def test_neighbours_origin(self): maze = Maze() length = randint(1, 10) maze.set_board([[Cell(i, j, False) for i in range(length)] for j in range(length)]) neighbours_to_origin = maze.get_cell_neighbours(0, 0) self.assertEqual(2, len(neighbours_to_origin))
def test_neighbours_center(self): maze = Maze() length = randint(1, 10) maze.set_board([[Cell(i, j, False) for i in range(length)] for j in range(length)]) neighbours_to_center = maze.get_cell_neighbours(1, 1) self.assertEqual(4, len(neighbours_to_center))
def test_get_status_GENERATING(self): maze = Maze() length = randint(1, 10) maze.set_board([[Cell(i, j, False) for i in range(length)] for j in range(length)]) maze.set_track({maze.get_cell(0, 0): []}) maze.set_cell_value(0, 0, True) self.assertEqual(MazeStatus.GENERATING, maze.get_status())
def main(): print("URL:{}".format(url)) with grpc.insecure_channel(url) as channel: stub = maze_pb2_grpc.MazeStub(channel) response = stub.Gen(maze_pb2.GenRequest(w=97, h=45)) print(response.field) m = Maze(response.field) m.renderMaze('maze.svg')
def create_maze(self): allPoints = [(x, y) for x in range(self.size) for y in range(self.size)] sampled = random.sample(allPoints, self.num_of_obstacles + 2) start = sampled[0] destination = sampled[1] obstacles = sampled[2:] self.maze = Maze(size=self.size, start=start, destination=destination, obstacles=obstacles)
def test_get_status_READY(self): maze = Maze() length = randint(1, 10) maze.set_board([[Cell(i, j, True) for i in range(length)] for j in range(length)]) maze.set_track({maze.get_cell(0, 0): []}) self.assertEqual(MazeStatus.READY, maze.get_status())
def test_break_wall(self): maze = Maze(width=2, height=1) self.assertSetEqual(maze.paths(0, 0), set()) self.assertSetEqual(maze.paths(1, 0), set()) maze.break_wall(0, 0, Compass.EAST) self.assertSetEqual(maze.paths(0, 0), {Compass.EAST}) print(maze.paths(1, 0)) self.assertSetEqual(maze.paths(1, 0), {Compass.WEST})
def main(WIDTH, HEIGHT, SEARCHERS, RESCUERS, targets=5): manager = mp.Manager() searchm = manager.list() rescuem = manager.list() mazem = manager.list() comq = mp.Queue() m = Maze(WIDTH, HEIGHT, targets) print (type(mazem), type(m.maze)) mazem[:] = m.maze m.maze = mazem display = GNUI(WIDTH, HEIGHT, "Map") display2 = GNUI(WIDTH, HEIGHT, "Maze") display.update(m.getMaze(), []) db = DatabaseAgent("[email protected]", "secret") db.width = WIDTH db.height = HEIGHT time.sleep(1) db.start() time.sleep(1) searchers = mp.Process(target=searchmanager, args=(SEARCHERS, searchm, comq, m)) rescuers = mp.Process(target=rescuemanager, args=(RESCUERS, rescuem, comq, m)) pf = mp.Process(target=pathmanager, args=(comq,)) mothership = mp.Process(target=mothermanager, args=(comq,)) pf.start() mothership.start() searchers.start() rescuers.start() try: for i in range(100000): display.update(, list(searchm), list(rescuem)) display2.update(m.getMaze(), list(searchm), list(rescuem)) time.sleep(0.1) if isReady(, rescuem): print ("FINISHED!") break except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception, ex: print traceback.format_exc()
def generate(self, dim): maze = Maze(dim) x = randrange(dim) y = randrange(dim) logging.debug("Chose (%s, %s) as initial cell", x, y) stack = [(x, y)] maze.get(x, y).visited = True self.initbar(dim*dim) i = 0 while len(stack) > 0: cursearch = stack[-1] randdirs = Direction.randdirs() foundnext = False for dir in randdirs: # search for a new cell to explore candidate = maze.getbydir(cursearch[0], cursearch[1], dir) if candidate is not None and not candidate.visited: # new explorable cell found maze.connect(cursearch[0], cursearch[1], dir) # create path between current and new cell candidate.visited = True # set new node as visited stack.append((candidate.x, candidate.y))# set new cell as next explorable node foundnext = True i += 1 self.updatebar(i) break if not foundnext: stack.pop() # set all cells as unvisited for x in range(dim): for y in range(dim): maze.get(x, y).visited = False self.finishbar() return maze
