def view(self, slug, podcast_slug=None, **kwargs): """Display the media player, info and comments. :param slug: The :attr:`` to lookup :param podcast_slug: The :attr:`~mediacore.models.podcasts.Podcast.slug` for podcast this media belongs to. Although not necessary for looking up the media, it tells us that the podcast slug was specified in the URL and therefore we reached this action by the preferred route. :rtype dict: :returns: media The :class:`` instance for display. comment_form The :class:`~mediacore.forms.comments.PostCommentForm` instance. comment_form_action ``str`` comment form action comment_form_values ``dict`` form values next_episode The next episode in the podcast series, if this media belongs to a podcast, another :class:`` instance. """ media = fetch_row(Media, slug=slug) if media.podcast_id is not None: # Always view podcast media from a URL that shows the context of the podcast if url_for() != url_for(podcast_slug=media.podcast.slug): redirect(podcast_slug=media.podcast.slug) if media.fulltext: search_terms = '%s %s' % (media.title, media.fulltext.tags) related = Media.query.published()\ .options(orm.undefer('comment_count_published'))\ .filter( !=\ .search(search_terms, bool=False) else: related = [] media.increment_views() # Which style of 'likes' links has the admin selected? # TODO: Add settings to control these options. mediacore_likes = True facebook_likes = False return dict( media = media, related_media = related[:6], comments = media.comments.published().all(), comment_form = post_comment_form, comment_form_action = url_for(action='comment',, comment_form_values = kwargs, mediacore_likes = mediacore_likes, facebook_likes = facebook_likes, )
def prepareForUpload(self, environ, media_id, content_type, filename, filesize, meta=None, **kwargs): STORAGE_ENGINE = getStorageEngine()"{self}.prepareForUpload({media_id},{content_type},{filename},{filesize})".format(**vars())) if not meta: meta = {} else: try: meta = json.loads(meta) except Exception as e: return {"success": False, "message": "Invalid JSON object given for `meta`"} media = fetch_row(Media, media_id) mediaFile = MediaFile() = STORAGE_ENGINE = media mediaFile.media_id = media_id mediaFile.type = content_type mediaFile.meta = meta media.type = content_type mediaFile.display_name = filename mediaFile.size = filesize media.files.append(mediaFile) DBSession.add(media) DBSession.add(mediaFile) DBSession.flush() # This is to ensure that we don't allow any uploads that haven't been prepared for with prepareForUpload token = "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for x in range(13)) upload_tokens[str(] = token return { "success": True, "id":, "upload_url": "http://{host}{path}".format( host=environ["HTTP_HOST"], path=url_for( controller="upload_api/api/uploader", action="uploadFile", media_id=media_id, ), ), "upload_headers": { "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream", "Cache-Control": "none", "X-File-Name": filename, "X-Upload-Token": token, }, "postprocess_url": "http://{host}{path}".format( host=environ["HTTP_HOST"], path=url_for( controller="upload_api/api/uploader", action="postprocessFile", media_id=media_id,, ), ), }
def view(self, slug, podcast_slug=None, **kwargs): """Display the media player, info and comments. :param slug: The :attr:`` to lookup :param podcast_slug: The :attr:`~mediacore.models.podcasts.Podcast.slug` for podcast this media belongs to. Although not necessary for looking up the media, it tells us that the podcast slug was specified in the URL and therefore we reached this action by the preferred route. :rtype dict: :returns: media The :class:`` instance for display. related_media A list of :class:`` instances that rank as topically related to the given media item. comments A list of :class:`~mediacore.model.comments.Comment` instances associated with the selected media item. comment_form_action ``str`` comment form action comment_form_values ``dict`` form values next_episode The next episode in the podcast series, if this media belongs to a podcast, another :class:`` instance. """ media = fetch_row(Media, slug=slug) request.perm.assert_permission(u'view', media.resource) if media.podcast_id is not None: # Always view podcast media from a URL that shows the context of the podcast if url_for() != url_for(podcast_slug=media.podcast.slug): redirect(podcast_slug=media.podcast.slug) try: media.increment_views() DBSession.commit() except OperationalError: DBSession.rollback() if request.settings['comments_engine'] == 'facebook': response.facebook = Facebook(request.settings['facebook_appid']) related_media = viewable_media(Media.query.related(media))[:6] # TODO: finish implementation of different 'likes' buttons # e.g. the default one, plus a setting to use facebook. return dict( media = media, related_media = related_media, comments = media.comments.published().all(), comment_form_action = url_for(action='comment'), comment_form_values = kwargs, )
def index(self, page=1, show='latest', q=None, tag=None, **kwargs): """List media with pagination. The media paginator may be accessed in the template with :attr:``, see :class:`webhelpers.paginate.Page`. :param page: Page number, defaults to 1. :type page: int :param show: 'latest', 'popular' or 'featured' :type show: unicode or None :param q: A search query to filter by :type q: unicode or None :param tag: A tag slug to filter for :type tag: unicode or None :rtype: dict :returns: media The list of :class:`` instances for this page. result_count The total number of media items for this query search_query The query the user searched for, if any """ media = Media.query.published() media, show = helpers.filter_library_controls(media, show) if q: media =, bool=True) if tag: tag = fetch_row(Tag, slug=tag) media = media.filter(Media.tags.contains(tag)) if (request.settings['rss_display'] == 'True') and (not (q or tag)): if show == 'latest': response.feed_links.extend([ (url_for(controller='/sitemaps', action='latest'), u'Latest RSS'), ]) elif show == 'featured': response.feed_links.extend([ (url_for(controller='/sitemaps', action='featured'), u'Featured RSS'), ]) media = viewable_media(media) return dict( media=media, result_count=media.count(), search_query=q, show=show, tag=tag, )
def view(self, slug, podcast_slug=None, **kwargs): """Display the media player, info and comments. :param slug: The :attr:`` to lookup :param podcast_slug: The :attr:`~mediacore.models.podcasts.Podcast.slug` for podcast this media belongs to. Although not necessary for looking up the media, it tells us that the podcast slug was specified in the URL and therefore we reached this action by the preferred route. :rtype dict: :returns: media The :class:`` instance for display. related_media A list of :class:`` instances that rank as topically related to the given media item. comments A list of :class:`~mediacore.model.comments.Comment` instances associated with the selected media item. comment_form_action ``str`` comment form action comment_form_values ``dict`` form values next_episode The next episode in the podcast series, if this media belongs to a podcast, another :class:`` instance. """ media = fetch_row(Media, slug=slug) request.perm.assert_permission(u'view', media.resource) if media.podcast_id is not None: # Always view podcast media from a URL that shows the context of the podcast if url_for() != url_for(podcast_slug=media.podcast.slug): redirect(podcast_slug=media.podcast.slug) try: media.increment_views() DBSession.commit() except OperationalError: DBSession.rollback() if request.settings['comments_engine'] == 'facebook': response.facebook = Facebook(request.settings['facebook_appid']) related_media = viewable_media(Media.query.related(media))[:6] # TODO: finish implementation of different 'likes' buttons # e.g. the default one, plus a setting to use facebook. return dict( media=media, related_media=related_media, comments=media.comments.published().all(), comment_form_action=url_for(action='comment'), comment_form_values=kwargs, )
