def song(request, song_id='511'):
	max_links = 100
	subgraph = {"keys":[], "values":[]}
	outDict = {}
	params = {}
	sorted_graph = {}
	use_random = False
	createSongSongLinks = True
	# 'jp_ego_group_and_centrality'
	# 'ego_group_w_attribs'
	defaultMethod = 'ego_group_w_attribs'
	songmeminfo = {}
	## The basic organization for this function should be:
	# 1. Parse the GET request parameters
	# 2. Get a graph of song nodes
	# 3. Calculate the starting positions of song nodes
	# 4. Fetch memories associated with some set of the song nodes in the graph
	# 5. Create the structure expected by the force-directed layout of d3 consisting of arrays of nodes and links
	# Get our graph_db connection
	graph_db = manage_sessions.check_ag_conn()
	# Get the GET request - this gives us access to a QueryDict
#	if isinstance(request,dict):
#		queryParams = request
	inputParams = {}
	if request.method == 'GET':
		inputParams = dict(request.GET)
	# Set defaults if the values were not passed in
	# Get the starting node	
	# if queryParams.get('startNode'):
	# 	inputParams['startNode'] = queryParams.get('startNode')
	# else:
	# 	# In order to handle the startup condition of a user accessing meamcentral, the start node selection should be based on the birth year that the user is requested to provide when first entering MEAM Central
	# 	inputParams['startNode'] = 511
	inputParams['startNode'] = song_id

	if 'graphConstructionMethod' not in inputParams.keys():
		inputParams['graphConstructionMethod'] = defaultMethod
	elif isinstance(inputParams['graphConstructionMethod'],list):
		inputParams['graphConstructionMethod'] = inputParams['graphConstructionMethod'][0]
	if 'userid' not in inputParams.keys():
		inputParams['userid'] = 'anonymous';
	elif isinstance(inputParams['userid'],list):
		inputParams['userid'] = inputParams['userid'][0]
	if 'memNodeDistFromSongNode' not in inputParams.keys():
		memNodeDistFromSongNode = 25
	if 'year' in inputParams.keys() and isinstance(inputParams['year'],list):
		inputParams['year'] = inputParams['year'][0]
	# Get a graph structure for songs, based on some criteria
	# We are trying out various methods, each associated with a name and a particular function
	method = inputParams['graphConstructionMethod']
	if method in ['userSongs','ego_group_w_year_seed']:
		# Check to see if the requested userid matches the username
		useridMatchesSessionID = False
		if inputParams['userid'] == request.user.username:
			useridMatchesSessionID = True
		# If the username is not anonymous and the userid matches the session ID, get the mcpid from the user profile
		if not request.user.is_anonymous() and useridMatchesSessionID:
			inputParams['mcpid'] =  request.user.userprofile.mcpid
			inputParams['mcpid'] = manage_sessions.lookup_mcpid(inputParams['userid'])
		if method == 'userSongs':
			graphData = song_structure.songs_for_userid(graph_db,inputParams)
		elif method == 'ego_group_w_year_seed':
			graphData = song_structure.ego_group_w_year_seed(graph_db, inputParams)
		if not graphData:
			return HttpResponse(json.dumps({}), content_type='application/json')
	elif method == 'ego_group_w_attribs':
		graphData = song_structure.ego_group_w_attribs(graph_db,inputParams)
	elif method == 'jp_ego_group_and_centrality':
		graph_centrality = song_structure.sna_ego_group_and_centrality(graph_db)
		songIDs = graph_centrality.keys()
	elif method == 'original':
		params['readfromfile'] = True
		params['writetofile'] = True
		params['fname'] = './song_graph.txt'
		graph = song_structure.song_graph_by_common_song_set(graph_db, params)
		# Select a subset of those songs
		if use_random:
			subgraph["keys"] = random.sample(graph,max_links)  # this returns only the song id pairs
			subgraph["values"] = [graph[a] for a in subgraph["keys"]]
			# Extract the list of unique songIDs in this set
			songIDs = list(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(subgraph["keys"])))
			# Sort the list by the number of times a pair of songs was encountered
			tmp = sorted(graph.iteritems(),key=itemgetter(1),reverse=True)
			for pair in tmp[0:max_links]:
				songIDs = list(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(subgraph["keys"])))
	# Get the positioning information of the songs
	# We really shouldn't have to fetch the memory information associated with songs for this particular view
	if method in ['jp_ego_group_and_centrality','original']:
		songmeminfo = view_helpers.fetch_all_song_memories(graph_db, songIDs)
		# PJ - 15Aug2015 - I think we should be passing subgraph in rather than tmp, as this contains the information necessary to construct the feature matrix
		if method == 'jp_ego_group_and_centrality':
			songnodeLoc = getLocation.getSongNode_Location(songmeminfo, xmethod='year',ymethod='centrality',centrality_dict=graph_centrality)
			songnodeLoc = getLocation.getSongNode_Location(songmeminfo, xmethod='svd',ymethod='svd',cooccurence_dict=tmp)
	elif method in ['ego_group_w_attribs', 'ego_group_w_year_seed']:
		# only worry about unique songs for positioning
		useFields = ['song','year','centrality']
		songinfoMtx = np.unique(graphData['songinfo'])
		songnodeLoc = getLocation.getSongNode_Location(songinfoMtx[useFields], xmethod='year', ymethod='centrality', viewParams = {'startNode': inputParams['startNode'], 'height':500, 'width':750})
		songmeminfo = graphData['songmeminfo']
	elif method == 'userSongs':
		songinfoMtx = np.unique(graphData['songinfo'])
		songmeminfo = graphData['songmeminfo']
		useFields = ['song','year']
		songnodeLoc = getLocation.getSongNode_Location(songinfoMtx[useFields], xmethod='year', ymethod='random', viewParams = {'height':500, 'width':750})
	# Do the heavy lifting for the d3 layout, creating the node and link objects that we need. We have two types of nodes: song nodes and memory nodes.  Memory nodes only link to song nodes. Song nodes are linked both to memory nodes and other song nodes.
	nodes = []
	links = []
	outDict["nodes"] = nodes
	outDict["links"] = links
	# Loop over the meminfo entries, adding nodes both for songs and memories, and links between songs and memories
	if method in ['jp_ego_group_and_centrality','original']:
		songmemkeys = songmeminfo.keys()
		songID2Idx = {}
		for idx,currEntry in enumerate(sorted(songmemkeys)):
			currSongInfo = songmeminfo[currEntry]["songinfo"]
			# Get the location for this particular song
			if not usePreviewURL:
				currSongLocation = Stimulus.objects.filter(stimulus_id = currSongInfo["id"])[0].location
				# Strip off everything but the filename
				sep = '/'
				# sname = currSongLocation.rsplit(sep).pop()
				sname = currSongLocation
				currSongInfo["location"] = baseMusicLocation + sep + sname
				currSongInfo["location"] = currSongInfo["songURL"]
			songDict = {"songNodeID": currEntry, "class": "song", "songmeta": currSongInfo}
			# Get the locations for the display in d3
			if not method == 'jp_ego_group_and_centrality':
				songDict.update({"x": songnodeLoc[idx,0], "y": songnodeLoc[idx,1]})
				songDict.update({"x": songnodeLoc[currEntry]['x'],