def path_finder(maze): maze = maze.split('\n') maze = Maze(maze) G = maze.get_graph_from_maze() color = {i: "white" for i in G.keys()} pred = {i: None for i in G.keys()} cc = {i: None for i in G.keys()} cc_num = [0] dfs(G, color, pred, cc, cc_num) start_idx = 0 exit_idx = maze.n * maze.m - 1 if start_idx not in G.keys() or exit_idx not in G.keys(): return False elif cc[start_idx] != cc[exit_idx]: return False else: return True
def __init__(self): pygame.init() self.is_dog = False self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.size) self.screen.fill(BACKGROUND_COLOR) self.clock = Clock() self.tiles = Tiles() self.generator = MazeGenerator(MAZE_WIDTH, MAZE_HEIGHT) self.maze = Maze(self.tiles) self.mouse_tile, *self.mouse_recs = self.tiles.mice self.game_state = GameState(self.tiles) self.clear_tiles = list() self.mouse = None self.cats = None = None self.cheese = None self.bones = None self.level = 0
def generate(self, dim): maze = Maze(dim) x = randrange(dim) y = randrange(dim) logging.debug("Chose (%s, %s) as initial cell", x, y) explorablenodes =[(x, y)] maze.get(x, y).visited = True self.initbar(dim*dim) i = 0 while len(explorablenodes) > 0: cursearch = explorablenodes[randrange(len(explorablenodes))] randdirs = Direction.randdirs() foundNext = False for dir in randdirs: # search for a new cell to explore candidate = maze.getbydir(cursearch[0], cursearch[1], dir) if candidate is not None and not candidate.visited: maze.connect(cursearch[0], cursearch[1], dir) candidate.visited = True if maze.explorables(candidate.x, candidate.y) > 0: explorablenodes.append((candidate.x, candidate.y)) foundNext = True i += 1 self.updatebar(i) break if not foundNext: explorablenodes.remove(cursearch) # set all cells as unvisited for x in range(dim): for y in range(dim): maze.get(x, y).visited = False self.finishbar() return maze
from maze.maze import Maze from gnui.gnui import GNUI from import SearchAgent from agents.db import DatabaseAgent from agents.mothership import Mothership from agents.pathfinder import PathFinder from agents.display import DisplayAgent from agents.rescuer import RescueAgent WIDTH = 32 HEIGHT = 16 SEARCHERS = range(3) RESCUERS = range(3) if __name__ == "__main__": m = Maze(WIDTH, HEIGHT) display = GNUI(WIDTH, HEIGHT) display.update(m.getMaze(), []) da = DisplayAgent("[email protected]", "secret") da.start() try: print "Starting searchers" search = [SearchAgent("search{}@".format(i), "secret") for i in SEARCHERS] for s in search: s.setMaze(m) print "Starting rescuers" rescue = [RescueAgent("rescue{}@".format(i), "secret")
def test_maze_has_2x2_center(self): maze = Maze(width=6, height=6) self.assertSetEqual(maze.paths(2, 2), {Compass.SOUTH, Compass.EAST}) self.assertSetEqual(maze.paths(3, 2), {Compass.SOUTH, Compass.WEST}) self.assertSetEqual(maze.paths(3, 3), {Compass.NORTH, Compass.WEST}) self.assertSetEqual(maze.paths(2, 3), {Compass.NORTH, Compass.EAST})
def test_maze_paths(self): maze = Maze(width=1, height=1) maze._grid[0][0] = Compass.NORTH | Compass.WEST self.assertEqual(maze.paths(0, 0), {Compass.SOUTH, Compass.EAST})
from maze.maze import Maze from gnui.gnui import GNUI from import Map from astar.astar import Astar import numpy as np import time originalMap = Maze(32, 16) display = GNUI(32, 16) pathPlanner = Astar() print originalMap.getData(1, 1) print np.array(originalMap.getMaze()) display.update(originalMap.getMaze(), [(1, 1)]) time.sleep(2)
