def draw_line(self, ax: plt.Axes, start: Vector, end: Vector, properties: Properties, z: float): ax.add_line( Line2D( (start.x, end.x), (start.y, end.y), linewidth=self.lineweight(properties), linestyle=self.pattern(properties), color=properties.color, zorder=z, ))
def drawLine(ax: plt.Axes, x0: float, y0: float, x1: float, y1: float, color: float = None, linestyle: str = 'solid', alpha: float = None, linewidth: float = None, label: str = None, profile=None) -> None: """ Draw a line from ``(x0, y0)`` to ``(x1, y1)`` Args: ax: a plt.Axes to draw on x0: x coord of the start point y0: y coord of the start point x1: x coord of the end point y1: y coord of the end point color: the color of the line as a value 0-1 within the colormap space linestyle: 'solid', 'dashed' alpha: a float 0-1 label: if given, a label is plotted next to the line profile: the profile (created via makeProfile) to use. Leave None to use the default profile Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from emlib import matplotting >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> matplotting.drawLine(ax, 0, 0, 1, 1) >>> """ linewidth = _fallback(linewidth, profile, 'line_width') alpha = _fallback(alpha, profile, 'line_alpha') color = _fallback(color, profile, 'edgecolor') X, Y = np.array([[x0, x1], [y0, y1]]) assert linestyle in ('solid', 'dashed') line = mlines.Line2D(X, Y, lw=linewidth, alpha=alpha, color=_colormap(color), linestyle=linestyle) ax.add_line(line) if label is not None: drawLabel(ax, x=(x0 + x1) * 0.5, y=y0, text=label, profile=profile) if _get(profile, 'autoscale'): autoscaleAxis(ax)
def draw(self, ax: plt.Axes, show_range: bool = False): """Draw boid on provided matplotlib axes object. :param ax: axes on which the boid should be drawn. :param show_range: whether to also show "seeing" range of the boid. """ if show_range: arc = ptch.Arc( (self.x, self.y), width=2 * self.lu_distance, height=2 * self.lu_distance, angle=math.degrees(self.direction), theta1=math.degrees(2 * math.pi - self.lu_angle / 2), theta2=math.degrees(self.lu_angle / 2), color='black', linewidth=1, alpha=0.3, zorder=5) line_1 = plt.Line2D([ self.x + self.lu_distance * math.cos(self.lu_angle / 2 + self.direction), self.x ], [ self.y + self.lu_distance * math.sin(self.lu_angle / 2 + self.direction), self.y ], color='black', linewidth=1, alpha=0.3, zorder=5) line_2 = plt.Line2D([ self.x + self.lu_distance * math.cos(2 * math.pi - self.lu_angle / 2 + self.direction), self.x ], [ self.y + self.lu_distance * math.sin(2 * math.pi - self.lu_angle / 2 + self.direction), self.y ], color='black', linewidth=1, alpha=0.3, zorder=5) ax.add_line(line_1) ax.add_line(line_2) ax.add_patch(arc) ax.add_patch(self._arrow_representation())
def drawConnectedLines(ax: plt.Axes, pairs: List[Tuple[float, float]], connectEdges=False, color: Union[float, tuple] = None, alpha: float = None, linewidth: float = None, label: str = None, linestyle: str = None, profile: dict = None) -> None: """ Draw an open / closed poligon Args: ax: the plot axes pairs: a list of (x, y) pairs connectEdges: close the form, connecting start end end points color: the color to use. A float selects a color from the current color map alpha: alpha value of the lines linewidth: the line width label: an optional label to attach to the start of the lines linestyle: the line style, one of "solid", "dashed" profile: the profile used, or None for default """ linewidth = _fallback(linewidth, profile, 'line_width') alpha = _fallback(alpha, profile, 'line_alpha') color = _fallback(color, profile, 'edgecolor') linestyle = _fallback(linestyle, profile, 'line_style') if connectEdges: pairs = pairs + (pairs[0]) color = _getcolor(color) xs, ys = _unzip(pairs) line = mlines.Line2D(xs, ys, lw=linewidth, alpha=alpha, color=_getcolor(color), linestyle=linestyle) ax.add_line(line) if label is not None: avgx = sum(xs) / len(xs) avgy = sum(ys) / len(ys) drawLabel(ax, x=avgx, y=avgy, text=label, profile=profile) if _get(profile, 'autoscale'): autoscaleAxis(ax)
def draw_line(self, ax: plt.Axes, start: Vector, end: Vector, properties: Properties, z: int): pattern = self.pattern(properties) lineweight = self.lineweight(properties) color = properties.color if len(pattern) < 2: ax.add_line( Line2D( (start.x, end.x), (start.y, end.y), linewidth=lineweight, color=color, zorder=z, )) else: renderer = EzdxfLineTypeRenderer(pattern) lines = LineCollection( [((s.x, s.y), (e.x, e.y)) for s, e in renderer.line_segment(start, end)], linewidths=lineweight, color=color, zorder=z) lines.set_capstyle('butt') ax.add_collection(lines)
def __plot_query_state(self, fig: plt.Figure, ax: plt.Axes, u: FiniteMetricVertex, v: FiniteMetricVertex, w: FiniteMetricVertex, i: int, final: bool = False) -> None: """ Plot a single frame/plot that depicts the current state of the ADO query. Clears and overwrites any previous contents of the plot. :param fig: A Matplotlib figure object representing the figure being modified/displayed. :param ax: A Matplotlib Axes object representing the subplot being modified/displayed. :param u: The current value of u in the ADO query algorithm. :param v: The current value of v in the ADO query algorithm. :param w: The current value of w in the ADO query algorithm. :param i: The iteration of the ADO query algorithm. :param final: Whether or not this is the final query state/final iteration of the algorithm. """ ax.cla() # Plot all the points in the graph ax.scatter([v.i for v in self.vertices], [v.j for v in self.vertices], s=4, color="black", marker=".", label="Points") # Plot u, v, w with special symbols/colors ax.scatter([u.i], [u.j], s=12, color="red", marker="*", label="u") ax.annotate("u", (u.i, u.j), color="red") ax.scatter([v.i], [v.j], s=12, color="green", marker="*", label="v") ax.annotate("v", (v.i, v.j), color="green") ax.scatter([w.i], [w.j], s=5, color="orange", marker="p", label="w") ax.annotate("w", (w.i, w.j), color="orange", xytext=(-15, -10), textcoords="offset pixels") # For the current u, mark and label its p_i(u)s p_i_u = [self.p[u][i] for i in range(self.k)] ax.scatter([v[0].i for v in p_i_u], [v[0].j for v in p_i_u], s=4, color="violet", marker="o", label="p_i(u)") for j in range(1, self.k): ax.annotate("p_{}(u)".format(j), (p_i_u[j][0].i, p_i_u[j][0].j), xytext=(5, 5), textcoords="offset pixels", color="violet") # For the current v, highlight its batch B(v) in a different color B_v = [w for w in self.B[v]] ax.scatter([w.i for w in B_v], [w.j for w in B_v], s=4, color="lime", marker="*", label="B(v)") # Draw line from u to current w ax.add_line(Line2D([u.i, w.i], [u.j, w.j], color="pink")) # For the final plot, draw a line from w to current v as well if final: ax.add_line(Line2D([w.i, v.i], [w.j, v.j], color="palegreen")) title = "Iteration {} (final)".format(i) \ if final else "Iteration {}".format(i) ax.set_title(title) ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1.0), loc='upper left') plt.tight_layout()