文件: email.py 项目: isaleem/cumin
def send_comment_notification(media_obj, comment):
    Helper method to send a email notification that a comment has been posted.

    Sends to the address configured in the 'email_comment_posted' setting,
    if it is configured.

    :param media_obj: The media object to send a notification about.
    :type media_obj: :class:`~mediacore.model.media.Media` instance

    :param comment: The newly posted comment.
    :type comment: :class:`~mediacore.model.comments.Comment` instance
    send_to = request.settings['email_comment_posted']
    if not send_to:
        # Comment notification emails are disabled!

    author_name = media_obj.author.name
    comment_subject = comment.subject
    post_url = url_for_media(media_obj, qualified=True)
    comment_body = strip_xhtml(line_break_xhtml(line_break_xhtml(comment.body)))
    subject = _('New Comment: %(comment_subject)s') % locals()
    body = _("""A new comment has been posted!

Author: %(author_name)s
Post: %(post_url)s

Body: %(comment_body)s
""") % locals()

    send(send_to, request.settings['email_send_from'], subject, body)
    def _file_info(self, file, media):
        Return a **file_info** dict--a JSON-ready dict for describing a media file.

        :rtype: JSON-ready dict
        :returns: The returned dict has the following fields:

            container (unicode)
                The file extension of the file's container format.
            type (unicode)
                The :attr:`file type <mediacore.model.media.MediaFile.type>`.
                One of (%s) or a custom type defined in a plugin.
            display_name (unicode)
                The :attr:`display_name <mediacore.model.media.MediaFile.display_name>`
                of the file. Usually the original name of the uploaded file.
            created (unicode)
                The date/time that the file was added to MediaCore, in
                "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" (ISO 8601) format.
                e.g. "2011-01-04T16:23:37"
            url (unicode)
                A permalink (HTTP) to the MediaCore view page for the
                media instance associated with this file.
            uris (list of dicts)
                Each dict in this list represents a URI via which the file may
                be accessible. These dicts have the following fields:

                    scheme (unicode)
                        :attr:`scheme <mediacore.lib.uri.StorageUri.scheme>`
                        (e.g. 'http' in the URI 'http://mediacorecommunity.org/docs/',
                        'rtmp' in the URI 'rtmp://mediacorecommunity.org/docs/', or
                        'file' in the URI 'file:///some/local/file.mp4')
                    server (unicode)
                        :attr:`server name <mediacore.lib.uri.StorageUri.server_uri>`
                        (e.g. 'mediacorecommunity.org' in the URI
                    file (unicode)
                        :attr:`file path <mediacore.lib.uri.StorageUri.file_uri>`
                        part of the URI.  (e.g. 'docs' in the URI
                    uri (unicode)
                        The full URI string (minus scheme) built from the
                        server_uri and file_uri.
                        See :attr:`mediacore.lib.uri.StorageUri.__str__`.
                        (e.g. 'mediacorecommunity.org/docs' in the URI

        uris = []
        info = dict(
            url=url_for_media(media, qualified=True),
        for uri in file.get_uris():
                'scheme': uri.scheme,
                'uri': str(uri),
                'server': uri.server_uri,
                'file': uri.file_uri,
        return info
    def _file_info(self, file, media):
        Return a **file_info** dict--a JSON-ready dict for describing a media file.

        :rtype: JSON-ready dict
        :returns: The returned dict has the following fields:

            container (unicode)
                The file extension of the file's container format.
            type (unicode)
                The :attr:`file type <mediacore.model.media.MediaFile.type>`.
                One of (%s) or a custom type defined in a plugin.
            display_name (unicode)
                The :attr:`display_name <mediacore.model.media.MediaFile.display_name>`
                of the file. Usually the original name of the uploaded file.
            created (unicode)
                The date/time that the file was added to MediaCore, in
                "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" (ISO 8601) format.
                e.g. "2011-01-04T16:23:37"
            url (unicode)
                A permalink (HTTP) to the MediaCore view page for the
                media instance associated with this file.
            uris (list of dicts)
                Each dict in this list represents a URI via which the file may
                be accessible. These dicts have the following fields:

