	def addToRigidSet( *args, **kw ):
		rbSets = _findRigidSetsFromSelection(excludeTransforms=True)

		if len(rbSets)>1:
			OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayError(maya.stringTable['y_RigidBody.kAmbiguousAddToSet' ])

		if len(rbSets)==0:
			OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayError(maya.stringTable['y_RigidBody.kNoRigidSetToAddSelected' ])

		addObjects = kw['members'] if kw.has_key('members') else maya.cmds.ls(sl=True, type='transform')
		hideShape = kw['hideShape'] if kw.has_key('hideShape') else True

		# filter out objects with rigid body shapes
		filteredAddObjects = []
		bulletObjects = []

		for object in addObjects:
			if BulletUtils.getRigidBodyFromTransform(object):
				OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayInfo(maya.stringTable['y_RigidBody.kAlreadyRigidBody' ].format(object))
		# ensure exclusive
		if len(filteredAddObjects):
			CreateRigidSet.removeFromRigidSet(members=filteredAddObjects, excludeSets=rbSets)

		# remove bullet rigid shape from objects
		if len(bulletObjects):
			filteredAddObjects.extend( bulletObjects )

		if len(filteredAddObjects):
			maya.cmds.sets( filteredAddObjects, e=True, addElement=rbSets[0] )
			if hideShape:
				BulletUtils.setAsIntermediateObjects( filteredAddObjects, 1, deferred=True )
	def doCommand(name='bulletRigidBodyShape#',
				transformName = None,
				bAttachSelected = True,
				ignoreShape = False,
				hideShape = False,
				# Attrs
				colliderShapeType = None,
				axis = None,
				length = None,
				radius = None,
				extents = None,
				bodyType = None,
				initiallySleeping = None,
				neverSleeps = None,
				mass = None,
				linearDamping = None,
				angularDamping = None,
				friction = None,
				restitution = None,
				initialVelocity = None,
				initialAngularVelocity = None,
				impulse = None,
				torqueImpulse = None,
				centerOfMass = None,
				autoFit = None,
				colliderShapeOffset = None,
				colliderShapeMargin = None,
				**kwargs ):
		'''Create a bulletRigidBody 
		# Explicitly list the names of settable attributes iterated over below

		# Check for selection being a rigid body already
		if ( bAttachSelected ):
			selectedObjs = _getSelectedTransforms()
			selectedObj = selectedObjs[0] if len(selectedObjs) else None

			# don't attach a rigid body underneath another one during
			# creation, it's more likely that the user is invoking
			# this command multiple times, and the selection is
			# leftover from a previous invocation. 
			if ( BulletUtils.getRigidBodyFromTransform(selectedObj) is not None ):
				selectedObj = None
				transformName = selectedObj
			selectedObj = None

		if not transformName:

		# Create from scratch
		rbShape = maya.cmds.createNode( "bulletRigidBodyShape", name=name, parent=transformName )
		rbXform = _firstParent(rbShape)

		if not rbXform:
			OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayError(maya.stringTable[ 'y_RigidBody.kErrorRigidBodyNotCreated' ])
			return [ None, None ]

		# Performance: if we're attaching to an object 
		# make rbShape an visibility so it doesn't draw by default.
		# NOTE: since the rigid body is not a MPxShape it doesn't
		# support an intermediateObject attribute.
		if transformName and hideShape:
			_setAttr(rbShape, 'visibility', 0)

		# Create Solver (proto)
		solver = BulletUtils.getSolver()

		# Set Attrs (optional, set if value != None)
		# Use the settableAttrs list above to qualify kwargs passed into the function
		for k,v in locals().iteritems():
			if k in CreateRigidBody.settableAttrs and v != None:
				_setAttr( rbShape, k, v )

		# Additional Actions

		# ******* TODO: Need to enable local transform instead of just worldSpace.  Pass in parentMatrix to rigidbody

		# Store t and r (used below)
		origTranslate = _getAttr(rbXform, 'translate')[0]
		origRotate = _getAttr(rbXform,'rotate')[0]

		# Connect
		_connectAttr( _attr(rbXform,'worldMatrix'), _attr(rbShape,'inWorldMatrix') )
		_connectAttr( _attr(rbXform,'parentInverseMatrix'), _attr(rbShape,'inParentInverseMatrix') )