			songIdx = len(nodes)-1
			songID2Idx[currEntry] = songIdx
			nodes[songIdx]["children"] = []
			for memory in songmeminfo[currEntry]["memories"]:
				nodeDict = memory
				nodeDict["class"] = "memory"
				memIdx = len(nodes)-1
				linkDict = {"source": songIdx, "target": memIdx}
				linkDict["class"] = "songmemory"
		# Loop over the subgraph to create links between song nodes
		if createSongSongLinks:
			for songPair in subgraph["keys"]:
				linkDict = {"source": songID2Idx[songPair[0]], 
					"target": songID2Idx[songPair[1]], 
					"strength": subgraph["values"][subgraph["keys"].index(songPair)]}
				linkDict["class"] = "songsong"
	elif method in ['ego_group_w_attribs','userSongs','ego_group_w_year_seed']:
		# Convert the array of song information into dicts that we can feed into songmeta fields
		songinfoVars = ['title','album','artist','year','previewURL']

		names = songinfoMtx[songinfoVars].dtype.names 
		# The map() function converts the years to strings
		songmetaMtx = [dict(zip(names, map(str,record))) for record in songinfoMtx[songinfoVars]] 
		# Create the song nodes
		songID2Idx = {}
		sidx = 0
		songmeminfoKeys = songmeminfo.keys()
		for currSongID in songinfoMtx['song']:
			# Create our dictionary to be associated with this song node
			songDict = {"songNodeID": str(currSongID), "class": "song", "songmeta": songmetaMtx[sidx]}
			# Update the dictionary with the position info
			songDict.update({"x": float(songnodeLoc[sidx]['x']), "px": float(songnodeLoc[sidx]['x']), "y":float(songnodeLoc[sidx]['y']), "py":float(songnodeLoc[sidx]['y'])})
			# Get the source of the audio file
			if not usePreviewURL:
				currSongLocation = Stimulus.objects.filter(stimulus_id = currSongID)[0].location
				# Strip off everything but the filename
				sep = '/'
				# sname = currSongLocation.rsplit(sep).pop()
				sname = currSongLocation
				songDict["songmeta"]["location"] = baseMusicLocation + sep + sname
				songDict["songmeta"]["location"] = str(songinfoMtx[sidx]["previewURL"]).encode('utf-8')
			# Append the dictionary to the list of nodes
			songIdx = len(nodes)-1

