    def view_data(data):
        """Example showing how to view a 3D numpy array in mayavi2.
        def set_labelE(ind):
            return '{0:.0f} eV'.format(source.energies[ind])

        def move_view(obj, evt):
            labelE.text = set_labelE(ipwX.ipw.slice_index)
            pos = labelE.position
            labelE.position = ipwX.ipw.slice_index * src.spacing[0] + 1,\
                pos[1], pos[2]

        def set_lut(ipw):
            lutM = ipw.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager
            #                lutM.show_scalar_bar = True
            #                lutM.number_of_labels = 9
            lutM.lut.scale = 'log10'
            lutM.lut.range = [dataMax * vmin, dataMax]
            lutM.lut_mode = 'hot'

        def anim(data, ipwX):
            scene.scene.off_screen_rendering = True
            scene.scene.anti_aliasing_frames = 0
            for i in range(0, data.shape[0], 1):
                ipwX.ipw.slice_index = i
                move_view(None, None)
                if saveName is not None:
                    scene.scene.save('{0}{1:04d}.png'.format(saveName, i))

        # 'mayavi' is always defined on the interpreter.
        scene = mayavi.new_scene()  # analysis:ignore
        scene.scene.background = (0, 0, 0)

        src = ArraySource(transpose_input_array=True)
        sh = data.shape
        #        print(sh)
        if 'xrt' in source.prefix_save_name() or\
                'srw' in source.prefix_save_name():
            src.scalar_data = data[:, :sh[1] // 2 + 1, :sh[2] // 2 + 1].copy()
            src.scalar_data = data[:, ::-1, ::-1].copy()

#        src.spacing = np.array([-0.05, 1, 1])
#        src.spacing = np.array([-0.25, 1, 1])
        src.spacing = np.array([-0.25, 0.25, 0.25])
        mayavi.add_source(src)  # analysis:ignore
        # Visualize the data.
        #            o = Outline()
        #            mayavi.add_module(o)

        ipwY = ImagePlaneWidget()
        mayavi.add_module(ipwY)  # analysis:ignore
        ipwY.ipw.plane_orientation = 'y_axes'  # our x-axis
        ipwY.ipw.slice_index = int(data.shape[1] - 1)
        #        if 'xrt' in source.prefix_save_name():
        #            ipwY.ipw.slice_index /= int(2)
        ipwY.ipw.left_button_action = 0

        if isZplane:
            ipwZ = ImagePlaneWidget()
            mayavi.add_module(ipwZ)  # analysis:ignore
            ipwZ.ipw.plane_orientation = 'z_axes'  # our z-axis
            ipwZ.ipw.slice_index = int(data.shape[2] - 1)
            #            if 'xrt' in source.prefix_save_name():
            #                ipwZ.ipw.slice_index /= int(2)
            ipwZ.ipw.left_button_action = 0

        if 'xrt' in source.prefix_save_name() or\
                'srw' in source.prefix_save_name():
            data = np.concatenate((data[:, :0:-1, :], data), axis=1)
            data = np.concatenate((data[:, :, :0:-1], data), axis=2)
        sh = data.shape
        src = ArraySource(transpose_input_array=True)
        src.scalar_data = data.copy()
        #        src.spacing = np.array([-0.05, 1, 1])
        #        src.spacing = np.array([-0.25, 1, 1])
        src.spacing = np.array([-0.25, 0.25, 0.25])
        mayavi.add_source(src)  # analysis:ignore

        ipwX = ImagePlaneWidget()
        mayavi.add_module(ipwX)  # analysis:ignore
        ipwX.ipw.plane_orientation = 'x_axes'  # energy
        ipwX.ipw.add_observer('WindowLevelEvent', move_view)
        ipwX.ipw.add_observer('StartInteractionEvent', move_view)
        ipwX.ipw.add_observer('EndInteractionEvent', move_view)

        labelE = Text3D()
        mayavi.add_module(labelE)  # analysis:ignore
        labelE.position = (1, data.shape[1] * 0.73 * src.spacing[1],
                           data.shape[2] * 0.85 * src.spacing[2])
        labelE.orientation = 90, 0, 90
        labelE.text = 'Energy'
        labelE.scale = 3, 3, 1
        labelE.actor.property.color = 0, 1, 1
        labelE.orient_to_camera = False
        labelE.text = set_labelE(0)

