def render_template(request, template_path, context): """ Render a template with context. Always inserts the request into the context, so you don't have to. Also stores the context if we're doing unit tests. Helpful! """ template = request.template_env.get_template( template_path) context['request'] = request rendered_csrf_token = render_csrf_form_token(request) if rendered_csrf_token is not None: context['csrf_token'] = render_csrf_form_token(request) # allow plugins to do things to the context if request.controller_name: context = hook_transform( (request.controller_name, template_path), context) # More evil: allow plugins to possibly do something to the context # in every request ever with access to the request and other # variables. Note: this is slower than using # template_global_context context = hook_transform( 'template_context_prerender', context) rendered = template.render(context) if common.TESTS_ENABLED: TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT[template_path] = context return rendered
def render_template(request, template_path, context): """ Render a template with context. Always inserts the request into the context, so you don't have to. Also stores the context if we're doing unit tests. Helpful! """ template = request.template_env.get_template(template_path) context['request'] = request rendered_csrf_token = render_csrf_form_token(request) if rendered_csrf_token is not None: context['csrf_token'] = render_csrf_form_token(request) # allow plugins to do things to the context if request.controller_name: context = hook_transform((request.controller_name, template_path), context) # More evil: allow plugins to possibly do something to the context # in every request ever with access to the request and other # variables. Note: this is slower than using # template_global_context context = hook_transform('template_context_prerender', context) rendered = template.render(context) if common.TESTS_ENABLED: TEMPLATE_TEST_CONTEXT[template_path] = context return rendered
def _finish_call_backend(self, request, environ, start_response): # Log user out if authentication_disabled no_auth_logout(request) request.controller_name = None try: found_rule, url_values = request.map_adapter.match( return_rule=True) request.matchdict = url_values except RequestRedirect as response: # Deal with 301 responses eg due to missing final slash return response(environ, start_response) except HTTPException as exc: # Stop and render exception return render_http_exception(request, exc, exc.get_description(environ))( environ, start_response) controller = endpoint_to_controller(found_rule) # Make a reference to the controller's symbolic name on the request... # used for lazy context modification request.controller_name = found_rule.endpoint ## TODO: get rid of meddleware, turn it into hooks only # pass the request through our meddleware classes try: for m in self.meddleware: response = m.process_request(request, controller) if response is not None: return response(environ, start_response) except HTTPException as e: return render_http_exception( request, e, e.get_description(environ))(environ, start_response) request = hook_transform("modify_request", request) request.start_response = start_response # get the Http response from the controller try: response = controller(request) except HTTPException as e: response = render_http_exception(request, e, e.get_description(environ)) # pass the response through the meddlewares try: for m in self.meddleware[::-1]: m.process_response(request, response) except HTTPException as e: response = render_http_exception(request, e, e.get_description(environ)) self.session_manager.save_session_to_cookie(request.session, request, response) return response(environ, start_response)
def _finish_call_backend(self, request, environ, start_response): # Log user out if authentication_disabled no_auth_logout(request) request.controller_name = None try: found_rule, url_values = request.map_adapter.match(return_rule=True) request.matchdict = url_values except RequestRedirect as response: # Deal with 301 responses eg due to missing final slash return response(environ, start_response) except HTTPException as exc: # Stop and render exception return render_http_exception( request, exc, exc.get_description(environ))(environ, start_response) controller = endpoint_to_controller(found_rule) # Make a reference to the controller's symbolic name on the request... # used for lazy context modification request.controller_name = found_rule.endpoint ## TODO: get rid of meddleware, turn it into hooks only # pass the request through our meddleware classes try: for m in self.meddleware: response = m.process_request(request, controller) if response is not None: return response(environ, start_response) except HTTPException as e: return render_http_exception( request, e, e.get_description(environ))(environ, start_response) request = hook_transform("modify_request", request) request.start_response = start_response # get the Http response from the controller try: response = controller(request) except HTTPException as e: response = render_http_exception( request, e, e.get_description(environ)) # pass the response through the meddlewares try: for m in self.meddleware[::-1]: m.process_response(request, response) except HTTPException as e: response = render_http_exception( request, e, e.get_description(environ)) self.session_manager.save_session_to_cookie( request.session, request, response) return response(environ, start_response)
def test_hook_transform(): """ Test the hook_transform method """ cfg = build_config(CONFIG_ALL_CALLABLES) mg_globals.app_config = cfg['mediagoblin'] mg_globals.global_config = cfg setup_plugins() assert pluginapi.hook_transform("expand_tuple", (-1, 0)) == (-1, 0, 1, 2, 3)
