def write_xsf(cell, filename=None): if filename == None: filename = 'mcu' comment = lattice = np.asarray(cell[0]) positions = np.asarray(cell[1]) abs_positions = atoms = np.asarray(cell[2]) natom = len(atoms) symbol = cell_utils.convert_atomtype(atoms) with open(filename + '.xsf', 'w') as f: f.write('Generated by mcu on ' + comment + '\n') f.write('CRYSTAL\n') f.write('PRIMVEC\n') for i in range(3): f.write(' %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f\n' % (lattice[i, 0], lattice[i, 1], lattice[i, 2])) f.write('CONVVEC\n') for i in range(3): f.write(' %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f\n' % (lattice[i, 0], lattice[i, 1], lattice[i, 2])) f.write('PRIMCOORD\n') f.write('%3d %3d\n' % (natom, 1)) for atom in range(natom): f.write(' %s %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f\n' % (symbol[atom], abs_positions[atom][0], abs_positions[atom][1], abs_positions[atom][2]))
def cell_to_spgcell(cell, atoms): '''Providing the cell attribute from vasprun.xml, return the cell for spglib''' lattice = np.ndarray.tolist(cell[0]) positions = np.ndarray.tolist(cell[2]) numbers = utils.convert_atomtype(atoms) return (lattice, positions, numbers)
def write_poscar(cell, filename=None): if filename == None: filename = 'POSCAR_mcu' comment = lattice = np.asarray(cell[0]) positions = np.asarray(cell[1]) atoms = np.asarray(cell[2]) idx = np.argsort(atoms) atoms = atoms[idx] symbol = cell_utils.convert_atomtype(atoms) irred_symbol, count = misc.unique(symbol) positions = positions[idx] with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write('Generated by mcu on ' + comment + '\n') f.write('1.0\n') for i in range(3): f.write(' %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f\n' % (lattice[i, 0], lattice[i, 1], lattice[i, 2])) for symb in irred_symbol: f.write(' %s ' % (symb)) f.write('\n') for num_atom in count: f.write(' %d ' % (num_atom)) f.write('\n') f.write('Direct\n') for atom in positions: f.write(' %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f\n' % (atom[0], atom[1], atom[2]))
def get_sym(cell, symprec=1e-5, print_atom=False, export_operator=False): #Space group info intl_label, number = spglib.get_spacegroup(cell, symprec).split(' ') number = number.split("(")[1].split(")")[0] Schoenflies_label = spglib.get_spacegroup(cell, symprec, symbol_type=1).split(' ')[0] sym = spglib.get_symmetry(cell, symprec) rotations = sym['rotations'] translations = sym['translations'] equi_atoms = sym['equivalent_atoms'] is_std = is_prim = False std_cell = spglib.refine_cell(cell, symprec) prim_cell = spglib.find_primitive(cell, symprec) if compare_cells(cell, std_cell): is_std = True if compare_cells(cell, prim_cell): is_prim = True atoms = utils.convert_atomtype(cell[2]) if export_operator == False: #Cell info std_cell = spglib.refine_cell(cell, symprec) prim_cell = spglib.find_primitive(cell, symprec) #Print misc.print_msg("Spacegroup number : %s" % (number)) misc.print_msg("Short International symbol : %s" % (intl_label)) misc.print_msg("Schoenflies symbol : %s" % (Schoenflies_label)) if print_atom == True: misc.print_msg("Atoms list (No. - Sym - Symbol):") for i, atom in enumerate(atoms): misc.print_msg("%3d %3d %s" % (i + 1, equi_atoms[i] + 1, atom)) misc.print_msg("Irreducible atoms:") for i, index in enumerate(np.unique(equi_atoms)): misc.print_msg("%3d %3s %7f5 %7f5 %7f5" % (i + 1, atoms[index], cell[1][index][0], cell[1][index][1], cell[1][index][2])) misc.print_msg("Number of irreducible atoms : %d" % (np.unique(equi_atoms).shape[0])) misc.print_msg("Standard cell : %r" % (is_std)) misc.print_msg("Primitive cell : %r" % (is_prim)) return is_std, is_prim else: return (number, intl_label), equi_atoms, rotations, translations
def write_cif(cell, spacegroup, equi_atoms, symopt, filename=None): if filename == None: filename = 'mcu' comment = lattice = np.asarray(cell[0]) lattice = cell_utils.convert_lattice(lattice) positions = np.asarray(cell[1]) atoms = np.asarray(cell[2]) new_atm = [atoms[atm] for atm in np.unique(equi_atoms)] new_pos = [positions[atm] for atm in np.unique(equi_atoms)] natom = len(new_atm) symbol = cell_utils.convert_atomtype(new_atm) nsymopt = len(symopt) with open(filename + '.cif', 'w') as f: f.write('data_New_Crystal\n') f.write("_audit_creation_method '%s'\n" % ('Generated by mcu on ' + comment)) f.write('_cell_length_a %15.10f\n' % (lattice[0])) f.write('_cell_length_b %15.10f\n' % (lattice[1])) f.write('_cell_length_c %15.10f\n' % (lattice[2])) f.write('_cell_angle_alpha %15.10f\n' % (lattice[3])) f.write('_cell_angle_beta %15.10f\n' % (lattice[4])) f.write('_cell_angle_gamma %15.10f\n' % (lattice[5])) f.write('\n') f.write("_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M '%s'\n" % (spacegroup[1])) f.write('_symmetry_Int_Tables_number %s\n' % (spacegroup[0])) f.write('loop_\n') f.write('_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz\n') for i in range(nsymopt): f.write('%s\n' % (symopt[i])) f.write('\n') f.write('loop_\n') f.write('_atom_site_label\n') f.write('_atom_site_type_symbol\n') f.write('_atom_site_fract_x\n') f.write('_atom_site_fract_y\n') f.write('_atom_site_fract_z\n') for atom in range(natom): f.write(' %s %s %15.10f %15.10f %15.10f\n' % (symbol[atom], symbol[atom], new_pos[atom][0], new_pos[atom][1], new_pos[atom][2]))
def read_win(self, seedname=None): '''Read the file''' if seedname is None: seedname = self.seedname if check_exist(seedname + '.win'): with open(seedname + '.win', "r") as file: win = # Cell information lattice = copy_block(win, 'Unit_Cell_Cart', convert_to_float=True) atom_block = copy_block(win, 'atoms_cart') atom_sym = [] atom_position = [] for atm in atom_block: temp = atm.split() atom_sym.append(temp[0]) atom_position.append(np.float64(temp[1:])) self.atom = atom_sym atom_number = utils.convert_atomtype(self.atom ) self.cell = (lattice, atom_position, atom_number) # kmesh info self.kpts = np.asarray(copy_block(win, 'kpoints', convert_to_float=True)) self.klabel = None kpoint_path = copy_block(win, 'kpoint_path') if kpoint_path is not []: num_kpoint = len(kpoint_path) high_sym_kpoints = [] for i, kpoint in enumerate(kpoint_path): if i == (num_kpoint - 1): temp = kpoint.split() high_sym_kpoints.append([temp[0], np.float64(temp[1:4])]) high_sym_kpoints.append([temp[4], np.float64(temp[5:])]) else: temp = kpoint.split() high_sym_kpoints.append([temp[0], np.float64(temp[1:4])]) self.klabel = high_sym_kpoints else: print('Cannot find the *.win file. Check the path:', seedname + '.win')
def read_ouput(self, filename=None): '''Read the cp2k output file''' if filename is None: filename = self.output assert check_exist( filename), "Cannot find the output. Check the path: " + filename with open(filename, "r") as file: outfile = # Cell information cell_block = copy_block(outfile, "CELL_TOP") a_vec = cell_block[1].split()[4:7] b_vec = cell_block[2].split()[4:7] c_vec = cell_block[3].split()[4:7] lattice = np.float64([a_vec, b_vec, c_vec]) atom_type, atom_position = get_atoms(outfile) self.atom = atom_type atom_number = utils.convert_atomtype(atom_type) self.cell = (lattice, atom_position, atom_number) self.efermi = get_value(outfile, keyword="Fermi energy") self.kpts = 0 # kmesh info: TODO: will test the Gamma point case first
def __init__(self, mp_grid, num_wann, wavecar='WAVECAR', poscar='POSCAR', gamma=False, spinors=False, spin_up=True, other_keywords=None): self.pos = mcu.POSCAR(poscar) self.wave = mcu.WAVECAR(wavecar) self.num_wann = num_wann self.keywords = other_keywords # Collect the pyscf calculation info self.num_bands_tot =[-1] self.num_kpts_loc =[-2] self.mp_grid_loc = mp_grid assert self.num_kpts_loc == np.asarray(self.mp_grid_loc).prod() self.real_lattice_loc = self.wave.cell[0] self.recip_lattice_loc = self.wave.cell[1] self.kpt_latt_loc = self.wave.kpts self.kpts_abs = self.abs_kpts = self.num_atoms_loc = len(self.pos.cell[2]) self.atom_symbols_loc = cell_utils.convert_atomtype(self.pos.cell[2]) self.atom_atomic_loc = self.pos.cell[2] self.atoms_cart_loc = np.asarray(self.pos.cell[1]).dot( self.real_lattice_loc) self.gamma_only, self.spinors = (0, 0) if gamma == True: self.gamma_only = 1 if spinors == True: self.spinors = 1 self.spin = 0 # Wannier90_setup outputs self.num_bands_loc = None self.num_wann_loc = None self.nntot_loc = None self.nn_list = None self.proj_site = None self.proj_l = None proj_m = None self.proj_radial = None self.proj_z = None self.proj_x = None self.proj_zona = None self.exclude_bands = None self.proj_s = None self.proj_s_qaxis = None # Input for Wannier90_run self.band_included_list = None self.A_matrix_loc = None self.M_matrix_loc = None self.eigenvalues_loc = None # Wannier90_run outputs self.U_matrix = None self.U_matrix_opt = None self.lwindow = None self.wann_centres = None self.wann_spreads = None self.spread = None # Others self.use_bloch_phases = False self.check_complex = False self.spin_up = spin_up if spin_up == True: self.spin = 0 self.mo_energy_kpts =[self.spin] else: self.spin = 1 assert[ 0] == 2, 'WAVECAR is from a non spin-polarized calculation: spin_up == True' self.mo_energy_kpts =[self.spin]