def wiki_code(): N = 51 # Create a sparse matrix in the "list of lists" format. # This provides a flexible syntax for creating sparse matrices. A = scpy.sparse.lil_matrix((N, N)) # Finite difference matrices will always have some # regular structure involving diagonals and off diagonals. # The lil_matrix object has a function to help you with this. A.setdiag(np.ones(N)) # The diagonal A.setdiag(-2*np.ones(N-1),k=1) # The fist upward off-diagonal. A.setdiag(2*np.ones(N-1), k=-1) # etc. observe that I leave it to you to insert correct values along the diagonals... # To fix the boundaries, you'll have to reset some rows. # The numpy indexing you expect to work will work. #A[0,:] = np.zeros(N) # zero out the first row #A[0,0] = 1.0 # set diagonal in that row to 1.0 # For performance, other sparse matrix formats are preferred. # Convert to "Compressed Row Format" CR A = A.tocsr() # Helpful for diagnostics print A.todense() # and plt.spy(A.todense())
def makespyplot( matrix, name, imgtype=None ): if not scipy.sparse.isspmatrix( matrix ): matrix = matrix.toscipy() with plot.PyPlot( name, ndigits=0, imgtype=imgtype ) as plt: plt.spy( matrix, markersize=0.8, color='black') plt.title( name+', nnz = '+str(matrix.nnz) )
def save_matrix_fig(matrix, path, filename): fig = plt.figure() plt.spy(matrix) #plt.title(filename) plt.savefig(path + filename + '.png', dpi=600) plt.close(fig) return
def plot_matrix_fig(matrix, filename): fig = plt.figure() plt.spy(matrix) plt.title(filename) #plt.savefig('/home/igorpesic/Desktop/filename.png', dpi=600) return
def plot(f, mesh=None, fig=None, **kwargs): """Plot functions/expression in 1D and spy matrices.""" # Decide if function or expression try: V = f.function_space # Not really Scattered x = V.mesh.vertex_coordinates # Scattered in the same way y = f.vertex_values() isort = np.argsort(x[:, 0]) x = x[isort] y = y[isort] # Expression or matrix except AttributeError: try: F = f.toarray() fig = plt.figure() plt.spy(F, precision=1e-10) return fig # Expression except AttributeError: # Evaluate at mesh vertices assert mesh is not None x = np.sort(mesh.vertex_coordinates) y = f.eval(x) if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca() ax.plot(x, y, **kwargs) return fig
def plotFeatMatr(toPlot,featureObjects,featureMat,saveDir,label,badIdx): nFeats = featureMat.shape[1] nnzPerFeature = toPlot.getnnz(0) # get the indices to sort this ish. # how many should we use?... # get the top N most common mostCommon = np.argsort(nnzPerFeature)[-nFeats//7:] # get their labels featLabels = [f.label() for f in featureObjects] # get a version imshow can handle matImage = toPlot.todense() # fix the aspect ratio aspectSkew = len(badIdx)/nFeats aspectStr = 1./aspectSkew # plot everything ax = plt.subplot(1,1,1) cax = plt.imshow(matImage,,aspect=aspectStr, interpolation="nearest") plt.spy(toPlot,marker='s',markersize=1.0,color='b', aspect=aspectStr,precision='present') cbar = plt.colorbar(cax, ticks=[0, 1], orientation='vertical') # horizontal colorbar['Min Feat', 'Max Feat'], fontsize=g_label) ax.set_xticks(range(nFeats)) ax.set_xticklabels(featLabels,rotation='vertical') plt.xlabel("Feature Number",fontsize=g_label) plt.ylabel("Individual",fontsize=g_label) return aspectStr
def sparsity(matrix, min_value=0): """ """ mat = matrix.matrix plt.spy(mat, precision=min_value, marker=',')
