def render_bounding_box(comma_delimited_rect: str, plot: plt):
    """ Helper method to render bounding box around the detected word """
    box_coordinates = comma_delimited_rect.strip().split(',')
    x = int(box_coordinates[0].strip())
    y = int(box_coordinates[1].strip())
    width = int(box_coordinates[2].strip())
    height = int(box_coordinates[3].strip())
    bottom_left = [x, y]
    bottom_right = [x + width, y]
    top_left = [x, y + height]
    top_right = [x + width, y + height]
    points = [bottom_left, top_left, top_right, bottom_right, bottom_left]
    polygon = plt.Polygon(points,
                          edgecolor='xkcd:rusty red',
def render_word(comma_delimited_rect: str, word: str, plot: plt):
    """ Helper method to render the word above the bounding box """
    coordinates_array = comma_delimited_rect.strip().split(',')
    x = int(coordinates_array[0].strip())
    y = int(coordinates_array[1].strip())
    plot.gca().text(x, y - 10, word, fontsize=8, color='xkcd:rusty red')