def test_hook_transform(): """ Test the hook_transform method """ cfg = build_config(CONFIG_ALL_CALLABLES) mg_globals.app_config = cfg['mediagoblin'] mg_globals.global_config = cfg setup_plugins() assert pluginapi.hook_transform( "expand_tuple", (-1, 0)) == (-1, 0, 1, 2, 3)
def get_jinja_env(template_loader, locale): """ Set up the Jinja environment, (In the future we may have another system for providing theming; for now this is good enough.) """ set_thread_locale(locale) # If we have a jinja environment set up with this locale, just # return that one. if locale in SETUP_JINJA_ENVS: return SETUP_JINJA_ENVS[locale] # jinja2.StrictUndefined will give exceptions on references # to undefined/unknown variables in templates. template_env = jinja2.Environment( loader=template_loader, autoescape=True, undefined=jinja2.StrictUndefined, extensions=["jinja2.ext.i18n", "jinja2.ext.autoescape", TemplateHookExtension], ) template_env.install_gettext_callables( mg_globals.thread_scope.translations.ugettext, mg_globals.thread_scope.translations.ungettext ) # All templates will know how to ... # ... fetch all waiting messages and remove them from the queue # ... construct a grid of thumbnails or other media # ... have access to the global and app config template_env.globals["fetch_messages"] = messages.fetch_messages template_env.globals["app_config"] = mg_globals.app_config template_env.globals["global_config"] = mg_globals.global_config template_env.globals["version"] = _version.__version__ template_env.globals["auth"] = template_env.filters["urlencode"] = url_quote_plus # add human readable fuzzy date time template_env.globals["timesince"] = timesince # allow for hooking up plugin templates template_env.globals["get_hook_templates"] = get_hook_templates template_env.globals = hook_transform("template_global_context", template_env.globals) if exists(locale): SETUP_JINJA_ENVS[locale] = template_env return template_env
def paste_app_factory(global_config, **app_config): configs = app_config['config'].split() mediagoblin_config = None for config in configs: if os.path.exists(config) and os.access(config, os.R_OK): mediagoblin_config = config break if not mediagoblin_config: raise IOError("Usable mediagoblin config not found.") mgoblin_app = MediaGoblinApp(mediagoblin_config) mgoblin_app = hook_transform('wrap_wsgi', mgoblin_app) return mgoblin_app
def media_home(request, media, page, **kwargs): """ 'Homepage' of a MediaEntry() """ comment_id = request.matchdict.get('comment', None) if comment_id: if request.user: mark_comment_notification_seen(comment_id, request.user) pagination = Pagination( page, media.get_comments( mg_globals.app_config['comments_ascending']), MEDIA_COMMENTS_PER_PAGE, comment_id) else: pagination = Pagination( page, media.get_comments( mg_globals.app_config['comments_ascending']), MEDIA_COMMENTS_PER_PAGE) comments = pagination() comment_form = user_forms.MediaCommentForm(request.form) media_template_name = media.media_manager.display_template context = { 'media': media, 'comments': comments, 'pagination': pagination, 'comment_form': comment_form, 'app_config': mg_globals.app_config} # Since the media template name gets swapped out for each media # type, normal context hooks don't work if you want to affect all # media displays. This gives a general purpose hook. context = hook_transform( "media_home_context", context) return render_to_response( request, media_template_name, context)
def call_backend(self, environ, start_response): request = Request(environ) # Compatibility with django, use request.args preferrably request.GET = request.args ## Routing / controller loading stuff map_adapter = self.url_map.bind_to_environ(request.environ) # By using fcgi, mediagoblin can run under a base path # like /mediagoblin/. request.path_info contains the # path inside mediagoblin. If the something needs the # full path of the current page, that should include # the basepath. # Note: urlgen and routes are fine! request.full_path = environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] + request.path # python-routes uses SCRIPT_NAME. So let's use that too. # The other option would be: # request.full_path = environ["SCRIPT_URL"] # Fix up environ for urlgen # See bug: if environ.get('HTTPS', '').lower() == 'off': environ.pop('HTTPS') ## Attach utilities to the request object # Do we really want to load this via middleware? Maybe? session_manager = self.session_manager request.session = session_manager.load_session_from_cookie(request) # Attach self as # Also attach a few utilities from for convenience? = self request.db = self.db request.staticdirect = self.staticdirector request.locale = translate.get_locale_from_request(request) request.template_env = template.get_jinja_env( self.template_loader, request.locale) def build_proxy(endpoint, **kw): try: qualified = kw.pop('qualified') except KeyError: qualified = False return endpoint, values=dict(**kw), force_external=qualified) request.urlgen = build_proxy # Log user out if authentication_disabled no_auth_logout(request) mg_request.setup_user_in_request(request) request.controller_name = None try: found_rule, url_values = map_adapter.match(return_rule=True) request.matchdict = url_values except RequestRedirect as response: # Deal with 301 responses eg due to missing final slash return response(environ, start_response) except HTTPException as exc: # Stop and render exception return render_http_exception( request, exc, exc.get_description(environ))(environ, start_response) controller = endpoint_to_controller(found_rule) # Make a reference to the controller's symbolic name on the request... # used for lazy context modification request.controller_name = found_rule.endpoint # pass the request through our meddleware classes try: for m in self.meddleware: response = m.process_request(request, controller) if response is not None: return response(environ, start_response) except HTTPException as e: return render_http_exception( request, e, e.get_description(environ))(environ, start_response) request = hook_transform("modify_request", request) request.start_response = start_response # get the Http response from the controller try: response = controller(request) except HTTPException as e: response = render_http_exception( request, e, e.get_description(environ)) # pass the response through the meddlewares try: for m in self.meddleware[::-1]: m.process_response(request, response) except HTTPException as e: response = render_http_exception( request, e, e.get_description(environ)) session_manager.save_session_to_cookie(request.session, request, response) return response(environ, start_response)
