def setUp(self):
     self.process = new_server_process() = find_test_server_host(
         docker_image, find_host_address_potentials(docker_image))
     config = Config()
         "RPC test ready:\n\tserver: %s\n\tcloud host: %r\n\tapi key: '***%s'\n\timage: %s"
         % (
             config.get('host', 'default'),
             config.get('api_key', 'default')[-5:],
    def test_config_file_from_env(self):
        # fully define a config at a custom location, and verify it is loaded
        with TempConf(dict(api_key=self.dummy_key, host=self.dummy_host)):
            c = Config()
            self.assertEqual(self.dummy_key, c.get('api_key'))
            self.assertIn('dummy_host_url', c['host'])

            # verify custom config reaches the internal api
            a = ConnectAPI()
    def test_config_from_envvar(self):
        # fully define a config at a custom location
        # as well as setting config through environment
        with TempConf(dict(api_key='not this one', host=self.dummy_host)):
            os.environ.setdefault(configuration.ENVVAR_API_KEY, self.dummy_key)

            c = Config()
            self.assertEqual(self.dummy_key, c.get('api_key'))
            self.assertIn('dummy_host_url', c['host'])

            # verify custom config reaches the internal api
            a = ConnectAPI()
class BaseAPI(object):
    """BaseAPI is parent class for all APIs. Ensuring config is valid and available."""

    api_structure = {}

    def __init__(self, params=None):
        """Ensure the config is valid and has all required fields."""
        self.config = Config(params)
        self.apis = {}
        self.api_clients = {}
        for api_parent_class, child_classes in self.api_structure.items():
            self._init_api(api_parent_class, child_classes)

    def _get_api(self, api_class):
        return self.apis.get(api_class, None)

    def _init_api(self, api_parent_class, apis):
        api_client = api_parent_class.ApiClient()
        self.api_clients[api_parent_class] = api_client

        api_client.configuration.__class__._default = None  # disable codegen's singleton behaviour
        api_client.user_agent = "mbed-cloud-sdk-python/{sdk_ver} ({pfm}) Python/{py_ver}".format(
        api_client.configuration.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'
        api_client.configuration.safe_chars_for_path_param = "/"  # don't encode (resource paths)

        self.apis.update({api_cls: api_cls(api_client) for api_cls in apis})

    def _update_api_client(self, api_parent_class=None):
        """Updates the ApiClient object of specified parent api (or all of them)"""
        clients = ([self.api_clients[api_parent_class]]
                   if api_parent_class else self.api_clients.values())

        for api_client in clients:
   = (self.config.get('host')
            api_client.configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = self.config[

    def _verify_sort_options(self, kwargs):
        if kwargs.get('order'):
            order = kwargs.get('order').upper()
            if order not in ["ASC", "DESC"]:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Key 'order' needs to be either 'ASC' or 'DESC'. "
                    "Currently: %r" % order)
            kwargs['order'] = order

        if kwargs.get('limit') is not None:
            if kwargs.get('limit') < 2 or kwargs.get('limit') > 1000:
                raise ValueError("Limit needs to be between 2 and 1000. "
                                 "Currently: %r" % kwargs.get('limit'))
        return kwargs

    def _verify_filters(self, kwargs, obj, encode=False):
        """Legacy entrypoint with 'encode' flag"""
        return (filters.legacy_filter_formatter if encode else
                filters.filter_formatter)(kwargs, obj._get_attributes_map())

    def get_last_api_metadata(self):
        """Get meta data for the last Mbed Cloud API call.

        :returns: meta data of the last Mbed Cloud API call
        :rtype: ApiMetadata
        last_metadata = None
        for key, api in iteritems(self.apis):
            api_client = api.api_client
            if api_client is not None:
                metadata = api_client.get_last_metadata()
                if metadata is not None and metadata.get('timestamp',
                                                         None) is not None:
                    if last_metadata is None:
                        last_metadata = metadata
                    elif metadata["timestamp"] >= last_metadata["timestamp"]:
                        last_metadata = metadata
        if last_metadata is not None:
            last_metadata = ApiMetadata(last_metadata.get("url"),
                                        last_metadata.get("response", None),
                                        last_metadata.get("return_data", None),
                                        last_metadata.get("exception", None))
        return last_metadata
class BaseAPI(object):
    """BaseAPI is parent class for all APIs. Ensuring config is valid and available."""

    api_structure = {}

    def __init__(self, params=None):
        """A module to access this section of the Pelion Device Management API.

        :param params: Dictionary to override configuration values
        self.config = Config(params)
        self.apis = {}
        self.api_clients = {}
        for api_parent_class, child_classes in self.api_structure.items():
            self._init_api(api_parent_class, child_classes)

    def _get_api(self, api_class):
        return self.apis.get(api_class, None)

    def _init_api(self, api_parent_class, apis):
        api_client = api_parent_class.ApiClient()
        self.api_clients[api_parent_class] = api_client

        api_client.user_agent = utils.get_user_agent()
        api_client.configuration.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'
        api_client.configuration.safe_chars_for_path_param = "/"  # don't encode (resource paths)

        self.apis.update({api_cls: api_cls(api_client) for api_cls in apis})

    def _update_api_client(self, api_parent_class=None):
        """Updates the ApiClient object of specified parent api (or all of them)"""
        clients = ([self.api_clients[api_parent_class]]
                   if api_parent_class else self.api_clients.values())

        for api_client in clients:
   = (self.config.get('host')
            api_client.configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = self.config[

    def _verify_sort_options(self, kwargs):
        if kwargs.get('order'):
            order = kwargs.get('order').upper()
            if order not in ["ASC", "DESC"]:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Key 'order' needs to be either 'ASC' or 'DESC'. "
                    "Currently: %r" % order)
            kwargs['order'] = order

        if kwargs.get('limit') is not None:
            if kwargs.get('limit') < 2 or kwargs.get('limit') > 1000:
                raise ValueError("Limit needs to be between 2 and 1000. "
                                 "Currently: %r" % kwargs.get('limit'))
        return kwargs

    def _verify_filters(self, kwargs, obj, encode=False):
        """Legacy entrypoint with 'encode' flag"""
        return (filters.legacy_filter_formatter if encode else
                filters.filter_formatter)(kwargs, obj._get_attributes_map())

    def get_last_api_metadata(self):
        """Get meta data for the last Pelion Device Management API call.

        :returns: meta data of the last Pelion Device Management API call
        :rtype: ApiMetadata
        last_metadata = None
        for key, api in iteritems(self.apis):
            api_client = api.api_client
            if api_client is not None:
                metadata = api_client.get_last_metadata()
                if metadata is not None and metadata.get('timestamp',
                                                         None) is not None:
                    if last_metadata is None:
                        last_metadata = metadata
                    elif metadata["timestamp"] >= last_metadata["timestamp"]:
                        last_metadata = metadata
        if last_metadata is not None:
            last_metadata = ApiMetadata(last_metadata.get("url"),
                                        last_metadata.get("response", None),
                                        last_metadata.get("return_data", None),
                                        last_metadata.get("exception", None))
        return last_metadata