def test_tsqr(create_func): mat, data = create_func() n = mat.shape[1] q, r = csnmf.tsqr.qr(data) print q.shape q = np.array(q) r = np.array(r) print r.shape print np.linalg.norm(mat -, r)) assert np.allclose(mat,, r)) assert np.allclose(np.eye(n, n),, q)) assert np.all(r == np.triu(r)) plt.figure() plt.subplot(2, 4, 1) plt.imshow(mat, interpolation='nearest') plt.title('Original matrix') plt.subplot(2, 4, 2) plt.imshow(q, interpolation='nearest') plt.title('$\mathbf{Q}$') plt.subplot(2, 4, 3) plt.imshow(, q), interpolation='nearest') plt.title('$\mathbf{Q}^T \mathbf{Q}$') plt.subplot(2, 4, 4) plt.imshow(r, interpolation='nearest') plt.title('$\mathbf{R}$') plt.subplot(2, 4, 8) plt.spy(r) plt.title('Nonzeros in $\mathbf{R}$')
def check_ass_penaro(bcsd=None, bcssfuns=None, V=None, plot=False): mesh = V.mesh() bcone = bcsd[1] contshfunone = bcssfuns[1] Gammaone = bcone() bparts = dolfin.MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1) Gammaone.mark(bparts, 0) u = dolfin.TrialFunction(V) v = dolfin.TestFunction(V) # Robin boundary form arob = dolfin.inner(u, v) * dolfin.ds(0) brob = dolfin.inner(v, contshfunone) * dolfin.ds(0) amatrob = dolfin.assemble(arob, exterior_facet_domains=bparts) bmatrob = dolfin.assemble(brob, exterior_facet_domains=bparts) amatrob = dts.mat_dolfin2sparse(amatrob) amatrob.eliminate_zeros() print 'Number of nonzeros in amatrob:', amatrob.nnz bmatrob = bmatrob.array() # [ININDS] if plot: plt.figure(2) plt.spy(amatrob) if plot: plt.figure(1) for x in contshfunone.xs: plt.plot(x[0], x[1], 'bo')
def getError(self): if plotIt: plt.spy(self.getAve(self.M)) num = self.getAve(self.M) * self.getHere(self.M) err = np.linalg.norm((self.getThere(self.M)-num), np.inf) return err
def plotSpy(M, eps, myTitle): plt.figure() frame1 = plt.gca() frame1.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) frame1.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) # plt.title(myTitle+",eps="+str(eps)) plt.spy(M, precision=eps, marker=".", markersize=3) plt.savefig(myTitle + "eps" + str(eps) + ".eps")
def plot_sparse(mat, filename): plt.spy(mat, markersize=1) plt.tight_layout() #plt.rc('xtick',labelsize=16) #plt.rc('ytick',labelsize=16) plt.savefig.format = "pdf" plt.savefig(filename) plt.clf()
def plotMatrix(A): ''' Spy plot of matrix A. Arguments: A: (numpy.array, numpy.matrix, sparse.matrix) ''' plt.spy(A, markersize=5) return
def makeCouplingAtomPlot(n, tag): import parseXYZ from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D mmdir = "/Volumes/s/matrices/matrixmarket/" mmfile = mmdir + tag + "" xyzdir = "/Volumes/s/keceli/Dropbox/work/SEMO/xyz/" xyzfile = xyzdir + tag + ".xyz" mat = getAtomMatrix(mmfile) nnz = mat.nnz distW = np.array([0.0] * nnz) xyz = parseXYZ.getXYZ(xyzfile) matD = getDistMat(xyz, 5.6) makeNnzHist(mat, xyz) xyzW = np.asarray(xyz[1:4]) myrow = np.asarray(mat.row) mycol = np.asarray(mat.col) listofAtoms1 = myrow[mycol == n] listofAtoms2 = mycol[myrow == n] listofAtoms = np.unique(np.concatenate((listofAtoms1, listofAtoms2))) print "focused atom number and its coordinates:", n + 1, xyzW[:, n] print "number of atoms interacting with this atom:", len(listofAtoms) print "list of interacting atoms:", listofAtoms + 1 print "jmol command:", str(["C" + str(listofAtoms[i] + 1) for i in range(len(listofAtoms))]).replace( "[", "" ).replace("]", "").replace("'", "") print "coordinates of interacting atoms", xyzW[:, listofAtoms] fig = plt.figure() plt.spy(mat, markersize=1) fig = plt.figure() plt.spy(matD, markersize=1) fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(listofAtoms, linestyle="None", marker="s") fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") plt.plot(xyzW[0, :], xyzW[1, :], xyzW[2, :], linestyle="None", marker=".", color="black", markersize=2) plt.plot( xyzW[0, listofAtoms], xyzW[1, listofAtoms], xyzW[2, listofAtoms], linestyle="None", marker="o", color="red", markersize=3, ) plt.plot([xyzW[0, n]], [xyzW[1, n]], [xyzW[2, n]], linestyle="None", marker="s", color="blue", markersize=4) plt.grid(which="major", axis="all") plt.gca().set_aspect("equal", adjustable="box") # ax.auto_scale_xyz() # plt.axis('equal') ax.set_xlim([-5, 25]) ax.set_ylim([-5, 25]) ax.set_zlim([0, 45]) ax.set_xlabel("x") ax.set_ylabel("y") ax.set_zlabel("z") return
def plotSparsity(data, xmin=0, ymin=0, xmax=0, ymax=0): if xmax == 0: xmax = data.shape[0] if ymax == 0: ymax = data.shape[1] plt.spy(data[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax])
def main(): n = 9 arr = np.zeros((n,n)) arr[:,0:3] = 1 arr[n-1, :] = 1 arr[(4,7,1),(5,7,8)] = 1 plt.spy(arr) savefig('arr_plot.png')
def plotSpy(M, eps): plt.figure() frame1 = plt.gca() frame1.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) frame1.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) frame1.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) frame1.get_yaxis().set_ticklabels([]) plt.subplot(111) # plt.title(myTitle+",eps="+str(eps)) plt.spy(M, precision=eps, marker=".", markersize=1)
def plot_matrix(Mat,dir_name=None,title=None): """Plots and saves a dense matrix""" if dir_name is None: dir_name='./' if title is None: title = 'Matrix' plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.spy(np.abs(Mat)) plt.grid() plt.title(title) plt.savefig(dir_name+title+'.png')
def contact_to_distance(M): N = np.zeros(M.shape) N[M!=0] = 1/M[M!=0] s = sparse.csgraph.floyd_warshall(N) plt.figure() plt.spy(s, precision=0, markersize=0.00000000000005) plot_image = plt.imshow(s, vmin=0,vmax=np.percentile(s,99),interpolation='nearest') plot_image.set_cmap("jet") print s return s
def test_form_k(): from pygeoiga.nurb.cad import make_3_layer_patches geometry = make_3_layer_patches(refine=True) geometry, gDoF = patch_topology(geometry) geometry = bezier_extraction_mp(geometry) K_glob = np.zeros((gDoF, gDoF)) K_glob = form_k_bezier_mp(geometry, K_glob) plt.spy(K_glob)
def SpyDG(N=8, order=1): mesh1D = Mesh1D(N) fes = Discontinuous(H1(mesh1D, order=order)) #, dirichlet=) u, v = fes.TnT() a = BilinearForm(fes) a += SymbolicBFI(grad(u) * grad(v)) a.Assemble() rows, cols, vals = a.mat.COO() A = sp.csr_matrix((vals, (rows, cols))) plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7)) plt.spy(A)
def plotspy(title, xval, eventnumber): #xval is which matrix u want to plot print(title) plt.spy(xval, origin='lower', aspect=3.3, markersize=5, color='black') ax = plt.axes() ax.invert_yaxis() ax.xaxis.tick_bottom() ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 32, 5)) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 11, 2)) plt.xlabel("Strips") #y_test value plt.ylabel("Layer") #y_pred value plt.savefig('x_stripevent_without_incl_eff_{}.png'.format(eventnumber))