                    scheme (unicode)
                        :attr:`scheme <mediacore.lib.uri.StorageUri.scheme>`
                        (e.g. 'http' in the URI 'http://mediacorecommunity.org/docs/',
                        'rtmp' in the URI 'rtmp://mediacorecommunity.org/docs/', or
                        'file' in the URI 'file:///some/local/file.mp4')
                    server (unicode)
                        :attr:`server name <mediacore.lib.uri.StorageUri.server_uri>`
                        (e.g. 'mediacorecommunity.org' in the URI
                    file (unicode)
                        :attr:`file path <mediacore.lib.uri.StorageUri.file_uri>`
                        part of the URI.  (e.g. 'docs' in the URI
                    uri (unicode)
                        The full URI string (minus scheme) built from the
                        server_uri and file_uri.
                        See :attr:`mediacore.lib.uri.StorageUri.__str__`.
                        (e.g. 'mediacorecommunity.org/docs' in the URI

        uris = []
        info = dict(
            container = file.container,
            type = file.type,
            display_name = file.display_name,
            created = file.created_on.isoformat(),
            url = url_for_media(media, qualified=True),
            uris = uris,
        for uri in file.get_uris():
                'scheme': uri.scheme,
                'uri': str(uri),
                'server': uri.server_uri,
                'file': uri.file_uri,
        return info
    def _info(self, media, podcast_slugs=None, include_embed=False):
        Return a **media_info** dict--a JSON-ready dict for describing a media instance.

        :rtype: JSON-ready dict
        :returns: The returned dict has the following fields:

            author (unicode)
                The name of the
                :attr:`author <mediacore.model.media.Media.author>` of the
                media instance.
            categories (dict of unicode)
                A JSON-ready dict representing the categories the media
                instance is in. Keys are the unique
                :attr:`slugs <mediacore.model.podcasts.Podcast.slug>`
                for each category, values are the human-readable
                :attr:`title <mediacore.model.podcasts.podcast.Title>`
                of that category.
            id (int)
                The numeric unique :attr:`id <mediacore.model.media.Media.id>` of
                the media instance.
            slug (unicode)
                The more human readable unique identifier
                (:attr:`slug <mediacore.model.media.Media.slug>`)
                of the media instance.
            url (unicode)
                A permalink (HTTP) to the MediaCore view page for the media instance.
            embed (unicode)
                HTML code that can be used to embed the video in another site.
            title (unicode)
                The :attr:`title <mediacore.model.media.Media.title>` of
                the media instance.
            type (string, one of ['%s', '%s'])
                The :attr:`type <mediacore.model.media.Media.type>` of
                the media instance
            podcast (unicode or None)
                The :attr:`slug <mediacore.model.podcasts.Podcast.slug>` of the
                :class:`podcast <mediacore.model.podcasts.Podcast>` that
                the media instance has been published under, or None
            description (unicode)
                An XHTML
                :attr:`description <mediacore.model.media.Media.description>`
                of the media instance.
            description_plain (unicode)
                A plain text
                :attr:`description <mediacore.model.media.Media.description_plain>`
                of the media instance.
            comment_count (int)
                The number of published comments on the media instance.
            publish_on (unicode)
                The date of publishing in "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" (ISO 8601) format.
                e.g.  "2010-02-16 15:06:49"
            likes (int)
                The number of :attr:`like votes <mediacore.model.media.Media.likes>`
                that the media instance has received.
            views (int)
                The number of :attr:`views <mediacore.model.media.Media.views>`
                that the media instance has received.
            thumbs (dict)
                A dict of dicts containing URLs, width and height of
                different sizes of thumbnails. The default sizes
                are 's', 'm' and 'l'. Using medium for example::

                    medium_url = thumbs['m']['url']
                    medium_width = thumbs['m']['x']
                    medium_height = thumbs['m']['y']
        if media.podcast_id:
            media_url = url_for(controller='/media',
            media_url = url_for_media(media, qualified=True)

        if media.podcast_id is None:
            podcast_slug = None
        elif podcast_slugs:
            podcast_slug = podcast_slugs[media.podcast_id]
            podcast_slug = DBSession.query(Podcast.slug)\

        thumbs = {}
        for size in config['thumb_sizes'][media._thumb_dir].iterkeys():
            thumbs[size] = thumb(media, size, qualified=True)

        info = dict(
            categories=dict((c.slug, c.name) for c in list(media.categories)),

        if include_embed:
            info['embed'] = unicode(helpers.embed_player(media))

        return info
    def _info(self, media, podcast_slugs=None, include_embed=False):
        Return a **media_info** dict--a JSON-ready dict for describing a media instance.

