    def compute_ambiguity(self, dataset):
        Finds occurrences of spans from 'dataset' that intersect with a span from this annotation but do not have this spans label.
        label. If 'dataset' comprises a models predictions, this method provides a strong indicators
        of a model's in-ability to dis-ambiguate between entities. For a full analysis, compute a confusion matrix.

        :param dataset: a Dataset object containing a predicted version of this dataset.
        :param leniency: a floating point value between [0,1] defining the leniency of the character spans to count as different. A value of zero considers only exact character matches while a positive value considers entities that differ by up to :code:`ceil(leniency * len(span)/2)` on either side.
        :return: a dictionary containing the ambiguity computations on each gold, predicted file pair
        if not isinstance(dataset, Dataset):
            raise ValueError("dataset must be instance of Dataset")

        # verify files are consistent
        diff = set([file.ann_path.split(os.sep)[-1] for file in self]).difference(set([file.ann_path.split(os.sep)[-1] for file in dataset]))
        if diff:
            raise ValueError("Dataset of predictions is missing the files: " + str(list(diff)))

        #Dictionary storing ambiguity over dataset
        ambiguity_dict = {}

        for gold_data_file in self:
            prediction_iter = iter(dataset)
            prediction_data_file = next(prediction_iter)
            while str(gold_data_file) != str(prediction_data_file):
                prediction_data_file = next(prediction_iter)

            gold_annotation = Annotations(gold_data_file.ann_path)
            pred_annotation = Annotations(prediction_data_file.ann_path)

            # compute matrix on the Annotation file level
            ambiguity_dict[str(gold_data_file)] = gold_annotation.compute_ambiguity(pred_annotation)

        return ambiguity_dict
 def test_compute_ambiguity(self):
     annotations1 = Annotations(join(self.dataset.get_data_directory(),
     annotations2 = Annotations(join(self.dataset.get_data_directory(),
     label, start, end, text = annotations2.get_entity_annotations()[0]
     annotations2.add_entity('incorrect_label', start, end, text)
     self.assertEqual(len(annotations1.compute_ambiguity(annotations2)), 1)