def index(self, page=1, show='latest', q=None, tag=None, **kwargs): """List media with pagination. The media paginator may be accessed in the template with :attr:``, see :class:`webhelpers.paginate.Page`. :param page: Page number, defaults to 1. :type page: int :param show: 'latest', 'popular' or 'featured' :type show: unicode or None :param q: A search query to filter by :type q: unicode or None :param tag: A tag slug to filter for :type tag: unicode or None :rtype: dict :returns: media The list of :class:`` instances for this page. result_count The total number of media items for this query search_query The query the user searched for, if any """ media = Media.query.published() media, show = helpers.filter_library_controls(media, show) if q: media =, bool=True) if tag: tag = fetch_row(Tag, slug=tag) media = media.filter(Media.tags.contains(tag)) if (request.settings['rss_display'] == 'True') and (not (q or tag)): if show == 'latest': response.feed_links.extend([ (url_for(controller='/sitemaps', action='latest'), u'Latest RSS'), ]) elif show == 'featured': response.feed_links.extend([ (url_for(controller='/sitemaps', action='featured'), u'Featured RSS'), ]) media = viewable_media(media) return dict( media = media, result_count = media.count(), search_query = q, show = show, tag = tag, )
def save(self, id, slug, title, author_name, author_email, description, notes, podcast, tags, categories, delete=None, **kwargs): """Save changes or create a new :class:`` instance. Form handler the :meth:`edit` action and the :class:``. Redirects back to :meth:`edit` after successful editing and :meth:`index` after successful deletion. """ media = fetch_row(Media, id) if delete: self._delete_media(media) DBSession.commit() redirect(action='index', id=None) if not slug: slug = title elif slug.startswith('_stub_'): slug = slug[len('_stub_'):] if slug != media.slug: media.slug = get_available_slug(Media, slug, media) media.title = title = Author(author_name, author_email) media.description = description media.notes = notes media.podcast_id = podcast media.set_tags(tags) media.set_categories(categories) media.update_status() DBSession.add(media) DBSession.flush() if id == 'new' and not has_thumbs(media): create_default_thumbs_for(media) if request.is_xhr: status_form_xhtml = unicode(update_status_form.display( action=url_for(action='update_status',, media=media)) return dict( media_id =, values = {'slug': slug}, link = url_for(action='edit',, status_form = status_form_xhtml, ) else: redirect(action='edit',
def _file_info(self, file, media): """Return a JSON-ready dict for the media file including links.""" return dict( container = file.container, type = file.type, display_name = file.display_name, created = file.created_on.isoformat(), link = helpers.url_for(controller='/media', action='view', slug=media.slug, qualified=True), content = helpers.url_for(controller='/media', action='serve',, container=file.container, slug=media.slug, qualified=True), )
def include(self): from mediacore.lib.helpers import url_for jquery = url_for('/scripts/third-party/jQuery-1.4.2-compressed.js', qualified=self.qualified) jwplayer = url_for('/scripts/third-party/jw_player/html5/jquery.jwplayer-compressed.js', qualified=self.qualified) skin = url_for('/scripts/third-party/jw_player/html5/skin/five.xml', qualified=self.qualified) include = """ <script type="text/javascript" src="%s"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="%s"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery('#%s').jwplayer({ skin:'%s' }); </script>""" % (jquery, jwplayer, self.elem_id, skin) return include
def view(self, slug, podcast_slug=None, **kwargs): """Display the media player, info and comments. :param slug: The :attr:`` to lookup :param podcast_slug: The :attr:`~mediacore.models.podcasts.Podcast.slug` for podcast this media belongs to. Although not necessary for looking up the media, it tells us that the podcast slug was specified in the URL and therefore we reached this action by the preferred route. :rtype dict: :returns: media The :class:`` instance for display. comment_form The :class:`~mediacore.forms.comments.PostCommentForm` instance. comment_form_action ``str`` comment form action comment_form_values ``dict`` form values next_episode The next episode in the podcast series, if this media belongs to a podcast, another :class:`` instance. """ media = fetch_row(Media, slug=slug) if media.podcast_id is not None: # Always view podcast media from a URL that shows the context of the podcast if url_for() != url_for(podcast_slug=media.podcast.slug): redirect(podcast_slug=media.podcast.slug) media.increment_views() # Which style of 'likes' links has the admin selected? # TODO: Add settings to control these options. mediacore_likes = True facebook_likes = False return dict( media=media, related_media=Media.query.related(media)[:6], comments=media.comments.published().all(), comment_form_action=url_for(action='comment'), comment_form_values=kwargs, mediacore_likes=mediacore_likes, facebook_likes=facebook_likes, )
def view(self, slug, podcast_slug=None, **kwargs): """Display the media player, info and comments. :param slug: The :attr:`` to lookup :param podcast_slug: The :attr:`~mediacore.models.podcasts.Podcast.slug` for podcast this media belongs to. Although not necessary for looking up the media, it tells us that the podcast slug was specified in the URL and therefore we reached this action by the preferred route. :rtype dict: :returns: media The :class:`` instance for display. related_media A list of :class:`` instances that rank as topically related to the given media item. comments A list of :class:`~mediacore.model.comments.Comment` instances associated with the selected media item. comment_form_action ``str`` comment form action comment_form_values ``dict`` form values next_episode The next episode in the podcast series, if this media belongs to a podcast, another :class:`` instance. """ media = fetch_row(Media, slug=slug) if media.podcast_id is not None: # Always view podcast media from a URL that shows the context of the podcast if url_for() != url_for(podcast_slug=media.podcast.slug): redirect(podcast_slug=media.podcast.slug) media.increment_views() # TODO: finish implementation of different 'likes' buttons # e.g. the default one, plus a setting to use facebook. return dict( media = media, related_media = Media.query.related(media)[:6], comments = media.comments.published().all(), comment_form_action = url_for(action='comment'), comment_form_values = kwargs, can_comment = self.can_comment() )
def submit_async(self, **kwargs): """Ajax form validation and/or submission. This is the save handler for :class:``. When ajax is enabled this action is called for each field as the user fills them in. Although the entire form is validated, the JS only provides the value of one field at a time, :param validate: A JSON list of field names to check for validation :parma \*\*kwargs: One or more form field values. :rtype: JSON dict :returns: :When validating one or more fields: valid bool err A dict of error messages keyed by the field names :When saving an upload: success bool redirect If valid, the redirect url for the upload successful page. """ if "validate" in kwargs: # we're just validating the fields. no need to worry. fields = json.loads(kwargs["validate"]) err = {} for field in fields: if field in tmpl_context.form_errors: err[field] = tmpl_context.form_errors[field] data = dict(valid=len(err) == 0, err=err) else: # We're actually supposed to save the fields. Let's do it. if len(tmpl_context.form_errors) != 0: # if the form wasn't valid, return failure tmpl_context.form_errors["success"] = False data = tmpl_context.form_errors else: # else actually save it! kwargs.setdefault("name") media_obj = self.save_media_obj( kwargs["name"], kwargs["email"], kwargs["title"], kwargs["description"], None, kwargs["file"], kwargs["url"], ) email.send_media_notification(media_obj) data = dict(success=True, redirect=url_for(action="success")) return data
def edit(self, id, **kwargs): """Display the :class:`~mediacore.forms.admin.users.UserForm` for editing or adding. :param id: User ID :type id: ``int`` or ``"new"`` :rtype: dict :returns: user The :class:`~mediacore.model.auth.User` instance we're editing. user_form The :class:`~mediacore.forms.admin.users.UserForm` instance. user_action ``str`` form submit url user_values ``dict`` form values """ user = fetch_row(User, id) if tmpl_context.action == "save" or id == "new": # Use the values from error_handler or GET for new users user_values = kwargs user_values["login_details.password"] = None user_values["login_details.confirm_password"] = None else: group_ids = None if user.groups: group_ids = map(lambda group: group.group_id, user.groups) user_values = dict( display_name=user.display_name, email_address=user.email_address, login_details=dict(groups=group_ids, user_name=user.user_name), ) return dict(user=user, user_form=user_form, user_action=url_for(action="save"), user_values=user_values)
