def distance(Pixel_1, Pixel_2):
    ''' Return an integer value indicating the difference between the two 
        pixels Pixel_1 and Pixel_2)'''
    #find the difference b/w values of pixel 2 and pixel 1 and sum the 
    #difference of R, G and B, then return the total diff.
    distance_red = abs(media.get_red(Pixel_1) - media.get_red(Pixel_2))
    distance_green = abs(media.get_green(Pixel_1) - media.get_green(Pixel_2))
    distance_blue = abs(media.get_blue(Pixel_1) - media.get_blue(Pixel_2))
    distance_total = distance_red + distance_green + distance_blue
    return distance_total
def chromakey(person, background):
    '''Replace blue pixels in the person picture with the corresponding
    pixels in the background picture. The pictures must have the same

    for pixel in person:

        # If the blue dominates the pixel, replace its colour with the colour of
        # the corresponding pixel from the background picture.
        if media.get_blue(pixel) > media.get_green(pixel) and \
                media.get_blue(pixel) > media.get_red(pixel):
            x = media.get_x(pixel)
            y = media.get_y(pixel)
            background_px = media.get_pixel(background, x, y)
            media.set_color(pixel, media.get_color(background_px))
def overlay_color(pix1, pix2):
    '''(Pix1, Pix2) -> Color
    Return a new color made up of 80% of the color values of the first pixel 
    and 20% of the color values of the second pixel.'''

    r1 = int(media.get_red(pix1))
    r2 = int(media.get_red(pix2))
    g1 = int(media.get_green(pix1))
    g2 = int(media.get_green(pix2))
    b1 = int(media.get_blue(pix1))
    b2 = int(media.get_blue(pix2))

    red = (r1 * 0.8) + (r2 * 0.2)
    green = (g1 * 0.8) + (g2 * 0.2)
    blue = (b1 * 0.8) + (b2 * 0.2)
    return media.create_color(red, green, blue)
文件: 项目: Zhaeong/School
def overlay_color(pix1, pix2):
    '''(Pix1, Pix2) -> Color
    Return a new color made up of 80% of the color values of the first pixel 
    and 20% of the color values of the second pixel.'''
    r1 = int(media.get_red(pix1))
    r2 = int(media.get_red(pix2))
    g1 = int(media.get_green(pix1))
    g2 = int(media.get_green(pix2))
    b1 = int(media.get_blue(pix1))
    b2 = int(media.get_blue(pix2))

    red   = (r1 * 0.8) + (r2 * 0.2)
    green = (g1 * 0.8) + (g2 * 0.2)
    blue  = (b1 * 0.8) + (b2 * 0.2)
    return media.create_color(red, green, blue)
    def test_pixel_set_get_RGB(self):
        """Test setting and getting the red, green, and blue of a pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1)
        media.set_red(p, 1)
        self.assert_(media.get_red(p) == 1)
        media.set_green(p, 2)
        self.assert_(media.get_green(p) == 2)
        media.set_blue(p, 3)
        self.assert_(media.get_blue(p) == 3)
    def test_pixel_set_get_RGB(self):
        """Test setting and getting the red, green, and blue of a pixel."""

        pic = media.create_picture(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        p = media.get_pixel(pic, WIDTH - 1, HEIGHT - 1)
        media.set_red(p, 1)
        self.assert_(media.get_red(p) == 1)
        media.set_green(p, 2)
        self.assert_(media.get_green(p) == 2)
        media.set_blue(p, 3)
        self.assert_(media.get_blue(p) == 3)
def scale_blue(pic, new_blue):
    '''Set the average blue of a Picture pic to a new average new_blue'''
    average_blue = blue_average(pic)
    pixel_ratio = float(new_blue) / average_blue
    for pixel in pic:
        blue = media.get_blue(pixel)
        target_blue = pixel_ratio * blue
        if target_blue > 255.0:
            target_blue = 255
        change_blue = media.set_blue(pixel, int(target_blue))
def blue_average(pic):
    '''Returns the average blue value of the entire Picture pic as an int.'''
    sum_blue = 0
    height = media.get_height(pic)
    width = media.get_width(pic)
    total_pixel = height * width
    for pixel in pic:
        blue = media.get_blue(pixel)
        sum_blue += blue
    average = sum_blue / total_pixel
    return int(average)
def blue_average(pic):
    ''' Return an average blue value of all the pixels in the Picture pic as an 
        integer. Truncate the result if the average calculation yields a
        non-integer value.'''
    sum_blue = 0
    total_pix = 0
    for pixel in pic:
        sum_blue += media.get_blue(pixel)
        total_pix += 1
    average_blue = sum_blue/total_pix
    return average_blue    
def scale_blue(pic, new_blue_average):
    ''' Take the Picture pic and set the average value of all blue pixels in    
        the picture to the Integer new_blue_average. Return scaled Picture 
        Assume that the picture will have some colour component in it'''
    old_average = float(blue_average(pic))
    for pixel in pic:        
        new_blue = (new_blue_average * media.get_blue(pixel)) / old_average 
        if new_blue > 255:
            new_blue = 255
        media.set_blue(pixel, int(new_blue))
    return pic
#encoding: utf8