def setUp(self) -> None: grid = np.array([[], []]) self.maze = Maze(grid, (0, 0), (10, 12)) self.solver = MazeSolver(self.maze) pass
def test_init(self): maze = Maze(2) self.assertEqual(maze.dim, 2) self.assertEqual(maze.grid.shape, (3, 3))
import os from maze.maze import Maze if __name__ == "__main__": os.system('cls') maze = Maze(25, 10, 6)
def test_connect_east(self): maze = Maze(2) maze.connect(0, 0, Direction.EAST) self.assertEqual(maze.get(0, 0).walls[Direction.EAST], False) self.assertEqual(maze.get(1, 0).walls[Direction.WEST], False)
def test_get(self): maze = Maze(2) maze.grid[1, 0].visited = True self.assertEqual(maze.get(0, 0).visited, False) self.assertEqual(maze.get(1, 0).visited, True)
class MazeBuilderWithRandomStart(Builder): """ Builder getting the maze as input and setting the starting and finishing points, initializing the board of the maze and building the maze. """ def __init__(self): self._maze = Maze() @property def maze(self): return self._maze def init_board(self, width, height): if width < 1 or height < 1: raise MazeBuilderException( "Width and Height must be superior to 1") self._maze.set_board([[Cell(i, j, False) for i in range(width)] for j in range(height)]) self._maze.set_start(randint(0, width - 1), randint(0, height - 1)) def build(self): """ The maze is built according to the following principle: for each point a random neighbour is selected and stored. While all points have not been seen, we continue. When we arrive to a point having all its neighbours selected, we get back to the most recent point having unseen neighbours. The finish point is selected randomly among these points :return: Map all cells with their natural children in the maze """ parcours = [] possible_finishes = [] current_cell = self._maze.get_start() self._maze.set_cell_value(current_cell.x, current_cell.y, True) start_time = time.time() parcours.append(current_cell) track = self._maze.get_track() while self._maze.get_status() != MazeStatus.READY: current_cell_neighbours = self._maze.get_cell_neighbours( current_cell.x, current_cell.y) if len(current_cell_neighbours) > 0: direction, selected_neighbour = choice( list(current_cell_neighbours.items())) self._maze.set_cell_value(selected_neighbour.x, selected_neighbour.y, True) possible_track_from_cell = track.get(current_cell, []) possible_track_from_cell.append(selected_neighbour) track[current_cell] = possible_track_from_cell current_cell = selected_neighbour parcours.append(current_cell) else: if parcours: current_cell = parcours.pop() possible_finishes.append(current_cell) if not self._maze.get_finish(): self._maze.set_finish(current_cell.x, current_cell.y) if parcours and not self._maze.get_finish(): pop_item = parcours.pop() possible_finishes.append(pop_item) selected_finish = choice(possible_finishes) self._maze.set_finish(selected_finish.x, selected_finish.y) print("Maze generated in --- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) self._maze.set_track(track) self._maze.display_with_graph() return track
def __init__(self): self._maze = Maze()
class genetic_runner: def __init__(self, size, num_of_obstacles=0): self.num_of_obstacles = num_of_obstacles self.size = size self.create_maze() self.generation_min = [] self.generation_avg = [] self.generation_max = [] self.fitness_dict = {} def create_maze(self): allPoints = [(x, y) for x in range(self.size) for y in range(self.size)] sampled = random.sample(allPoints, self.num_of_obstacles + 2) start = sampled[0] destination = sampled[1] obstacles = sampled[2:] self.maze = Maze(size=self.size, start=start, destination=destination, obstacles=obstacles) def run(self): result = self.run_generations() return result def