def PlotCSR(I, J, Vals, title): # print("In python module: {}".format(__file__)) # print("I: ", I) # print("J: ", J) # print("Vals: ", Vals) size = I.shape[0] - 1 csr = csr_matrix((Vals, J, I), shape=(size, size)) plt.figure() plt.spy(csr, precision=1E-10) plt.title(title) plt.savefig('./' + title + '.png')
def view_dataset(self, title, data, markersize=0.001): """plot data matrix Arguments: title {str} -- title of plot data {np.array} -- dataset to plot Keyword Arguments: markersize {float} -- size of datapoints (default: {0.001}) """ plt.spy(data, markersize=markersize) plt.title(title)
def PlotSparsity(self, solver): """ Call in with your T.Solver as argument. """ solver['H'].evaluate() H = solver['H'].output() solver['dg'].evaluate() dg = solver['dg'].output() plt.figure(1) plt.spy(np.concatenate([H,dg.T],axis=1))
def plot_Phis_sparsity(self, Phis, fig=0): Phis = [phis[0].data.cpu().numpy() for phis in Phis] plt.figure(fig) plt.clf() for i, phi in enumerate(Phis): plt.subplot(1, len(Phis), i + 1) # plot first element of the batch plt.spy(phi, precision=0.001, marker='o', markersize=2) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.title('k={}'.format(i)) path = os.path.join(self.path, 'Phis.png') plt.savefig(path)
def main(): """ Plot the sparsity pattern of arrays """ # set image size plt.figure(figsize=(2.56, 2.56)) x = numpy.random.randn(20, 20) x[5] = 0. x[:, 12] = 0. plt.spy(x, precision=0.1, markersize=5) plt.savefig(IMGPATH)
def trucquanthuathot(): import scipy.sparse as sparse import scipy.stats as stats import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt np.random.seed(42) # create sparse matrix with density 0.25 S = sparse.random(5, 5, density=0.25) A = S.toarray() plt.spy(S) S1 = sparse.random(5, 5, density=0.25, data_rvs=np.ones) A1=S1.toarray() plt.spy(S1)
def spy_inds(ind_iterable, img_dims): """ Plots the pixels in ind_iterable :param ind_iterable: :param img_dims: :return: """ mtrx = np.zeros(img_dims) for ind in ind_iterable: mtrx[ind[0], ind[1]] = 1 plt.spy(mtrx)
def Visualisation_Matrix(Model, Matrix_Docs_Terms, percentage): reorganisation_indice_rows = np.argsort(Model.row_labels_) reorganisation_indice_cols = np.argsort(Model.column_labels_) Matrix = Matrix_Docs_Terms[reorganisation_indice_rows, :] Matrix = Matrix[:, reorganisation_indice_cols] plt.spy(Matrix, markersize=0.5, color="red", aspect='auto') fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(6, 6) plt.title("Percentage des valeurs manquantes est {}".format(percentage))
def main(): g = Graph(5) g.addEdge(0, 1) g.addEdge(0, 2) g.addEdge(1, 2) g.addEdge(2, 0) g.addEdge(2, 3) for i in range(0, g.size): print(g.adjMatrix[i]) print() draw.spy(g.adjMatrix, markersize=50)
def build_user_rating_df(self): user_ids = [] frames = [] for user_id, d in self.user_id_dict.items(): user_ids.append(user_id) frames.append(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d, orient='index')) df = pd.concat(frames, keys=user_ids) df2 = df.unstack(level=-1) df3 = df2[0] #pd DF of the users (user id as index) with their associated ratings by route_id = 'user_id' self.df_users = df3 #convert to numpy array for possible visualization user_rating_mat = self.df_users.to_numpy().copy() user_rating_mat[np.isnan(user_rating_mat)] = 0.0 if self.verbatim: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(22, 22)) plt.spy(user_rating_mat, markersize=0.5) plt.xlabel('Route