def main():
    args = getArguments(getParser())

    # prepare logger
    logger = Logger.getInstance()
    if args.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
    elif args.verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
    # load input image
    data_input, header_input = load(args.input)
    # transform to uin8
    data_input = data_input.astype(scipy.uint8)
    # reduce to 3D, if larger dimensionality
    if data_input.ndim > 3:
        for _ in range(data_input.ndim - 3): data_input = data_input[...,0]
    # iter over slices (2D) until first with content is detected
    for plane in data_input:
        if scipy.any(plane):
            # set pixel spacing
            spacing = list(header.get_pixel_spacing(header_input))
            spacing = spacing[1:3]
            __update_header_from_array_nibabel(header_input, plane)
            header.set_pixel_spacing(header_input, spacing)
            # save image
            save(plane, args.output, header_input, args.force)
    logger.info("Successfully terminated.")    
def main():
    args = getArguments(getParser())

    # prepare logger
    logger = Logger.getInstance()
    if args.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
    elif args.verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
    # load input image
    data_input, header_input = load(args.input)
    # transform to uin8
    data_input = data_input.astype(scipy.uint8)
    # reduce to 3D, if larger dimensionality
    if data_input.ndim > 3:
        for _ in range(data_input.ndim - 3): data_input = data_input[...,0]
    # iter over slices (2D) until first with content is detected
    for plane in data_input:
        if scipy.any(plane):
            # set pixel spacing
            spacing = list(header.get_pixel_spacing(header_input))
            spacing = spacing[1:3]
            __update_header_from_array_nibabel(header_input, plane)
            header.set_pixel_spacing(header_input, spacing)
            # save image
            save(plane, args.output, header_input, args.force)
    logger.info("Successfully terminated.")    
def main():
    # parse cmd arguments
    parser = getParser()
    args = getArguments(parser)
    # prepare logger
    logger = Logger.getInstance()
    if args.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
    elif args.verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
    # load first input image as example 
    example_data, example_header = load(args.inputs[0])
    # test if the supplied position is valid
    if args.position > example_data.ndim or args.position < 0:
        raise ArgumentError('The supplied position for the new dimension is invalid. It has to be between 0 and {}.'.format(example_data.ndim))
    # prepare empty output volume
    output_data = scipy.zeros([len(args.inputs)] + list(example_data.shape), dtype=example_data.dtype)
    # add first image to output volume
    output_data[0] = example_data
    # load input images and add to output volume
    for idx, image in enumerate(args.inputs[1:]):
        image_data, _ = load(image)
        if not args.ignore and image_data.dtype != example_data.dtype:
            raise ArgumentError('The dtype {} of image {} differs from the one of the first image {}, which is {}.'.format(image_data.dtype, image, args.inputs[0], example_data.dtype))
        if image_data.shape != example_data.shape:
            raise ArgumentError('The shape {} of image {} differs from the one of the first image {}, which is {}.'.format(image_data.shape, image, args.inputs[0], example_data.shape))
        output_data[idx + 1] = image_data
    # move new dimension to the end or to target position
    for dim in range(output_data.ndim - 1):
        if dim >= args.position: break
        output_data = scipy.swapaxes(output_data, dim, dim + 1)
    # set pixel spacing
    spacing = list(header.get_pixel_spacing(example_header))
    spacing = tuple(spacing[:args.position] + [args.spacing] + spacing[args.position:])
    # !TODO: Find a way to enable this also for PyDicom and ITK images
    if __is_header_nibabel(example_header):
        __update_header_from_array_nibabel(example_header, output_data)
        header.set_pixel_spacing(example_header, spacing)
        raise ArgumentError("Sorry. Setting the voxel spacing of the new dimension only works with NIfTI images. See the description of this program for more details.")
    # save created volume
    save(output_data, args.output, example_header, args.force)
    logger.info("Successfully terminated.")
def main():
    # parse cmd arguments
    parser = getParser()
    args = getArguments(parser)

    # prepare logger
    logger = Logger.getInstance()
    if args.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
    elif args.verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)

    # load input image
    data_input, header_input = load(args.input)

    # check if the supplied dimension is valid
    if args.dimension >= data_input.ndim or args.dimension < 0:
        raise ArgumentError(
            'The supplied cut-dimension {} exceeds the image dimensionality of 0 to {}.'
            .format(args.dimension, data_input.ndim - 1))