fitness_value(self, chromosome): stats = self.maze.walk_maze(chromosome)[0] cost = stats.steps * STEP_COST + \ REPEAT_COST * stats.repeats + \ stats.disFromDest ** DISTANCE_LEFT_EXPONENTIAL + \ (0 if stats.disFromDest == 0 else UNSOLVED_COST) return 1 / cost def crossover(self, p1, p2): crossover_point = random.randint(0, CHROMOSOME_SIZE) return (p1[:crossover_point] + p2[crossover_point:], p2[:crossover_point] + p1[crossover_point:]) def mutate(self, chromosome): mutate_point = random.randint(0, CHROMOSOME_SIZE - 1) mutation = chromosome[:mutate_point] + random_gene( ) + chromosome[mutate_point + 1:] return mutation def generate_generation(self, population, fitness_array): total_fitness = sum(fitness_array) roulette_array = [fitness / total_fitness for fitness in fitness_array] next_population = population[:ELITE_COUNT] while len(next_population) < POPULATION_IN_GENERATION: c1, c2 = npr.choice(population, 2, p=roulette_array) if random.random() < CROSSOVER_PCT: c1, c2 = self.crossover(c1, c2) if random.random() < MUTATE_PCT: c1, c2 = self.mutate(c1), self.mutate(c2) next_population.extend([c1, c2]) # next_population, next_fitness_array = self.create_fitness_array_and_sort_population(population) self.update_fitness_dict(next_population) next_population.sort(key=lambda x: self.fitness_dict[x], reverse=True) next_fitness_array = [self.fitness_dict[x] for x in next_population] return (next_population, next_fitness_array) def run_generations(self): population, fitness_array = self.initiate_population() self.data_tracking(population, fitness_array) for generation in range(GENERATIONS_NUM): population, fitness_array = self.generate_generation( population, fitness_array) self.data_tracking(population, fitness_array) if self.check_if_convergence(): break return population[0] def check_if_convergence(self): if len(self.generation_max) <= CONVERGENCE_GENERATIONS: return False else: last_generations_max = self.generation_max[ -CONVERGENCE_GENERATIONS:] firstMax = last_generations_max[0] for mx in last_generations_max: if mx != firstMax: return False return True def initiate_population(self): population = random_population() self.update_fitness_dict(population) fitness_array = [self.fitness_dict[x] for x in population] return (population, fitness_array) def data_tracking(self, generation, fitness_array): print(generation[0]) self.generation_max.append(fitness_array[0]) self.generation_avg.append(avg(fitness_array)) self.generation_min.append(fitness_array[POPULATION_IN_GENERATION - 1]) def update_fitness_dict(self, population): for chromosome in population: if chromosome not in self.fitness_dict: self.fitness_dict[chromosome] = self.fitness_value(chromosome) def showGraphs(self): # plotting the line 1 points plt.plot(self.generation_min, label="minimum fitness") plt.plot(self.generation_avg, label="average fitness") plt.plot(self.generation_max, label="maximum fitness") plt.xlabel('x - generation number') plt.ylabel('y - fitness') plt.title( 'fitness of chromosomes in {} generations'.format(GENERATIONS_NUM)) plt.legend() plt.figure()
def test_maze_dimensions(self): maze = Maze(width=3, height=2) self.assertEqual(len(maze._grid), 2) self.assertEqual(len(maze._grid[0]), 3)
def test_connect_south(self): maze = Maze(2) maze.connect(0, 0, Direction.SOUTH) self.assertEqual(maze.get(0, 0).walls[Direction.SOUTH], False) self.assertEqual(maze.get(0, 1).walls[Direction.NORTH], False)
