    def run_fuse(self):
        Run fusion.

        assert os.path.exists(self.options.depth_dir)

        files = self.read_directory(self.options.depth_dir)
        timer = common.Timer()
        Rs = self.get_views()

        for filepath in files:

            # As rendering might be slower, we wait for rendering to finish.
            # This allows to run rendering and fusing in parallel (more or less).

            depths = common.read_hdf5(filepath)

            tsdf = self.fusion(depths, Rs)
            tsdf = tsdf[0]

            vertices, triangles = libmcubes.marching_cubes(-tsdf, 0)
            vertices /= self.options.resolution
            vertices -= 0.5

            off_file = os.path.join(self.options.out_dir,
            libmcubes.export_off(vertices, triangles, off_file)
            print('[Data] wrote %s (%f seconds)' % (off_file, timer.elapsed()))
def test_export():

    u = np.zeros((10, 10, 10))
    u[2:-2, 2:-2, 2:-2] = 1.0
    vertices, triangles = mcubes.marching_cubes(u, 0.5)

    mcubes.export_obj(vertices, triangles, "output/test.obj")
    mcubes.export_off(vertices, triangles, "output/test.off")
    mcubes.export_mesh(vertices, triangles, "output/test.dae")
def process_mesh(obj_path, view_ids, cam_Ks, cam_RTs):
    script for prepare watertigt mesh for training
    :param obj (str): object path
    :param view_ids (N-d list): which view ids would like to render (from 1 to total_view_nums).
    :param cam_Ks (N x 3 x 3): camera intrinsic parameters.
    :param cam_RTs (N x 3 x 3): camera extrinsic parameters.
    cat, model = obj_path.split('/')[3:5]
    '''Decide save path'''
    output_file = os.path.join(watertight_mesh_path, cat, model, 'model.off')

    if os.path.exists(output_file):
        return None

    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(watertight_mesh_path, cat, model)):
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(watertight_mesh_path, cat, model))
    '''Begin to process'''
    obj_dir = os.path.join(shapenet_rendering_path, cat, model)
    dist_map_dir = [
        os.path.join(obj_dir, 'depth_{0:03d}.exr'.format(view_id))
        for view_id in view_ids

    dist_maps = read_exr(dist_map_dir)
    depth_maps = np.float32(dist_to_dep(dist_maps, cam_Ks, erosion_size=2))

    cam_Rs = np.float32(cam_RTs[:, :, :-1])
    cam_Ts = np.float32(cam_RTs[:, :, -1])

    views = pyfusion.PyViews(depth_maps, cam_Ks, cam_Rs, cam_Ts)

    voxel_size = 1. / voxel_res
    truncation = truncation_factor * voxel_size
    tsdf = pyfusion.tsdf_gpu(views, voxel_res, voxel_res, voxel_res,
                             voxel_size, truncation, False)
    mask_grid = pyfusion.projmask_gpu(views, voxel_res, voxel_res, voxel_res,
                                      voxel_size, False)
    tsdf[mask_grid == 0.] = truncation

    # rotate to the correct system
    tsdf = np.transpose(tsdf[0], [2, 1, 0])

    # To ensure that the final mesh is indeed watertight
    tsdf = np.pad(tsdf, 1, 'constant', constant_values=1e6)
    vertices, triangles = mcubes.marching_cubes(-tsdf, 0)
    # Remove padding offset
    vertices -= 1
    # Normalize to [-0.5, 0.5]^3 cube
    vertices /= voxel_res
    vertices -= 0.5

    mcubes.export_off(vertices, triangles, output_file)
def batch_scan(input_obj):
    output_path = os.path.join(ShapeNetv2_Watertight_path,
                               '/'.join(input_obj.split('/')[2:4]) + '.off')
    if os.path.exists(output_path):
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(output_path)):

    obj_file = read_obj(input_obj, flags=('v', 'f'))
    vertices = obj_file['v']
    faces = obj_file['f']
    faces = np.array([[int(face_id.split('/')[0]) for face_id in item]
                      for item in faces])
    '''Scale to [-0.5, 0.5], center at 0.'''
    center = (vertices.max(0) + vertices.min(0)) / 2.
    scale = max(vertices.max(0) - vertices.min(0))
    scale = scale / (1 - padding)
    vertices_normalized = (vertices - center) / scale
    '''Render depth maps'''
    camera_Rs = get_views(n_camera_views)
    depths = render(vertices=vertices_normalized,
    '''Fuse depth maps'''
    tsdf = fuse_depthmaps(depths, camera_Rs)
    # To ensure that the final mesh is indeed watertight
    tsdf = np.pad(tsdf, 1, 'constant', constant_values=1e6)
    vertices, triangles = mcubes.marching_cubes(-tsdf, 0)
    # Remove padding offset
    vertices -= 1
    # Normalize to [-0.5, 0.5]^3 cube
    vertices /= resolution
    vertices -= 0.5
    '''scale back'''
    vertices = vertices * scale + center
    mcubes.export_off(vertices, triangles, output_path)
import mcubes

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print('[Data] Usage python 10_reconstruct.py config_folder')

    config_folder = sys.argv[1] + '/'
    assert os.path.exists(
        config_folder), 'directory %s does not exist' % config_folder

    for config_file in os.listdir(config_folder):
        print('[Data] reading ' + config_folder + config_file)
        config = utils.read_json(config_folder + config_file)

        sdf_file = common.filename(config, 'sdf_file')
        assert os.path.exists(sdf_file), 'file %s does not exist' % sdf_file

        sdfs = utils.read_hdf5(sdf_file)
        sdfs = sdfs.squeeze()

        reconstructed_directory = common.dirname(config, 'reconstructed_dir')

        for n in range(sdfs.shape[0]):
            vertices, triangles = mcubes.marching_cubes(
                -sdfs[n].transpose(1, 0, 2), 0)

            off_file = reconstructed_directory + '/%d.off' % n
            mcubes.export_off(vertices, triangles, off_file)
            print('[Data] wrote %s' % off_file)