	#Find average running time of ten input arrays of size n
	for i in range(10):

		# Zero out sums and averages
		alg1time = alg2time = alg3time = alg4time = 0
		results = [0,0,0]

		#Generate array with n random entries
		myArray = []

		# timeit clocking function time for Algorithm 1
		# To save time, only run timings on Algorithm 1 up to n=1000
		if n<1001:
			t=Timer(lambda: maxsub.maxSubarray1(myArray,results))
			alg1time = t.timeit(number=1)

		# timeit clocking function time for Algorithm 2
		# To save time, only run timings on Algorithm 2 up to n=50000
		if n < 50001:
			t=Timer(lambda: maxsub.maxSubarray2(myArray,results))
			alg2time = t.timeit(number=1)

		# timeit clocking function time for Algorithm 3
		start = 0
		end = len(myArray) -1
		t = Timer(lambda: maxsub.maxSubarray3(myArray, start, end))
		alg3time = t.timeit(number=1)

		# timeit clocking function time for Algorithm 4
in_file = open('MSS_Problems.txt', 'r')
out_file = open('MSS_Results.txt', 'w')
#infinite looping ...
out_file.write("Algorithm 1\n")
while (1):
	# read a line from file
	line = in_file.readline()
	# if EOF or if line doesn't contain an array (second condition necessary on MSS_Problems.txt), break
	if (not line) or (len(line) < 2):
	# line is assigned an array created from the integers in line, removing brackets, whitespace, and delimiting commas
	line = [int(i) for i in line.replace("[","").replace(" ","").replace("]","").split(",")]

	print "Algorithm 1"
	# timeit clocking function time
	t = Timer(lambda: maxsub.maxSubarray1(line, results))
	# if we remove this print statement we will need to make sure we still run t.timeit for clocking and to get result
	print "Running time: " + str(t.timeit(number=1))
	# write result as string to file
	for i in range(results[0],results[1]):
		out_file.write(str(line[i]) + ', ')
	out_file.write(str(line[results[1]]) + ']')

# rewind to beginning of file and do it again with algorithm 2...
out_file.write("Algorithm 2\n")
while (1):