    # prepare output file string
    name_output = args.output.replace('{}', '{:03d}')

    # compute the new the voxel spacing
    spacing = list(header.get_pixel_spacing(header_input))
    del spacing[args.dimension]

    # iterate over the cut dimension
    slices = data_input.ndim * [slice(None)]
    for idx in range(data_input.shape[args.dimension]):
        # cut the current slice from the original image
        slices[args.dimension] = slice(idx, idx + 1)
        data_output = scipy.squeeze(data_input[slices])
        # update the header and set the voxel spacing
        __update_header_from_array_nibabel(header_input, data_output)
        header.set_pixel_spacing(header_input, spacing)
        # save current slice
        save(data_output, name_output.format(idx), header_input, args.force)

    logger.info("Successfully terminated.")
def main():
    # parse cmd arguments
    parser = getParser()
    args = getArguments(parser)
    # prepare logger
    logger = Logger.getInstance()
    if args.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
    elif args.verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
    # load input image
    data_input, header_input = load(args.input)
    # check if the supplied dimension is valid
    if args.dimension >= data_input.ndim or args.dimension < 0:
        raise ArgumentError('The supplied cut-dimension {} exceeds the image dimensionality of 0 to {}.'.format(args.dimension, data_input.ndim - 1))
    # prepare output file string
    name_output = args.output.replace('{}', '{:03d}')
    # compute the new the voxel spacing
    spacing = list(header.get_pixel_spacing(header_input))
    del spacing[args.dimension]
    # iterate over the cut dimension
    slices = data_input.ndim * [slice(None)]
    for idx in range(data_input.shape[args.dimension]):
        # cut the current slice from the original image 
        slices[args.dimension] = slice(idx, idx + 1)
        data_output = scipy.squeeze(data_input[slices])
        # update the header and set the voxel spacing
        __update_header_from_array_nibabel(header_input, data_output)
        header.set_pixel_spacing(header_input, spacing)
        # save current slice
        save(data_output, name_output.format(idx), header_input, args.force)
    logger.info("Successfully terminated.")
def main():
    # parse cmd arguments
    parser = getParser()
    args = getArguments(parser)

    # prepare logger
    logger = Logger.getInstance()
    if args.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
    elif args.verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)

    # load first input image as example
    example_data, example_header = load(args.inputs[0])

    # test if the supplied position is valid
    if args.position > example_data.ndim or args.position < 0:
        raise ArgumentError(
            'The supplied position for the new dimension is invalid. It has to be between 0 and {}.'

    # prepare empty output volume
    output_data = scipy.zeros([len(args.inputs)] + list(example_data.shape),

    # add first image to output volume
    output_data[0] = example_data

    # load input images and add to output volume
    for idx, image in enumerate(args.inputs[1:]):
        image_data, _ = load(image)
        if not args.ignore and image_data.dtype != example_data.dtype:
            raise ArgumentError(
                'The dtype {} of image {} differs from the one of the first image {}, which is {}.'
                .format(image_data.dtype, image, args.inputs[0],
        if image_data.shape != example_data.shape:
            raise ArgumentError(
                'The shape {} of image {} differs from the one of the first image {}, which is {}.'
                .format(image_data.shape, image, args.inputs[0],
        output_data[idx + 1] = image_data

    # move new dimension to the end or to target position
    for dim in range(output_data.ndim - 1):
        if dim >= args.position: break
        output_data = scipy.swapaxes(output_data, dim, dim + 1)

    # set pixel spacing
    spacing = list(header.get_pixel_spacing(example_header))
    spacing = tuple(spacing[:args.position] + [args.spacing] +

    # !TODO: Find a way to enable this also for PyDicom and ITK images
    if __is_header_nibabel(example_header):
        __update_header_from_array_nibabel(example_header, output_data)
        header.set_pixel_spacing(example_header, spacing)
        raise ArgumentError(
            "Sorry. Setting the voxel spacing of the new dimension only works with NIfTI images. See the description of this program for more details."

    # save created volume
    save(output_data, args.output, example_header, args.force)

    logger.info("Successfully terminated.")