def comment(self, slug, name="", email=None, body="", **kwargs): """Post a comment from :class:`~mediacore.forms.comments.PostCommentForm`. :param slug: The media :attr:`` :returns: Redirect to :meth:`view` page for media. """ def result(success, message=None, comment=None): if request.is_xhr: result = dict(success=success, message=message) if comment: result["comment"] = render("comments/_list.html", {"comment_to_render": comment}, method="xhtml") return result elif success: return redirect(action="view") else: return self.view(slug, name=name, email=email, body=body, **kwargs) akismet_key = request.settings["akismet_key"] if akismet_key: akismet = Akismet(agent=USER_AGENT) akismet.key = akismet_key akismet.blog_url = request.settings["akismet_url"] or url_for("/", qualified=True) akismet.verify_key() data = { "comment_author": name.encode("utf-8"), "user_ip": request.environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR"), "user_agent": request.environ.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT", ""), "referrer": request.environ.get("HTTP_REFERER", "unknown"), "HTTP_ACCEPT": request.environ.get("HTTP_ACCEPT"), } if akismet.comment_check(body.encode("utf-8"), data): return result(False, _(u"Your comment has been rejected.")) media = fetch_row(Media, slug=slug) request.perm.assert_permission(u"view", media.resource) c = Comment() name = filter_vulgarity(name) = AuthorWithIP(name, email, request.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"]) c.subject = "Re: %s" % media.title c.body = filter_vulgarity(body) require_review = request.settings["req_comment_approval"] if not require_review: c.reviewed = True c.publishable = True media.comments.append(c) DBSession.flush() send_comment_notification(media, c) if require_review: message = _("Thank you for your comment! We will post it just as " "soon as a moderator approves it.") return result(True, message=message) else: return result(True, comment=c)
def send_media_notification(media_obj): send_to = app_globals.settings['email_media_uploaded'] if not send_to: # media notification emails are disabled! return edit_url = url_for(controller='/admin/media', action='edit',, qualified=True), clean_description = strip_xhtml(line_break_xhtml(line_break_xhtml(media_obj.description))) type = media_obj.type title = media_obj.title author_name = author_email = subject = _('New %(type)s: %(title)s') % locals() body = _("""A new %(type)s file has been uploaded! Title: %(title)s Author: %(author_name)s (%(author_email)s) Admin URL: %(edit_url)s Description: %(clean_description)s """) % locals() send(send_to, app_globals.settings['email_send_from'], subject, body)
def send_media_notification(media_obj): send_to = app_globals.settings['email_media_uploaded'] if not send_to: # media notification emails are disabled! return edit_url = url_for(controller='/admin/media', action='edit',, qualified=True), clean_description = strip_xhtml( line_break_xhtml(line_break_xhtml(media_obj.description))) subject = 'New %s: %s' % (media_obj.type, media_obj.title) body = """A new %s file has been uploaded! Title: %s Author: %s (%s) Admin URL: %s Description: %s """ % (media_obj.type, media_obj.title,,, edit_url, clean_description) send(send_to, app_globals.settings['email_send_from'], subject, body)
def login(self, came_from=None, **kwargs): if request.environ.get('repoze.who.identity'): redirect(came_from or '/') # the friendlyform plugin requires that these values are set in the # query string form_url = url_for('/login/submit', came_from=(came_from or '').encode('utf-8'), __logins=str(self._is_failed_login())) login_errors = None if self._is_failed_login(): login_errors = Invalid('dummy', None, {}, error_dict={ '_form': Invalid( _('Invalid username or password.'), None, {}), 'login': Invalid('dummy', None, {}), 'password': Invalid('dummy', None, {}), }) return dict( login_form=login_form, form_action=form_url, form_values=kwargs, login_errors=login_errors, )
def send_media_notification(media_obj): send_to = fetch_setting("email_media_uploaded") if not send_to: # media notification emails are disabled! return edit_url = (url_for(controller="mediaadmin", action="edit",, qualified=True),) clean_description = strip_xhtml(line_break_xhtml(line_break_xhtml(media_obj.description))) subject = "New %s: %s" % (media_obj.type, media_obj.title) body = """A new %s file has been uploaded! Title: %s Author: %s (%s) Admin URL: %s Description: %s """ % ( media_obj.type, media_obj.title,,, edit_url, clean_description, ) send(send_to, fetch_setting("email_send_from"), subject, body)
def edit(self, id, **kwargs): """Display the :class:`~mediacore.forms.admin.groups.GroupForm` for editing or adding. :param id: Group ID :type id: ``int`` or ``"new"`` :rtype: dict :returns: user The :class:`~mediacore.model.auth.Group` instance we're editing. user_form The :class:`~mediacore.forms.admin.groups.GroupForm` instance. user_action ``str`` form submit url group_values ``dict`` form values """ group = fetch_row(Group, id) if tmpl_context.action == 'save' or id == 'new': # Use the values from error_handler or GET for new groups group_values = kwargs else: group_values = dict( display_name = group.display_name, group_name = group.group_name, ) return dict( group = group, group_form = group_form, group_action = url_for(action='save'), group_values = group_values, )
class YouTubeImportController(BaseSettingsController): @expose('youtube_import/admin/import.html') def index(self, **kwargs): category_tree = Category.query.order_by( return dict( form=import_form, form_values=kwargs, form_action=url_for(controller='youtube_import', action='perform_import'), category_tree=category_tree, ) @expose() @validate(import_form, error_handler=index) @autocommit def perform_import(self, youtube, **kwargs): auto_publish = youtube.get('auto_publish', False) user = request.perm.user tags = kwargs.get('youtube.tags') categories = kwargs.get('youtube.categories') channel_names = parse_channel_names(youtube.get('channel_names', '')) importer = YouTubeImporter(user, auto_publish, tags, categories) try: for channel_name in channel_names: importer.import_videos_from_channel(channel_name) except YouTubeQuotaExceeded, e: error_message = e.args[0] c.form_errors['_the_form'] = error_message return self.index(youtube=youtube, **kwargs) # Redirect to the Media view page, when the import is complete redirect(url_for(controller='admin/media', action='index'))
def edit(self, id, engine_type=None, **kwargs): """Display the :class:`` for editing or adding. :param id: Storage ID :type id: ``int`` or ``"new"`` :rtype: dict :returns: """ if id != "new": engine = fetch_row(StorageEngine, id) else: types = dict((cls.engine_type, cls) for cls in StorageEngine) engine_cls = types.get(engine_type, None) if not engine_cls: redirect(controller="/admin/storage", action="index") engine = engine_cls() if not engine.settings_form: # XXX: If this newly created storage engine has no settings, # just save it. This isn't RESTful (as edit is a GET # action), but it simplifies the creation process. DBSession.add(engine) redirect(controller="/admin/storage", action="index") return { "engine": engine, "form": engine.settings_form, "form_action": url_for(action="save", engine_type=engine_type), "form_values": kwargs, }