import media

pic = media.load_picture('207.jpg')

for p in media.get_pixels(pic):
    new_blue = int(0.7 * media.get_blue(p))
    new_green = int(0.7 * media.get_green(p))
    media.set_blue(p, new_blue)
    media.set_green(p, new_green)
def test_above_freezing():
    '''Test function for above_freezing.'''
    pass # we'll fill this in too

if __name__ == '__main__':


import media

pic = media.load_picture('pic207.jpg')
for p in media.get_pixels(pic):
    new_blue = int(0.7 * media.get_blue(p))
    new_green = int(0.7 * media.get_green(p))
    media.set_blue(p, new_blue)
    media.set_green(p, new_green)


def to_celsius(t):                        
    return (t - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0

def above_freezing(t):
def get_intensity(pixel):
    '''Return the average of the RGB components of Pixel pixel.'''
    return (media.get_blue(pixel) + media.get_blue(pixel) + \
            media.get_blue(pixel)) / 3
import random

# make a new 100 by 100 picture
pic = media.create_picture(100, 100)

# get 2 random numbers between 0 and 99 to use as coordinates
x = random.randint(0, 99)
y = random.randint(0, 99)

# get the pixel at this x,y coordinate
pix = media.get_pixel(pic, x, y)

# get the red, blue and green values of this pixel
red = media.get_red(pix)
green = media.get_green(pix)
blue = media.get_blue(pix)

# introduce a new colour
new_color =

# make a 10 x 10 rectangle of the new colour inside our
# picture, starting with our x and y as the upper
# left corner. (In this case, it doesn't matter if some
# of the rectangle is outside the picture, as long as
# the x,y corner is inside.)
media.add_rect_filled(pic, x, y, 10, 10, new_color)

# display the picture

# the colours should have changed in our pixel
import media
f = media.choose_file()
pic = media.load_picture(f)
for p in media.get_pixels(pic):
    r = media.get_red(p)
    g = media.get_green(p)
    b = media.get_blue(p)
    gray = (g + b + r ) / 3
文件: 项目: Zhaeong/School
import random

# make a new 100 by 100 picture
pic = media.create_picture(100, 100)

# get 2 random numbers between 0 and 99 to use as coordinates
x = random.randint(0, 99)
y = random.randint(0, 99)

# get the pixel at this x,y coordinate
pix = media.get_pixel(pic, x, y)

# get the red, blue and green values of this pixel   
red = media.get_red(pix)
green = media.get_green(pix)
blue = media.get_blue(pix)

# introduce a new colour
new_color =

# make a 10 x 10 rectangle of the new colour inside our 
# picture, starting with our x and y as the upper 
# left corner. (In this case, it doesn't matter if some
# of the rectangle is outside the picture, as long as 
# the x,y corner is inside.)
media.add_rect_filled(pic, x, y, 10, 10, new_color)

# display the picture

# the colours should have changed in our pixel
import media

if __name__ == '__main__':

    filename = media.choose_file()
    pic = media.load_picture(filename)
    # Reduce the blue and green by 30% each to make
    # the red stand out.
    for pixel in pic:
        value = media.get_blue(pixel)
        new_blue = int(value * 0.7)
        media.set_blue(pixel, new_blue)
        value = media.get_green(pixel)
        new_green = int(value * 0.7)
        media.set_green(pixel, new_green)