def export_form(uuid, form, allowed_location, fields=None, param_config_yaml=yaml.dump(config)): """ Export a form. If fields is in the request variable we only include those fields. Starts background export Args:\n uuid: uuid of download\n form: the form to export\n allowed_location: will extract result only for this location fields: Fields from form to export\n Returns:\n bool: The return value. True for success, False otherwise.\n """ # Runner loads the config object through a function parameter. param_config = yaml.load(param_config_yaml) db, session = get_db_engine() operation_status = OperationStatus(form, uuid) if form not in form_tables(param_config): operation_status.submit_operation_failure() return False location_data = all_location_data(session) locs_by_deviceid = location_data[1] if locs_by_deviceid is None: operation_status.submit_operation_failure() return False if fields: keys = fields else: keys = __get_keys_from_db(db, form, param_config) xls_csv_writer = XlsCsvFileWriter(base_folder, form, uuid) xls_csv_writer.write_xls_row(keys) xls_csv_writer.write_csv_row(keys) query_form_data = session.query(form_tables(param_config)[form].data) __save_form_data(xls_csv_writer, query_form_data, operation_status, keys, allowed_location, location_data) operation_status.submit_operation_success() xls_csv_writer.flush_csv_buffer() xls_csv_writer.close_cvs_xls_buffers() return True
Utility functions for setting up the DB for Meerkat API tests """ from datetime import datetime, timedelta from importlib import reload import uuid from freezegun import freeze_time import random, csv, os, logging import json from meerkat_api.test.test_data import locations, cases from meerkat_api import app from meerkat_abacus import model from meerkat_abacus.util import get_db_engine engine, session = get_db_engine(app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"]) def insert_cases(session, dataset_name, date=None, delete=True): """ Add a variable with cases from the file in test_data Args: session: db session dataset_name: name of the dataset from we want delete: Boolean, True if clean db before insert case data. """ if date: freezer = freeze_time(date) freezer.start() reload(cases) if delete:
import requests from api_background._populate_locations import populate_row_locations, set_empty_locations from api_background.export_data import __get_keys_from_db from meerkat_abacus.model import form_tables from meerkat_abacus.util import get_db_engine, all_location_data try: from meerkat_abacus.config import config dhis2_config = config.dhis2_config except ImportError: config = {} dhis2_config = {} db, session = get_db_engine() __codes_to_ids = {} __form_keys_to_data_elements_dict = {} __dhis2_organisations = {} __form_keys = {} FORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' handler = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter(FORMAT) handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger = logging.getLogger('meerkat_api.dhis2') level_name = dhis2_config.get("loggingLevel", "ERROR") level = logging.getLevelName(level_name) logger.setLevel(level) logger.addHandler(handler)
def export_category(uuid, form_name, category, download_name, variables, data_type, allowed_location, start_date=None, end_date=None, language="en", param_config_yaml=yaml.dump(config)): """ We take a variable dictionary of form field name: display_name. There are some special commands that can be given in the form field name: * icd_name$category will translate an icd code in icd_code to names given by the variables in category * clinic,region and district will give this location information * the $translate keyword can be used to translate row values to other ones. I.e to change gender from male, female to M, F * field$month, field$year, field$epi_week: will extract the month, year or epi_week from the field * alert_links$alert_investigation$field: will get the field in the c orrepsonding alert_investigation Inserts the resulting csv file in the database Args:\n category: category to match\n variables: variable dictionary\n """ # Runner loads the config object through a function parameter. param_config = yaml.load(param_config_yaml) country_config = param_config.country_config config_directory = param_config.config_directory # Some strings in download data need to be translated translation_dir = country_config.get("translation_dir", None) t = get_translator(param_config, language) db, session = get_db_engine() db2, session2 = get_db_engine() status = DownloadDataFiles( uuid=uuid,, type=download_name, success=0, status=0 ) session.add(status) session.commit() res = session.query(AggregationVariables).filter( AggregationVariables.category.has_key(category) ) locs = get_locations(session) data_keys = [] cat_variables = {} for r in res: data_keys.append( cat_variables[] = r if len(data_keys) == 0: status.status = 1 session.commit() return_keys = [] translation_dict = {} icd_code_to_name = {} link_ids = [] min_translation = {} def add_translations_from_file(details): # Load the csv file and reader file_path = '{}api/{}'.format(config_directory, details['dict_file']) csv_file = open(file_path, 'rt') reader = csv.reader(csv_file) # Establish which column in each row we're translating from and to. headers = next(reader) from_index = headers.index(details['from']) to_index = headers.index(details['to']) # Add translations to the translation dictionary. trans_dict = {} for row in reader: trans_dict[row[from_index]] = row[to_index] return trans_dict # DB conditions conditions = [ or_(Data.variables.has_key(key) for key in data_keys) ] if data_type: conditions.append(Data.type == data_type) if start_date: conditions.append( >= parse(start_date)) if end_date: conditions.append( <= parse(end_date)) # Set up icd_code_to_name if needed and determine if # alert_links are included query_links = False to_columns_translations = {} for v in variables: if "every$" in v[0]: # Want to include all the fields in the dictionary # in v[1] for all the links in the name # First determine the maximum number of links link_name = v[0].split("$")[1] length_q = session.query( func.max(func.jsonb_array_length(Data.links[link_name]))).filter( *conditions) length = length_q.first()[0] for i in range(length): for variable in v[1]: name = link_name + "_" + str(i) + " " + variable[1] return_keys.append(name) translation_dict[name] = "many_links&" + link_name + "&" + str(i) + "&" + variable[0] query_links = link_name else: return_keys.append(v[1]) translation_dict[v[1]] = v[0] if "icd_name$" in v[0]: category = v[0].split("$")[-1] cat_variables = {} res = session.query(AggregationVariables).filter( AggregationVariables.category.has_key(category) ) for r in res: cat_variables.setdefault(, []) cat_variables[].append(r) icd_code_to_name[v[0]] = {} for i in cat_variables.keys(): for var in cat_variables[i]: condition = var.condition if ";" in condition: condition = condition.split(";")[0] if "," in condition: # If a variable have many icd codes # we take all of them into account codes = condition.split(",") else: codes = [condition] for c in codes: if c: icd_code_to_name[v[0]][c.strip()] = if "$translate" in v[0]: split = v[0].split("$") field = "$".join(split[:-1]) trans = split[-1] tr_dict = json.loads(trans.split(";")[1].replace("'", '"')) # If the json specifies file details, load translation from file. if tr_dict.get('dict_file', False): min_translation[v[1]] = add_translations_from_file(tr_dict) else: min_translation[v[1]] = tr_dict v[0] = field translation_dict[v[1]] = v[0] if "$to_columns" in v[0]: # Create columns of every possible value split = v[0].split("$") field = "$".join(split[:-1]) trans = split[-1] tr_dict = {} if ";" in trans: tr_dict = json.loads(trans.split(";")[1].replace("'", '"')) # If the json specifies file details, load translation from file. # Get all possible options from the DB results = session2.query( func.distinct( func.regexp_split_to_table( form_tables(param_config)[form_name].data[field].astext, ' '))).join( Data, Data.uuid == form_tables(param_config)[form_name].uuid).filter( *conditions).all() if tr_dict.get('dict_file', False): translations = add_translations_from_file(tr_dict) else: translations = {} return_keys.pop() for r in results: if r[0]: name = v[1] + " " + translations.get(r[0], r[0]) if name not in return_keys: return_keys.append(name) if name in translation_dict: translation_dict[name] = translation_dict[name] + "," + r[0] else: translation_dict[name] = field + "$to_columns$" + r[0] if "gen_link$" in v[0]: link_ids.append(v[0].split("$")[1]) if "uuid" not in return_keys: return_keys.append("uuid") translation_dict["uuid"] = "meta/instanceID" link_ids = set(link_ids) links_by_type, links_by_name = get_links(config_directory + country_config["links_file"]) # DB query, with yield_per(200) for memory reasons columns = [Data, form_tables(param_config)[form_name]] link_id_index = {} joins = [] if query_links: link_data = + "/exported_data/" + uuid) link_data_query = session.query(Links).filter(Links.type == link_name).yield_per(300) for row in link_data_query: link_data[row.uuid_to] = row.data_to for i, l in enumerate(link_ids): form = aliased(form_tables(param_config)[links_by_name[l]["to_form"]]) joins.append((form, Data.links[(l, -1)].astext == form.uuid)) link_id_index[l] = i + 2 columns.append( number_query = session2.query(func.count( form_tables(param_config)[form_name], Data.uuid == form_tables(param_config)[form_name].uuid) results = session2.query(*columns).join( form_tables(param_config)[form_name], Data.uuid == form_tables(param_config)[form_name].uuid) for join in joins: results = results.outerjoin(join[0], join[1]) total_number = number_query.filter(*conditions).first()[0] results = results.filter(*conditions).yield_per(200) locs = get_locations(session) list_rows = [] filename = base_folder + "/exported_data/" + uuid + "/" + download_name os.mkdir(base_folder + "/exported_data/" + uuid) csv_content = open(filename + ".csv", "w") csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_content) csv_writer.writerows([return_keys]) # XlsxWriter with "constant_memory" set to true, flushes mem after each row xls_content = open(filename + ".xlsx", "wb") xls_book = xlsxwriter.Workbook(xls_content, {'constant_memory': True}) xls_sheet = xls_book.add_worksheet() # xls_sheet = pyexcel.Sheet([keys]) # Little utility function write a row to file. def write_xls_row(data, row, sheet): for cell in range(len(data)): xls_sheet.write(row, cell, data[cell]) write_xls_row(return_keys, 0, xls_sheet) i = 0 def _list_category_variables(category, data_row): """ Lists the variables from the specified category that are assigned to the specified row. This can be used to create data columns such as 'Age Group' using 'category$ncd_age'. """ # Get the category's variables' data, indexed by ID. cat_variables = {} variable_list = "" db_results = session.query(AggregationVariables).filter( AggregationVariables.category.has_key(category) ) for variable in db_results: cat_variables[] = variable # Build a string listing the row's variables from specified category. for var_id, var in cat_variables.items(): if var_id in r[0].variables: variable_list += + ", " # Remove the last comma and space. return variable_list[:-2] # Prepare each row for r in results: list_row = [''] * len(return_keys) if not is_child(allowed_location, r[0].clinic, locs): continue dates = {} for k in return_keys: form_var = translation_dict[k] index = return_keys.index(k) raw_data = r[1].data if "many_links&" in form_var: link_name, number, form_var = form_var.split("&")[1:] number = int(number) if link_name in r[0].links: links = r[0].links[link_name] if len(links) >= number + 1: link_uuid = links[number] raw_data = link_data[link_uuid] else: list_row[index] = None continue else: list_row[index] = None continue if "icd_name$" in form_var: fields = form_var.split("$") if len(fields) > 2: field = fields[1] else: field = "icd_code" if raw_data[field] in icd_code_to_name[form_var]: list_row[index] = icd_code_to_name[form_var][raw_data[ field]] else: list_row[index] = None elif form_var == "clinic": list_row[index] = locs[r[0].clinic].name elif form_var == "region": list_row[index] = locs[r[0].region].name elif form_var == "zone": list_row[index] = locs[r[0].zone].name elif form_var == "district": if r[0].district: list_row[index] = locs[r[0].district].name else: list_row[index] = None elif "$year" in form_var: field = form_var.split("$")[0] if field in raw_data and raw_data[field]: if field not in dates: dates[field] = parse(raw_data[field]) list_row[index] = dates[field].year else: list_row[index] = None elif "$month" in form_var: field = form_var.split("$")[0] if field in raw_data and raw_data[field]: if field not in dates: dates[field] = parse(raw_data[field]) list_row[index] = dates[field].month else: list_row[index] = None elif "$day" in form_var: field = form_var.split("$")[0] if field in raw_data and raw_data[field]: if field not in dates: dates[field] = parse(raw_data[field]) list_row[index] = dates[field].day else: list_row[index] = None elif "$quarter" in form_var: field = form_var.split("$")[0] if raw_data.get(field): if field not in dates: dates[field] = parse(raw_data[field]) quarter = 1 + (dates[field].month - 1)//3 list_row[index] = quarter else: list_row[index] = None elif "$epi_week" in form_var: field = form_var.split("$")[0] if field in raw_data and raw_data[field]: if field not in dates: dates[field] = parse(raw_data[field]) list_row[index] = epi_week_for_date(dates[field])[1] else: list_row[index] = None # A general framework for referencing links in the # download data. # link$<link id>$<linked form field> elif "gen_link$" in form_var: link = form_var.split("$")[1] link_index = link_id_index[link] if r[link_index]: list_row[index] = r[link_index].get( form_var.split("$")[2], None ) else: list_row[index] = None elif "code" == form_var.split("$")[0]: # code$cod_1,cod_2,Text_1,Text_2$default_value split = form_var.split("$") codes = split[1].split(",") text = split[2].split(",") if len(split) > 3: default_value = split[3] else: default_value = None final_text = [] for j in range(len(codes)): if codes[j] in r[0].variables: final_text.append(text[j]) if len(final_text) > 0: list_row[index] = " ".join(final_text) else: list_row[index] = default_value elif "category" == form_var.split("$")[0]: list_row[index] = _list_category_variables( form_var.split("$")[1], r ) elif "code_value" == form_var.split("$")[0]: code = form_var.split("$")[1] if code in r[0].variables: list_row[index] = float(r[0].variables[code]) else: list_row[index] = None elif "value" == form_var.split(":")[0]: list_row[index] = form_var.split(":")[1] elif "$to_columns$" in form_var: int_has_code = 0 field = form_var.split("$")[0] codes = form_var.split("$")[-1].split(",") str_elements = raw_data.get(field) if type(str_elements) == str: elements = str_elements.split(" ") has_code = any(code in elements for code in codes) int_has_code = int(has_code) list_row[index] = int_has_code else: if form_var.split("$")[0] in raw_data: list_row[index] = raw_data[form_var.split("$")[0]] else: list_row[index] = None # Standardise date formating if "$date" in form_var: field = form_var.split("$")[0] if list_row[index]: if field not in dates: dates[field] = parse(list_row[index]) list_row[index] = dates[field].strftime( "%d/%m/%Y" ) else: list_row[index] = None # If the final value is a float, round to 2 dp. # This proceedure ensures integers are shown as integers. # Also accepts string values. try: a = float(list_row[index]) b = int(float(list_row[index])) if a == b: list_row[index] = b else: list_row[index] = round(a, 2) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass # If a translation dictionary is defined in which the key exists... if min_translation and k in min_translation and list_row[index]: tr_dict = min_translation[k] if list_row[index] in tr_dict: list_row[index] = tr_dict[list_row[index]] else: parts = [x.strip() for x in str(list_row[index]).split(' ')] for x in range(len(parts)): # Get the translation using the appropriate key. # If that doesn't exist get the wild card key: * # If that doesn't exist just return the value parts[x] = str( tr_dict.get(parts[x], tr_dict.get('*', parts[x])) ) list_row[index] = ' '.join(list(filter(bool, parts))) if translation_dir and language != "en" and list_row[index]: list_row[index] = t.gettext(list_row[index]) list_rows.append(list_row) # Can write row immediately to xls file as memory is flushed after. write_xls_row(list_row, i + 1, xls_sheet) # Append the row to list of rows to be written to csv. if i % 1000 == 0: logging.warning("{} rows completed...".format(i)) csv_writer.writerows(list_rows) list_rows = [] status.status = i / total_number session.commit() i += 1 csv_writer.writerows(list_rows) csv_content.close() xls_book.close() xls_content.close() status.status = 1 status.success = 1 session.commit() if query_links: link_data.close() dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) filename = dir_path + "/exported_data/" + uuid logging.warning("Filename: " + filename) if os.path.exists(filename + ".dir"): os.remove(filename + ".dir") if os.path.exists(filename + ".dat"): os.remove(filename + ".dat") return True
def __init__(self, form, uuid): self.db, self.session = get_db_engine() self.__initialize(form, uuid)
def export_data_table(uuid, download_name, restrict_by, variables, group_by, location_conditions=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, wide_data_format=False, param_config_yaml=yaml.dump(config)): """ Export an aggregated data table restricted by restrict by, Args:\n uuid: uuid for the download process variables: the variables we want to aggregate group_by: The data to group by (clinic, epi_week) data_orientation: long or wide data set start_date: The date to start the data set end_date: End date for the aggregation wide_data_format: If true the data is returned in the wide format, else in long format param_config: The configuration values """ return_keys = [] db, session = get_db_engine() locs = get_locations(session) list_rows = [] operation_status = OperationStatus(download_name, uuid) level = "region" columns = [] groups = [] location_subs = [] only_latest_from_clinic_in_week = False if "only_latest_from_clinic_in_week:" in restrict_by: restrict_by_variable = restrict_by.split(":")[1] only_latest_from_clinic_in_week = True else: restrict_by_variable = restrict_by for i, v in enumerate(group_by): field = v[0] if ":location" in field: field_column = field.split(":")[0] level = field_column location_subs.append(i) else: field_column = field columns.append(getattr(Data, field_column)) groups.append(getattr(Data, field_column)) return_keys.append(v[1]) conditions = [Data.variables.has_key(restrict_by_variable)] if start_date: start_date = parse(start_date).replace(tzinfo=None) conditions.append( >= start_date) if end_date: end_date = parse(end_date).replace(tzinfo=None) conditions.append( <= end_date) for v in variables: if only_latest_from_clinic_in_week: columns.append(Data.variables[v[0]].astext.cast(Float)) else: columns.append(func.sum(Data.variables[v[0]].astext.cast(Float))) return_keys.append(v[1]) if only_latest_from_clinic_in_week: conditions.append(Data.variables.has_key(restrict_by_variable)) result = session.query(*columns).distinct(*conditions).order_by( else: result = session.query(*columns).filter(*conditions).group_by(*groups) filename = base_folder + "/exported_data/" + uuid + "/" + download_name os.mkdir(base_folder + "/exported_data/" + uuid) i = 0 for row in result: row_list = list(row) location_condition = True for l in location_subs: if row_list[l]: if location_conditions: tmp = getattr(locs[row_list[l]], location_conditions[0][0]) if location_conditions[0][1] in tmp: location_condition = False row_list[l] = locs[row_list[l]].name if location_condition: row_list = [x if x is not None else 0 for x in row_list] list_rows.append(row_list) i += 1 df = pandas.DataFrame(list_rows, columns=return_keys) if wide_data_format: df = df.set_index(return_keys[:-len(variables)]).unstack().fillna(0) df.to_csv(filename + ".csv") df.to_excel(filename + ".xlsx") operation_status.submit_operation_success() return True