def submit_async(self, **kwargs): """Ajax form validation and/or submission. This is the save handler for :class:``. When ajax is enabled this action is called for each field as the user fills them in. Although the entire form is validated, the JS only provides the value of one field at a time, :param validate: A JSON list of field names to check for validation :parma \*\*kwargs: One or more form field values. :rtype: JSON dict :returns: :When validating one or more fields: valid bool err A dict of error messages keyed by the field names :When saving an upload: success bool redirect If valid, the redirect url for the upload successful page. """ if 'validate' in kwargs: # we're just validating the fields. no need to worry. fields = json.loads(kwargs['validate']) err = {} for field in fields: if field in tmpl_context.form_errors: err[field] = tmpl_context.form_errors[field] data = dict(valid=len(err) == 0, err=err) else: # We're actually supposed to save the fields. Let's do it. if len(tmpl_context.form_errors) != 0: # if the form wasn't valid, return failure tmpl_context.form_errors['success'] = False data = tmpl_context.form_errors else: # else actually save it! kwargs.setdefault('name') media_obj = self.save_media_obj( kwargs['name'], kwargs['email'], kwargs['title'], kwargs['description'], None, kwargs['file'], kwargs['url'], ) email.send_media_notification(media_obj) data = dict(success=True, redirect=url_for(action='success')) return data
def edit(self, id, engine_type=None, **kwargs): """Display the :class:`` for editing or adding. :param id: Storage ID :type id: ``int`` or ``"new"`` :rtype: dict :returns: """ if id != 'new': engine = fetch_row(StorageEngine, id) else: types = dict((cls.engine_type, cls) for cls in StorageEngine) engine_cls = types.get(engine_type, None) if not engine_cls: redirect(controller='/admin/storage', action='index') engine = engine_cls() if not engine.settings_form: # XXX: If this newly created storage engine has no settings, # just save it. This isn't RESTful (as edit is a GET # action), but it simplifies the creation process. DBSession.add(engine) redirect(controller='/admin/storage', action='index') return { 'engine': engine, 'form': engine.settings_form, 'form_action': url_for(action='save', engine_type=engine_type), 'form_values': kwargs, }
def view(self, slug, page=1, show='latest', **kwargs): """View a podcast and the media that belongs to it. :param slug: A :attr:`~mediacore.model.podcasts.Podcast.slug` :param page: Page number, defaults to 1. :type page: int :rtype: dict :returns: podcast A :class:`~mediacore.model.podcasts.Podcast` instance. episodes A list of :class:`` instances that belong to the ``podcast``. podcasts A list of all the other podcasts """ podcast = fetch_row(Podcast, slug=slug) episodes = episodes, show = helpers.filter_library_controls(episodes, show) episodes = viewable_media(episodes) if request.settings['rss_display'] == 'True': response.feed_links.append( (url_for(action='feed'), podcast.title) ) return dict( podcast = podcast, episodes = episodes, result_count = episodes.count(), show = show, )
def send_comment_notification(media_obj, comment): """ Helper method to send a email notification that a comment has been posted. Sends to the address configured in the 'email_comment_posted' setting, if it is configured. :param media_obj: The media object to send a notification about. :type media_obj: :class:`` instance :param comment: The newly posted comment. :type comment: :class:`~mediacore.model.comments.Comment` instance """ send_to = request.settings['email_comment_posted'] if not send_to: # Comment notification emails are disabled! return author_name = comment_subject = comment.subject post_url = url_for(controller='/media', action='view', slug=media_obj.slug, qualified=True) comment_body = strip_xhtml(line_break_xhtml(line_break_xhtml(comment.body))) subject = _('New Comment: %(comment_subject)s') % locals() body = _("""A new comment has been posted! Author: %(author_name)s Post: %(post_url)s Body: %(comment_body)s """) % locals() send(send_to, request.settings['email_send_from'], subject, body)
def post_login(self, came_from=url_for(controller='admin', action='index'), **kwargs): if not request.identity: login_counter = request.environ['repoze.who.logins'] + 1 redirect(came_from) userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid'] redirect(came_from)
def edit(self, id, **kwargs): """Display the :class:`~mediacore.forms.admin.groups.GroupForm` for editing or adding. :param id: Group ID :type id: ``int`` or ``"new"`` :rtype: dict :returns: user The :class:`~mediacore.model.auth.Group` instance we're editing. user_form The :class:`~mediacore.forms.admin.groups.GroupForm` instance. user_action ``str`` form submit url group_values ``dict`` form values """ group = fetch_row(Group, id) if tmpl_context.action == 'save' or id == 'new': # Use the values from error_handler or GET for new groups group_values = kwargs else: permission_ids = map(lambda permission: permission.permission_id, group.permissions) group_values = dict(display_name=group.display_name, group_name=group.group_name, permissions=permission_ids) return dict( group=group, group_form=group_form, group_action=url_for(action='save'), group_values=group_values, )
def update_status(self, id, status=None, publish_on=None, publish_until=None, **values): """Update the publish status for the given media. :param id: Media ID :type id: ``int`` :param update_status: The text of the submit button which indicates that the :attr:`` should change. :type update_status: ``unicode`` or ``None`` :param publish_on: A date to set to :attr:`` :type publish_on: :class:`datetime.datetime` or ``None`` :param publish_until: A date to set to :attr:`` :type publish_until: :class:`datetime.datetime` or ``None`` :rtype: JSON dict :returns: success bool message Error message, if unsuccessful status_form Rendered XHTML for the status form, updated to reflect the changes made. """ media = fetch_row(Media, id) new_slug = None # Make the requested change assuming it will be allowed if status == 'unreviewed': media.reviewed = True elif status == 'draft': self._publish_media(media, publish_on) elif publish_on: media.publish_on = publish_on media.update_popularity() elif publish_until: media.publish_until = publish_until # Verify the change is valid by re-determining the status media.update_status() DBSession.flush() if request.is_xhr: # Return the rendered widget for injection status_form_xhtml = unicode( update_status_form.display( action=url_for(action='update_status'), media=media)) return dict( success=True, status_form=status_form_xhtml, slug=new_slug, ) else: redirect(action='edit')
def save(self, id, delete=None, **kwargs): """Save changes or create a category. See :class:`~mediacore.forms.admin.settings.categories.CategoryForm` for POST vars. :param id: Category ID :param delete: If true the category is to be deleted rather than saved. :type delete: bool :rtype: JSON dict :returns: success bool """ if tmpl_context.form_errors: if request.is_xhr: return dict(success=False, errors=tmpl_context.form_errors) else: # TODO: Add error reporting for users with JS disabled? return redirect(action="edit") cat = fetch_row(Category, id) if delete: DBSession.delete(cat) data = dict(success=True,, parent_options=unicode(category_form.c["parent_id"].display())) else: = kwargs["name"] cat.slug = get_available_slug(Category, kwargs["slug"], cat) if kwargs["parent_id"]: parent = fetch_row(Category, kwargs["parent_id"]) if parent is not cat and cat not in parent.ancestors(): cat.parent = parent else: cat.parent = None DBSession.add(cat) DBSession.flush() data = dict( success=True,,, slug=cat.slug, parent_id=cat.parent_id, parent_options=unicode(category_form.c["parent_id"].display()), depth=cat.depth(), row=unicode( category_row_form.display( action=url_for(, category=cat, depth=cat.depth(), first_child=True ) ), ) if request.is_xhr: return data else: redirect(action="index", id=None)
def include(self): if != VIDEO: return '' from mediacore.lib.helpers import url_for js = url_for('/scripts/third-party/zencoder-video-js/video-yui-compressed.js', qualified=self.qualified) css = url_for('/scripts/third-party/zencoder-video-js/video-js.css', qualified=self.qualified) include = """ <script type="text/javascript" src="%s"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="%s" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEvent('domready', function(){ var media = $('%s'); var wrapper = new Element('div', {'class': 'video-js-box'}).wraps(media); var vjs = new VideoJS(media); }); </script>""" % (js, css, self.elem_id) return include