		_connectAttr( _attr(solver,'outSolverInitialized'), _attr(rbShape,'solverInitialized') )
		_connectAttr( _attr(solver,'outSolverUpdated'), _attr(rbShape,'solverUpdated') )
		_connectAttr( _attr(rbShape,'outRigidBodyData'), _attr(solver,'rigidBodies'), nextAvailable=True )
		# REVISIT: Consider alternatives like a single initSystem bool
		#		  attr instead of startTime and currentTime. 
		#		  Might be able to get around needing it at all
		_connectAttr( _attr(solver,'startTime'), _attr(rbShape,'startTime') )
		_connectAttr( _attr(solver,'currentTime'), _attr(rbShape,'currentTime') )
		_setAttr(rbShape, 'initialTranslate', origTranslate)
		deg2Rad = 3.14159 / 180
		_setAttr(rbShape, 'initialRotateX', origRotate[0] * deg2Rad)
		_setAttr(rbShape, 'initialRotateY', origRotate[1] * deg2Rad)
		_setAttr(rbShape, 'initialRotateZ', origRotate[2] * deg2Rad)
		pairBlend = maya.cmds.createNode( "pairBlend", name= "translateRotate")
		_setAttr(pairBlend, 'inTranslate1', origTranslate)
		_setAttr(pairBlend, 'inRotate1', origRotate)
		_connectAttr( _attr(rbShape, 'outSolvedTranslate'), _attr(pairBlend, 'inTranslate2') )
		_connectAttr( _attr(rbShape, 'outSolvedRotate'), _attr(pairBlend, 'inRotate2') )
		_connectAttr(_attr(pairBlend, 'outTranslateX'), _attr(rbXform, 'translateX'), force=True) 
		_connectAttr(_attr(pairBlend, 'outTranslateY'), _attr(rbXform, 'translateY'), force=True) 
		_connectAttr(_attr(pairBlend, 'outTranslateZ'), _attr(rbXform, 'translateZ'), force=True) 
		_connectAttr(_attr(pairBlend, 'outRotateX'),	_attr(rbXform, 'rotateX'),	force=True) 
		_connectAttr(_attr(pairBlend, 'outRotateY'),	_attr(rbXform, 'rotateY'),	force=True) 
		_connectAttr(_attr(pairBlend, 'outRotateZ'),	_attr(rbXform, 'rotateZ'),	force=True) 
		_connectAttr(_attr(rbXform, 'isDrivenBySimulation'), _attr(pairBlend,'weight'), force=True)

		_connectAttr(_attr(rbXform, 'rotatePivot'), _attr(rbShape,'pivotTranslate') )

		# ****** TODO: Remove the unused pairBlend weight attrs

		# Select the rigidBody transform and return the resulting values
		maya.cmds.select( rbXform, replace=True )

		return [ rbXform, rbShape ]
	def command(*args, **kwargs ):
		ret = []

		transformNames = []
		if (kwargs.has_key('bAttachSelected') and not kwargs['bAttachSelected']):
			if kwargs.has_key('transformName'):
				transformNames = [kwargs['transformName']]
			# Make sure the list doesn't contain any bullet objects.
			transformNames = _getSelectedTransforms()

		if (kwargs.has_key('ignoreShape') and kwargs['ignoreShape']):
			shapes = []
			shapes = _getSelectedShapes(transformNames)

		# remove transforms already processed as shapes
		if shapes and transformNames and len(transformNames):
			filteredTransformNames = []

			for transformName in transformNames:
				ts = _getSelectedShapes(transformName)
				ts = ts if ts else []
				if len(ts)==0 or len(set(ts).intersection(shapes))==0:
			transformNames = filteredTransformNames

		# if no shapes and no transforms create bullet object without node
		if (not transformNames or len(transformNames)==0) and (not shapes or len(shapes) == 0):
			transformNames = [None] 

		if shapes and len(shapes):
			kwargs['shapes'] = shapes
			rbShapes = CreateRigidBody.command_shape(**kwargs)
			ret += rbShapes if rbShapes else []

		if len(transformNames):
			# Create rigid bodies without an associated shape

			# Verify collision shape type is valid.
			if (kwargs.has_key('colliderShapeType')):
				shapeType = kwargs['colliderShapeType']
				if (shapeType == eShapeType.kColliderHull) or (shapeType == eShapeType.kColliderMesh):
					kwargs['colliderShapeType'] = eShapeType.kColliderBox

			for transformName in transformNames:
				# Make sure the transformName doesn't contain any bullet objects.
				if transformName and BulletUtils.getRigidBodyFromTransform(transformName):
					OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayWarning(maya.stringTable['y_RigidBody.kAlreadyBulletObject2' ].format(transformName) )

				kwargs['transformName'] = transformName

				rbShapes = CreateRigidBody.doCommand(*args, **kwargs)
				ret += rbShapes
				rbShape = _longName(rbShapes[1])

				if transformName and kwargs.has_key('autoFit') and kwargs['autoFit']:
					(radius, length, ex, ey, ez, cx, cy, cz) = refitCollisionShape(rbShape, transform=transformName)
					kwargs['radius'] = radius
					kwargs['length'] = length
					kwargs['extents'] = [ex, ey, ez]
					kwargs['centerOfMass'] = [cx, cy, cz] 

		if len(ret):
			maya.cmds.select(ret, r=True)

		# If command echoing is off, echo this short line.
		if (not maya.cmds.commandEcho(query=True, state=True)):
			print "// Result: %s //" % string.join(ret, " ")

		return ret