        view(45, 70, 200)
        wantToAnimate = True
        if wantToAnimate:
            anim(data, ipwX)
            ipwX.ipw.slice_index = data.shape[0] - 1
            move_view(None, None)
文件: test_sources.py 项目: kklmn/xrt
    def view_data(data):
        """Example showing how to view a 3D numpy array in mayavi2.
        def set_labelE(ind):
            return '{0:.0f} eV'.format(source.energies[ind])

        def move_view(obj, evt):
            labelE.text = set_labelE(ipwX.ipw.slice_index)
            pos = labelE.position
            labelE.position = ipwX.ipw.slice_index * src.spacing[0] + 1,\
                pos[1], pos[2]

        def set_lut(ipw):
            lutM = ipw.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager
#                lutM.show_scalar_bar = True
#                lutM.number_of_labels = 9
            lutM.lut.scale = 'log10'
            lutM.lut.range = [dataMax*vmin, dataMax]
            lutM.lut_mode = 'hot'

        def anim(data, ipwX):
            scene.scene.off_screen_rendering = True
            scene.scene.anti_aliasing_frames = 0
            for i in range(0, data.shape[0], 1):
                ipwX.ipw.slice_index = i
                move_view(None, None)
                if saveName is not None:
                    scene.scene.save('{0}{1:04d}.png'.format(saveName, i))

        # 'mayavi' is always defined on the interpreter.
        scene = mayavi.new_scene()  # analysis:ignore
        scene.scene.background = (0, 0, 0)

        src = ArraySource(transpose_input_array=True)
        sh = data.shape
#        print(sh)
        if 'xrt' in source.prefix_save_name() or\
                'srw' in source.prefix_save_name():
            src.scalar_data = data[:, :sh[1]//2+1, :sh[2]//2+1].copy()
            src.scalar_data = data[:, ::-1, ::-1].copy()
#        src.spacing = np.array([-0.05, 1, 1])
#        src.spacing = np.array([-0.25, 1, 1])
        src.spacing = np.array([-0.25, 0.25, 0.25])
        mayavi.add_source(src)  # analysis:ignore
        # Visualize the data.
#            o = Outline()
#            mayavi.add_module(o)

        ipwY = ImagePlaneWidget()
        mayavi.add_module(ipwY)  # analysis:ignore
        ipwY.ipw.plane_orientation = 'y_axes'  # our x-axis
        ipwY.ipw.slice_index = int(data.shape[1] - 1)
#        if 'xrt' in source.prefix_save_name():
#            ipwY.ipw.slice_index /= int(2)
        ipwY.ipw.left_button_action = 0

        if isZplane:
            ipwZ = ImagePlaneWidget()
            mayavi.add_module(ipwZ)  # analysis:ignore
            ipwZ.ipw.plane_orientation = 'z_axes'  # our z-axis
            ipwZ.ipw.slice_index = int(data.shape[2] - 1)
#            if 'xrt' in source.prefix_save_name():
#                ipwZ.ipw.slice_index /= int(2)
            ipwZ.ipw.left_button_action = 0

        if 'xrt' in source.prefix_save_name() or\
                'srw' in source.prefix_save_name():
            data = np.concatenate((data[:, :0:-1, :], data), axis=1)
            data = np.concatenate((data[:, :, :0:-1], data), axis=2)
        sh = data.shape
        src = ArraySource(transpose_input_array=True)
        src.scalar_data = data.copy()
#        src.spacing = np.array([-0.05, 1, 1])
#        src.spacing = np.array([-0.25, 1, 1])
        src.spacing = np.array([-0.25, 0.25, 0.25])
        mayavi.add_source(src)  # analysis:ignore

        ipwX = ImagePlaneWidget()
        mayavi.add_module(ipwX)  # analysis:ignore
        ipwX.ipw.plane_orientation = 'x_axes'  # energy
        ipwX.ipw.add_observer('WindowLevelEvent', move_view)
        ipwX.ipw.add_observer('StartInteractionEvent', move_view)
        ipwX.ipw.add_observer('EndInteractionEvent', move_view)

        labelE = Text3D()
        mayavi.add_module(labelE)  # analysis:ignore
        labelE.position = (1, data.shape[1]*0.73*src.spacing[1],
        labelE.orientation = 90, 0, 90
        labelE.text = 'Energy'
        labelE.scale = 3, 3, 1
        labelE.actor.property.color = 0, 1, 1
        labelE.orient_to_camera = False
        labelE.text = set_labelE(0)

        view(45, 70, 200)
        wantToAnimate = True
        if wantToAnimate:
            anim(data, ipwX)
            ipwX.ipw.slice_index = data.shape[0]-1
            move_view(None, None)