def post_login(self, came_from=None, **kwargs): if not request.identity: # The FriendlyForm plugin will always issue a redirect to # /login/continue (post login url) even for failed logins. # If 'came_from' is a protected page (i.e. /admin) we could just # redirect there and the login form will be displayed again with # our login error message. # However if the user tried to login from the front page, this # mechanism doesn't work so go to the login method directly here. self._increase_number_of_failed_logins() return self.login(came_from=came_from) if came_from: redirect(came_from) # It is important to return absolute URLs (if app mounted in subdirectory) if request.perm.contains_permission(u'edit') or request.perm.contains_permission(u'admin'): redirect(url_for('/admin', qualified=True)) redirect(url_for('/', qualified=True))
def view(self, slug, podcast_slug=None, **kwargs): """Display the media player, info and comments. :param slug: The :attr:`` to lookup :param podcast_slug: The :attr:`~mediacore.models.podcasts.Podcast.slug` for podcast this media belongs to. Although not necessary for looking up the media, it tells us that the podcast slug was specified in the URL and therefore we reached this action by the preferred route. :rtype dict: :returns: media The :class:`` instance for display. related_media A list of :class:`` instances that rank as topically related to the given media item. comments A list of :class:`~mediacore.model.comments.Comment` instances associated with the selected media item. comment_form_action ``str`` comment form action comment_form_values ``dict`` form values next_episode The next episode in the podcast series, if this media belongs to a podcast, another :class:`` instance. """ media = fetch_row(Media, slug=slug) if media.podcast_id is not None: # Always view podcast media from a URL that shows the context of the podcast if url_for() != url_for(podcast_slug=media.podcast.slug): redirect(podcast_slug=media.podcast.slug) media.increment_views() # TODO: finish implementation of different 'likes' buttons # e.g. the default one, plus a setting to use facebook. return dict(media=media, related_media=Media.query.related(media)[:6], comments=media.comments.published().all(), comment_form_action=url_for(action='comment'), comment_form_values=kwargs, can_comment=self.can_comment())
def index(self, **kwargs): category_tree = Category.query.order_by( return dict( form = import_form, form_values=kwargs, form_action=url_for(controller='youtube_import', action='perform_import'), category_tree = category_tree, )
def google(self, page=None, limit=10000, **kwargs): """Generate a sitemap which contains googles Video Sitemap information. This action may return a <sitemapindex> or a <urlset>, depending on how many media items are in the database, and the values of the page and limit params. :param page: Page number, defaults to 1. :type page: int :param page: max records to display on page, defaults to 10000. :type page: int """ if request.settings['sitemaps_display'] != 'True': abort(404) response.content_type = mimeparse.best_match( ['application/xml', 'text/xml'], request.environ.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', '*/*') ) media = Media.query.published() if page is None: if media.count() > limit: return dict(pages=math.ceil(media.count() / float(limit))) else: page = int(page) media = media.offset(page * limit).limit(limit) if page: links = [] else: links = [ url_for(controller='/', qualified=True), url_for(controller='/media', show='popular', qualified=True), url_for(controller='/media', show='latest', qualified=True), url_for(controller='/categories', qualified=True), ] return dict( media = media, page = page, links = links, )
def index(self, **kwargs): category_tree = Category.query.order_by( return dict( form=import_form, form_values=kwargs, form_action=url_for(controller='youtube_import', action='perform_import'), category_tree=category_tree, )
def post_login(self, came_from=None, **kwargs): if not request.identity: # The FriendlyForm plugin will always issue a redirect to # /login/continue (post login url) even for failed logins. # If 'came_from' is a protected page (i.e. /admin) we could just # redirect there and the login form will be displayed again with # our login error message. # However if the user tried to login from the front page, this # mechanism doesn't work so go to the login method directly here. self._increase_number_of_failed_logins() return self.login(came_from=came_from) if came_from: redirect(came_from) # It is important to return absolute URLs (if app mounted in subdirectory) if request.perm.contains_permission( u'edit') or request.perm.contains_permission(u'admin'): redirect(url_for('/admin', qualified=True)) redirect(url_for('/', qualified=True))
def explore(self, **kwargs): """Display the most recent 15 media. :rtype: Dict :returns: latest Latest media popular Latest media """ media = Media.query.published() latest = media.order_by(Media.publish_on.desc()) popular = media.order_by(Media.popularity_points.desc()) featured = None featured_cat = helpers.get_featured_category() if featured_cat: featured = viewable_media(latest.in_category(featured_cat)).first() if not featured: featured = viewable_media(popular).first() latest = viewable_media(latest.exclude(featured))[:8] popular = viewable_media(popular.exclude(featured, latest))[:5] if request.settings['sitemaps_display'] == 'True': response.feed_links.extend([ (url_for(controller='/sitemaps', action='google'), u'Sitemap XML'), (url_for(controller='/sitemaps', action='mrss'), u'Sitemap RSS'), ]) if request.settings['rss_display'] == 'True': response.feed_links.extend([ (url_for(controller='/sitemaps', action='latest'), u'Latest RSS'), ]) return dict( featured=featured, latest=latest, popular=popular, categories=Category.query.populated_tree(), )
def login(self, came_from=url_for(controller='admin', action='index'), **kwargs): login_counter = request.environ.get('repoze.who.logins', 0) if login_counter > 0: # TODO: display a 'wrong username/password' warning pass return dict( login_counter = str(login_counter), came_from = came_from, )
def add_settings_link(): """Generate new links for the admin Settings menu. The :data:`` event is defined as a :class:`` which expects all observers to yield their content for use. """ yield (_('Search Engine Optimization', domain='mediacore_seo'), url_for(controller='/seo/admin/settings'))
def _info(self, media, podcast_slugs=None, include_embed=False): """Return a JSON-ready dict for the given media instance""" if media.podcast_id: media_url = url_for(controller='/media', action='view', slug=media.slug, podcast_slug=media.podcast.slug, qualified=True) else: media_url = url_for(controller="/media", action="view", slug=media.slug, qualified=True) if media.podcast_id is None: podcast_slug = None elif podcast_slugs: podcast_slug = podcast_slugs[media.podcast_id] else: podcast_slug = DBSession.query(Podcast.slug)\ .filter_by(id=media.podcast_id).scalar() thumbs = {} for size in config['thumb_sizes'][media._thumb_dir].iterkeys(): thumbs[size] = thumb(media, size, qualified=True) info = dict( id =, slug = media.slug, url = media_url, title = media.title, author =, type = media.type, podcast = podcast_slug, description = media.description, description_plain = media.description_plain, comment_count = media.comment_count_published, publish_on = unicode(media.publish_on), likes = media.likes, views = media.views, thumbs = thumbs, categories = dict((c.slug, for c in list(media.categories)), ) if include_embed: info['embed'] = unicode(helpers.embed_player(media)) return info
def update_status(self, id, update_button=None, publish_on=None, **values): """Update the publish status for the given media. :param id: Media ID :type id: ``int`` :param update_status: The text of the submit button which indicates that the :attr:`` should change. :type update_status: ``unicode`` or ``None`` :param publish_on: A date to set to :attr:`` :type publish_on: :class:`datetime.datetime` or ``None`` :rtype: JSON dict :returns: success bool message Error message, if unsuccessful status_form Rendered XHTML for the status form, updated to reflect the changes made. """ media = fetch_row(Media, id) new_slug = None # Make the requested change assuming it will be allowed if update_button == _('Review Complete'): media.reviewed = True elif update_button == _('Publish Now'): media.publishable = True media.publish_on = publish_on or media.update_popularity() # Remove the stub prefix if the user wants the default media title if media.slug.startswith('_stub_'): new_slug = get_available_slug(Media, media.slug[len('_stub_'):]) media.slug = new_slug elif publish_on: media.publish_on = publish_on media.update_popularity() # Verify the change is valid by re-determining the status media.update_status() DBSession.flush() if request.is_xhr: # Return the rendered widget for injection status_form_xhtml = unicode(update_status_form.display( action=url_for(action='update_status'), media=media)) return dict( success = True, status_form = status_form_xhtml, slug = new_slug, ) else: redirect(action='edit')
