CGPA", color="blue") #ylabel() defines the label of x-axis pt.title("CGPA vs Roll No", color="green") #title() is used to give title of this scatter plot