def __init__(self, host=None, port=None): """Initialize a MaverickPlayer If host or port specified and not None, use them instead of defaults NOTE: MaverickPlayer.startPlaying must be run to set playerID, gameID, and isWhite before the player can make moves""" MaverickClient.__init__(self, host=host, port=port) # These variables must be overridden self.playerID = None # ID for player's system registration self.gameID = None # ID for game that the player is in self.isWhite = None # Is the player white?
def _request_isMyTurn(self): """Requests the player's turn status from the Maverick server @return: True if it is my turn, False otherwise""" return MaverickClient._request_isMyTurn(self, self.gameID, self.playerID)
def _request_getState(self): """Retrieves the current game state from the server @return: A dictionary of the following form: {"youAreColor": ChessBoard.WHITE or ChessBoard.BLACK, "isWhitesTurn": True or False, "board": a ChessBoard object representing the current board, "history": list of plies}""" return MaverickClient._request_getState(self, self.playerID, self.gameID)
def _request_getStatus(self): """Requests the status of this game from the Maverick server @return: one of ChessMatch.STATUS_PENDING, ChessMatch.STATUS_ONGOING, ChessMatch.STATUS_BLACK_WON, ChessMatch.STATUS_WHITE_WON, ChessMatch.STATUS_DRAWN, ChessMatch.STATUS_CANCELLED,""" return MaverickClient._request_getStatus(self, self.gameID)
def _request_makePly(self, fromPosn, toPosn): """Sends a makePly request to the server for the given ply""" MaverickClient._request_makePly(self, self.playerID, self.gameID, fromPosn, toPosn)