文件: gsd.py 项目: sroet/mdtraj
def load_gsd_topology(filename, frame=0):
    """ Create an MDTraj.Topology from a GSD file 
    filename : path-like
        Path of GSD trajectory file.
    frame : int, 0 
        Frame of GSD file to parse topology

    top : mdtraj.Topology

    GSD files support systems with variable topologies.
    For compatibility with MDTraj, only the topology from GSD frame 0 is
    used to construct the MDTraj topology.
    import gsd.hoomd
    with gsd.hoomd.open(filename, 'rb') as gsdfile:
        top = Topology()
        generic_chain = top.add_chain()
        generic_residue = top.add_residue('A', generic_chain)
        all_particle_types = gsdfile[frame].particles.types
        for particle_type_id in gsdfile[frame].particles.typeid:
            top.add_atom(all_particle_types[particle_type_id], virtual_site,

        for bond in gsdfile[frame].bonds.group:
            atom1, atom2 = bond[0], bond[1]
            top.add_bond(top.atom(atom1), top.atom(atom2))

    return top
    def mutate(self, mut_res_idx, mut_new_resname):
        """Mutate residue

        mut_res_idx : int
            Index of residue to mutate.
        mut_new_resname : str
            Three-letter code of residue to mutate to.

        assert (self.topology.residue(mut_res_idx).name != mut_new_resname), "mutating the residue to itself!"

        # Build new topology
        newTopology = Topology()
        for chain in self.topology.chains:
            newChain = newTopology.add_chain()
            for residue in chain._residues:
                res_idx = residue.index
                if res_idx == mut_res_idx:
                    # create mutated residue
                    self._add_mutated_residue(mut_new_resname, newTopology, newChain, res_idx, residue)
                    # copy old residue atoms directly
                    newResidue = newTopology.add_residue(residue.name, newChain, res_idx)
                    for atom in residue.atoms:
                                    newResidue, serial=atom.index)

        # The bond connectivity should stay identical
        for atm1, atm2 in self.topology._bonds:
            new_atm1 = newTopology.atom(atm1.index)
            new_atm2 = newTopology.atom(atm2.index)
            newTopology.add_bond(new_atm1, new_atm2)

        self._prev_topology = self.topology.copy()
        self.topology = newTopology
def load_hoomdxml(filename, top=None):
    """Load a single conformation from an HOOMD-Blue XML file.

    For more information on this file format, see:
    Notably, all node names and attributes are in all lower case.
    HOOMD-Blue does not contain residue and chain information explicitly. 
    For this reason, chains will be found by looping over all the bonds and 
    finding what is bonded to what. 
    Each chain consisists of exactly one residue. 

    filename : string
        The path on disk to the XML file
    top : None
        This argumet is ignored

    trajectory : md.Trajectory
        The resulting trajectory, as an md.Trajectory object, with corresponding 

    This function requires the NetworkX python package.
    from mdtraj.core.trajectory import Trajectory
    from mdtraj.core.topology import Topology
    topology = Topology()
    tree = cElementTree.parse(filename)
    config = tree.getroot().find('configuration')
    position = config.find('position')
    bond = config.find('bond')
    atom_type = config.find('type')  # MDTraj calls this "name"

    box = config.find('box')
    box.attrib = dict((key.lower(), val) for key, val in box.attrib.items())
    # be generous for case of box attributes
    lx = float(box.attrib['lx'])
    ly = float(box.attrib['ly'])
    lz = float(box.attrib['lz'])
        xy = float(box.attrib['xy'])
        xz = float(box.attrib['xz'])
        yz = float(box.attrib['yz'])
    except (ValueError, KeyError):
        xy = 0.0
        xz = 0.0
        yz = 0.0
    unitcell_vectors = np.array([[[lx, xy * ly, xz * lz], [0.0, ly, yz * lz],
                                  [0.0, 0.0, lz]]])

    positions, types = [], {}
    for pos in position.text.splitlines()[1:]:
        positions.append((float(pos.split()[0]), float(pos.split()[1]),

    for idx, atom_name in enumerate(atom_type.text.splitlines()[1:]):
        types[idx] = str(atom_name.split()[0])
    if len(types) != len(positions):
        raise ValueError('Different number of types and positions in xml file')