ID', fontsize=24) plt.ylabel('User ID', fontsize=24) plt.title('User-Rating Matrix', fontsize=24) plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 20 plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 20 fig.savefig('sparsity.png') # Use fig. here #get users who have rated at least n=15 routes ind_users_at_least20 = [] dim = user_rating_mat.shape for u in range(dim[0]): n = len(user_rating_mat[u, :].nonzero()[0]) if n >= 15: ind_users_at_least20.append(u) #print(df_users.index[ind_users_at_least20]) df_users_at_least20 = self.df_users.loc[ self.df_users.index[ind_users_at_least20]] df20 = df_users_at_least20.stack() df20 = df20.reset_index() df20.columns = ['user_id', 'route_id', 'rating'] #Pandas DF that has user_id, route_id, and rating; i.e., all the users and their ratings self.df20 = df20
def main(): rng = np.random.RandomState(42) # Generate some 2D coefficients with sine waves with random frequency and phase n_samples, n_features, n_tasks = 100, 30, 40 n_relevant_features = 5 coef = np.zeros((n_tasks, n_features)) times = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n_tasks) for k in range(n_relevant_features): coef[:, k] = np.sin((1. + rng.randn(1)) * times + 3 * rng.randn(1)) X = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) Y =, coef.T) + rng.randn(n_samples, n_tasks) coef_lasso_ = np.array([Lasso(alpha=0.5).fit(X, y).coef_ for y in Y.T]) coef_multi_task_lasso_ = MultiTaskLasso(alpha=1.).fit(X, Y).coef_ # ############################################################################# # Plot support and time series fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.spy(coef_lasso_) plt.xlabel('Feature') plt.ylabel('Time (or Task)') plt.text(10, 5, 'Lasso') plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.spy(coef_multi_task_lasso_) plt.xlabel('Feature') plt.ylabel('Time (or Task)') plt.text(10, 5, 'MultiTaskLasso') fig.suptitle('Coefficient non-zero location') feature_to_plot = 0 plt.figure() lw = 2 plt.plot(coef[:, feature_to_plot], color='seagreen', linewidth=lw, label='Ground truth') plt.plot(coef_lasso_[:, feature_to_plot], color='cornflowerblue', linewidth=lw, label='Lasso') plt.plot(coef_multi_task_lasso_[:, feature_to_plot], color='gold', linewidth=lw, label='MultiTaskLasso') plt.legend(loc='upper center') plt.axis('tight') plt.ylim([-1.1, 1.1])
def repetitionMatrix(_input, title="", kind=False, cmap="Reds"): _input = _input.lower() _input = re.sub("[\(\)\-,;:\"\.\?\!\_\[\]]", " ", _input) _input = re.sub("[\n']", " ", _input) x = word_tokenize(_input) y = x word_freq = dict() set_of_x = set(x) for word in set_of_x: val = x.count(word) word_freq.update({word: val}) all_words = [] for i in x: for j in y: if i == j: all_words.append(word_freq.get(i)) else: all_words.append(0) divider = int(len(all_words) / len(x)) arrays = [] for element in range(0, len(all_words), divider): arrays.append(np.array(all_words[element - divider:element])) colmap = cm.get_cmap(cmap) arrays = np.vstack(arrays[1:]) sparsematrix = sparse.csr_matrix(arrays) if kind == "sns": # Plot using seaborn sns.heatmap(arrays, cbar=False, square=True, xticklabels=50, yticklabels=50, cmap="binary").set_title(title) elif kind == "sparse": plt.spy(sparsematrix, markersize=3, cmap="binary") else: # plt.scatter(arrays[:,:], arrays[:,:], marker="s") plt.imshow(arrays, cmap="binary", interpolation="none") plt.title(title)
