def forward(self, X): hidden_size = self.hidden_size input_dim = self.input_dim num_classes = self.num_classes #--@TODO slim.stack # Verbose way: #x = slim.fully_connected(x, 32, scope='fc/fc_1') #x = slim.fully_connected(x, 64, scope='fc/fc_2') #x = slim.fully_connected(x, 128, scope='fc/fc_3') ## Equivalent, TF-Slim way using slim.stack: #slim.stack(x, slim.fully_connected, [32, 64, 128], scope='fc') #--------so no local variable, make it get_var or class member var so we can share if isinstance(X, tf.Tensor): w_h = melt.get_weights('w_h', [input_dim, hidden_size]) else: with tf.device('/cpu:0'): w_h = melt.get_weights('w_h', [input_dim, hidden_size]) b_h = melt.get_bias('b_h', [hidden_size]) w_o = melt.get_weights('w_o', [hidden_size, num_classes]) b_o = melt.get_bias('b_o', [num_classes]) py_x = melt.mlp_forward(X, w_h, b_h, w_o, b_o, activation=self.activation) return py_x
def mlp_nobias(x, hidden_size, output_size, activation=tf.nn.relu, scope=None): scope = 'mlp_nobias' if scope is None else scope with tf.variable_scope(scope): input_dim = utils.last_dimension(x.get_shape(), min_rank=2) if isinstance(x, tf.Tensor): w_h = melt.get_weights('w_h', [input_dim, hidden_size]) else: with tf.device('/cpu:0'): w_h = melt.get_weights('w_h', [input_dim, hidden_size]) w_o = melt.get_weights('w_o', [hidden_size, output_size]) return melt.mlp_forward_nobias(x, w_h, w_o, activation)
def mlp(x, hidden_size, output_size, activation=tf.nn.relu, scope=None): scope = 'mlp' if scope is None else scope with tf.variable_scope(scope): hidden = fully_connected(x, hidden_size, activation) w_o = melt.get_weights('w_o', [hidden_size, output_size]) b_o = melt.get_bias('b_o', [output_size]) return tf.nn.xw_plus_b(hidden, w_o, b_o)
def fully_connected(x, output_size, activation=tf.nn.relu, scope=None): #@TODO -1 or last dim ? NotImplementedError("Negative indices are currently unsupported") #input_dim = tf.shape(x)[-1] #@TODO how is slim.fully_connected get inputdim and use.. #below will now work int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'Tensor' [input_dim, output_size]) #input_dim = tf.shape(x)[1] #check contrib\layers\python\layers\ scope = 'fc' if scope is None else scope with tf.variable_scope(scope): input_dim = utils.last_dimension(x.get_shape(), min_rank=2) if isinstance(x, tf.Tensor): w_h = melt.get_weights('w_h', [input_dim, output_size]) else: with tf.device('/cpu:0'): w_h = melt.get_weights('w_h', [input_dim, output_size]) b_h = melt.get_bias('b_h', [output_size]) return activation(melt.matmul(x, w_h) + b_h)