def update_status(self, id, status=None, publish_on=None, publish_until=None, **values): """Update the publish status for the given media. :param id: Media ID :type id: ``int`` :param update_status: The text of the submit button which indicates that the :attr:`` should change. :type update_status: ``unicode`` or ``None`` :param publish_on: A date to set to :attr:`` :type publish_on: :class:`datetime.datetime` or ``None`` :param publish_until: A date to set to :attr:`` :type publish_until: :class:`datetime.datetime` or ``None`` :rtype: JSON dict :returns: success bool message Error message, if unsuccessful status_form Rendered XHTML for the status form, updated to reflect the changes made. """ media = fetch_row(Media, id) new_slug = None # Make the requested change assuming it will be allowed if status == 'unreviewed': media.reviewed = True elif status == 'draft': self._publish_media(media, publish_on) elif publish_on: media.publish_on = publish_on media.update_popularity() elif publish_until: media.publish_until = publish_until # Verify the change is valid by re-determining the status media.update_status() DBSession.flush() if request.is_xhr: # Return the rendered widget for injection status_form_xhtml = unicode(update_status_form.display( action=url_for(action='update_status'), media=media)) return dict( success = True, status_form = status_form_xhtml, slug = new_slug, ) else: redirect(action='edit')
def explore(self, **kwargs): """Display the most recent 15 media. :rtype: Dict :returns: latest Latest media popular Latest media """ media = Media.query.published() latest = media.order_by(Media.publish_on.desc()) popular = media.order_by(Media.popularity_points.desc()) featured = None featured_cat = helpers.get_featured_category() if featured_cat: featured = viewable_media(latest.in_category(featured_cat)).first() if not featured: featured = viewable_media(popular).first() latest = viewable_media(latest.exclude(featured))[:8] popular = viewable_media(popular.exclude(featured, latest))[:5] if request.settings['sitemaps_display'] == 'True': response.feed_links.extend([ (url_for(controller='/sitemaps', action='google'), u'Sitemap XML'), (url_for(controller='/sitemaps', action='mrss'), u'Sitemap RSS'), ]) if request.settings['rss_display'] == 'True': response.feed_links.extend([ (url_for(controller='/sitemaps', action='latest'), u'Latest RSS'), ]) return dict( featured = featured, latest = latest, popular = popular, categories = Category.query.populated_tree(), )
def login(self, came_from=None, **kwargs): login_counter = request.environ.get('repoze.who.logins', 0) if login_counter > 0: # TODO: display a 'wrong username/password' warning pass if not came_from: came_from = url_for(controller='admin', action='index', qualified=True) return dict( login_counter = str(login_counter), came_from = came_from, )
def edit(self, id, engine_type=None, **kwargs): """Display the :class:`` for editing or adding. :param id: Storage ID :type id: ``int`` or ``"new"`` :rtype: dict :returns: """ engine = self.fetch_engine(id, engine_type) return { 'engine': engine, 'form': engine.settings_form, 'form_action': url_for(action='save', engine_type=engine_type), 'form_values': kwargs, }
def edit(self, id, name=None, **kwargs): """Display the :class:`~mediacore.model.players.PlayerPrefs` for editing or adding. :param id: PlayerPrefs ID :type id: ``int`` or ``"new"`` :rtype: dict :returns: """ playerp = fetch_row(PlayerPrefs, id) return { 'player': playerp, 'form': playerp.settings_form, 'form_action': url_for(action='save'), 'form_values': kwargs, }
def edit(self, id, **kwargs): """Display the :class:`~mediacore.forms.admin.users.UserForm` for editing or adding. :param id: User ID :type id: ``int`` or ``"new"`` :rtype: dict :returns: user The :class:`~mediacore.model.auth.User` instance we're editing. user_form The :class:`~mediacore.forms.admin.users.UserForm` instance. user_action ``str`` form submit url user_values ``dict`` form values """ user = fetch_row(User, id) if tmpl_context.action == 'save' or id == 'new': # Use the values from error_handler or GET for new users user_values = kwargs user_values['login_details.password'] = None user_values['login_details.confirm_password'] = None else: group_ids = None if user.groups: group_ids = map(lambda group: group.group_id, user.groups) user_values = dict( display_name = user.display_name, email_address = user.email_address, login_details = dict( groups = group_ids, user_name = user.user_name, ), ) return dict( user = user, user_form = user_form, user_action = url_for(action='save'), user_values = user_values, )
def send_media_notification(media_obj): """ Send a creation notification email that a new Media object has been created. Sends to the address configured in the 'email_media_uploaded' address, if one has been created. :param media_obj: The media object to send a notification about. :type media_obj: :class:`` instance """ send_to = request.settings['email_media_uploaded'] if not send_to: # media notification emails are disabled! return edit_url = url_for(controller='/admin/media', action='edit',, qualified=True) clean_description = strip_xhtml( line_break_xhtml(line_break_xhtml(media_obj.description))) type = media_obj.type title = media_obj.title author_name = author_email = subject = _('New %(type)s: %(title)s') % locals() body = _("""A new %(type)s file has been uploaded! Title: %(title)s Author: %(author_name)s (%(author_email)s) Admin URL: %(edit_url)s Description: %(clean_description)s """) % locals() send(send_to, request.settings['email_send_from'], subject, body)
def index(self, slug=None, **kwargs): media = Media.query.published() if c.category: media = media.in_category(c.category) response.feed_links.append( (url_for(controller='/categories', action='feed', slug=c.category.slug), _('Latest media in %s') % latest = media.order_by(Media.publish_on.desc()) popular = media.order_by(Media.popularity_points.desc()) latest = viewable_media(latest)[:5] popular = viewable_media(popular.exclude(latest))[:5] return dict( latest=latest, popular=popular, )
def comment(self, slug, name='', email=None, body='', **kwargs): """Post a comment from :class:`~mediacore.forms.comments.PostCommentForm`. :param slug: The media :attr:`` :returns: Redirect to :meth:`view` page for media. """ def result(success, message=None, comment=None): if request.is_xhr: result = dict(success=success, message=message) if comment: result['comment'] = render('comments/_list.html', {'comment_to_render': comment}, method='xhtml') return result elif success: return redirect(action='view') else: return self.view(slug, name=name, email=email, body=body, **kwargs) if request.settings['comments_engine'] != 'mediacore': abort(404) akismet_key = request.settings['akismet_key'] if akismet_key: akismet = Akismet(agent=USER_AGENT) akismet.key = akismet_key akismet.blog_url = request.settings['akismet_url'] or \ url_for('/', qualified=True) akismet.verify_key() data = { 'comment_author': name.encode('utf-8'), 'user_ip': request.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR'), 'user_agent': request.environ.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', ''), 'referrer': request.environ.get('HTTP_REFERER', 'unknown'), 'HTTP_ACCEPT': request.environ.get('HTTP_ACCEPT') } if akismet.comment_check(body.encode('utf-8'), data): return result(False, _(u'Your comment has been rejected.')) media = fetch_row(Media, slug=slug) request.perm.assert_permission(u'view', media.resource) c = Comment() name = filter_vulgarity(name) = AuthorWithIP(name, email, request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR']) c.subject = 'Re: %s' % media.title c.body = filter_vulgarity(body) require_review = request.settings['req_comment_approval'] if not require_review: c.reviewed = True c.publishable = True media.comments.append(c) DBSession.flush() send_comment_notification(media, c) if require_review: message = _('Thank you for your comment! We will post it just as ' 'soon as a moderator approves it.') return result(True, message=message) else: return result(True, comment=c)