def contact_to_distance(M): N = np.zeros(M.shape) N[M != 0] = 1 / M[M != 0] s = sparse.csgraph.floyd_warshall(N) plt.figure() plt.spy(s, precision=0, markersize=0.00000000000005) plot_image = plt.imshow(s, vmin=0, vmax=np.percentile(s, 99), interpolation='nearest') plot_image.set_cmap("jet") print s return s
def grafmat(k): """Plot stiffness matrix sparsity Parameters ---------- k : ndarray (int) Stiffness matrix of the system. """ plt.figure("Stiffness matrix") plt.spy(k) plt.title("Stiffness matrix") plt.ylabel(r"$i$ index", size=10) plt.xlabel(r"$j$ index", size=10)
def plot_graph_steps(graphs): """ Plots successively the adjency matrix and the networkx spring representation. """ for g in graphs: if sp.sparse.issparse(g): g = g.todense() plt.subplot(121) plt.title('adjency matrix') plt.spy(g) plt.subplot(122) nx.draw(nx.from_numpy_array(g))
def distance_to_gram(M): print M.shape n, m = M.shape bary = np.sum(np.triu(M,1))/(n**2) d = np.sum(M**2,0)/n - bary G = np.array([[(d[i]+d[j]-M[i][j]**2)/2 for i in range(n)] for j in range(m)]) plt.figure() plt.spy(G, precision=0, markersize=0.000000000000005) plot_image = plt.imshow(G, vmin=0,vmax=np.abs(np.percentile(G,99)),interpolation='nearest') plot_image.set_cmap("jet") print G return G
def getError(self): if plotIt: plt.spy(self.getAve(self.M)) num = self.getAve(self.M) * self.getHere(self.M) err = np.linalg.norm((self.getThere(self.M) - num), np.inf) if plotIt: self.M.plotImage(self.getThere(self.M) - num) plt.tight_layout return err
def forw_function(n, s): id1 = np.linspace(1, n, n) w = np.zeros([n, n]) for j in range(n): w[:, j] = np.exp( pow(id1 - (j + 1), 2) * (2 * pow(np.pi, 2)) / (pow(s, 2))) diagonals = np.linspace(0, pow(n, 2) - n, n) t_w = np.transpose(w) diag = sp.diags(t_w.diagonal(0), diagonals.astype(int), (n, pow(n, 2))).toarray() b = np.full((n, pow(n, 2)), diag) plt.spy(b) return b
def getError(self): if plotIt: plt.spy(self.getAve(self.M)) num = self.getAve(self.M) * self.getHere(self.M) err = np.linalg.norm((self.getThere(self.M)-num), np.inf) if plotIt: self.M.plotImage(self.getThere(self.M)-num) plt.tight_layout return err
def test_dataloader(train_loader, plot=True, plot_features=True): """Summary Args: train_loader (TYPE): Description plot (bool, optional): Description """ t_start = time.time() batch_size = train_loader.batch_size if plot_features: fix, axs = plt.subplots(2, 4) for batch_idx, (data, target, feature_dict) in enumerate(train_loader): real_batch_size = data.shape[0] feature_vec = feature_dict['feature_vector'] city_names = feature_dict['city_names'] print(city_names) if batch_idx % 10 == 0: t_end = time.time() print('{} [{}/{} ({:.0f}%)]\t {:.0f}seconds \t{} - {} - {} - {}'. format(train_loader.dataset.split_type, batch_idx * len(data), len(train_loader.dataset), 100. * batch_idx / len(train_loader), t_end - t_start, data.shape, target.shape, feature_vec.shape, len(city_names))) t_start = time.time() if plot: try: plt.spy(data[0, 0, 0, :, :]) plt.title("Example Image") plt.pause(0.1) except IndexError: plt.spy(data[0, 0, :, :]) plt.title("Example Image") plt.pause(0.1) if plot_features: i = 0 j_start = batch_idx * batch_size j_end = j_start + real_batch_size for ax in axs: for a in ax: a.plot(np.arange(j_start, j_end), feature_vec[:, i]) i = i + 1 plt.pause(0.1) if batch_idx > 2: break