			# If we have them, handle the memories associated with this song
			nodes[songIdx]["children"] = []
			if songmeminfo:
				if str(currSongID) in songmeminfoKeys:
					currMemList = songmeminfo[str(currSongID)] 
					currMemList = []
				# If we are dealing with the startNode, fetch the associated memory descriptions
				if currMemList and currSongID == inputParams['startNode']:
					currMemList = view_helpers.fetch_memories_for_song(graph_db, currSongID)
				numMem = len(currMemList)
				if numMem:
					radPerMem = 2*math.pi/numMem  # number of radians per memory for positioning
					radPerMem = 0
				currTheta = 0
				for memory in currMemList:
					nodeDict = memory
					nodeDict["class"] = "memory"
					# Figure out positions for the memory nodes
					# Have to cast the numbers as regular floats so that the json encoder doesn't choke
					nodeDict["x"] = float(songnodeLoc[sidx]['x'] + memNodeDistFromSongNode * np.cos(currTheta))
					nodeDict["px"] = nodeDict["x"]
					nodeDict["y"] = float(songnodeLoc[sidx]['y'] + memNodeDistFromSongNode * np.sin(currTheta))
					nodeDict["py"] = nodeDict["y"]
					currTheta += radPerMem
					# Add the node to the list and to the list of the song node's children
					memIdx = len(nodes)-1
					# Create the link between the song node and memory node
					linkDict = {"source": songIdx, "target": memIdx}
					linkDict["class"] = "songmemory"
			sidx += 1  # Increment our song counter
	# Return information to server
	return HttpResponse(json.dumps(outDict), content_type='application/json')
def song(request):
    max_links = 20
    subgraph = {"keys": [], "values": []}
    outDict = {}
    nodes = []
    links = []
    params = {}
    sorted_graph = {}
    use_random = False

    # Get a graph structure for songs, based on some criteria
    params["readfromfile"] = True
    params["writetofile"] = False
    params["fname"] = "./song_graph.txt"
    graph = song_structure.song_graph_by_common_song_set(params)

    # Select a subset of those songs
    if use_random:
        subgraph["keys"] = random.sample(graph, max_links)  # this returns only the song id pairs
        subgraph["values"] = [graph[a] for a in subgraph["keys"]]
        # Sort the list by the number of times a pair of songs was encountered
        tmp = sorted(graph.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
        for pair in tmp[0:max_links]:

            # Extract the list of unique songIDs in this set
    songIDs = list(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(subgraph["keys"])))

    # Run a Cypher query to get nodes
    query = "START n=node(" + str(songIDs).strip("[]") + ") RETURN n"
    data, metadata = cypher.execute(graph_db, query)
    songNodes = [d[0] for d in data]

    # Get the song IDs in this graph and get the memories associated with those songs
    songmeminfo = view_helpers.fetch_all_song_memories(graph_db, songNodes)

    # Do the heavy lifting for the d3 layout, creating the node and link objects that we need. We have two types of nodes: song nodes and memory nodes.  Memory nodes only link to song nodes. Song nodes are linked both to memory nodes and other song nodes.
    outDict["nodes"] = nodes
    outDict["links"] = links

    # Loop over the meminfo entries, adding nodes both for songs and memories, and links between songs and memories
    songmemkeys = songmeminfo.keys()
    songID2Idx = {}
    for currEntry in songmemkeys:
        currSongInfo = songmeminfo[currEntry]["songinfo"]

        # Get the location for this particular song
        # Need to look this up from the MySQL database because this info isn't imported into neo4j
        currSongLocation = Stimulus.objects.filter(stimulus_id=currSongInfo["id"])[0].location

        # Strip off everything but the filename
        sep = "/"
        # sname = currSongLocation.rsplit(sep).pop()
        sname = currSongLocation
        currSongInfo["location"] = baseMusicLocation + sep + sname

        songDict = {"songNodeID": currEntry, "class": "song", "songmeta": currSongInfo}

        songIdx = len(nodes) - 1
        songID2Idx[currEntry] = songIdx

        nodes[songIdx]["children"] = []
        for memory in songmeminfo[currEntry]["memories"]:
            nodeDict = memory
            nodeDict["class"] = "memory"
            memIdx = len(nodes) - 1

            linkDict = {"source": songIdx, "target": memIdx}
            linkDict["class"] = "songmemory"

            # Loop over the subgraph to create links between song nodes
    for songPair in subgraph["keys"]:
        linkDict = {
            "source": songID2Idx[songPair[0]],
            "target": songID2Idx[songPair[1]],
            "strength": subgraph["values"][subgraph["keys"].index(songPair)],
        linkDict["class"] = "songsong"

        # Return information to server
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(outDict), content_type="application/json")