    def interior(self):
        Return the interior of this inertial component.


        an elementary affinoid subdomain of the underlying Berkovich line.

        The **interior** of a base component is the elementary affinoid
        subdomain of the underlying Berkovich line whose canonical reduction
        is an open affine subset of this inertial component of the inertial model

        It is chosen such that the canonical reduction does not contain the
        points of intersection with the other components of `\mathcal{X}_{0,s}`
        and is disjoint from the residue classes of the marked points.

        if not hasattr(self, "_interior"):
            eta_list = []
            subtree = self._subtree
            xi = self._xi
            if subtree.has_parent():
            for child in subtree.children():
                eta_list.append(TypeVPointOnBerkovichLine(xi, child.root()))
            self._interior = ElementaryAffinoidOnBerkovichLine([eta_list])
        return self._interior
def critical_residue_class(xi):
    r""" Return the critical residue class of this point.


    - ``xi`` -- a point of type II on the Berkovich line

    OUTPUT: the point of type IV corresponding to the critical residue class of
    the discoid with root `\xi`, or ``None`` if it is not defined.

    The critical residue class is defined in [KunzweilerWewers20]_, Remark 3.18.

    .. NOTE::

        This method should be made obsolete by including the functionality in

    from sage.rings.infinity import Infinity
    from mclf.berkovich.type_V_points import TypeVPointOnBerkovichLine
    if not xi.type() == "II" or xi.is_gauss_point():
        return None
    v = xi.pseudovaluation_on_polynomial_ring()
    v0 = v.augmentation_chain()[1]
    if v.E() == v0.E():
        return None
    phi, _ = xi.discoid()
    xi1 = xi.berkovich_line().point_from_discoid(phi, Infinity)
    return TypeVPointOnBerkovichLine(xi, xi1)
def open_annuloid(xi0, xi1):
    r""" Return an open annuloid.


    - ``xi0``, ``xi1`` -- points of type II on the Berkovich line `X`


    the open annuloid `A` with boundary points `xi_0` and `\xi_1`.
    Note that `\xi0` and `\xi_1` are *not* contained in `D`.

    It is assumed that `\xi_0 < \xi_1`. This means that `A` cannot contain the
    Gauss point.


        sage: from mclf import *
        sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(QQ)
        sage: X = BerkovichLine(F, QQ.valuation(2))
        sage: xi0 = X.point_from_discoid(x-1, 1)
        sage: xi1 = X.point_from_discoid(x+1, 2)
        sage: open_annuloid(xi0, xi1)
        domain defined by
        v(x + 1) > 1
        v(1/(x + 1)) > -2

    from mclf.berkovich.type_V_points import TypeVPointOnBerkovichLine
    assert xi1.type() == "II", "xi1 must be of type II"
    assert xi0.is_leq(xi1) and not xi0.is_equal(xi1), "we must have xi0 < xi1"
    phi0, s0 = TypeVPointOnBerkovichLine(xi0, xi1).open_discoid()
    phi1, s1 = xi1.discoid()
    return Domain(xi0.berkovich_line(), [], [(phi0, s0), (1 / phi1, -s1)])
def open_discoid(xi0, xi1):
    r""" Return an open discoid.


    - ``xi0``, ``xi1`` -- points on the Berkovich line `X`


    the open discoid `D` with boundary point `xi_0` which contains `\xi_1`.
    Note that `\xi0` is *not* contained in `D`.

    It is assumed that `\xi_0 < \xi_1`. This means that `D` cannot contain the
    Gauss point.


        sage: from mclf import *
        sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(QQ)
        sage: X = BerkovichLine(F, QQ.valuation(2))
        sage: xi0 = X.point_from_discoid(x-1, 1)
        sage: xi1 = X.point_from_discoid(x+1, 2)
        sage: open_discoid(xi0, xi1)
        domain defined by
        v(x + 1) > 1

    from mclf.berkovich.type_V_points import TypeVPointOnBerkovichLine
    assert xi0.is_leq(xi1) and not xi0.is_equal(xi1), "we must have xi0 < xi1"
    phi, s = TypeVPointOnBerkovichLine(xi0, xi1).open_discoid()
    return Domain(xi0.berkovich_line(), [], [(phi, s)])
    def outgoing_edges(self):
        Return the list of outgoing edges from this inertial component.