        :rtype: JSON-ready dict
        :returns: The returned dict has the following fields:

            author (unicode)
                The name of the
                :attr:`author <mediacore.model.media.Media.author>` of the
                media instance.
            categories (dict of unicode)
                A JSON-ready dict representing the categories the media
                instance is in. Keys are the unique
                :attr:`slugs <mediacore.model.podcasts.Podcast.slug>`
                for each category, values are the human-readable
                :attr:`title <mediacore.model.podcasts.podcast.Title>`
                of that category.
            id (int)
                The numeric unique :attr:`id <mediacore.model.media.Media.id>` of
                the media instance.
            slug (unicode)
                The more human readable unique identifier
                (:attr:`slug <mediacore.model.media.Media.slug>`)
                of the media instance.
            url (unicode)
                A permalink (HTTP) to the MediaCore view page for the media instance.
            embed (unicode)
                HTML code that can be used to embed the video in another site.
            title (unicode)
                The :attr:`title <mediacore.model.media.Media.title>` of
                the media instance.
            type (string, one of ['%s', '%s'])
                The :attr:`type <mediacore.model.media.Media.type>` of
                the media instance
            podcast (unicode or None)
                The :attr:`slug <mediacore.model.podcasts.Podcast.slug>` of the
                :class:`podcast <mediacore.model.podcasts.Podcast>` that
                the media instance has been published under, or None
            description (unicode)
                An XHTML
                :attr:`description <mediacore.model.media.Media.description>`
                of the media instance.
            description_plain (unicode)
                A plain text
                :attr:`description <mediacore.model.media.Media.description_plain>`
                of the media instance.
            comment_count (int)
                The number of published comments on the media instance.
            publish_on (unicode)
                The date of publishing in "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" (ISO 8601) format.
                e.g.  "2010-02-16 15:06:49"
            likes (int)
                The number of :attr:`like votes <mediacore.model.media.Media.likes>`
                that the media instance has received.
            views (int)
                The number of :attr:`views <mediacore.model.media.Media.views>`
                that the media instance has received.
            thumbs (dict)
                A dict of dicts containing URLs, width and height of
                different sizes of thumbnails. The default sizes
                are 's', 'm' and 'l'. Using medium for example::

                    medium_url = thumbs['m']['url']
                    medium_width = thumbs['m']['x']
                    medium_height = thumbs['m']['y']
        if media.podcast_id:
            media_url = url_for(controller='/media', action='view', slug=media.slug,
                                podcast_slug=media.podcast.slug, qualified=True)
            media_url = url_for_media(media, qualified=True)

        if media.podcast_id is None:
            podcast_slug = None
        elif podcast_slugs:
            podcast_slug = podcast_slugs[media.podcast_id]
            podcast_slug = DBSession.query(Podcast.slug)\

        thumbs = {}
        for size in config['thumb_sizes'][media._thumb_dir].iterkeys():
            thumbs[size] = thumb(media, size, qualified=True)

        info = dict(
            id = media.id,
            slug = media.slug,
            url = media_url,
            title = media.title,
            author = media.author.name,
            type = media.type,
            podcast = podcast_slug,
            description = media.description,
            description_plain = media.description_plain,
            comment_count = media.comment_count_published,
            publish_on = unicode(media.publish_on),
            likes = media.likes,
            views = media.views,
            thumbs = thumbs,
            categories = dict((c.slug, c.name) for c in list(media.categories)),

        if include_embed:
            info['embed'] = unicode(helpers.embed_player(media))

        return info