class MazeGame: play_game: bool maze: Maze mouse: Optional[Mouse] dog: Optional[Dog] cats: Optional[Cats] cheese: Optional[ItemGroup] bones: Optional[ItemGroup] game_state: GameState tiles: Tiles generator: MazeGenerator map: MazeMap mouse_tile: Surface mouse_recs: Tuple[Rect] size = BOARD_WIDTH, BOARD_HEIGHT background = Color(156, 102, 47) screen: Surface clock: Clock level: int is_dog: bool clear_tiles: List[Rect] def __init__(self): pygame.init() self.is_dog = False self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.size) self.screen.fill(BACKGROUND_COLOR) self.clock = Clock() self.tiles = Tiles() self.generator = MazeGenerator(MAZE_WIDTH, MAZE_HEIGHT) self.maze = Maze(self.tiles) self.mouse_tile, *self.mouse_recs = self.tiles.mice self.game_state = GameState(self.tiles) self.clear_tiles = list() self.mouse = None self.cats = None = None self.cheese = None self.bones = None self.level = 0 def title_screen(self): pass def new_level(self): self.level += 1 = self.generator.get_maze() self.maze.new_maze( if self.mouse is None: self.mouse = Mouse(, self.tiles.mice, TheMouse) else: self.mouse.critter_reset( if self.cheese is None: self.cheese = ItemGroup(self.game_state,, self.tiles.cheese, 1, 0) if self.bones is None: self.bones = ItemGroup(self.game_state,, self.tiles.bone, 5, 1) if self.cats is None: self.cats = Cats(self.tiles,, self.mouse) exclude_list = [Point(1, 1)] self.cheese.new_game(exclude_list, 50) self.bones.new_game(exclude_list, 6 + (4 * self.level)) self.cats.reset(exclude_list, 5 + (5 * self.level)) self.level = 0 def title_loop(self): return True def game_over_loop(self): pass def game_loop(self): self.new_level() self.game_state.new_game() dog_counter = 0 flash_counter = 0 self.play_game = True while self.play_game: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() if self.is_dog: dog_counter -= 1 if dog_counter <= 0: self.mouse.exit_dog(* keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if self.is_dog: if keys[pygame.K_UP]: self.mouse.move_up( elif keys[pygame.K_LEFT]: self.mouse.move_left( elif keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]: self.mouse.move_right( elif keys[pygame.K_DOWN]: self.mouse.move_down( else: if keys[pygame.K_UP]: self.mouse.move_up( elif keys[pygame.K_LEFT]: self.mouse.move_left( elif keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]: self.mouse.move_right( elif keys[pygame.K_DOWN]: self.mouse.move_down( elif keys[pygame.K_SPACE]: if self.game_state.bones > 0: self.activate_dog() # Update mouse - returns False if mouse got ate self.update() self.screen.fill(BACKGROUND_COLOR) self.clear_critter_tiles() self.draw() pygame.display.flip() self.clock.tick(40) if len(self.cheese) == 0: self.new_level() self.game_state.bones.value = 0 def update(self): self.clear_tiles.clear() if self.is_dog: try: except DogBlew: # Pop the dog - switch back to mouse and lose a life self.is_dog = False self.mouse.sprite.kill() else: if not self.mouse.update(self.clear_tiles): if self.next_mouse(): self.mouse.critter_reset( else: self.play_game = False # Game Over self.cheese.update(self.mouse.sprite) self.bones.update(self.mouse.sprite) self.cats.update(self.clear_tiles) def clear_critter_tiles(self): for tile in self.clear_tiles: self.maze.surface.blit(self.tiles.ground, tile) def draw(self): self.cheese.draw(self.maze.surface) self.bones.draw(self.maze.surface) self.mouse.draw(self.maze.surface) self.cats.draw(self.maze.surface) self.maze.draw(self.screen, Rect(0, 32, 32, 32), self.mouse.get_location()) self.game_state.draw(self.screen, Rect(0, 0, HEAD_WIDTH, HEAD_HEIGHT)) def maze_run(self): while self.title_loop(): self.game_loop() self.game_over_loop() def next_mouse(self): self.game_state.lives -= 1 return self.game_state.lives > 0 def activate_dog(self): pass
def test_get_status_INIT(self): maze = Maze() length = randint(1, 10) maze.set_board([[Cell(i, j, False) for i in range(length)] for j in range(length)]) self.assertEqual(MazeStatus.INIT, maze.get_status())