def results_show(mod_tot): for mod in mod_tot: n = int(sqrt(len(mod))) chessboard = np.zeros((n, n)) for i in range(len(mod)): if mod[i] is True: chessboard[int(i / n)][i % n] = 1 plt.spy(chessboard) for i in range(n + 1): for t in range(n * 25): plt.plot(i - 0.5, t / 25 - 0.5, '*', color='black') for i in range(n + 1): for t in range(n * 25): plt.plot(t / 25 - 0.5, i - 0.5, '*', color='black')
def extract_ridges(mat): shap = np.shape(mat) tmp = np.zeros(shap) print np.shape(tmp) for i in xrange(1,shap[0]-1): for j in xrange(1,shap[0]-1): if ((mat[i][j-1] < mat[i][j]) and (mat[i][j+1]<mat[i][j])): tmp[i][j] = 1 if ((mat[i-1][j] < mat[i][j]) and (mat[i+1][j]<mat[i][j])): tmp[i][j] = 1 tmp2 = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(tmp,2) plt.spy(tmp) plt.imshow(tmp2)
def makeTest(M): import rcm import sparse Mcsr = M.tocsr() plt.figure() plt.spy(Mcsr) p = rcm._reverse_cuthill_mckee(Mcsr.indices, Mcsr.indptr, M.shape[0]) Mrcm = sparse.sp_permute(Mcsr, p, p) print "Bandwidth before", sparse.sp_bandwidth(Mcsr) print "Bandwidth after", sparse.sp_bandwidth(Mrcm) plt.figure() plt.spy(Mrcm) return
def generate_edge_label_network_adjacency(self): assert self.edge_labels_list is not None and self.edge_labels_list n = len(self.edge_labels_list) G = np.zeros(shape=(n, n)) for i in range(n): for j in range(n): curr_edge_label_pair = tuple([self.edge_labels_list[i], self.edge_labels_list[j]]) if curr_edge_label_pair in self.child_i_vec_matrix_map: assert curr_edge_label_pair in self.child_j_vec_matrix_map G[i, j] = 1 G[j, i] = 1 self.G = G plt.spy(G) plt.savefig('./G.pdf', dpi=300, format='pdf') plt.close()
def sparse_matrix(wi, leng, den): """Creates a sparse matrix. It uses random number to place the values (non-null values). :param wi: the width of the matrix :type wi: integer :param leng: the length of the matrix :type leng: integer :param den: density of non-null number in the matrix :type den: float :return: The representation of a sparse matrix :rtype: matplotlib plot """ sp_mat = sparse.random(wi, leng, den) plt.spy(sp_mat, markersize=1, mfc='purple', marker='p', mec='red')
def spy_matrix(matrix, title): # Plot non-zero matrix entries zmin = np.min(matrix) zmax = np.max(matrix) plt.figure() plt.spy(matrix, precision=0.01) plt.xlabel("State j") plt.ylabel("State i") plt.title("%s" % title) plt.savefig("%s" % title) plt.close()
def spyClusters(adj,clusterId): nClusters = np.max(clusterId)+1 clusterSizes = np.histogram(clusterId, bins=nClusters)[0] # Plot permuted adjacency matrix sortId = np.argsort(clusterId) plt.figure() plt.spy(adj[sortId[:,np.newaxis],sortId]) # Plot lines showing boundaries between blocks cumulativeClusterSizes = np.cumsum(clusterSizes) for size in cumulativeClusterSizes[:-1]: plt.axhline(size, color='black', linewidth=1) plt.axvline(size, color='black', linewidth=1)
def test_inpoly(self): x = np.linspace(0., 100, 101) y = np.linspace(100, 0., 101) pgcoords = [(30, 0), (80, 50), (10, 80)] # individual inpoly function plt.spy(self.inpoly(x, y, pgcoords)) z = np.array([1, 0]) gr = self.Grid(x, y, z) # grid_method inpoly plt.spy(gr.inpoly(pgcoords)) return True
def main(): arrZeros = np.zeros((9, 9)) for i in range(0, len(arrZeros)): for j in range(0, 3): arrZeros[i][j] = 1 for i in range(0, len(arrZeros[0])): arrZeros[len(arrZeros) - 1][i] = 1 arrZeros[(4, 7, 1), ( 5, 7, 8 )] = 1 #Sets arrZeros[x's, y's] to the value of the RHS. x's and y's have been entered as tuples print(arrZeros) plt.spy(arrZeros)