    # ignore the bond type
    if hasattr(bond, 'text'):
        bonds = [(int(b.split()[1]), int(b.split()[2]))
                 for b in bond.text.splitlines()[1:]]
        chains = _find_chains(bonds)
        chains = []
        bonds = []

    # Relate the first index in the bonded-group to mdtraj.Residue
    bonded_to_residue = {}
    for i, _ in enumerate(types):
        bonded_group = _in_chain(chains, i)
        if bonded_group is not None:
            if bonded_group[0] not in bonded_to_residue:
                t_chain = topology.add_chain()
                t_residue = topology.add_residue('A', t_chain)
                bonded_to_residue[bonded_group[0]] = t_residue
            topology.add_atom(types[i], virtual_site,
        if bonded_group is None:
            t_chain = topology.add_chain()
            t_residue = topology.add_residue('A', t_chain)
            topology.add_atom(types[i], virtual_site, t_residue)

    for bond in bonds:
        atom1, atom2 = bond[0], bond[1]
        topology.add_bond(topology.atom(atom1), topology.atom(atom2))

    traj = Trajectory(xyz=np.array(positions), topology=topology)
    traj.unitcell_vectors = unitcell_vectors

    return traj
def load_hoomdxml(filename, top=None):
    """Load a single conformation from an HOOMD-Blue XML file.

    For more information on this file format, see:
    Notably, all node names and attributes are in all lower case.
    HOOMD-Blue does not contain residue and chain information explicitly. 
    For this reason, chains will be found by looping over all the bonds and 
    finding what is bonded to what. 
    Each chain consisists of exactly one residue. 

    filename : string
        The path on disk to the XML file

    trajectory : md.Trajectory
        The resulting trajectory, as an md.Trajectory object, with corresponding 

    This function requires the NetworkX python package.
    from mdtraj.core.trajectory import Trajectory
    from mdtraj.core.topology import Topology
    topology = Topology()
    tree = cElementTree.parse(filename)
    config = tree.getroot().find('configuration')
    position = config.find('position')
    bond = config.find('bond')
    atom_type = config.find('type')  # MDTraj calls this "name"

    box = config.find('box')
    box.attrib = dict((key.lower(), val) for key, val in box.attrib.items())
    # be generous for case of box attributes
    lx = float(box.attrib['lx'])
    ly = float(box.attrib['ly'])
    lz = float(box.attrib['lz'])
        xy = float(box.attrib['xy'])
        xz = float(box.attrib['xz'])
        yz = float(box.attrib['yz'])
        xy = 0.0
        xz = 0.0
        yz = 0.0
    unitcell_vectors = np.array([[[lx,  xy*ly, xz*lz],
                                  [0.0, ly,    yz*lz],
                                  [0.0, 0.0,   lz   ]]])

    positions, types = [], {}
    for pos in position.text.splitlines()[1:]:

    for idx, atom_name in enumerate(atom_type.text.splitlines()[1:]):
        types[idx] = str(atom_name.split()[0])
    if len(types) != len(positions):
        raise ValueError('Different number of types and positions in xml file')

    # ignore the bond type
    bonds = [(int(b.split()[1]), int(b.split()[2])) for b in bond.text.splitlines()[1:]]
    chains = _find_chains(bonds)
    ions = [i for i in range(len(types)) if not _in_chain(chains, i)]

    # add chains, bonds and ions (each chain = 1 residue)
    for chain in chains:
        t_chain = topology.add_chain()
        t_residue = topology.add_residue('A', t_chain)
        for atom in chain:
            topology.add_atom(types[atom], 'U', t_residue)
    for ion in ions:
        t_chain = topology.add_chain()
        t_residue = topology.add_residue('A', t_chain)
        topology.add_atom(types[atom], 'U', t_residue)
    for bond in bonds:
        atom1, atom2 = bond[0], bond[1]
        topology.add_bond(topology.atom(atom1), topology.atom(atom2))

    traj = Trajectory(xyz=np.array(positions), topology=topology)
    traj.unitcell_vectors = unitcell_vectors

    return traj