    def saveToFile(self, filename):
        """ save to file named filename."""

        self.Materials = self.blocktypes.name

        self.rootTag["Blocks"] = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(
            self._Blocks[:self.Height, :self.Length, :self.Width].astype(
        self.rootTag["Data"].value = self.rootTag[
            "Data"].value[:self.Height, :self.Length, :self.Width]

        add = self._Blocks >> 8
        if add.any():
            add = add[:self.Height, :self.Length, :self.Width]
            # WorldEdit AddBlocks compatibility.
            # The first 4-bit value is stored in the high bits of the first byte.

            # Increase odd size by one to align slices.
            packed_add = zeros(add.size + (add.size & 1), 'uint8')
            packed_add[:add.size] = add.ravel()

            # Shift even bytes to the left
            packed_add[::2] <<= 4

            # Merge odd bytes into even bytes
            packed_add[::2] |= packed_add[1::2]

            # Save only the even bytes, now that they contain the odd bytes in their lower bits.
            packed_add = packed_add[0::2]
            self.rootTag["AddBlocks"] = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(packed_add)

        entities = []
        for e in self.entitiesByChunk.values():

        tileEntities = []
        for te in self.tileEntitiesByChunk.values():

        self.rootTag["Entities"] = nbt.TAG_List(entities)
        self.rootTag["TileEntities"] = nbt.TAG_List(tileEntities)

            "Saving schematic %s with %d blocks, %d Entities and %d TileEntities",

        with open(filename, 'wb') as chunkfh:

        del self.rootTag["Blocks"]
        self.rootTag.pop("AddBlocks", None)
    def __init__(self, adapter, cx, cz, dimName, rootTag=None, create=False):

        :type adapter: mceditlib.anvil.adapter.AnvilWorldAdapter
        :type cx: int
        :type cz: int
        :type dimName: str
        :type rootTag: mceditlib.nbt.TAG_Compound
        :type create: bool
        :rtype: AnvilChunkData
        self.cx = cx
        self.cz = cz
        self.dimName = dimName
        self.adapter = adapter
        self.rootTag = rootTag
        self.dirty = False
        self._sections = {}

        if create:

        levelTag = self.rootTag["Level"]
        if "Biomes" not in levelTag:
            levelTag["Biomes"] = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(numpy.empty((16, 16), 'uint8'))
            levelTag["Biomes"].value[:] = -1

        self.Entities = [PCEntityRef(tag) for tag in self.rootTag["Level"]["Entities"]]
        del self.rootTag["Level"]["Entities"]
        self.TileEntities = [PCTileEntityRef(tag) for tag in self.rootTag["Level"]["TileEntities"]]
        del self.rootTag["Level"]["TileEntities"]
    def buildNBTTag(self):
        Return a TAG_Compound for saving this section to a chunk.
        section_tag = self.old_section_tag

        Blocks = self.Blocks
        Data = packNibbleArray(self.Data)
        BlockLight = packNibbleArray(self.BlockLight)
        SkyLight = packNibbleArray(self.SkyLight)

        add = Blocks >> 8
        if add.any():
            section_tag["Add"] = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(packNibbleArray(add).astype('uint8'))

        section_tag['Blocks'] = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(numpy.array(Blocks, 'uint8'))
        section_tag['Data'] = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(Data)
        section_tag['BlockLight'] = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(BlockLight)
        section_tag['SkyLight'] = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(SkyLight)

        section_tag["Y"] = nbt.TAG_Byte(self.Y)
        return section_tag
 def create(cls, mapID, adapter, width=128, height=128):
     mapTag = nbt.TAG_Compound()
     mapDataTag = nbt.TAG_Compound()
     mapTag["data"] = mapDataTag
     mapDataTag["colors"] = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(numpy.zeros((width * height,), dtype=numpy.uint8))
     mapData = cls(mapTag, mapID, adapter)
     mapData.dimension = 0
     mapData.width = width
     mapData.height = height
     mapData.scale = 1
     mapData.xCenter = -1 << 30
     mapData.zCenter = -1 << 30
     return mapData
    def saveToFile(self, filename):
        """ save to file named filename."""

        self.Materials = self.blocktypes.name

        self.rootTag["Blocks"] = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(
            self._Blocks[:self.Height, :self.Length, :self.Width].astype(
        self.rootTag["Data"].value = self.rootTag[
            "Data"].value[:self.Height, :self.Length, :self.Width]

        add = self._Blocks >> 8
        if add.any():
            add = add[:self.Height, :self.Length, :self.Width]
            # WorldEdit AddBlocks compatibility.
            # The first 4-bit value is stored in the high bits of the first byte.