        Here an *edge* is a point on this inertial component where it intersects
        another component; so it corresponds to an edge on the Berkovich tree
        underlying the chosen inertial model. *Outgoing* is defined with respect
        to the natural orientation of the Berkovich tree.

        subtree = self._subtree
        xi0 = self.type_II_point()
        outgoing_edges = []
        for child in subtree.children():
            xi1 = child.root()
            if xi1.type() == "II":
                eta = TypeVPointOnBerkovichLine(xi0, xi1)
                v = eta.minor_valuation()
                outgoing_edges.append(PointOnSmoothProjectiveCurve(self.component(), v))
        return outgoing_edges
    def direction(self, s):
        r""" Return the directional vector of ``self`` at position ``s``.

        If `\gamma=[\xi_0,\xi_1]` is a (simple) path, parametrized by `[s_0,s_1]`,
        and `s_0 <= s < s_1`, then the directional vector of `gamma` at 's' is
        a point of type V, with underlying point of type II `\gamma(s)`.
        It corresponds to the residue class of `\xi_1` in the discoid
        corresponding to `\gamma(s)`.

        assert self._s0 <= s and s < self._s1
        return TypeVPointOnBerkovichLine(self.X(), self._phi, s,
    def direction_from_parent(self):
        r""" Return the direction from the parent.

        OUTPUT: the type V point `\eta` representing the direction from the
        root of the parent of ``self`` to the root of ``self``.

        If ``self`` has no parent, an error is raised.

        from mclf.berkovich.type_V_points import TypeVPointOnBerkovichLine
        if not hasattr(self, "_direction_from_parent"):
            eta = TypeVPointOnBerkovichLine(self.parent().root(), self.root())
            self._direction_from_parent = eta
        return self._direction_from_parent
    def tangent_vector(self, t):
        r""" Return the tangent vector at a given point.


        - ``t`` -- a rational number, or `\infty`


        the type-V-point which is the tangent vector at the point
        `\gamma(t)` in the direction of `\gamma`.

        It is assumed that the point `\gamma(t)` does exist and is not the
        terminal point of `\gamma`.

        from mclf.berkovich.type_V_points import TypeVPointOnBerkovichLine
        return TypeVPointOnBerkovichLine(self.point(t), self.terminal_point())
    def direction_to_parent(self):
        r""" Return the direction to the parent.

        OUTPUT: the type V point `\eta` representing the direction from the
        root of ``self`` to the root of its parent.

        If ``self`` has no parent, an error is raised.

        The direction is not well defined if the root of ``self`` is a point of
        type I. Therefore, an error is raised in this case.

        from mclf.berkovich.type_V_points import TypeVPointOnBerkovichLine
        assert self.root().type() == "II",\
            "the root must be a point of type II: root = {}, parent = {}".format(self.root(), self.parent().root())
        if not hasattr(self, "_direction_to_parent"):
            eta = TypeVPointOnBerkovichLine(self.root(), self.parent().root())
            self._direction_to_parent = eta
        return self._direction_to_parent
 def __init__(self, xi1, xi2):
     from mclf.berkovich.type_V_points import TypeVPointOnBerkovichLine
     assert xi1.is_leq(xi2), "xi1 must be less or equal to xi2"
     self._initial_point = xi1
     self._terminal_point = xi2
     self._initial_point_is_gauss_point = xi1.is_gauss_point()
     if xi2.is_limit_point():
         self._is_limit_path = True
         xi2 = xi2.approximation(xi1, require_maximal_degree=True)
         # we have to make sure that the degree of the polynomial phi
         # does not increase when updating the approximation;
         # otherwise the standard parametrization of the path would change
         self._is_limit_path = False
     phi = self._make_phi(xi2)
     s2 = xi2.v(phi)
     s1 = xi1.v(phi)
     self._phi = phi
     self._s1 = s1
     self._s2 = s2
     self._initial_tangent_vector = TypeVPointOnBerkovichLine(xi1, xi2)
    def point_close_to_boundary(self, xi0):
        Return a type-I-point inside the affinoid, close to ``xi0``.


        - ``xi0`` -- a boundary point of the affinoid ``self``

        OUTPUT: a type-I-point ``xi1`` on the affinoid `U:=` ``self`` which
        is "close" to the boundary point ``xi0``.