def _export_week_level_completeness(uuid, download_name, level, completeness_config, translator, param_config, start_date=None, end_date=None, wide_data_format=False): """ Exports completeness data by location and week ( and year), Args:\n uuid: uuid for the download process download_name: Name of download file level: level of location competeness_config: Specified the completeness call we want to make translator: Translator param_config: param config start_date: The date to start the data set end_date: End date for the aggregation wide_data_format: If true the data is returned in the wide format, else in long format """ db, session = get_db_engine() locs = get_locations(session) operation_status = OperationStatus(download_name, uuid) if start_date: start_date = parse(start_date).replace(tzinfo=None) if end_date: end_date = parse(end_date).replace(tzinfo=None) completeness_calls = construct_completeness_call(completeness_config[0], level, start_date, end_date) jwt_auth_token = meerkat_libs.authenticate( username=param_config.server_auth_username, password=param_config.server_auth_password, auth_root=param_config.auth_root) if not jwt_auth_token: raise AttributeError("Not sucessfully logged in for api access") headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(jwt_auth_token)} data = [] year_label = translator.gettext("Year") location_label = translator.gettext(level.title()) week_label = translator.gettext("Week") district_label = translator.gettext("District") completeness_config_label = translator.gettext(completeness_config[1]) for call, year, start_week in completeness_calls: api_result = requests.get(param_config.api_root + call, headers=headers) timeline = api_result.json()["timeline"] max_per_week = int(call.split("/")[4]) # Extract the maximum number from api call for location in timeline: loc_id = int(location) for week in range(len(timeline[location]["weeks"])): data.append({year_label: year, location_label: locs[loc_id].name, week_label: week + start_week, completeness_config_label: timeline[location]["values"][week] / max_per_week * 100 }) if level == "clinic" and loc_id != 1: data[-1][district_label] = locs[locs[loc_id].parent_location].name filename = base_folder + "/exported_data/" + uuid + "/" + download_name os.mkdir(base_folder + "/exported_data/" + uuid) df = pandas.DataFrame(data) if wide_data_format: if level == "clinic": index_labels = [year_label, district_label, location_label, week_label] else: index_labels = [year_label, location_label, week_label] df = df.set_index(index_labels).unstack() df.to_csv(filename + ".csv") df.to_excel(filename + ".xlsx") operation_status.submit_operation_success()
def export_data(uuid, allowed_location, use_loc_ids=False, param_config_yaml=yaml.dump(config)): """ Exports the data table from db Inserts finished file in to databse Args: uuid: uuid for download use_loc_ids: If we use names are location ids """ db, session = get_db_engine() status = DownloadDataFiles( uuid=uuid,, type="data", success=0, status=0 ) session.add(status) session.commit() results = session.query( func.distinct( func.jsonb_object_keys(Data.variables))) variables = [] for row in results: variables.append(row[0]) locs = get_locations(session) fieldnames = ["id", "zone", "country", "region", "district", "clinic", "zone_id", "country_id", "region_id", "district_id", "clinic_id", "clinic_type", "geolocation", "date", "uuid"] + list(variables) dict_rows = [] filename = base_folder + "/exported_data/" + uuid + "/data" os.mkdir(base_folder + "/exported_data/" + uuid) output = open(filename + ".csv", "w") writer = csv.DictWriter(output, fieldnames, extrasaction="ignore") writer.writeheader() results = session.query(Data).yield_per(500) i = 0 for row in results: dict_row = dict( (col, getattr(row, col)) for col in row.__table__.columns.keys() ) for l in ["country", "zone", "region", "district", "clinic"]: if dict_row[l]: dict_row[l + "_id"] = dict_row[l] dict_row[l] = locs[dict_row[l]].name dict_row.update(dict_row.pop("variables")) dict_rows.append(dict_row) if i % 1000 == 0: writer.writerows(dict_rows) dict_rows = [] i += 1 writer.writerows(dict_rows) status.status = 1 status.success = 1 session.commit() return True