            # Increase odd size by one to align slices.
            packed_add = zeros(add.size + (add.size & 1), 'uint8')
            packed_add[:add.size] = add.ravel()

            # Shift even bytes to the left
            packed_add[::2] <<= 4

            # Merge odd bytes into even bytes
            packed_add[::2] |= packed_add[1::2]

            # Save only the even bytes, now that they contain the odd bytes in their lower bits.
            packed_add = packed_add[0::2]
            self.rootTag["AddBlocks"] = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(packed_add)

        with open(filename, 'wb') as chunkfh:

        del self.rootTag["Blocks"]
        self.rootTag.pop("AddBlocks", None)
def created_nbt():

    # The root of an NBT file is always a TAG_Compound.
    level = nbt.TAG_Compound(name="MinecraftLevel")

    # Subtags of a TAG_Compound are automatically named when you use the [] operator.
    level["About"] = nbt.TAG_Compound()
    level["About"]["Author"] = nbt.TAG_String("codewarrior")
    level["About"]["CreatedOn"] = nbt.TAG_Long(time.time())

    level["Environment"] = nbt.TAG_Compound()
    level["Environment"]["SkyBrightness"] = nbt.TAG_Byte(16)
    level["Environment"]["SurroundingWaterHeight"] = nbt.TAG_Short(32)
    level["Environment"]["FogColor"] = nbt.TAG_Int(0xcccccc)

    entity = nbt.TAG_Compound()
    entity["id"] = nbt.TAG_String("Creeper")
    entity["Pos"] = nbt.TAG_List(
        [nbt.TAG_Float(d) for d in (32.5, 64.0, 33.3)])

    level["Entities"] = nbt.TAG_List([entity])

    spawn = nbt.TAG_List(
        (nbt.TAG_Short(100), nbt.TAG_Short(45), nbt.TAG_Short(55)))

    mapTag = nbt.TAG_Compound()
    mapTag["Spawn"] = spawn
    level["Map"] = mapTag

    mapTag2 = nbt.TAG_Compound([spawn])
    mapTag2.name = "Map"

    # I think it looks more familiar with [] syntax.

    l, w, h = 128, 128, 128
    mapTag["Height"] = nbt.TAG_Short(h)  # y dimension
    mapTag["Length"] = nbt.TAG_Short(l)  # z dimension
    mapTag["Width"] = nbt.TAG_Short(w)  # x dimension

    # Byte arrays are stored as numpy.uint8 arrays.

    mapTag["Blocks"] = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array()
    mapTag["Blocks"].value = numpy.zeros(
        l * w * h, dtype=numpy.uint8)  # create lots of air!

    # The blocks array is indexed (y,z,x) for indev levels, so reshape the blocks
    mapTag["Blocks"].value.shape = (h, l, w)

    # Replace the bottom layer of the indev level with wood
    mapTag["Blocks"].value[0, :, :] = 5

    # This is a great way to learn the power of numpy array slicing and indexing.

    mapTag["Data"] = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array()
    mapTag["Data"].value = numpy.zeros(l * w * h, dtype=numpy.uint8)

    # Save a few more tag types for completeness

    level["ShortArray"] = nbt.TAG_Short_Array(
        numpy.zeros((16, 16), dtype='uint16'))
    level["IntArray"] = nbt.TAG_Int_Array(numpy.zeros((16, 16),
    level["Float"] = nbt.TAG_Float(0.3)

    return level
    def __init__(self,
        Creates an object which stores a section of a Minecraft world as an
        NBT structure. The order of the coordinates for the block arrays in
        the file is y,z,x. This is the same order used in Minecraft 1.4's
        chunk sections.

        :type shape: tuple
        :param shape: The shape of the schematic as (x, y, z)
        :type filename: basestring
        :param filename: Path to a file to load a saved schematic from.
        :type blocktypes: basestring or BlockTypeSet
        :param blocktypes: The name of a builtin blocktypes set (one of
            "Classic", "Alpha", "Pocket") to indicate allowable blocks. The default
            is Alpha. An instance of BlockTypeSet may be passed instead.
        :rtype: SchematicFileAdapter

        self.EntityRef = PCEntityRef
        self.TileEntityRef = PCTileEntityRef

        if filename is None and shape is None:
            raise ValueError("shape or filename required to create %s" %

        if filename:
            self.filename = filename
            if os.path.exists(filename):
                rootTag = nbt.load(filename)
                rootTag = None
            self.filename = None
            rootTag = None

        if blocktypes in blocktypeClassesByName:
            self.blocktypes = blocktypeClassesByName[blocktypes]()
            assert (isinstance(blocktypes, BlockTypeSet))
            self.blocktypes = blocktypes

        if rootTag:
            self.rootTag = rootTag
            if "Materials" in rootTag:
                self.blocktypes = blocktypeClassesByName[self.Materials]()
                rootTag["Materials"] = nbt.TAG_String(self.blocktypes.name)

            w = self.rootTag["Width"].value
            l = self.rootTag["Length"].value
            h = self.rootTag["Height"].value

            assert self.rootTag["Blocks"].value.size == w * l * h
            self._Blocks = self.rootTag["Blocks"].value.astype(
                'uint16').reshape(h, l, w)  # _Blocks is y, z, x

            del self.rootTag["Blocks"]
            if "AddBlocks" in self.rootTag:
                # Use WorldEdit's "AddBlocks" array to load and store the 4 high bits of a block ID.
                # Unlike Minecraft's NibbleArrays, this array stores the first block's bits in the
                # 4 high bits of the first byte.