from mediacore.forms.uploader import UploadForm from mediacore.lib import email from mediacore.lib.base import BaseController from mediacore.lib.decorators import (autocommit, expose, expose_xhr, observable, paginate, validate) from mediacore.lib.helpers import redirect, url_for from import add_new_media_file from mediacore.lib.thumbnails import create_default_thumbs_for, has_thumbs from mediacore.model import Author, DBSession, get_available_slug, Media from mediacore.plugin import events import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) upload_form = UploadForm(action=url_for(controller='/upload', action='submit'), async_action=url_for(controller='/upload', action='submit_async')) class UploadController(BaseController): """ Media Upload Controller """ def __before__(self, *args, **kwargs): if not request.settings['appearance_enable_user_uploads']: abort(404) return BaseController.__before__(self, *args, **kwargs) @expose('upload/index.html') @observable(events.UploadController.index)
def add_settings_link(): yield (_('YouTube Import', domain=gettext_domain), url_for(controller='/admin/plugins/youtube_import'))
def _info(self, media, podcast_slugs=None, include_embed=False): """ Return a **media_info** dict--a JSON-ready dict for describing a media instance. :rtype: JSON-ready dict :returns: The returned dict has the following fields: author (unicode) The name of the :attr:`author <>` of the media instance. categories (dict of unicode) A JSON-ready dict representing the categories the media instance is in. Keys are the unique :attr:`slugs <mediacore.model.podcasts.Podcast.slug>` for each category, values are the human-readable :attr:`title <mediacore.model.podcasts.podcast.Title>` of that category. id (int) The numeric unique :attr:`id <>` of the media instance. slug (unicode) The more human readable unique identifier (:attr:`slug <>`) of the media instance. url (unicode) A permalink (HTTP) to the MediaCore view page for the media instance. embed (unicode) HTML code that can be used to embed the video in another site. title (unicode) The :attr:`title <>` of the media instance. type (string, one of ['%s', '%s']) The :attr:`type <>` of the media instance podcast (unicode or None) The :attr:`slug <mediacore.model.podcasts.Podcast.slug>` of the :class:`podcast <mediacore.model.podcasts.Podcast>` that the media instance has been published under, or None description (unicode) An XHTML :attr:`description <>` of the media instance. description_plain (unicode) A plain text :attr:`description <>` of the media instance. comment_count (int) The number of published comments on the media instance. publish_on (unicode) The date of publishing in "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" (ISO 8601) format. e.g. "2010-02-16 15:06:49" likes (int) The number of :attr:`like votes <>` that the media instance has received. views (int) The number of :attr:`views <>` that the media instance has received. thumbs (dict) A dict of dicts containing URLs, width and height of different sizes of thumbnails. The default sizes are 's', 'm' and 'l'. Using medium for example:: medium_url = thumbs['m']['url'] medium_width = thumbs['m']['x'] medium_height = thumbs['m']['y'] """ if media.podcast_id: media_url = url_for(controller='/media', action='view', slug=media.slug, podcast_slug=media.podcast.slug, qualified=True) else: media_url = url_for_media(media, qualified=True) if media.podcast_id is None: podcast_slug = None elif podcast_slugs: podcast_slug = podcast_slugs[media.podcast_id] else: podcast_slug = DBSession.query(Podcast.slug)\ .filter_by(id=media.podcast_id).scalar() thumbs = {} for size in config['thumb_sizes'][media._thumb_dir].iterkeys(): thumbs[size] = thumb(media, size, qualified=True) info = dict(, slug=media.slug, url=media_url, title=media.title,, type=media.type, podcast=podcast_slug, description=media.description, description_plain=media.description_plain, comment_count=media.comment_count_published, publish_on=unicode(media.publish_on), likes=media.likes, views=media.views, thumbs=thumbs, categories=dict((c.slug, for c in list(media.categories)), ) if include_embed: info['embed'] = unicode(helpers.embed_player(media)) return info
class MediaController(BaseController): allow_only = has_permission('edit') @expose_xhr('admin/media/index.html', 'admin/media/index-table.html') @paginate('media', items_per_page=15) @observable(events.Admin.MediaController.index) def index(self, page=1, search=None, filter=None, podcast=None, category=None, tag=None, **kwargs): """List media with pagination and filtering. :param page: Page number, defaults to 1. :type page: int :param search: Optional search term to filter by :type search: unicode or None :param podcast_filter: Optional podcast to filter by :type podcast_filter: int or None :rtype: dict :returns: media The list of :class:`` instances for this page. search The given search term, if any search_form The :class:`~mediacore.forms.admin.SearchForm` instance podcast The podcast object for rendering if filtering by podcast. """ media = Media.query.options(orm.undefer('comment_count_published')) if search: media = media.admin_search(search) else: media = media.order_by_status()\ .order_by(Media.publish_on.desc(), Media.modified_on.desc()) if not filter: pass elif filter == 'unreviewed': media = media.reviewed(False) elif filter == 'unencoded': media = media.reviewed().encoded(False) elif filter == 'drafts': media = media.drafts() elif filter == 'published': media = media.published() if category: category = fetch_row(Category, slug=category) media = media.filter(Media.categories.contains(category)) if tag: tag = fetch_row(Tag, slug=tag) media = media.filter(Media.tags.contains(tag)) if podcast: podcast = fetch_row(Podcast, slug=podcast) media = media.filter(Media.podcast == podcast) return dict( media = media, search = search, search_form = search_form, media_filter = filter, category = category, tag = tag, podcast = podcast, ) @expose('admin/media/edit.html') @validate(validators={'podcast': validators.Int()}) @autocommit @observable(events.Admin.MediaController.edit) def edit(self, id, **kwargs): """Display the media forms for editing or adding. This page serves as the error_handler for every kind of edit action, if anything goes wrong with them they'll be redirected here. :param id: Media ID :type id: ``int`` or ``"new"`` :param \*\*kwargs: Extra args populate the form for ``"new"`` media :returns: media :class:`` instance media_form The :class:`` instance media_action ``str`` form submit url media_values ``dict`` form values file_add_form The :class:`` instance file_add_action ``str`` form submit url file_edit_form The :class:`` instance file_edit_action ``str`` form submit url thumb_form The :class:`~mediacore.forms.admin.ThumbForm` instance thumb_action ``str`` form submit url update_status_form The :class:`` instance update_status_action ``str`` form submit url """ media = fetch_row(Media, id) if tmpl_context.action == 'save' or id == 'new': # Use the values from error_handler or GET for new podcast media media_values = kwargs user = request.environ['repoze.who.identity']['user'] media_values.setdefault('author_name', user.display_name) media_values.setdefault('author_email', user.email_address) else: # Pull the defaults from the media item media_values = dict( podcast = media.podcast_id, slug = media.slug, title = media.title, author_name =, author_email =, description = media.description, tags = ', '.join(( for tag in media.tags)), categories = [ for category in media.categories], notes = media.notes, ) # Re-verify the state of our Media object in case the data is nonsensical if id != 'new': media.update_status() return dict( media = media, media_form = media_form, media_action = url_for(action='save'), media_values = media_values, category_tree = Category.query.order_by(, file_add_form = add_file_form, file_add_action = url_for(action='add_file'), file_edit_form = edit_file_form, file_edit_action = url_for(action='edit_file'), thumb_form = thumb_form, thumb_action = url_for(action='save_thumb'), update_status_form = update_status_form, update_status_action = url_for(action='update_status'), ) @expose_xhr(request_method='POST') @validate_xhr(media_form, error_handler=edit) @autocommit @observable( def save(self, id, slug, title, author_name, author_email, description, notes, podcast, tags, categories, delete=None, **kwargs): """Save changes or create a new :class:`` instance. Form handler the :meth:`edit` action and the :class:``. Redirects back to :meth:`edit` after successful editing and :meth:`index` after successful deletion. """ media = fetch_row(Media, id) if delete: self._delete_media(media) DBSession.commit() redirect(action='index', id=None) if not slug: slug = title elif slug.startswith('_stub_'): slug = slug[len('_stub_'):] if slug != media.slug: media.slug = get_available_slug(Media, slug, media) media.title = title = Author(author_name, author_email) media.description = description media.notes = notes media.podcast_id = podcast media.set_tags(tags) media.set_categories(categories) media.update_status() DBSession.add(media) DBSession.flush() if id == 'new' and not has_thumbs(media): create_default_thumbs_for(media) if request.is_xhr: status_form_xhtml = unicode(update_status_form.display( action=url_for(action='update_status',, media=media)) return dict( media_id =, values = {'slug': slug}, link = url_for(action='edit',, status_form = status_form_xhtml, ) else: redirect(action='edit', @expose('json', request_method='POST') @validate(add_file_form) @autocommit @observable(events.Admin.MediaController.add_file) def add_file(self, id, file=None, url=None, **kwargs): """Save action for the :class:``. Creates a new :class:`` from the uploaded file or the local or remote URL. :param id: Media ID. If ``"new"`` a new Media stub is created. :type id: :class:`int` or ``"new"`` :param file: The uploaded file :type file: :class:`cgi.FieldStorage` or ``None`` :param url: A URL to a recognizable audio or video file :type url: :class:`unicode` or ``None`` :rtype: JSON dict :returns: success bool message Error message, if unsuccessful media_id The :attr:`` which is important if new media has just been created. file_id The :attr:`` for the newly created file. edit_form The rendered XHTML :class:`` for this file. status_form The rendered XHTML :class:`` """ if id == 'new': media = Media() user = request.environ['repoze.who.identity']['user'] = Author(user.display_name, user.email_address) # Create a temp stub until we can set it to something meaningful timestamp ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') media.title = u'Temporary stub %s' % timestamp media.slug = get_available_slug(Media, '_stub_' + timestamp) media.reviewed = True DBSession.add(media) DBSession.flush() else: media = fetch_row(Media, id) media_file = add_new_media_file(media, file, url) if media.slug.startswith('_stub_'): media.title = media_file.display_name media.slug = get_available_slug(Media, '_stub_' + media.title) # The thumbs may have been created already by add_new_media_file if id == 'new' and not has_thumbs(media): create_default_thumbs_for(media) media.update_status() # Render some widgets so the XHTML can be injected into the page edit_form_xhtml = unicode(edit_file_form.display( action=url_for(action='edit_file',, file=media_file)) status_form_xhtml = unicode(update_status_form.display( action=url_for(action='update_status',, media=media)) data = dict( success = True, media_id =, file_id =, file_type = media_file.type, edit_form = edit_form_xhtml, status_form = status_form_xhtml, title = media.title, slug = media.slug, description = media.description, link = url_for(action='edit',, duration = helpers.duration_from_seconds(media.duration), ) return data @expose('json', request_method='POST') @autocommit @observable(events.Admin.MediaController.edit_file) def edit_file(self, id, file_id, file_type=None, duration=None, delete=None, bitrate=None, width_height=None, **kwargs): """Save action for the :class:``. Changes or delets a :class:``. XXX: We do NOT use the @validate decorator due to complications with partial validation. The JS sends only the value it wishes to change, so we only want to validate that one value. FancyValidator.if_missing seems to eat empty values and assign them None, but there's an important difference to us between None (no value from the user) and an empty value (the user is clearing the value of a field). :param id: Media ID :type id: :class:`int` :rtype: JSON dict :returns: success bool message Error message, if unsuccessful status_form Rendered XHTML for the status form, updated to reflect the changes made. """ media = fetch_row(Media, id) data = dict(success=False) file_id = int(file_id) # Just in case validation failed somewhere. for file in media.files: if == file_id: break else: file = None fields = edit_file_form.c try: if file is None: data['message'] = _('File "%s" does not exist.') % file_id elif file_type: file.type = fields.file_type.validate(file_type) data['success'] = True elif duration is not None: media.duration = duration = fields.duration.validate(duration) data['success'] = True data['duration'] = helpers.duration_from_seconds(media.duration) elif width_height is not None: width_height = fields.width_height.validate(width_height) file.width, file.height = width_height or (0, 0) data['success'] = True elif bitrate is not None: file.bitrate = fields.bitrate.validate(bitrate) data['success'] = True elif delete: DBSession.delete(file) DBSession.flush() media = fetch_row(Media, id) data['success'] = True else: data['message'] = _('No action to perform.') except Invalid, e: data['success'] = False data['message'] = unicode(e) if data['success']: data['file_type'] = file.type media.update_status() DBSession.flush() # Return the rendered widget for injection status_form_xhtml = unicode(update_status_form.display( action=url_for(action='update_status'), media=media)) data['status_form'] = status_form_xhtml return data
def merge_stubs(self, orig_id, input_id, **kwargs): """Merge in a newly created media item. This is merges media that has just been created. It must have: 1. a non-default thumbnail, or 2. a file, or 3. a title, description, etc :param orig_id: Media ID to copy data to :type orig_id: ``int`` :param input_id: Media ID to source files, thumbs, etc from :type input_id: ``int`` :returns: JSON dict """ orig = fetch_row(Media, orig_id) input = fetch_row(Media, input_id) merged_files = [] # Merge in the file(s) from the input stub if input.slug.startswith('_stub_') and input.files: for file in input.files[:]: # XXX: The filename will still use the old ID = orig merged_files.append(file) DBSession.delete(input) # The original is a file or thumb stub, copy in the new values elif orig.slug.startswith('_stub_') \ and not input.slug.startswith('_stub_'): DBSession.delete(input) DBSession.flush() orig.podcast = input.podcast orig.title = input.title orig.subtitle = input.subtitle orig.slug = input.slug = orig.description = input.description orig.notes = input.notes orig.duration = input.duration orig.views = input.views orig.likes = input.likes orig.publish_on = input.publish_on orig.publish_until = input.publish_until orig.categories = input.categories orig.tags = input.tags orig.update_popularity() # Copy the input thumb over the default thumbnail elif input.slug.startswith('_stub_') \ and has_default_thumbs(orig) \ and not has_default_thumbs(input): for key, dst_path in thumb_paths(orig).iteritems(): src_path = thumb_path(input, key) # This will raise an OSError on Windows, but not *nix os.rename(src_path, dst_path) DBSession.delete(input) # Report an error else: return dict( success = False, message = u'No merge operation fits.', ) orig.update_status() status_form_xhtml = unicode(update_status_form.display( action=url_for(action='update_status',, media=orig)) file_xhtml = {} for file in merged_files: file_xhtml[] = unicode(edit_file_form.display( action=url_for(action='edit_file',, file=file)) return dict( success = True, media_id =, title = orig.title, link = url_for(action='edit',, status_form = status_form_xhtml, file_forms = file_xhtml, )