        The latter means that ``xi1`` maps onto the irreducible components
        of the canonical reduction of `U` corresponding to ``xi0``.


            sage: from mclf import *
            sage: K = QQ
            sage: vK = K.valuation(2)
            sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(K)
            sage: X = BerkovichLine(F, vK)
            sage: U = RationalDomainOnBerkovichLine(X, 2/x/(x+1))
            sage: U
            Affinoid with 1 components:
            Elementary affinoid defined by
            v(1/x) >= -1
            v(1/(x + 1)) >= -1
            sage: xi0 = U.boundary()[0]
            sage: U.point_close_to_boundary(xi0)
            Point of type I on Berkovich line given by x + 2 = 0

        At the moment, our choice of point close to the boundary is not
        optimal, as the following example shows: ::

            sage: U = RationalDomainOnBerkovichLine(X, 2/(x^2+x+1))
            sage: U
            Affinoid with 1 components:
            Elementary affinoid defined by
            v(1/(x^2 + x + 1)) >= -1

            sage: xi0 = U.boundary()[0]
            sage: U.point_close_to_boundary(xi0)
            Point of type I on Berkovich line given by x^2 + 3*x + 1 = 0

        The point at infinity is also inside U and 'close to the boundary',
        and has smaller degree than the point produced above.

        .. TODO::

            Use a better strategie to find a point of minimal degree.

        U = self
        T = U._T
        X = U.berkovich_line()
        F = X.function_field()
        x = F.gen()
        T0 = T.find_point(xi0)
        assert T0 != None and T0._is_in_affinoid, "xi0 is not a boundary point"
        # we only look for point of type I which are larger than xi0
        # but it may be possibleto find other points with smaller degree
        v0 = xi0.pseudovaluation_on_polynomial_ring()
        Rb = v0.residue_ring()
        psi = Rb.one()
        for T1 in T0.children():
            if not T1._is_in_affinoid:
                eta1 = TypeVPointOnBerkovichLine(xi0, T1.root())
                psi1 = eta1.minor_valuation().uniformizer()
                if psi1.denominator().is_one():
                    psi = psi * Rb(psi1.numerator())
        phib = irreducible_polynomial_prime_to(psi)
        phi = v0.lift_to_key(phib)
        if xi0.is_in_unit_disk():
            xi1 = X.point_from_discoid(phi, Infinity)
            if phi == x:
                xi1 = X.point_from_discoid(1 / x, Infinity)
                xi1 = X.point_from_discoid(
                    phi(1 / x) * x**phi.degree(), Infinity)
        assert U.is_contained_in(xi1), "error: xi1 is not contained in U"
        return xi1
    def compute_connected_components(self, comp_list, new_comp):
        r""" Compute the connected components of the represented affinoid.


        - ``comp_list`` -- a list (of lists of lists)
        - ``new_comp`` -- a list (of lists)


        - all connected components whose root is a vertex of T=``self`` are
          added to the list ``comp_list``.
        - all boundary_lists which belong to T and to the connected component
          which contains the root of T  are added to ``new_comp`` (in particular,
          if the root of T does not lie in the affinoid then the list is unchanged).

        Here a *boundary list* is a list of type-V-points which represent holes
        of the affinoid with a common boundary point. A *connected component*
        is a list of boundary lists.


            sage: from mclf import *
            sage: K = QQ
            sage: vK = K.valuation(2)
            sage: F.<x> = FunctionField(K)
            sage: X = BerkovichLine(F, vK)
            sage: xi0 = X.gauss_point()
            sage: xi1 = X.point_from_discoid(x+1, 1)
            sage: xi2 = X.point_from_discoid(x+1, 2)
            sage: xi3 = X.point_from_discoid(1/x, 1)

            sage: U = AffinoidTree(X)
            sage: U = U.add_points([xi0, xi2], [xi1, xi3])
            sage: U
            Affinoid tree with 4 vertices

            sage: component_list = []
            sage: U.compute_connected_components(component_list, [])
            sage: component_list
            [[[Point of type V given by residue class v(1/(x + 1)) > -2]],
            [[Point of type V given by residue class v(x + 1) > 0,
            Point of type V given by residue class v(1/x) > 0]]]

        T = self
        if T._is_in_affinoid:
            if T.parent() == None or T.parent()._is_in_affinoid:
                holes = []
                # possible source of error: root of T is of type I
                holes = [
            for T1 in T.children():
                if T1._is_in_affinoid:
                    T1.compute_connected_components(comp_list, new_comp)
                        T.root(), T1.root()))
                    T1.compute_connected_components(comp_list, [])
            if holes != []:

            if T.parent() == None or not T.parent()._is_in_affinoid:
                # T.root() is the root of a component
            # the root of T does not lie in U
            for T1 in T.children():
                T1.compute_connected_components(comp_list, [])