def showContactMap(enm, *args, **kwargs): """Show Kirchhoff matrix using :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.spy`. .. plot:: :context: :include-source: p38_gnm = GNM('p38') p38_gnm.buildKirchhoff( p38_structure ) plt.figure(figsize=(4,4)) showContactMap( p38_gnm ) .. plot:: :context: :nofigs: plt.close('all')""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if not isinstance(enm, GNMBase): raise TypeError('model argument must be an ENM instance') kirchhoff = enm.getKirchhoff() if kirchhoff is None: LOGGER.warning('kirchhoff matrix is not set') return None show = plt.spy(kirchhoff, *args, **kwargs) plt.title('{0:s} contact map'.format(enm.getTitle())) plt.xlabel('Residue index') plt.ylabel('Residue index') return show
def synth_graph(M, N): nE = 2 * N nS = M * N iE = np.array([1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 7, 5, 3]) - 1 jE = np.array([2, 4, 6, 8, 7, 5, 3, 1]) - 1 vE = 2 * np.ones(8) Ap = sp.sparse.csc_matrix( (vE, (iE, jE)), shape=(nE, nE)).toarray() # Matrix in compressed column format Ap = Ap + Ap.transpose() Apr = [Ap] * nS # Repeat patrol states nS times # Make a block diagonal matrix A = la.block_diag(*Apr) iS = np.array([ 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15 ]) - 1 jS = np.array([ 2, 5, 1, 3, 6, 2, 4, 7, 3, 8, 1, 6, 9, 2, 5, 7, 10, 3, 6, 8, 11, 4, 7, 12, 5, 10, 13, 6, 9, 11, 14, 7, 10, 12, 15, 8, 11, 16, 9, 14, 13, 10, 15, 14, 11, 16, 15, 12, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15 ]) - 1 for idx in range(0, len(iS)): # rr = range(8*(iS[idx]-1), 8*(iS[idx])-1) # cc = range(8*(jS[idx]-1), 8*(jS[idx])-1) rr = range(8 * iS[idx], 8 * (iS[idx] + 1)) cc = range(8 * jS[idx], 8 * (jS[idx] + 1)) for jdx in range(0, 8): A[rr[jdx]][cc[jdx]] = 1 # Collision avoidance (CA)-- robot and system cannot occupy the same # gridcell col_avoid = np.array([[2, 1], [3, 2], [6, 3], [7, 4], [10, 5], [11, 6], [14, 7], [15, 8]]) - 1 # -1 for zero-indexing for idx in range(0, len(col_avoid)): ii = 8 * (col_avoid[idx][0]) + col_avoid[idx][ 1] # Zero-indexing and trying to get indexing right A[ii] = np.zeros(nS * nE) A[:, ii] = (np.zeros(nS * nE)).T plt.spy(A) G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A) return G, A
def plot_spectral(data, fout, args, title): '''Function to plot bipartite cluster''' print('Plotting') # Set figure size # plt.figure(figsize=args.psize) # Heatmap # sns.heatmap(data, xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[]) # Spy plot plt.spy(data, markersize = 0.05) # Annotations plt.title(title) plt.savefig( + fout + '.png') plt.clf(); # Clear all plots print('Plotting done')
def sample_er(): """ Test the generation and fitting of an Erdos Renyi model """ N = 100 a0 = 0.75 b0 = 0.75 model = ErdosRenyiNetwork(rho=None, x=(a0,b0)) plt.figure() for ex in np.arange(3): plt.subplot(1,3,ex+1) (A,f,theta) = sample_network(model,N) plt.spy(A) plt.title("ER (rho=%.3f)" % theta)
def sample_er(): """ Test the generation and fitting of an Erdos Renyi model """ N = 100 a0 = 0.75 b0 = 0.75 model = ErdosRenyiNetwork(rho=None, x=(a0, b0)) plt.figure() for ex in np.arange(3): plt.subplot(1, 3, ex + 1) (A, f, theta) = sample_network(model, N) plt.spy(A) plt.title("ER (rho=%.3f)" % theta)