                size = (h * l * w)

                # If odd, add one to the size to make sure the adjacent slices line up.
                add = numpy.empty(size + (size & 1), 'uint16')

                # Fill the even bytes with data
                add[::2] = self.rootTag["AddBlocks"].value

                # Copy the low 4 bits to the odd bytes
                add[1::2] = add[::2] & 0xf

                # Shift the even bytes down
                add[::2] >>= 4

                # Shift every byte up before merging it with Blocks
                add <<= 8
                self._Blocks |= add[:size].reshape(h, l, w)
                del self.rootTag["AddBlocks"]

            self.rootTag["Data"].value = self.rootTag["Data"].value.reshape(
                h, l, w)

            if "Biomes" in self.rootTag:
                self.rootTag["Biomes"].value.shape = (l, w)

            # If BlockIDs is present, it contains an ID->internalName mapping
            # from the source level's FML tag.

            if "BlockIDs" in self.rootTag:

            # If itemStackVersion is present, it was exported from MCEdit 2.0.
            # Its value is either 17 or 18, the values of the version constants.
            # ItemIDs will also be present.

            # If itemStackVersion is not present, this schematic was exported from
            # WorldEdit or MCEdit 1.0. The itemStackVersion cannot be determined
            # without searching the entities for an itemStack and checking
            # the type of its `id` tag. If no itemStacks are found, the
            # version defaults to 1.8 which does not need an ItemIDs tag.

            if "itemStackVersion" in self.rootTag:
                itemStackVersion = self.rootTag["itemStackVersion"].value
                if itemStackVersion not in (VERSION_1_7, VERSION_1_8):
                    raise LevelFormatError("Unknown item stack version %d" %
                if itemStackVersion == VERSION_1_7:
                    itemIDs = self.rootTag.get("ItemIDs")
                    if itemIDs is not None:

                self.blocktypes.itemStackVersion = itemStackVersion
                self.blocktypes.itemStackVersion = self.getItemStackVersionFromEntities(

            rootTag = nbt.TAG_Compound(name="Schematic")
            rootTag["Height"] = nbt.TAG_Short(shape[1])
            rootTag["Length"] = nbt.TAG_Short(shape[2])
            rootTag["Width"] = nbt.TAG_Short(shape[0])

            rootTag["Entities"] = nbt.TAG_List()
            rootTag["TileEntities"] = nbt.TAG_List()
            rootTag["Materials"] = nbt.TAG_String(self.blocktypes.name)
            rootTag["itemStackVersion"] = nbt.TAG_Byte(

            self._Blocks = zeros((shape[1], shape[2], shape[0]), 'uint16')
            rootTag["Data"] = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(
                zeros((shape[1], shape[2], shape[0]), uint8))

            rootTag["Biomes"] = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(
                zeros((shape[2], shape[0]), uint8))

            self.rootTag = rootTag

            self.rootTag["BlockIDs"] = blockIDMapping(blocktypes)
            itemMapping = itemIDMapping(blocktypes)
            if itemMapping is not None:
                    "ItemIDs"] = itemMapping  # Only present for Forge 1.7

        # Expand blocks and data to chunk edges
        h16 = (self.Height + 15) & ~0xf
        l16 = (self.Length + 15) & ~0xf
        w16 = (self.Width + 15) & ~0xf

        blocks = self._Blocks
        self._Blocks = numpy.zeros((h16, l16, w16), blocks.dtype)
        self._Blocks[:blocks.shape[0], :blocks.shape[1], :blocks.
                     shape[2]] = blocks

        data = self.rootTag["Data"].value
        self.rootTag["Data"].value = numpy.zeros((h16, l16, w16), data.dtype)
        self.rootTag["Data"].value[:data.shape[0], :data.shape[1], :data.
                                   shape[2]] = data

        self.rootTag["Data"].value &= 0xF  # discard high bits

        self.entitiesByChunk = defaultdict(list)
        for tag in self.rootTag["Entities"]:
            ref = self.EntityRef(tag)
            pos = ref.Position
            cx, cy, cz = pos.chunkPos()
            self.entitiesByChunk[cx, cz].append(tag)

        self.tileEntitiesByChunk = defaultdict(list)
        for tag in self.rootTag["TileEntities"]:
            ref = self.TileEntityRef(tag)
            pos = ref.Position
            cx, cy, cz = pos.chunkPos()
            self.tileEntitiesByChunk[cx, cz].append(tag)
    def __init__(self,
        Creates an object which stores a section of a Minecraft world as an
        NBT structure. The order of the coordinates for the block arrays in
        the file is y,z,x. This is the same order used in Minecraft 1.4's
        chunk sections.