def get_jinja_env(template_loader, locale): """ Set up the Jinja environment, (In the future we may have another system for providing theming; for now this is good enough.) """ set_thread_locale(locale) # If we have a jinja environment set up with this locale, just # return that one. if locale in SETUP_JINJA_ENVS: return SETUP_JINJA_ENVS[locale] # The default config does not require a [jinja2] block. # You may create one if you wish to enable additional jinja2 extensions, # see example in config_spec.ini jinja2_config = mg_globals.global_config.get('jinja2', {}) local_exts = jinja2_config.get('extensions', []) # jinja2.StrictUndefined will give exceptions on references # to undefined/unknown variables in templates. template_env = jinja2.Environment( loader=template_loader, autoescape=True, undefined=jinja2.StrictUndefined, extensions=[ 'jinja2.ext.i18n', 'jinja2.ext.autoescape', TemplateHookExtension ] + local_exts) template_env.install_gettext_callables( mg_globals.thread_scope.translations.ugettext, mg_globals.thread_scope.translations.ungettext) # All templates will know how to ... # ... fetch all waiting messages and remove them from the queue # ... construct a grid of thumbnails or other media # ... have access to the global and app config template_env.globals['fetch_messages'] = messages.fetch_messages template_env.globals['app_config'] = mg_globals.app_config template_env.globals['global_config'] = mg_globals.global_config template_env.globals['version'] = _version.__version__ template_env.globals['auth'] = template_env.filters['urlencode'] = url_quote_plus # add human readable fuzzy date time template_env.globals['timesince'] = timesince # allow for hooking up plugin templates template_env.globals['get_hook_templates'] = get_hook_templates template_env.globals = hook_transform('template_global_context', template_env.globals) #### THIS IS TEMPORARY, PLEASE FIX IT ## Notifications stuff is not yet a plugin (and we're not sure it will be), ## but it needs to add stuff to the context. This is THE WRONG WAY TO DO IT from mediagoblin import notifications template_env.globals['get_notifications'] = notifications.get_notifications template_env.globals[ 'get_notification_count'] = notifications.get_notification_count template_env.globals[ 'get_comment_subscription'] = notifications.get_comment_subscription if exists(locale): SETUP_JINJA_ENVS[locale] = template_env return template_env
def get_jinja_env(app, template_loader, locale): """ Set up the Jinja environment, (In the future we may have another system for providing theming; for now this is good enough.) """ set_thread_locale(locale) # If we have a jinja environment set up with this locale, just # return that one. if locale in SETUP_JINJA_ENVS: return SETUP_JINJA_ENVS[locale] # The default config does not require a [jinja2] block. # You may create one if you wish to enable additional jinja2 extensions, # see example in config_spec.ini jinja2_config = app.global_config.get('jinja2', {}) local_exts = jinja2_config.get('extensions', []) # jinja2.StrictUndefined will give exceptions on references # to undefined/unknown variables in templates. template_env = jinja2.Environment( loader=template_loader, autoescape=True, undefined=jinja2.StrictUndefined, extensions=[ 'jinja2.ext.i18n', 'jinja2.ext.autoescape', TemplateHookExtension] + local_exts) if six.PY2: template_env.install_gettext_callables(mg_globals.thread_scope.translations.ugettext, mg_globals.thread_scope.translations.ungettext) else: template_env.install_gettext_callables(mg_globals.thread_scope.translations.gettext, mg_globals.thread_scope.translations.ngettext) # All templates will know how to ... # ... fetch all waiting messages and remove them from the queue # ... construct a grid of thumbnails or other media # ... have access to the global and app config # ... determine if the language is rtl or ltr template_env.globals['fetch_messages'] = messages.fetch_messages template_env.globals['app_config'] = app.app_config template_env.globals['global_config'] = app.global_config template_env.globals['version'] = _version.__version__ template_env.globals['auth'] = app.auth template_env.globals['is_rtl'] = is_rtl(locale) template_env.filters['urlencode'] = url_quote_plus # add human readable fuzzy date time template_env.globals['timesince'] = timesince # allow for hooking up plugin templates template_env.globals['get_hook_templates'] = get_hook_templates template_env.globals = hook_transform( 'template_global_context', template_env.globals) #### THIS IS TEMPORARY, PLEASE FIX IT ## Notifications stuff is not yet a plugin (and we're not sure it will be), ## but it needs to add stuff to the context. This is THE WRONG WAY TO DO IT from mediagoblin import notifications template_env.globals['get_notifications'] = notifications.get_notifications template_env.globals[ 'get_notification_count'] = notifications.get_notification_count template_env.globals[ 'get_comment_subscription'] = notifications.get_comment_subscription if exists(locale): SETUP_JINJA_ENVS[locale] = template_env return template_env