        :type shape: tuple
        :param shape: The shape of the schematic as (x, y, z)
        :type filename: basestring
        :param filename: Path to a file to load a saved schematic from.
        :type blocktypes: basestring or BlockTypeSet
        :param blocktypes: The name of a builtin blocktypes set (one of
            "Classic", "Alpha", "Pocket") to indicate allowable blocks. The default
            is Alpha. An instance of BlockTypeSet may be passed instead.
        :rtype: SchematicFileAdapter

        if filename is None and shape is None:
            raise ValueError("shape or filename required to create %s" %

        if filename:
            self.filename = filename
            if os.path.exists(filename):
                rootTag = nbt.load(filename)
                rootTag = None
            self.filename = None
            rootTag = None

        if blocktypes in blocktypes_named:
            self.blocktypes = blocktypes_named[blocktypes]
            assert (isinstance(blocktypes, BlockTypeSet))
            self.blocktypes = blocktypes

        if rootTag:
            self.rootTag = rootTag
            if "Materials" in rootTag:
                self.blocktypes = blocktypes_named[self.Materials]
                rootTag["Materials"] = nbt.TAG_String(self.blocktypes.name)

            w = self.rootTag["Width"].value
            l = self.rootTag["Length"].value
            h = self.rootTag["Height"].value

            assert self.rootTag["Blocks"].value.size == w * l * h
            self._Blocks = self.rootTag["Blocks"].value.astype(
                'uint16').reshape(h, l, w)  # _Blocks is y, z, x

            del self.rootTag["Blocks"]
            if "AddBlocks" in self.rootTag:
                # Use WorldEdit's "AddBlocks" array to load and store the 4 high bits of a block ID.
                # Unlike Minecraft's NibbleArrays, this array stores the first block's bits in the
                # 4 high bits of the first byte.

                size = (h * l * w)

                # If odd, add one to the size to make sure the adjacent slices line up.
                add = numpy.empty(size + (size & 1), 'uint16')

                # Fill the even bytes with data
                add[::2] = self.rootTag["AddBlocks"].value

                # Copy the low 4 bits to the odd bytes
                add[1::2] = add[::2] & 0xf

                # Shift the even bytes down
                add[::2] >>= 4

                # Shift every byte up before merging it with Blocks
                add <<= 8
                self._Blocks |= add[:size].reshape(h, l, w)
                del self.rootTag["AddBlocks"]

            self.rootTag["Data"].value = self.rootTag["Data"].value.reshape(
                h, l, w)

            if "Biomes" in self.rootTag:
                self.rootTag["Biomes"].value.shape = (l, w)

            rootTag = nbt.TAG_Compound(name="Schematic")
            rootTag["Height"] = nbt.TAG_Short(shape[1])
            rootTag["Length"] = nbt.TAG_Short(shape[2])
            rootTag["Width"] = nbt.TAG_Short(shape[0])

            rootTag["Entities"] = nbt.TAG_List()
            rootTag["TileEntities"] = nbt.TAG_List()
            rootTag["Materials"] = nbt.TAG_String(self.blocktypes.name)

            self._Blocks = zeros((shape[1], shape[2], shape[0]), 'uint16')
            rootTag["Data"] = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(
                zeros((shape[1], shape[2], shape[0]), uint8))

            rootTag["Biomes"] = nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(
                zeros((shape[2], shape[0]), uint8))

            self.rootTag = rootTag

        #expand blocks and data to chunk edges
        h16 = (self.Height + 15) & ~0xf
        l16 = (self.Length + 15) & ~0xf
        w16 = (self.Width + 15) & ~0xf

        blocks = self._Blocks
        self._Blocks = numpy.zeros((h16, l16, w16), blocks.dtype)
        self._Blocks[:blocks.shape[0], :blocks.shape[1], :blocks.
                     shape[2]] = blocks

        data = self.rootTag["Data"].value
        self.rootTag["Data"].value = numpy.zeros((h16, l16, w16), data.dtype)
        self.rootTag["Data"].value[:data.shape[0], :data.shape[1], :data.
                                   shape[2]] = data

        self.rootTag["Data"].value &= 0xF  # discard high bits

        self.Entities = [
            self.EntityRef(tag) for tag in self.rootTag["Entities"]
        self.TileEntities = [
            self.EntityRef(tag) for tag in self.rootTag["TileEntities"]